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🎶 MINNIE - “Like A Dream”
A Dream (꿈결같아서)" by MINNIE is a song released in 2024,
featured as part of the OST for the Korean drama "Lovely Runner"
튀어). This track showcases MINNIE's soothing vocals as
she delicately expresses memories and longing for a loved one.
🎶 MINNIE - “Like A Dream”: Music Video
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 내 맘 같다
/ 내
않다 (Be Like My Heart / Not Be Like My Heart)
phrase expresses whether something or someone aligns with one's feelings or
expectations. "내
같다" means something matches one's emotions, while "내 맘 같지 않다" means it doesn’t.
Example Usage
"네가 내 맘 같다면 얼마나 좋을까."
would be so nice if you felt like I do."
"세상은 내 맘 같지 않다."
world is not how I want it to be."
"내 맘 같지 않아서 답답하다."
frustrating because things aren’t going my way."
내 뜻대로 되다 (Go as I Wish) – Refers to
something happening according to one's wishes.
Example Usage
"모든 일이 내 뜻대로 되면 좋겠어."
wish everything would go as I want."
2. 결국
(Eventually, In the End)
word emphasizes the final outcome of a situation.
Example Usage
"결국 다시 만나게 되었다."
the end, we met again."
Similar Expressions
마침내 (At Last, Finally) – Focuses more
on completing a long-awaited event.
Example Usage
"마침내 목표를 달성했다."
finally achieved my goal."
3. 놓다
/ 놓아버리다 (Let Go / Completely Let Go)
means to release or let go, while "놓아버리다" adds a sense of finality or
Example Usage
"손을 놓지 마."
let go of my hand."
"결국 모든 걸 놓아버렸다."
the end, I let go of everything."
"놓아버려서 후회하고 있다."
regret letting it go."
Similar Expressions
포기하다 (Give Up) – A stronger term for
giving up.
Example Usage
"포기하지 않고 끝까지 해볼 거야."
won’t give up and will keep going until the end."
4. 그때
/ 그날 (That Time / That Day)
refers to a specific moment, while "그날" emphasizes a particular date.
Example Usage
"그때 나는 아무 말도 못 했다."
that time, I couldn’t say anything."
"그날 우리는 처음 만났다."
that day, we met for the first time."
Similar Expressions
그 순간 (That Moment) – Focuses on a brief
Example Usage
"그 순간 심장이 멎는 줄 알았어."
that moment, I thought my heart stopped."
5. 나
/ 너 / 우리 (Me / You / Us)
pronouns define personal and collective identities.
Example Usage
"나만 이런 기분이 드는 걸까?"
I the only one feeling this way?"
"너는 항상 나를 이해해 줬어."
always understood me."
"우리 함께 걸어가자."
walk together."
6. 아침
/ 낮 / 밤 (Morning / Day / Night)
words indicate different times of the day.
Example Usage
"아침 공기가 상쾌하다."
morning air is refreshing."
"낮에는 바빠서 연락을 못 했어."
was too busy to contact you during the day."
"밤이 깊어졌다."
night has deepened."
7. 떠오르다
(Rise, Come to Mind)
refer to both physical rising (like the sun) and remembering something.
Example Usage
"해가 수평선 위로 떠올랐다."
sun rose above the horizon."
"갑자기 좋은 생각이 떠올랐다."
good idea suddenly came to mind."
Similar Expressions
기억나다 (To Remember) – Specifically
refers to recalling something.
Example Usage
"그때 일이 이제야 기억나."
finally remember what happened back then."
8. 기억
(Memory, Remembrance)
Example Usage
"소중한 기억을 간직하고 싶어."
want to cherish these precious memories."
9. 계단
(Stairs, Steps)
Example Usage
"계단을 오를 때 조심해."
careful when going up the stairs."
10. 걷다
Example Usage
"천천히 걷자."
walk slowly."
11. 이름을 부르다
(Call a Name)
Example Usage
"멀리서 네 이름을 불렀어."
called your name from afar."
12. 다시
(Again, Once More)
Example Usage
"다시 시작해 보자."
start again."
13. 선명해지다
/ 선명해지나보다 / 선명해진 (Become Clear / Seems to Become Clear / Became Clear)
Example Usage
"기억이 점점 선명해진다."
memory is becoming clearer."
"추억이 점점 선명해지나 봐."
seems like my memories are becoming clearer."
14. 기다리다
/ 기다린
거다 (Wait / I Have Been Waiting)
Example Usage
"너를 계속 기다렸다."
been waiting for you."
"나는 지금까지 너를 기다린 걸까?"
I been waiting for you all this time?"
15. 흩어지다
/ 흩어진 (Scatter / Scattered)
Example Usage
"바람에 꽃잎이 흩어졌다."
petals scattered in the wind."
시간 / 시간속 (Time / Within Time)
refers to time itself or being within a certain period.
Example Usage
"시간이 빠르게 지나간다."
passes quickly."
"추억은 시간 속에 남아 있다."
remain within time."
"흩어진 시간 속에 우리의 기억이 남아 있다."
memories remain within the scattered time."
Similar Expressions
세월 (Passing of Time, Years) – Refers
to the long passage of time.
Example Usage
"세월이 지나도 너를 잊지 않을 거야."
as time passes, I won't forget you."
그대 (You - Poetic Form)
formal and poetic way to refer to "you."
Example Usage
"그대는 여전히 아름답다."
are still beautiful."
향기 (Scent, Fragrance)
to a pleasant smell, often associated with flowers or nostalgia.
Example Usage
"꽃의 향기가 가득하다."
scent of flowers fills the air."
Similar Expressions
내음 (Fragrance, Aroma) – A softer,
more literary term for scent.
Example Usage
"비 온 뒤 흙 내음이 좋다."
love the earthy scent after the rain."
사라지다 / 사라지지
않다 (Disappear / Not Disappear)
Example Usage
"별들이 하나둘 사라졌다."
stars disappeared one by one."
"그 순간이 사라지지 않기를 바란다."
hope that moment doesn't disappear."
"우리의 기억이 사라지지 않게 간직할게."
will keep our memories so they won’t disappear."
Similar Expressions
없어지다 (To Be Gone, Vanish) – A casual
synonym for "disappear."
Example Usage
"갑자기 내 물건이 없어졌다!"
stuff suddenly vanished!"
가다 / 멀리
않다 (Go Far / Not Go Far)
Example Usage
"바람이 멀리 갔다."
wind traveled far."
"멀리 가지 마, 바로 돌아와."
go far; come back soon."
"걱정 마, 멀리 가지 않을게."
worry, I won’t go far."
Similar Expressions
멀리 떠나다 (Leave Far Away) – Often used when
talking about long journeys.
Example Usage
"그는 꿈을 찾아 멀리 떠났다."
left far away to chase his dreams."
잡다 (To Hold, To Catch)
Example Usage
"내 손을 잡아!"
my hand!"
Similar Expressions
쥐다 (To Grasp, To Clench) – A
stronger, more physical version of "잡다."
Example Usage
"주먹을 꽉 쥐었다."
clenched my fist tightly."
손 / 발 (Hand / Foot)
Example Usage
"손을 흔들며 인사했다."
waved my hand to say goodbye."
"발걸음이 가벼웠다."
footsteps felt light."
손길 (Hand’s Touch) – More poetic,
implying gentle interaction.
Example Usage
"그녀의 손길이 따뜻했다."
touch was warm."
놔 / 놓지
마 (Let Go / Don’t Let Go)
Example Usage
"이제 놔줘."
go now."
"놓지 마! 끝까지 함께 할 거야."
let go! We will stay together until the end."
포기하지 마 (Don’t Give Up) – Often used
Example Usage
"어려워도 포기하지 마!"
if it's tough, don’t give up!"
지금 / 이따 (Now / Later)
Example Usage
"지금 당장 가자!"
go right now!"
"이따 만나자."
meet later."
곧 (Soon) – Indicates something
happening shortly.
Example Usage
"곧 도착할게."
be there soon."
순간 (This Moment)
Example Usage
"이 순간을 기억하고 싶어."
want to remember this moment."
Similar Expressions
지금 이 시간 (This Very Hour) – Emphasizes the
present moment more strongly.
Example Usage
"지금 이 시간을 소중히 여기자."
cherish this very moment."
안다 (To Know Something)
Example Usage
"나는 진실을 안다."
know the truth."
Similar Expressions
이해하다 (To Understand) – Emphasizes
comprehension rather than knowledge.
Example Usage
"네 마음을 이해해."
understand your feelings."
모르다 (To Not Know)
Example Usage
"아직 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠다."
still don’t know what to do."
Similar Expressions
알지 못하다 (To Be Unaware) – A more formal
Example Usage
"그 사실을 알지 못했다."
was unaware of that fact."
꿈결같다 (Like a Dream)
Example Usage
"이 순간이 꿈결같아."
moment feels like a dream."
"네 목소리를 듣는 게 꿈결같아서 믿기지 않아."
your voice feels like a dream, so I can’t believe it."
몽환적이다 (Dreamy, Ethereal) – More poetic.
Example Usage
"그 풍경은 몽환적이었다."
scenery was dreamy."
조금 / 많이 (A Little / A Lot)
Example Usage
"조금만 더 기다려 줘."
wait a little longer."
"나는 그를 많이 좋아해."
like him a lot."
Similar Expressions
약간 / 매우 (Slightly / Very) – More nuanced
ways to express quantity or intensity.
Example Usage
"약간 불편하지만 괜찮아."
slightly uncomfortable, but it’s fine."
"매우 중요한 결정이야."
a very important decision."
그리워하다 / 그리워했다 (To Miss / Missed)
is an action verb expressing the act of longing for something or someone, while
"그리워했다" is its past tense form.
Example Usage
"나는 항상 너를 그리워해."
always miss you."
"오랜만에 고향을 방문하니, 그리워했던 풍경이 그대로였다."
my hometown after a long time, the scenery I missed was just as I
Similar Expressions
보고 싶다 (To Miss Someone - More Casual) –
A common phrase for missing a person.
Example Usage
"정말 보고 싶어!"
really miss you!"
31. 짙다
/ 짙은 (Deep, Dark, Thick)
adjective describes something as dense, deep in color, or intense in
Example Usage
"안개가 짙게 깔려 앞이 보이지 않았다."
fog was so thick that I couldn't see ahead."
"그녀의 눈빛에는 짙은 슬픔이 담겨 있었다."
eyes carried a deep sadness."
Similar Expressions
진하다 (Strong, Deep) – Often used for
colors, smells, and emotions.
Example Usage
"이 커피는 맛이 진하다."
coffee has a strong flavor."
32. 새벽공기
(Dawn Air)
crisp and fresh air in the early morning hours.
Example Usage
"새벽공기를 마시며 산책을 했다."
took a walk while breathing in the dawn air."
Similar Expressions
이른 아침 공기 (Early Morning Air) – A more
descriptive phrase for the same idea.
Example Usage
"이른 아침 공기가 상쾌하다."
early morning air is refreshing."
33. 이야기
(Story, Conversation)
word can refer to both storytelling and a general conversation between people.
Example Usage
"그의 이야기는 늘 흥미롭다."
stories are always interesting."
"친구와 오랜만에 만나서 이야기를 나눴다."
met with a friend after a long time and conversed."
Similar Expressions
대화 (Conversation, Dialogue) – More
formal and structured than "이야기."
Example Usage
"서로 솔직한 대화를 나누는 것이 중요하다."
important to have an honest conversation with each other."
34. 기억하다
/ 기억하고
있다 (To Remember / To Be Remembering)
means recalling a past event or retaining something in one's memory.
Example Usage
"나는 그 순간을 아직도 기억하고 있다."
still remember that moment."
"기억하려고 노력했지만 떠오르지 않았다."
tried to remember, but it wouldn’t come to me."
"오랜 시간이 지나도 우리가 이 순간을 기억하고 있을까?"
after a long time, will we still remember this moment?"
Similar Expressions
떠올리다 (To Recall, Bring to Mind) –
Focuses on the act of trying to remember something.
Example Usage
"그때 일을 떠올리면 가슴이 뭉클해진다."
about that time makes my heart swell with emotion."
35. 너를 떠올리다
(To Think of You, Recall You)
means to remember or picture someone in one's mind.
Example Usage
"밤하늘의 별을 볼 때마다 너를 떠올린다."
I see the stars in the night sky, I think of you."
"너를 떠올릴 때면 마음이 따뜻해진다."
I think of you, my heart feels warm."
Similar Expressions
네 생각이 나다 (I Think of You) – A more casual
way to express the same idea.
Example Usage
"비가 올 때마다 네 생각이 난다."
it rains, I think of you."
36. 점점
(Gradually, Little by Little)
describes a slow and steady change.
Example Usage
"점점 날씨가 따뜻해지고 있다."
weather is gradually getting warmer."
서서히 (Slowly, Little by Little) – More
commonly used in formal settings.
Example Usage
"서서히 어둠이 사라지고 아침이 왔다."
darkness slowly faded away, and morning arrived."
37. 어느샌가
(Before I Knew It, Suddenly)
phrase expresses the feeling of something happening unnoticed.
Example Usage
"어느샌가 시간이 이렇게 흘러버렸다."
I knew it, time had passed like this."
어느덧 (Before Long, In No Time) – A more
poetic way to say the same thing.
Example Usage
"어느덧 여름이 지나가고 가을이 왔다."
long, summer had passed, and autumn arrived."
38. 내 곁
/ 네
곁 (By My Side / By Your Side)
refers to someone being physically or emotionally close.
Example Usage
"내 곁을 지켜줘서 고마워."
you for staying by my side."
"언제나 네 곁에 있을게."
always be by your side."
곁을 지키다 (To Stay By Someone’s Side) –
Emphasizes loyalty and support.
Example Usage
"힘들 때에도 곁을 지켜준 친구가 최고야."
friend who stays by your side even in tough times is the best."
39. 다가오다
/ 다가온 (To Approach / Approached)
means something is getting closer, either physically or in time.
Example Usage
"다가오는 봄이 기다려진다."
looking forward to the approaching spring."
"그 사람이 내게 조용히 다가왔다."
person quietly approached me."
곧 다가올 (Soon to Come) – Used when talking
about something in the near future.
Example Usage
"곧 다가올 시험 때문에 바쁘다."
busy because of the upcoming exam."
🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Like A Dream"
The emotional melody blends beautifully with MINNIE’s soft
vocals, delivering a deeply touching experience.
The gentle piano melody and delicate arrangement enhance
the song’s atmosphere.
Perfectly aligning with the drama’s emotional flow, it heightens
audience immersion in the story.
🎶 MINNIE - “Like A Dream”: Additional Information
Release Date: April 16, 2024
Album: Lovely Runner OST Part.3
Genre: Ballad
Lyrics: NieN, Aseul (아슬)
Composer: NieN
If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms
such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!
rights to the lyrics belong to Stone Music Entertainment and the original
analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does
not replace the official lyrics.