Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.

🎶 IZ*ONE - “Panorama”

"Panorama" is a song released by IZONE in 2020. It conveys the message of wanting to cherish precious moments and beautifully pass time forever. The track blends IZONE’s signature dazzling performance with emotional lyrics.


🎶 IZ*ONE - “Panorama”: Music Video

[Source] YouTube, Stone Music Entertainment


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 바람 (Wind, Wish)

This word can mean both "wind" (a natural phenomenon) and "wish" (a desire or longing).


📌 Example Usage

" 위에서 시원한 바람이 불었다."

"A cool wind blew on top of the mountain."


"그의 바람은 모두가 행복해지는 것이다."

"His wish is for everyone to be happy."


🌀 Similar Expressions

소원 (Wish, Desire) – More commonly used for personal hopes or prayers.


📌 Example Usage

"소원을 빌면서 촛불을 껐다."

"I blew out the candles while making a wish."


2.  / 시작 (End / Beginning)

"" refers to the conclusion of something, while "시작" means the start.


📌 Example Usage

"모든 일에는 끝이 있다."

"Everything has an end."


"해야 일이 끝도 없다."

"There’s no end to the work I have to do."


"끝없이 펼쳐진 바다가 아름다웠다."

"The endlessly stretching ocean was beautiful."


"새로운 시작을 준비하고 있어."

"I’m preparing for a new beginning."


3. 찾아오다 / 찾아온 (To Come, To Arrive)

These words describe something or someone coming or arriving, often with purpose.


📌 Example Usage

"오랜만에 친구가 나를 찾아왔다."

"A friend came to visit me after a long time."


"기다리던 봄이 드디어 찾아왔다."

"The long-awaited spring has finally arrived."


🌀 Similar Expressions

방문하다 (To Visit) – A more formal term.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 부모님 집을 방문했다."

"I visited my parents' house."


4. 기억 / 작은 기억 (Memory / Small Memory)

"기억" refers to memory in general, while "작은 기억" highlights a small or precious moment.


📌 Example Usage

"어린 시절의 기억이 떠올랐다."

"Memories of childhood came to mind."


"그와의 작은 기억이 아직도 소중해."

"Even the small memories with him are still precious."


🌀 Similar Expressions

추억 (Reminiscence, Cherished Memory)


📌 Example Usage

"여행에서의 추억이 너무 좋았다."

"The memories from the trip were wonderful."


5. 귓가 / 귓가에 (Ear / Near the Ear)

These words describe something being near or lingering around the ear, often related to sound.


📌 Example Usage

"귓가에 속삭이는 소리가 들렸다."

"A whisper was heard near my ear."


" 노래가 귓가에 맴돌았다."

"That song lingered in my ears."


🎨 Expressions

귀에 남다 (To Stay in One’s Ear, Be Memorable)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 말이 오랫동안 귀에 남았다."

"His words stayed in my ears for a long time."


6. 퍼지다 / 퍼지는 (To Spread / Spreading)

These words describe something expanding or dispersing.


📌 Example Usage

"따뜻한 향기가 안에 퍼졌다."

"A warm scent spread throughout the room."


"퍼지는 소문을 막을 없었다."

"I couldn’t stop the spreading rumors."


🌀 Similar Expressions

확산되다 (To Be Diffused, Expanded)


📌 Example Usage

"새로운 기술이 빠르게 확산되고 있다."

"The new technology is rapidly spreading."


7. 깊은 울림 (Deep Resonance)

A poetic expression for something emotionally or spiritually moving.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 연설은 깊은 울림을 주었다."

"His speech gave a deep resonance."


🎨 Expressions

감동을 주다 (To Give Deep Emotion, Be Moving)


📌 Example Usage

" 영화는 많은 사람들에게 감동을 주었다."

"That movie deeply moved many people."


8. 가득 담다 / 한가득 담아서 (To Fill Completely / Filled Full)

Describes something being filled up, physically or metaphorically.


📌 Example Usage

"컵에 물을 가득 담았다."

"I filled the cup with water."


"사랑을 한가득 담아서 편지를 썼다."

"I wrote the letter filled with love."


🌀 Similar Expressions

채우다 (To Fill Up, Pack)


📌 Example Usage

" 시간을 의미 있는 일로 채웠다."

"I filled my empty time with meaningful activities."


9. 조금씩 (Little by Little)

Used to describe a gradual process.


📌 Example Usage

"조금씩 나아지고 있어."

"I’m getting better little by little."


🌀 Similar Expressions

서서히 (Gradually, Slowly but Surely)


📌 Example Usage

"날씨가 서서히 따뜻해지고 있다."

"The weather is gradually getting warmer."


10. 은은하게 / 은은히 (Subtly, Softly)

Describes something faint or gentle, often related to sound, light, or scent.


📌 Example Usage

"은은한 조명이 안을 비추었다."

"A soft light illuminated the room."


🌀 Similar Expressions

희미하게 (Faintly, Dimly)


📌 Example Usage

"희미한 불빛이 창문 밖에 보였다."

"A faint light was seen outside the window."


11. 주다 / 거다 (To Give / Will Give)

"주다" is the base form, while " 거다" refers to a future action.


📌 Example Usage

"네게 선물을 거야."

"I will give you a present."


🌀 Similar Expressions

건네다 (To Hand Over, Pass)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 나에게 편지를 건넸다."

"She handed me a letter."


12.  / / 우리 (You / Me / Us)

These pronouns refer to individuals and groups in different contexts.


📌 Example Usage

"너와 나는 좋은 친구야."

"You and I are good friends."


"우리 함께 가자."

"Let’s go together."


🎨 Expressions

둘이서 (The Two of Us) – More casual.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘은 둘이서만 시간 보내자."

"Let’s spend time just the two of us today."


13. 손끝이 닿다 / 손끝이 닿을 (Fingertips Touch / When Fingertips Touch)

This poetic phrase describes the moment of gentle contact.


📌 Example Usage

"손끝이 닿는 순간 가슴이 뛰었다."

"The moment our fingertips touched, my heart raced."


🎨 Similar Expressions

손을 맞잡다 (Hold Hands) – A more potent form of connection.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 손을 맞잡고 걸었다."

"We walked holding hands."


14. 들리다 / 들린다며 (To Be Heard / I Heard That...)

Used when something is heard or reported.


📌 Example Usage

" 노래가 멀리서도 들린다."

"I can hear that song even from far away."


"들린다며? 정말이야?"

"You heard that? Is it true?"


🎨 Expressions

귀에 들어오다 (Come Into One’s Ears, Be Heard Clearly)


📌 Example Usage

" 소문이 귀에도 들어왔어."

"That rumor reached my ears too."


15. 크게 외치다 / 크게 외쳐줘 (Shout Loudly / Shout Louder)

These phrases describe raising one’s voice for emphasis.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 이름을 크게 외쳤다."

"I shouted his name loudly."


" 크게 외쳐줘! 목소리가 필요해."

"Shout louder! I need to hear your voice."


🌀 Similar Expressions

소리치다 (To Scream, Shout) – More intense and urgent.


📌 Example Usage

"도움을 요청하며 소리쳤다."

"I screamed for help."


16. 조용하다 / 시끄럽다 (To Be Quiet / To Be Noisy)

Opposing adjectives that describe sound levels.


📌 Example Usage

"조용한 곳에서 쉬고 싶어."

"I want to rest in a quiet place."


"조용히 걸어가자."

"Let’s walk quietly."


" 도시는 밤에도 시끄럽다."

"This city is noisy even at night."


🌀 Similar Expressions

고요하다 (To Be Silent, Calm) – Emphasizes a peaceful silence.


📌 Example Usage

"새벽의 바다는 고요했다."

"The sea at dawn was silent."


17. 시작되다 / 끝나다 (To Begin / To End)

These verbs indicate the start and finish of something.


📌 Example Usage

"이야기가 시작되었다."

"The story has begun."


"시작된 사랑은 멈출 없다."

"A love that has begun cannot be stopped."


"모든 것이 끝났다."

"Everything is over."


🎨 Expressions

개막하다 (To Open, Begin - Often for Events)


📌 Example Usage

"영화제가 개막했다."

"The film festival has begun."


18. 간직하다 / 간직했던 (To Cherish / Had Cherished)

Keeping something valuable emotionally or physically.


📌 Example Usage

" 추억을 영원히 간직할 거야."

"I will cherish that memory forever."


"간직했던 편지를 다시 꺼내 읽었다."

"I took out and reread the letter I had cherished."


🎨 Expressions

보관하다 (To Store, Keep - More Physical)


📌 Example Usage

"사진을 소중히 보관했다."

"I carefully stored the photo."


19. 조각 / 조각들 (Piece / Pieces)

Refers to fragments or portions of something.


📌 Example Usage

"깨진 유리 조각이 바닥에 흩어졌다."

"Pieces of broken glass scattered on the floor."


"추억의 조각들을 모아 봤어."

"I gathered pieces of memories."


🎨 Expressions

부분 (Part, Section)


📌 Example Usage

" 책의 중요한 부분을 읽어 ."

"Read the important part of this book."


20. 펼치다 / 펼쳐 (To Unfold, Spread Out)

Used for unfolding objects or ideas.


📌 Example Usage

"지도를 펼쳤다."

"I unfolded the map."


"꿈을 펼쳐 ."

"Unfold your dreams."


🎨 Expressions

드러내다 (To Reveal, Show)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 감정을 드러내지 않는다."

"He doesn’t reveal his emotions."

21. 다시 (Again)

Describes repetition or restarting.


📌 Example Usage

"다시 시작해 보자."

"Let’s start again."


22. 지나가다 / 지나가는 (To Pass By / Passing By)

Refers to time, people, or objects passing.


📌 Example Usage

" 순간이 지나갔다."

"That moment passed by."


"지나가는 바람이 시원했다."

"The passing breeze was cool."


🎨 Expressions

흘러가다 (To Flow, Pass Like Water)


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 빠르게 흘러간다."

"Time flows by quickly."


23. 계절 / 계절의 (Season / Of the Season)

Refers to different times of the year and their characteristics.


📌 Example Usage

"네가 좋아하는 계절은 뭐야?"

"What’s your favorite season?"


"계절의 변화를 느낄 있다."

"You can feel the change of seasons."


🎨 Expressions

사계절 (Four Seasons)


📌 Example Usage

" 나라는 사계절이 뚜렷하다."

"This country has distinct four seasons."


24. 풍경 (Scenery, Landscape)

Describes a beautiful natural or urban view.


📌 Example Usage

"이곳의 풍경이 정말 아름다워."

"The scenery here is truly beautiful."


🌀 Similar Expressions

경치 (View, Scenery - More Everyday Usage)


📌 Example Usage

" 산의 경치는 최고야."

"The view from this mountain is amazing."


25. 이야기 (Story, Conversation)

Refers to both spoken words and narratives.


📌 Example Usage

"오래된 이야기를 들려줄게."

"I’ll tell you an old story."


🎨 Expressions

대화 (Dialogue, Conversation) – Focuses on communication between people.


📌 Example Usage

"대화가 통하는 사람이 좋아."

"I like people I can have good conversations with."


26.  / 꿈일까 싶어 (Dream / I Wonder If It’s a Dream)

Refers to both literal dreams during sleep and aspirations.


📌 Example Usage

"어젯밤 이상한 꿈을 꿨어."

"I had a weird dream last night."


" 순간이 꿈일까 싶어."

"I wonder if this moment is a dream."


🌀 Similar Expressions

환상 (Illusion, Fantasy)


📌 Example Usage

" 모든 환상 같아."

"All of this feels like an illusion."


27. 멈추지 않다 / 멈추다 (To Not Stop / To Stop)

Opposite verbs describing continuation vs. halting.


📌 Example Usage

"비가 멈추지 않고 내린다."

"The rain keeps falling without stopping."


" 노래가 멈추지 않게 ."

"Make sure this song doesn’t stop."


"노래가 갑자기 멈췄다."

"The song suddenly stopped."


🌀 Similar Expressions

중단하다 (To Interrupt, Pause) – Often used formally.


📌 Example Usage

"회의를 중단할 수밖에 없었다."

"We had no choice but to pause the meeting."


28.  눈을 감다 / 눈을 감고 (To Close Both Eyes / Closing Both Eyes)

This phrase can be used literally or metaphorically to express relaxation, peace, or acceptance.


📌 Example Usage

" 눈을 감고 음악을 들으면 집중할 있어."

"If you listen to music with closed eyes, you can focus better."


🌀 Similar Expressions

눈을 감다 (To Close One’s Eyes - More General)


📌 Example Usage

"잠들기 전에 눈을 감고 하루를 돌아봤다."

"Before sleeping, I closed my eyes and reflected on my day."


29. 느끼다 / 느껴보다 (To Feel / To Try Feeling)

"느끼다" is a general verb for experiencing emotions or sensations, while "느껴보다" emphasizes trying to feel something.


📌 Example Usage

"행복을 온전히 느껴 보고 싶어."

"I want to experience happiness fully."


🎨 Expressions

체험하다 (To Experience - Often Used for Activities)


📌 Example Usage

" 번도 해보지 않은 것을 체험해 보고 싶어."

"I want to experience something I’ve never done before."


30. 느껴봐 (Feel It, Try Feeling It)

This is an imperative form encouraging someone to experience a sensation.


📌 Example Usage

" 노래의 감정을 느껴봐!"

"Feel the emotions of this song!"


🎨 Expressions

한번 경험해 (Try Experiencing It Once)


📌 Example Usage

" 기분을 네가 직접 경험해 ."

"You should experience that feeling for yourself."


31. 순간 / 찰나의 순간 (Moment / Fleeting Moment)

"순간" refers to a general moment, while "찰나의 순간" emphasizes its briefness.


📌 Example Usage

" 순간이 영원할 같았다."

"That moment felt like it would last forever."


🌀 Similar Expressions

한순간 (In an Instant, A Single Moment)


📌 Example Usage

"한순간의 실수가 결과를 가져올 있다."

"A single moment of mistake can have big consequences."


32. 두근대다 / 두근거리다 (To Throb / To Pound)

These words describe a heart beating fast due to excitement or nervousness.


📌 Example Usage

"너를 때마다 가슴이 두근거려."

"My heart pounds every time I see you."


🌀 Similar Expressions

심장이 뛴다 (Heart is Beating - More Neutral)


📌 Example Usage

"운동을 하면 심장이 빨리 뛴다."

"Your heart beats faster when you exercise."


33. 변하지 않다 / 변하다 (To Not Change / To Change)

"변하다" means something changes, while "변하지 않다" emphasizes constancy.


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 지나도 우리의 우정은 변하지 않을 거야."

"Even as time passes, our friendship won’t change."


🌀 Similar Expressions

달라지다 (To Become Different - More Gradual Change)


📌 Example Usage

"생각이 달라졌어."

"My thoughts have changed."


34. 빛나는 별처럼 / 깊은 어둠 (Like a Shining Star / In Deep Darkness)

These phrases are poetic ways to contrast light and darkness.


📌 Example Usage

" 미소는 빛나는 별처럼 아름다워."

"Your smile is as beautiful as a shining star."


깊은 어둠 속에서도 희망의 빛은 사라지지 않는다.

“Even in deep darkness, the light of hope never disappears.”


🌀 Similar Expressions

밤하늘에 있는 별처럼 (Like a Star in the Night Sky)


📌 Example Usage

"밤하늘에 있는 별처럼 너는 나에게 특별해."

"Like a star in the night sky, you are special to me."


35. 서로 알아보다 / 서로 알아볼 있어 (To Recognize Each Other / Can Recognize Each Other)

Used when two people understand or identify each other, sometimes metaphorically.


📌 Example Usage

"오랜만에 만났지만 우리는 서로 알아볼 있었어."

"Even after a long time, we could recognize each other."


🎨 Expressions

눈빛만 봐도 있다 (Can Tell Just by Looking Into Each Other’s Eyes)


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 눈빛만 봐도 서로의 감정을 있어."

"We can understand each other's emotions just by looking into each other’s eyes."


36. ~ 있다 (Can Do ~)

A general grammatical structure indicating ability.


📌 Example Usage

"너는 뭐든 있어!"

"You can do anything!"


🎨 Expressions

가능하다 (Possible, Can Be Done)


📌 Example Usage

" 계획은 실행이 가능하다."

"This plan is feasible."


37. 눈부시다 / 눈부신 (To Be Dazzling / Dazzling)

Used literally for bright light or figuratively for stunning beauty.


📌 Example Usage

"햇빛이 너무 눈부셔!"

"The sunlight is too dazzling!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

찬란하다 (Brilliant, Radiant)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀의 미소는 찬란하게 빛났다."

"Her smile shone brilliantly."


38. 영원히 (Forever)

Used to describe something lasting for eternity.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 영원히 함께할 거야."

"We will be together forever."


🌀 Similar Expressions

끝없이 (Endlessly, Without End)


📌 Example Usage

"끝없이 펼쳐진 바다를 보고 싶어."

"I want to see the endless sea."


39. 피어나다 / 피어날 (To Bloom / Will Bloom)

A poetic way to describe flowers blooming or personal growth.


📌 Example Usage

"봄이 오면 꽃이 피어난다."

"Flowers bloom when spring comes."


🎨 Expressions

만개하다 (To Fully Bloom)


📌 Example Usage

"벚꽃이 만개한 거리를 걸었다."

"I walked down a street full of blooming cherry blossoms."


40. 찬란한 순간 (This Glorious Moment)

Describes a bright, unforgettable moment filled with beauty or emotion.


📌 Example Usage

"이제야 찬란한 순간을 온전히 즐길 있어."

"Now, I can finally enjoy this glorious moment fully."


🌀 Similar Expressions

눈부신 순간 (A Dazzling Moment)


📌 Example Usage

"너와 함께한 시간은 눈부신 순간이었다."

"The time I spent with you was a dazzling moment."


41. 지금 (Now)

Refers to the present time, emphasizing immediacy or urgency.


📌 Example Usage

"지금 당장 해야 !"

"You need to do it right now!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

현재 (The Present - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"현재 상황을 설명해 줄래?"

"Can you explain the current situation?"


42. 같이 가자 (Let’s Go Together)

Used when suggesting or encouraging someone to go together.


📌 Example Usage

"늦었으니까 같이 가자!"

"It’s getting late, let’s go together!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

함께 가자 (Let’s Go Together - More Poetic/Formal)


📌 Example Usage

" 길을 함께 가자."

"Let’s walk this road together."


42. 휘감다 / 휘감아 (To Wrap Around / Wrap Around)

Can describe physical wrapping or an overwhelming feeling.


📌 Example Usage

"따뜻한 바람이 몸을 휘감았다."

"A warm breeze wrapped around my body."


🌀 Similar Expressions

감싸다 (To Envelop, To Cover)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀의 품이 나를 부드럽게 감쌌다."

"Her embrace gently enveloped me."


43. 문을 열다 / 문을 열어 (To Open the Door / Open the Door)

Can be literal or figurative, symbolizing new beginnings.


📌 Example Usage

"문을 열고 새로운 시작을 하자!"

"Let’s open the door and start anew!"


🎨 Expressions

새로운 길을 열다 (To Open a New Path)


📌 Example Usage

"우리에게 새로운 길을 기회가 왔다."

"We now have the chance to open a new path."


44. 푸른 언덕 (Blue Hill, Green Hill)

Used poetically to describe a peaceful, picturesque landscape.


📌 Example Usage

"푸른 언덕 위에서 바람을 맞았다."

"I felt the wind on the blue hill."


🎨 Expressions

초록빛 들판 (A Green Field)


📌 Example Usage

"초록빛 들판이 끝없이 펼쳐져 있다."

"A green field stretches endlessly before us."


45. 위에 / 아래에 (Above / Below)

Expresses spatial relationships.


📌 Example Usage

"책은 책상 위에 있어."

"The book is on the desk."


나무 아래에 앉아서 책을 읽었어.”

“I sat under the tree and read a book.”


"고개를 들어 위를 ."

"Lift your head and look up."


46. 무지개 (Rainbow)

Symbolizes beauty, hope, or a magical moment.


📌 Example Usage

"비가 그친 무지개가 떴다."

"A rainbow appeared after the rain stopped."


47.  / 집으로 (House / To Home)

Refers to one’s physical home or a place of belonging.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘은 집에서 쉬고 싶어."

"I just want to rest at home today."


"이제 집으로 돌아가야 시간이다."

"It’s time to go back home now."


🎨 Expressions

고향 (Hometown)


📌 Example Usage

"오랜만에 고향에 가고 싶어."

"I want to visit my hometown after a long time."


48. 초대하다 / 초대할게 (To Invite / I Will Invite)

Used when asking or telling someone to join an event or visit.


📌 Example Usage

"생일 파티에 너를 초대하고 싶어."

"I want to invite you to my birthday party."


🎨 Expressions

부르다 (To Call, To Invite - More Casual)


📌 Example Usage

"친구들을 불러서 함께 놀았다."

"I called my friends over and we hung out together."


49. 아침 / /

Time-related words describing different parts of the day.


📌 Example Usage

"아침에는 신선한 공기를 마시는 좋아."

"It’s nice to breathe fresh air in the morning."


"밤에는 별이 아름답게 빛난다."

"At night, the stars shine beautifully."


🎨 Expressions

새벽 (Dawn, Early Morning)


📌 Example Usage

"새벽 공기는 상쾌해."

"The air at dawn is refreshing."


50. 아쉬움이 남다 / 아쉬움이 남지 않다 (Regret Remains / No Regret Left)

Expresses lingering regret or the absence of it.


📌 Example Usage

"이별 후에도 아쉬움이 남아."

"Even after our goodbye, regret lingers."


"최선을 다했으니 아쉬움이 남지 않아."

"I did my best, so I have no regrets left."


🌀 Similar Expressions

미련이 남다 (Lingering Attachment, Regret)


📌 Example Usage

" 일에 대한 미련이 남아 있다."

"I still have lingering attachment to that matter."

51. 아쉬움 남지 않게 (So That No Regret Remains)

This phrase expresses the desire to do something entirely without leaving any regrets.


📌 Example Usage

"이번 공연은 아쉬움 남지 않게 즐기고 싶어."

"I want to enjoy this performance without any regrets."


🌀 Similar Expressions

후회 없이 (Without Regret)


📌 Example Usage

"후회 없이 도전해 보고 싶어."

"I want to challenge myself without any regrets."


52. 전부 (Everything, All)

This word means "everything" or "the whole thing."


📌 Example Usage

"너에게 전부를 걸었어."

"I bet everything on you."


🌀 Similar Expressions

모두 (All, Everyone)


📌 Example Usage

"모두가 너를 응원하고 있어."

"Everyone is cheering for you."


53. 보이다 / 보여줘 (To Be Seen / Show Me)

"보이다" means "to be visible," while "보여줘" means "show me."


📌 Example Usage

"너의 진심을 보여줘."

"Show me your true feelings."


🎨 Expressions

나타나다 (To Appear, Be Revealed)


📌 Example Usage

"결과가 나타날 거야."

"The result will appear soon."


54. 물들다 / 물든 (To Be Dyed, Colored)

Used literally for something being dyed and figuratively for being influenced by emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"노을에 하늘이 붉게 물들었다."

"The sky was dyed red by the sunset."


🎨 Expressions

변하다 (To Change, Transform)


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 지나면서 생각이 변했다."

"My thoughts changed over time."


55. 숨결 (Breath, Spirit)

This word describes the breath or essence of someone or something.


📌 Example Usage

"너의 숨결이 느껴져."

"I can feel your breath."


🌀 Similar Expressions

호흡 (Breathing, Breath)


📌 Example Usage

"깊게 호흡을 ."

"Take a deep breath."


56. 하나하나 (One by One, Every Single One)

This emphasizes doing or considering things carefully, one at a time.


📌 Example Usage

"하나하나 소중하게 간직하고 싶어."

"I want to cherish every single one."


🌀 Similar Expressions

차근차근 (Step by Step, Carefully)


📌 Example Usage

"차근차근 준비하면 잘될 거야."

"If you prepare step by step, it’ll be fine."


57. 놓치다 / 놓치기 싫다 (To Miss / Don’t Want to Miss)

"놓치다" means to miss something, while "놓치기 싫다" means not wanting to miss it.


📌 Example Usage

" 순간을 놓치고 싶지 않아."

"I don’t want to miss this moment."


🌀 Similar Expressions

잃다 (To Lose Something Important)


📌 Example Usage

"소중한 기회를 잃지 ."

"Don’t lose a valuable opportunity."


58. 담아 두다 / 담아 거야 (To Keep Inside / I Will Keep It Inside)

This phrase means to store something emotionally or physically.


📌 Example Usage

" 추억을 마음속에 담아 거야."

"I will keep this memory in my heart."


🌀 Similar Expressions

간직하다 (To Cherish, Keep Something Safe)


📌 Example Usage

"네가 편지를 간직하고 있어."

"I’m keeping the letter you gave me."


59. 너무나 (So Much, Extremely)

This emphasizes intensity more than just "너무."


📌 Example Usage

"너무나 아름다운 순간이었어."

"It was such a beautiful moment."


🌀 Similar Expressions

정말 (Really, Truly)


📌 Example Usage

"정말 놀라운 일이야!"

"It’s truly amazing!"


60. 특별하다 / 특별해서 (To Be Special / Because It’s Special)

Used to describe something unique or meaningful.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘은 특별한 날이야."

"Today is a special day."


🌀 Similar Expressions

소중하다 (To Be Precious, Valuable)


📌 Example Usage

"너는 내게 소중한 사람이야."

"You are a precious person to me."


61. 반짝이다 / 반짝이는 (To Sparkle / Sparkling)

Used literally for shining objects or figuratively for something lively.


📌 Example Usage

"별이 반짝이고 있어."

"The stars are sparkling."


🌀 Similar Expressions

빛나다 (To Shine, Glow)


📌 Example Usage

"너의 미소가 빛나고 있어."

"Your smile is shining."


62. 바라보다 / 바라봐 (To Look At / Please Look At Me)

Used for gazing at something or asking for attention.


📌 Example Usage

"나를 바라봐 ."

"Please look at me."


🌀 Similar Expressions

응시하다 (To Gaze, Stare Intently)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 깊은 눈빛으로 나를 응시했다."

"He gazed at me with deep eyes."


63. 언제나 (Always)

Expresses something constant and unchanging.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 언제나 편이야."

"I’m always on your side."


🌀 Similar Expressions

항상 (Always, Continuously)


📌 Example Usage

"항상 건강 챙겨."

"Always take care of your health."


64. 처음 (First Time, Beginning)

Refers to the first occurrence of something.


📌 Example Usage

"처음 보는 풍경이야."

"It’s a landscape I’m seeing for the first time."


🎨 Expressions

시작 (Start, Beginning)


📌 Example Usage

"이제 새로운 시작이야."

"Now, it’s a new beginning."


65. 가슴 (Heart, Chest, Emotions)

This can refer to the physical chest or metaphorically to deep emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"가슴이 벅차올랐다."

"My heart swelled with emotion."


🌀 Similar Expressions

마음 (Heart, Feelings)


📌 Example Usage

"마음이 따뜻해지는 이야기야."

"It’s a heartwarming story."


66. 연결돼 있다 / 연결돼 있는 (To Be Connected / We Are Connected)

Used to describe relationships, physical connections, or destiny.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 운명처럼 연결돼 있는 ."

"We are connected like destiny."


🌀 Similar Expressions

이어지다 (To Be Linked, To Continue)


📌 Example Usage

" 길은 마을로 이어진다."

"This road leads to that village."


67. 날아가다 / 날아가 (To Fly Away / Fly Away)

Can mean literal flight or metaphorical escape/disappearance.


📌 Example Usage

"풍선이 하늘로 날아갔다."

"The balloon flew away into the sky."


🎨 Expressions

떠오르다 (To Rise, To Float Up)


📌 Example Usage

"태양이 천천히 떠오른다."

"The sun slowly rises."


68. 하늘 (Sky, Heaven)

Can refer to the physical sky or something vast and limitless.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘 하늘이 정말 맑다."

"The sky is really clear today."


69. 세상 (World, Universe, Life)

Can refer to the world in a literal sense or life in general.


📌 Example Usage

" 세상의 전부야."

"You are my entire world."


🎨 Expressions

우주 (Universe, Space)


📌 Example Usage

"별빛이 가득한 우주를 바라봤다."

"I looked at the star-filled universe."


70. 목소리가 퍼지다 / 목소리 퍼지게 (Voice Spreads / Let the Voice Spread)

Used to describe a voice echoing or reaching far.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 목소리가 강당에 퍼졌다."

"His voice spread throughout the auditorium."


🎨 Expressions

소리가 울려 퍼지다 (Sound Resonates, Echoes)


📌 Example Usage

"노랫소리가 안에 울려 퍼졌다."

"The song echoed through the room."


71. 떠오르다 / 떠올라 (To Rise / Rising Up)

Can describe something physically rising or a memory coming to mind.


📌 Example Usage

"좋은 아이디어가 떠올랐다."

"A good idea came to mind."


🎨 Expressions

기억이 나다 (To Remember, Recall)


📌 Example Usage

"오래된 기억이 갑자기 났다."

"An old memory suddenly came back."


72. 보여주다 / 보여줄 (To Show / Will Show)

Used when actively showing something to someone.


📌 Example Usage

"내가 얼마나 사랑하는지 보여줄게."

"I’ll show you how much I love you."


🌀 Similar Expressions

증명하다 (To Prove, Demonstrate)


📌 Example Usage

" 실력을 증명할 기회야."

"It’s my chance to prove my skills."


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Panorama"

- The song features a fast tempo and intense beat, which contrast with its emotional lyrics and make the dynamic sound stand out.


- As one of IZ*ONE's final songs, it carries special meaning for fans.


- The dramatic progression of the song, transitioning from a lyrical intro to a passionate climax, is particularly striking.


- Watching the performance enhances the song’s dramatic impact.


🎶 IZ*ONE - “Panorama”: Additional Information

- Release Date: December 7, 2020

- Album: One-reeler / Act IV

- Genre: Dance

- Lyrics: Kz, B.O., FAB

- Composers: Kz, Nthonius, B.O., FAB, Jayins, Ji Yejun (FAB)


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


All rights to the lyrics belong to Stone Music Entertainment and the original creators.


This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics.