Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.


IVE's "REBEL HEART" was released on February 3, 2025, as a pre-release track and one of the title songs from the group's third mini-album, “IVE EMPATHY”. This song embodies the courage to walk one's path with confidence and a strong sense of self, centering on solidarity among those with rebellious hearts.


🎶 IVE - “REBEL HEART”: Music Video

[Source] YouTube, STARSHIP


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 시작 / 엔딩 () - Start / Ending (End)

"시작" refers to the beginning, while "엔딩" or "" means the end.


📌 Example Usage

"새로운 시작을 하자."

"Let’s start fresh."


"드라마의 엔딩이 감동적이었다."

"The drama’s ending was touching."


🎨 Expressions

출발 (Departure, Start) – Often used for journeys.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 내일 아침 일찍 출발할 거야."

"We will depart early tomorrow morning."


2. 항상 (Always)

Used to indicate something that happens consistently.



📌 Example Usage

"나는 항상 너를 응원해."

"I always support you."


🌀 Similar Expressions

(Consistently, Continuously)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 긍정적인 태도를 유지한다."

"He always maintains a positive attitude."


3.  이루다 / 모두 이루다 (To Achieve Everything / To Fulfill All)

Expresses the completion or fulfillment of goals.


📌 Example Usage

"꿈을 이루었다."

"I achieved all my dreams."


"이제 시작인데 이룬 것처럼 좋아하네."

"It's just the beginning, but you're acting like you've already achieved everything."

- "이제 시작인데": "이제 (now, at this moment)" + "시작 (beginning, start)" + "-인데 (contrast, indicating it's still early)."

- " 이룬 것처럼": " (all, everything)" + "이루다 (to achieve)" + past attributive form "-" + " (thing)" + "-처럼 (as if, like)."

- "좋아하네": "좋아하다 (to like, to be happy)" + "- (expressing realization or slight criticism)."


🌀 Similar Expressions

성취하다 (To Accomplish, To Achieve)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 노력 끝에 목표를 성취했다."

"He accomplished his goal after much effort."


4. 마치 ~ 처럼 (As If, Like)

Used to compare one thing to another.


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 마치 천사처럼 친절해."

"She is kind as if she were an angel."


🌀 Similar Expressions

흡사 (Very Similar, Like) – More formal.


📌 Example Usage

" 풍경은 흡사 그림 같았다."

"That scenery looked just like a painting."


5. 승리 (Victory, Win) / 패배 (Defeat, Loss)

"승리" means achieving victory or success, while "패배" refers to failure or losing in a competition or challenge.


📌 Example Usage (승리)

"우리 팀이 경기에서 승리했다!"

"Our team won the match!"


📌 Example Usage (패배)

"끝까지 싸웠지만 결국 패배하고 말았다."

"We fought until the end, but we ended up losing."


🌀 Similar Expressions

이기다 (To Win) / 지다 (To Lose) – More commonly used in daily conversation.


📌 Example Usage (이기다)

"마치 이긴 것처럼 좋아하네."

"You're acting like you've already won."

- "마치": "마치 (as if, like)."

- "이긴 것처럼": "이기다 (to win)" + past attributive form "-" + " (thing)" + "-처럼 (as if, like)."

- "좋아하네": "좋아하다 (to be happy, to like)" + "- (expressing realization or mild criticism)."


📌 Example Usage (지다)

"운이 없어서 아쉽게 졌다."

"I was unlucky and lost unfortunately."


6. 겁내다 / 겁내지 않다 (To Fear / To Not Fear)

Expresses feeling fear or overcoming it.


📌 Example Usage

"새로운 도전을 겁내지 ."

"Don’t be afraid of new challenges."


"강한 적이지만 겁내지 않고 경기할 거야."

"They're a strong opponent, but I won’t be afraid and will play the match."

- "강한 적이지만": "강하다 (to be strong)" + adjective form "-" + " (opponent, enemy)" + "-이지만 (but, although)."

- "겁내지 않고": "겁내다 (to be afraid)" + negative form "- 않다 (to not do)" + connective "- (and, continuing action)."

• “겁내다” → “겁내지 않다” → “겁내지 않고

- "경기할 거야": "경기하다 (to compete, to play a match)" + future attributive form "-" + " (thing)" + "-이야 (will, informal statement)."

• “경기하다” → “경기할 ” + “-이야” → “경기할 것이야” → “경기할 거야” (Contraction, Colloquial Speech)


🌀 Similar Expressions

두려워하다 (To Be Afraid Of)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 실패를 두려워하지 않는다."

"He is not afraid of failure."


7. 마음을 쏟다 (To Pour One’s Heart Into Something)

Expresses dedication or effort toward something.


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 일에 마음을 쏟았다."

"She poured her heart into her work."


🌀 Similar Expressions

열정을 바치다 (To Dedicate Passion)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 음악에 열정을 바쳤다."

"He dedicated his passion to music."


8. 모양 (Shape, Form)

Describes the appearance or form of something.


📌 Example Usage

" 빵은 하트 모양이야."

"This bread is heart-shaped."


🌀 Similar Expressions

모습 (appearance, look)


📌 Example Usage

"꾸미지 않은 모습대로 보이고 싶어."

"I want to show myself just as I am, without embellishment."

- "꾸미지 않은": "꾸미다 (to decorate, to embellish)" + negative form "- 않다 (to not do)" + past attributive form "-" (describing a past state).

- " 모습대로": " (my)" + "모습 (appearance, self)" + "-대로 (as it is, in that way)."

- "보이고 싶어": "보이다 (to be seen, to show)" + desire form "- 싶다 (to want to do)." + “-” (Declarative Sentence Ending)


9. 이제 / 이상 (Now / No Longer)

"이제" refers to the present moment, while " 이상" means "no longer."


📌 Example Usage

"이제 시작하자!"

"Let’s start now!"


" 이상 기다릴 없어."

"I can’t wait any longer."


🎨 Expressions

현재 (At Present, Currently)


📌 Example Usage

"현재 우리는 협상을 진행 중이다."

"Currently, we are in negotiations."


10. 신경 쓰다 / 신경 쓰지 않다 (To Care / To Not Care)

Refers to paying attention or disregarding something.


📌 Example Usage

"너무 신경 쓰지 ."

"Don’t worry too much about it."


" 이상 신경 쓰지 않아."

"I don't care anymore."

- "": " (I, informal)" + topic marker "-" (spoken as "").

- " 이상": " 이상 (anymore, no longer)."

- "신경 쓰지 않아": "신경 쓰다 (to care, to be concerned)" + negative form "- 않다 (to not do)." + “-” (Declarative Sentence Ending)


🌀 Similar Expressions

주의하다 (To Pay Attention, To Be Careful)


📌 Example Usage

"운전할 때는 주변을 주의해야 ."

"You should pay attention when driving."


11. 마음을 지키다 (To Protect One’s Heart / Feelings)

Describes maintaining emotional stability.


📌 Example Usage

"어려운 상황에서도 마음을 지켜야 ."

"Even in difficult times, you must protect your heart."


🌀 Similar Expressions

감정을 조절하다 (To Control Emotions)


📌 Example Usage

"감정을 조절하는 것이 중요하다."

"It’s important to control your emotions."


12. 오해받다 (To Be Misunderstood)

Means someone is mistakenly judged.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 그런 의도가 아니었는데 오해받았다."

"I was misunderstood; that wasn’t my intention."


🌀 Similar Expressions

잘못 이해하다 (To Misinterpret)


📌 Example Usage

" 말을 잘못 이해한 같아."

"I think you misinterpreted my words."


13. 자유 (Freedom)

Refers to being free from restrictions.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 자유를 원해."

"I want freedom."


🌀 Similar Expressions

해방 (Liberation, Emancipation)


📌 Example Usage

" 나라는 드디어 해방되었다."

"That country has finally been liberated."


14. ~ 맡기다 (To Entrust to, Leave Something to Someone)

This phrase means to leave a task or responsibility to someone else.


📌 Example Usage

" 일은 전문가에게 맡기는 좋겠다."

"It would be best to leave this task to an expert."


🌀 Similar Expressions

의뢰하다 (To Commission, Request a Service)


📌 Example Usage

"디자인을 전문 업체에 의뢰했다."

"I commissioned a professional company for the design."


15. 알게 되다 (To Come to Know, To Realize)

Refers to the process of learning or realizing something over time.


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 지나면서 진실을 알게 되었다."

"As time passed, I came to know the truth."


🌀 Similar Expressions

깨닫다 (To Realize, To Understand Deeply)


📌 Example Usage

" 경험을 통해 많은 것을 깨달았다."

"I realized a lot through that experience."


16. 꺾이다 / 꺾이지 않다 (To Be Broken / To Not Be Broken)

Used metaphorically to describe one’s will or spirit.


📌 Example Usage

"어려운 상황에서 그의 의지가 꺾였다."

"His will was broken in difficult circumstances."


"나는 아무리 힘들어도 꺾이지 않을 거야."

"No matter how hard it gets, I won’t break."


🌀 Similar Expressions

포기하다 / 포기하지 않다 (To Give Up / To Not Give Up)


📌 Example Usage

"쉽게 포기하지 ."

"Don’t give up so easily."


" 쉽게 포기하지 않아."

"I don’t give up easily."

- "": " (I, informal)" + topic marker "-" (spoken as "").

- "쉽게": "쉽다 (to be easy)" + adverb form "-" → "쉽게 (easily)."

- "포기하지 않아": "포기하다 (to give up)" + negative form "- 않다 (to not do)." + “-” (Declarative Sentence Ending)


17. ~ 부족하다 / ~ 넘치다 (To Lack ~ / To Have an Abundance of ~)

These expressions compare a shortage or an excess of something.


📌 Example Usage

"자신감이 부족하면 도전하기 어렵다."

"If you lack confidence, taking on challenges is hard."


"그는 에너지가 넘치는 사람이다."

"He is a person full of energy."


🌀 Similar Expressions

모자라다 (To Be Insufficient, To Be Short Of)


📌 Example Usage

"준비한 음식이 모자랄 같아."

"I think we might be short on food."


18. 말은 쉽다 / 실행은 어렵다 (Talking is Easy / Execution is Hard)

Used to describe the gap between saying and doing.


📌 Example Usage

"다이어트는 말은 쉽지만 실행은 어렵다."

"Dieting is easy to talk about but hard to execute."


🌀 Similar Expressions

행동이 중요하다 (Action is Important)


📌 Example Usage

"말보다 행동이 중요해."

"Actions matter more than words."


19.  길이 멀다 (Still Have a Long Way to Go)

This phrase expresses that one still has much to do or achieve.


📌 Example Usage

" 프로젝트는 아직 길이 멀다."

"This project still has a long way to go."


🌀 Similar Expressions

끝이 보이지 않다 (No End in Sight)


📌 Example Usage

"일이 너무 많아서 끝이 보이지 않는다."

"There’s so much work that I can’t see the end."


20.  / 아래 / (Up / Down / Side)

These words describe positions.


📌 Example Usage

"책은 선반 위에 있어."

"The book is on the shelf."


"고양이가 테이블 아래에 숨었어."

"The cat hid under the table."


"친구가 옆에 앉았다."

"My friend sat next to me."


🎨 Expressions

바로 옆에 (Right Next To)


📌 Example Usage

" 가게는 학교 바로 옆에 있어."

"That store is right next to the school."


21. ~ 있다 (There Is / There Exists)

Indicates the presence or existence of something.


📌 Example Usage

"여기 좋은 카페가 있다."

"There is a nice café here."


🌀 Similar Expressions

존재하다 (To Exist, To Be Present - Formal)


📌 Example Usage

" 문서는 아직 존재한다."

"That document still exists."


22. 외로움 (Loneliness)

Describes the feeling of being alone or isolated.


📌 Example Usage

"혼자 있을 외로움을 느낀다."

"I feel loneliness when I’m alone."


🌀 Similar Expressions

고독 (Solitude - More Poetic or Literary)


📌 Example Usage

"고독이 너무 길어지는 밤에는 가족이 너무 그리워진다."

"On nights when loneliness drags on, I miss my family so much."

- "고독이": "고독 (loneliness)" + subject marker "-."

- "너무 길어지는": "너무 (too much)" + "길어지다 (to become long, prolonged)" + present progressive attributive form "- (describing an ongoing state)."

- "밤에는": " (night)" + topic marker "-에는 (on, during the night)."

- "가족이 너무 그리워진다": "가족 (family)" + subject marker "-" + "너무 (so much)" + "그립다 (to miss, to long for)" + transformation form "-어지다 (to become, to start feeling like)."

• “그립다” → “그리워지다” → “그리워진다” (Present Tense Conjugation)


23. 길어지다 (To Become Longer, To Be Prolonged)

Used when something extends beyond the expected time.


📌 Example Usage

"회의가 예상보다 길어졌다."

"The meeting lasted longer than expected."


🎨 Expressions

연장되다 (To Be Extended)


📌 Example Usage

"대회 일정이 연장되었다."

"The competition schedule was extended."


24. 아침 / / (Morning / Daytime / Night)

Common time-related expressions.


📌 Example Usage

"아침 공기가 상쾌하다."

"The morning air is refreshing."


"낮에는 너무 더워서 외출하기 힘들어."

"It’s too hot to go outside during the day."


"밤하늘의 별이 아름답다."

"The stars in the night sky are beautiful."


🎨 Expressions

새벽 (Dawn, Early Morning)


📌 Example Usage

"새벽 공기가 차갑다."

"The dawn air is chilly."


25. 쏘아 올리다 (To Launch, To Shoot Up)

Used literally for fireworks or metaphorically for aspirations.


📌 Example Usage

"밤하늘에 불꽃을 쏘아 올렸다."

"They launched fireworks into the night sky."


🌀 Similar Expressions

발사하다 (To Fire, To Launch - More Technical)


📌 Example Usage

"로켓을 발사할 준비가 되었다."

"The rocket is ready for launch."


26. 따로 (Separately, Apart)

Used to indicate doing something individually or apart.


📌 Example Usage

"따로 계산할게요."

"We’ll pay separately."


🌀 Similar Expressions

분리해서 (Separately, In a Divided Manner)


📌 Example Usage

"쓰레기를 분리해서 버려야 한다."

"You must dispose of trash separately."


27. 이유를 묻다 (To Ask for a Reason)

Used when inquiring why something happened.


📌 Example Usage

" 그런지 이유를 묻고 싶어."

"I want to ask the reason why."


🌀 Similar Expressions

원인을 따지다 (To Examine the Cause, To Question the Reason)


📌 Example Usage

"사고의 원인을 따져봐야 한다."

"We need to examine the cause of the accident."


28. 서로가 필요하다 (To Need Each Other)

Used to express mutual dependence.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 서로가 필요한 존재야."

"We are people who need each other."


🌀 Similar Expressions

서로 의지하다 (To Rely on Each Other)


📌 Example Usage

"힘들 때는 서로 의지해야 ."

"When things get tough, we should rely on each other."


29. ~ (When ~, At the Time of ~)

Indicates the time at which something happens.


📌 Example Usage

"밥을 먹을 TV 본다."

"I watch TV when I eat."


🌀 Similar Expressions

~중에 (While Doing ~, During ~)


📌 Example Usage

"회의 중에 전화가 왔다."

"I got a call during the meeting."


30.  안다 (To Know Well, To Be Familiar With)

Expresses familiarity or deep understanding.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 도시를 안다."

"I know this city well."


🌀 Similar Expressions

익숙하다 (To Be Familiar With)


📌 Example Usage

"그런 맘이 어떤 건지 익숙하기에 그를 이해해 주고 싶어."

"I know that feeling well, so I want to understand him."

- "그런 맘이": "그런 (such, like that)" + " (abbreviation of '마음', heart, feeling)" + subject marker "-."

- "어떤 건지": "어떤 (what kind of)" + " (thing)" + "-인지 (what it is, indirect statement)."

• “어떤 것인지” → “어떤 건지” (Contraction, Colloquial Speech)

- "익숙하기에": "익숙하다 (to be familiar with)" + reason form "-기에 (because, since)."

- "그를 이해해 주고 싶어": " (him)" + object marker "-" + "이해하다 (to understand)" + benefactive "- 주다 (to do for someone)" + desire form "- 싶다 (to want to do)." + “-” (Declarative Sentence Ending)

• “이해하다” → “이해해 주다” → “이해해 주고 싶다” → “이해해 주고 싶어


31. 영원을 바라다 (To Wish for Eternity, To Hope for Forever)

A poetic way to express longing for something everlasting.


📌 Example Usage

" 순간이 영원하길 바란다."

"I wish this moment could last forever."


🌀 Similar Expressions

끝없이 이어지길 원하다 (To Want Something to Continue Endlessly)


📌 Example Usage

"우정이 끝없이 이어지길 원해."

"I want our friendship to last endlessly."


32. 사이 (Between, Relationship)

Describes distance between things or the relationship between people.


📌 Example Usage

"우리 사이가 예전 같지 않아."

"Our relationship isn’t like it used to be."


🌀 Similar Expressions

관계 (Relationship, Connection - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"회사와 고객 간의 관계는 중요하다."

"The relationship between the company and customers is important."


33. 과거 / 지금 (현재) / 미래 (Past / Present / Future)

Refers to different points in time.


📌 Example Usage

"과거를 잊고 현재를 즐기자."

"Forget the past and enjoy the present."


"미래를 위해 열심히 노력할 거야."

"I will work hard for the future."


🌀 Similar Expressions

옛날 / 요즘 / 앞으로 (Old Days / Nowadays / From Now On)


📌 Example Usage

"옛날에는 인터넷이 없었어."

"In the old days, there was no internet."


"요즘은 스마트폰을 ."

"Nowadays, everyone uses smartphones."


"앞으로 열심히 할게."

"I’ll work harder from now on."


34. 이해하다 / 오해하다 (To Understand / To Misunderstand)

Opposing concepts of correctly grasping or misinterpreting something.


📌 Example Usage

" 마음을 이해해."

"I understand your feelings."


" 말을 오해하지 ."

"Don’t misunderstand those words."


🌀 Similar Expressions

납득하다 (To Accept, To Comprehend - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 설명을 납득할 없었다."

"I couldn’t accept his explanation."


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "REBEL HEART"

- The song features a powerful beat and an energetic melody, conveying a sense of freedom and confidence.


- IVE members’ distinctive vocals and performances enhance the song’s message, delivering an aura of self-assurance and passion.


- The music video's sleek visuals express the song’s rebellious concept, leaving a strong impression on viewers.


🎶 IVE - “REBEL HEART”: Additional Information

- Release Date: February 3, 2025


- Genre: Dance

- Lyrics by: Nietzsche

- Composed by: Emily Harbakk, Ryan S.Jhun, Thomas G:son, Jimmy Jansson, Maia Wright, Jack Brady, Jordan Roman

- Arranged by: Ryan S.Jhun, Gucci Caliente, The Wavys


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to STARSHIP and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."