Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.

🎶 IVE - “I AM”

"I AM" is one of IVE’s representative songs, released in 2023. It features confident messages and powerful vocals. IVE has portrayed a self-directed and independent female image, breaking away from the traditional innocent concept.



🎶 IVE - “I AM”: Music Video

[Source] YouTube, STARSHIP


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 문을 열다 (To Open a Door)

This can be used literally or figuratively, meaning to start something new.


📌 Example Usage

"가게 문을 열었어요."

"The store opened."


🎨 Expressions

문이 열리다 (The Door Opens - Passive)


📌 Example Usage

"자동문이 천천히 열렸다."

"The automatic door slowly opened."


2. 따라가다 (To Follow, To Go After Someone)

This means to go after someone’s path or imitate their actions.


📌 Example Usage

"길을 모르면 나를 따라와."

"If you don’t know the way, follow me."


"쟤 따라 갈 필요 없어. 나 따라와."

"You don't need to follow them. Follow me."

- "": A contracted form of "저 아이" → A colloquial expression referring to "that person" (informal).

- "따라 갈 필요 없어":

"따라 갈": "따라 가다 (to follow along)" + attributive ending "-" → "따라 갈"

"필요 없어": "필요하다 (to need)" + negative form "-없다 (to not be necessary)" + sentence-ending "-"

- "나 따라와":

"": First-person pronoun "I, me."

"따라와": "따라오다 (to follow towards the speaker)" + imperative "-" → "따라와"


🎨 Expressions

뒤따라가다 (To Follow Behind Someone)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 발걸음을 조용히 뒤따라갔다."

"I quietly followed his steps from behind."


3. 필요 없다 (To Not Be Necessary, To Be Unneeded)

Used when something is unnecessary.


📌 Example Usage

"이제 설명은 필요 없어."

"No explanation is needed now."


🎨 Expressions

쓸모없다 (To Be Useless)


📌 Example Usage

"이 물건은 이제 쓸모없어."

"This item is useless now."


4.  / 길을 찾다 / 길을 잃다 / 길이다 (Road, To Find a Way, To Get Lost, It’s the Way)

These expressions relate to finding or losing one's path, literally and metaphorically.


📌 Example Usage

"길을 찾고 있어."

"I’m looking for the way."


"길을 잃었어!"

"I’m lost!"


"이게 내 길이다."

"This is my path."


🌀 Similar Expressions

방향을 찾다 (To Find a Direction)


📌 Example Usage

"어떤 방향으로 가야 할지 고민 중이야."

"I’m thinking about which direction to take."


5. 하루하루 (Day by Day)

Expresses the passage of time, emphasizing daily life.


📌 Example Usage

"하루하루가 소중해."

"Each day is precious."


🌀 Similar Expressions

매일매일 (Every Single Day)


📌 Example Usage

"매일매일 열심히 살자!"

"Let’s live diligently every single day!"


6.  / 색깔 (Color)

Refers to colors in general.


📌 Example Usage

"네가 좋아하는 색깔이 뭐야?"

"What’s your favorite color?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

빛깔 (Hue, Shade - More Poetic)


📌 Example Usage

"노을의 빛깔이 아름답다."

"The sunset’s hues are beautiful."


7. 달라지다 (To Change, To Become Different)

Indicates transformation or difference.


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 지나면서 달라졌어."

"It changed over time."


"하루하루마다 길의 색이 달라진 느낌이야."

"Each day, it feels like the color of the road changes."

- "하루하루마다": "하루하루 (each day, day by day)" + emphasis particle "-마다 (every, each)."

- "길의 색이": " (road, street)" + possessive particle "- (of)" + " (color)" + subject marker "-."

- "달라진 느낌이야": "달라지다 (to change, to become different)" + past attributive "-" → "달라진 (changed)" + "느낌 (feeling, sense)" + informal copula "-이야 (is)."


🌀 Similar Expressions

변하다 (To Change - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"모든 것은 변하기 마련이다."

"Everything is bound to change."


8. 느낌 (Feeling, Impression)

Describes sensations or intuitions.


📌 Example Usage

"이곳 느낌이 너무 좋아!"

"I love the vibe of this place!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

감각 (Sense, Sensation - More Physical)


📌 Example Usage

"손끝에서 감각이 사라졌다."

"I lost sensation at my fingertips."


9. 밝게 빛이 나다 / 밝게 빛나다 (To Shine Brightly)

Expresses something glowing with brightness.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 미소가 밝게 빛났다."

"His smile shined brightly."


🎨 Expressions

반짝이다 (To Sparkle, To Twinkle)


📌 Example Usage

"별이 반짝인다."

"The stars are twinkling."


10. 그냥 믿다 (Just Believe)

Encourages faith or trust.


📌 Example Usage

"아무 걱정 말고 그냥 믿어."

"Don’t worry, just believe."


🌀 Similar Expressions

신뢰하다 (To Trust - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"사람을 신뢰하는 게 중요해."

"It’s important to trust people."


11. 보이는 그대로 (As It Appears, Just As It Looks)

Encourages accepting things as they seem.


📌 Example Usage

"보이는 그대로를 믿으면 돼."

"You can just believe what you see."


🌀 Similar Expressions

있는 그대로 (As It Is, Without Change)


📌 Example Usage

"있는 그대로의 나를 사랑해 줘."

"Love me as I am."


12. 제일 좋다 (The Best, The Most Good)

Expresses preference for the best option.


📌 Example Usage

"이 방법이 제일 좋아!"

"This method is the best!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

가장 좋다 (The Most Good - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"가장 좋은 선택을 하자."

"Let’s make the best choice."


13. 어느 날 (One Day, Someday)

Often used in storytelling or when reminiscing.


📌 Example Usage

"어느 날 우연히 만났다."

"One day, we met by chance."


🎨 Expressions

언젠가 (Someday, Sometime in the Future)


📌 Example Usage

"언젠가 다시 만나자!"

"Let’s meet again someday!"


4. 데자뷰 (Déjà Vu)

The feeling of having experienced something before.


📌 Example Usage

"이 장면, 왠지 데자뷰 같은데?"

"This scene feels like déjà vu."


"제일 좋은 어느 날의 데자뷰"

"The best déjà vu of a certain day."

- "제일 좋은"

"제일": "the best, the most."

"좋은": "좋다 (to be good)" + attributive ending "-" → "best, most pleasant."

→ "The best, the most pleasant."

- "어느 날의"

"어느": Refers to an unspecified day → "a certain, one day."

"": "day."

"": Possessive marker → "of."

→ "of a certain day."

- "데자뷰" (déjà vu): A word derived from the French "déjà vu," meaning "the feeling of having already seen or experienced something."

  Describes a moment that feels like a past experience.


🌀 Similar Expressions

익숙한 느낌 (A Familiar Feeling)


📌 Example Usage

"이곳에 처음 왔지만 익숙한 느낌이 들어."

"It’s my first time here, but it feels familiar."


15. 머물다 (To Stay, To Remain)

Used for staying at a place or lingering in a moment.


📌 Example Usage

"그 순간에 머물고 싶어."

"I want to stay in that moment."


🌀 Similar Expressions

머무르다 (A Slightly More Formal Version of ‘머물다’)


📌 Example Usage

"이 도시에 좀 더 머무르고 싶어."

"I want to stay in this city a little longer."


16. 낯설다 (To Be Unfamiliar, To Feel Strange)

Used when something or someone feels unfamiliar or foreign.


📌 Example Usage

"이 도시는 낯설지만 매력적이야."

"This city feels unfamiliar, but it’s charming."


"머물고픈 어딘가의 낯선 "

"A foreign view of somewhere I long to stay."

- "머물고픈"

"머물다": "to stay, to remain"

"- 싶다": "to want to" (expressing desire).

"-고픈": Literary form of "- 싶다," used like an adjective. → "머물고픈" = "머물고 싶어지는" = "somewhere I want to stay."

- "어딘가의"

"어딘가": "somewhere, some place" (referring to an indefinite location).

"-": Possessive marker ("of, belonging to").

- "낯선 "

"낯선": "unfamiliar, foreign, strange."

" (view)": Borrowed from English "view." → "낯선 " = "a foreign/unfamiliar view."


🌀 Similar Expressions

어색하다 (To Feel Awkward, To Be Unnatural)


📌 Example Usage

"처음 만났을 때는 어색했어."

"When we first met, it was awkward."

17. 갤럭시 (Galaxy)

Refers to a galaxy, often used in poetic or scientific contexts.


📌 Example Usage

"밤하늘의 갤럭시는 신비로워."

"The galaxy in the night sky is mysterious."


🌀 Similar Expressions

은하수 (The Milky Way, Galaxy - More Traditional Term)


📌 Example Usage

"여름밤에 은하수가 선명하게 보인다."

"On summer nights, the Milky Way is clearly visible."


18. 장르 (Genre)

Used for categorizing movies, music, or books.


📌 Example Usage

"너가 좋아하는 영화 장르는 뭐야?"

"What’s your favorite movie genre?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

유형 (Category, Type)


📌 Example Usage

"이 소설은 새로운 유형의 작품이야."

"This novel is a new type of work."


19. 판타지 (Fantasy)

Describes imaginative, magical, or fictional worlds.


📌 Example Usage

"이 드라마는 판타지 요소가 많아."

"This drama has many fantasy elements."


🌀 Similar Expressions

환상 (Illusion, Fantasy)


📌 Example Usage

"그건 현실이 아니라 환상이야."

"That’s not reality, it’s an illusion."


20. 열리다 (To Be Opened - Passive Form of 'Open')

Used when something opens by itself or is opened.


📌 Example Usage

"문이 자동으로 열렸다."

"The door opened automatically."


🌀 Similar Expressions

개방되다 (To Be Opened Up - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"이 도시는 점점 더 개방되고 있다."

"This city is becoming more open."


21. 스테이지 (Stage - Borrowed from English)

Refers to a performance stage.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘 스테이지에서 완벽한 공연을 했어!"

"I gave a perfect performance on stage today!"


"내게 열리는 커다란 스테이지"

"What opens up for me is a grand stage."

- "내게": " (I, me)" + "-에게" (to, for) → "내게" (to me, for me).

- "열리는 ":

"열리다 (to open, to be opened)" + noun form "- " + “-” (subject marker) → “열리는 것은” → “열리는 ” (abbreviation, colloquial language).

- "커다란 스테이지":

"커다란": "big," "large," "huge," or "grand"

"스테이지 (stage)" → A borrowed word from English, meaning "stage."

Refers to a "large stage", metaphorically representing "a great opportunity" or "a stage for success."


🌀 Similar Expressions

무대 (Stage - Native Korean Word)


📌 Example Usage

"무대 위에서 빛나는 가수가 되고 싶어."

"I want to be a singer who shines on stage."


22. 어제, 오늘, 내일 (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow)

Refers to different points in time.

📌 Example Usage

"어제는 힘들었지만, 오늘은 괜찮아."

"Yesterday was tough, but today is okay."


🌀 Similar Expressions

과거, 현재, 미래 (Past, Present, Future - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 과거를 잊고 미래를 향해 나아가야 해."

"We must forget the past and move toward the future."


23. 다르다 (To Be Different)

Used when something is not the same as something else.


📌 Example Usage

"내 생각과 네 생각은 달라."

"My thoughts and yours are different."


🌀 Similar Expressions

차이가 있다 (To Have a Difference)


📌 Example Usage

"이 두 제품은 큰 차이가 없어."

"There’s not much difference between these two products."


24. 짜릿하다 (To Feel Thrilling, Electrifying)

Describes an exciting or exhilarating feeling.


📌 Example Usage

"롤러코스터를 탈 때 짜릿했어!"

"Riding the roller coaster was thrilling!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

스릴 있다 (To Have Thrill - Borrowed English Influence)


📌 Example Usage

"이 영화는 정말 스릴 있다."

"This movie is really thrilling."

25. 두렵다 (To Be Afraid, Fearful)

Expresses fear or anxiety.


📌 Example Usage

"미래가 두려워."

"I’m afraid of the future."


🌀 Similar Expressions

겁이 나다 (To Be Scared - More Casual)


📌 Example Usage

"혼자 있으면 겁이 나."

"I get scared when I’m alone."


26. 설레이다 (To Feel Excited, Heart Fluttering)

Used when feeling anticipation or nervous excitement.


📌 Example Usage

"내일 여행이라서 설레!"

"I’m excited because I’m traveling tomorrow!"


"어제랑 다른 짜릿한 , 두려운 모든 설레이게"

"A thrilling me, different from yesterday, making everything I fear feel exciting."

- "어제랑 다른" → "Different from yesterday again"

"어제랑": "어제 (yesterday)" + comparative particle "- (with, compared to)."

"": "again, once more."

"다른": "다르다 (to be different)" + adjective form "-."

, "어제와는 다른" → "Different from yesterday again."

- "짜릿한 " → "A thrilling me"

"짜릿한": "짜릿하다 (to be thrilling, electrifying)" + adjective form "-."

"": "I, me" (referring to oneself in an emphasized way).

전체적으로 "어제와는 다른 짜릿한 " → "A me that's different from yesterday, a more thrilling me."

- "두려운 모든 설레이게" → "Making everything I fear feel exciting."

"두려운": "두렵다 (to be afraid, fearful)" + adjective form "-."

"모든 ": "모든 (everything)" + subject marker “- 모든 것이 모든 ” (abbreviation, casual speech).

"설레이게": "설레다 (to be excited, to flutter)" + causative "- (making something do something)."

, "두려운 모든 것이 설레도록 만든다." → "Turning everything fearful into something exciting."


🌀 Similar Expressions

기대되다 (To Be Looking Forward To Something)


📌 Example Usage

"너랑 만날 생각에 기대돼!"

"I’m looking forward to meeting you!"


27. 사소하다 (To Be Trivial, Insignificant)

Used when something is small or unimportant.


📌 Example Usage

"사소한 일로 싸우지 말자."

"Let’s not fight over trivial things."


🌀 Similar Expressions

하찮다 (To Be Worthless, Insignificant - Slightly Negative Tone)


📌 Example Usage

"하찮은 걱정은 잊어버려."

"Forget about insignificant worries."


28. 아득해지다 (To Become Distant, Faint)

Describes something becoming blurry or far away.


📌 Example Usage

"추억이 점점 아득해진다."

"My memories are becoming distant."


"사소한 아득해져 ."
"All the trivial things start to feel distant."

- "사소한 ": "사소하다 (trivial, insignificant)" + "-" (adjective-forming suffix) + "것은 (topic marker emphasizing the subject)" → "사소한 것은" → "사소한 " (contracted, colloquial form).

- " 아득해져 ": " (all, everything)" + "아득하다 (to become distant, fading away)" + "-어지다 (to turn into, to become)" → "아득해지다" + "오다 (to gradually be felt, to come)" → "아득해져 오다" (gradually fade away, feel distant) + "-" (sentence-ending form) → “아득해져 .”


🌀 Similar Expressions

희미해지다 (To Become Faint, To Fade Away)


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 지나면서 그 기억도 희미해졌다."

"As time passed, that memory faded."


29. 깊은 밤 (Deep Night, Late Night)

Used to describe the late hours of the night, often associated with quietness or reflection.


📌 Example Usage

"깊은 밤이 되면 생각이 많아진다."

"As the night deepens, my thoughts grow heavier."


🌀 Similar Expressions

한밤중 (Midnight, Late Night)


📌 Example Usage

"한밤중에 갑자기 전화가 왔다."

"I suddenly got a call in the middle of the night."


30. 차라리 (Rather, Instead)

Used when choosing a better option among two undesirable choices.


📌 Example Usage

"이렇게 기다릴 바에야 차라리 집에 갈래."

"Rather than waiting like this, I’d rather just go home."


🌀 Similar Expressions

오히려 (On the Contrary, Rather - Used for Unexpected Situations)


📌 Example Usage

"도와주려고 했는데 오히려 방해가 됐다."

"I tried to help, but I ended up being a hindrance instead."


31. 날아오르다 (To Fly Up, To Soar)

Describes flying high into the air, both literally and metaphorically.


📌 Example Usage

"새가 하늘로 날아올랐다."

"The bird soared into the sky."


🌀 Similar Expressions

비상하다 (To Take Flight, To Rise Up - More Poetic/Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 자신의 꿈을 향해 비상했다."

"He soared toward his dreams."


32. 그럼 (Then, In That Case)

Used to indicate agreement or a logical next step in conversation.


📌 Example Usage

"지금 출발해도 돼? 그럼 가자!"

"Can we leave now? Then let’s go!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

그러면 (If So, Then - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"네가 원하면 그러면 해도 돼."

"If you want to, then go ahead."


33. 지나가다 (To Pass By, To Go Through)

Describes physically passing something or metaphorically overcoming a situation.


📌 Example Usage

"그냥 내 앞을 지나갔어."

"He just passed by me."


"힘든 시기도 결국 지나간다."

"Even hard times eventually pass."


"그럼 네가 지나가는 대로 길이 될 거야."

"Then, the path will be made wherever you walk."

- "그럼": "그러면"의 축약형 → "then, in that case."

- "네가 지나가는 대로":

"네가": " (you, informal)" + subject marker "-."

"지나가는": "지나가다 (to pass by, to walk through)" + present tense "-" (modifying noun).

"대로": "어떤 방식이나 상태 그대로" → "as, in the way that."

- "길이 될 거야":

"": "path, road." + subject marker “-

"되다": "to become, to be made into."

• 미래형 "-ㄹ 거야": "will be, will become."


🌀 Similar Expressions

흘러가다 (To Flow Away, To Pass Like Time or Water)


📌 Example Usage

"시간이 흘러가면서 모든 것이 변한다."

"As time flows, everything changes."


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "I AM"

- The luxurious synth sounds and grand arrangement enhance the song’s intensity.

- IVE members’ powerful vocals further maximize the song’s impact.

- Compared to previous songs like "Love Dive", "I AM" carries a more mature and dignified message.

- The music video emphasizes free-spirited and sophisticated styling with a commanding performance.


🎶 IVE - “I AM”: Additional Information

- Release Date: April 10, 2023

- Album: I’ve IVE

- Genre: Dance

- Lyrics: Kim Ea-na

- Composition: Ryan S.Jhun, Kristin Marie, Audun Agnar Guldbrandsen, Eline Noelia Myreng


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to STARSHIP and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."