Are you enjoying the drama “When Life Gives You Tangerines” these days? This is LILAC by IU, who is becoming our nation's singer and actress.
just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through
blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word.
Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making
Korean learning fun and immersive.
By the
time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the
song the way native speakers do.
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🎶 IU - “LILAC”: Key Lyrics & Meaning
'LILAC' is a 2021 title track from her album of the same name. This song
beautifully encapsulates the emotions of a bittersweet farewell, using lilac
flowers as a metaphor for the passing of youth and the beginning of a new
🎶 IU - "LILAC": Music Video
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 나리다 / 나리는 (To Fall, To Scatter / Falling,
verb often describes something gently falling or scattering, like flower
petals, powder, or fine dust.
📌 Example Usage
하늘에서 나리고 있다."
pollen is scattering from the sky."
나리는 날에는 기분이 좋아진다."
days when snow falls, I feel happy."
🌀 Similar Expressions
떨어지다 (To
Fall) – Used for objects falling due to gravity.
📌 Example Usage
떨어지는 가을이 좋아."
love autumn when leaves fall."
2. 꽃가루 (Pollen)
to the fine powder from flowers that can cause allergic reactions.
📌 Example Usage
되면 꽃가루 알레르기가 심해진다."
spring, my pollen allergy gets worse."
🎨 Expressions
(Dust) – More general, not limited to flowers.
📌 Example Usage
안에 먼지가 가득해."
room is full of dust."
3. 눈이
따끔하다 / 눈이 따끔해 (Eyes Sting
/ My Eyes Sting)
a stinging sensation in the eyes due to irritation.
📌 Example Usage
때문에 눈이 따끔해."
eyes sting because of the pollen."
🎨 Expressions
눈이 시리다
(Eyes Feel Cold) – A sensation from wind or cold air.
📌 Example Usage
차가워서 눈이 시려."
eyes feel cold because of the wind."
4. 아야 (Ouch)
exclamation used when feeling pain.
📌 Example Usage
"아야! 너무 뜨거워!"
It's too hot!"
🎨 Expressions
아이고 (Oh
No) – Expresses mild surprise or regret.
📌 Example Usage
"아이고, 깜빡 잊었네!"
no, I completely forgot!"
5. 눈물이
고이다 / 눈물이 흐르다 (Tears Well Up /
Tears Flow)
different stages of crying.
📌 Example Usage
말을 듣고 눈물이 고였다."
welled up when I heard those words."
조용히 눈물을 흘렸다."
quietly let her tears flow."
🌀 Similar Expressions
울다 (To
Cry) – More general.
📌 Example Usage
영화 보면서 울었다."
cried while watching the movie."
6. 참다 (To Hold Back, To Endure)
Used for
enduring emotions, pain, or hardship.
📌 Example Usage
나올 것 같았지만 참았다."
felt like crying, but I held it back."
🌀 Similar Expressions
견디다 (To
Endure) – Often used for long-term endurance.
📌 Example Usage
힘든 시간을 견뎠다."
endured tough times."
7. 마음
한켠 (A Corner of One’s Heart)
to a hidden or lingering feeling.
📌 Example Usage
한켠에 아쉬움이 남아 있다."
corner of my heart still feels regretful."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Deep Inside the Heart) – Stronger emotional depth.
📌 Example Usage
깊이 간직하고 있어."
cherish it deep inside my heart."
8. 비밀스럽다 / 비밀스런 (Mysterious, Secretive)
something that feels hidden or enigmatic.
📌 Example Usage
표정이 비밀스러웠다."
expression was mysterious."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Mysterious, Enchanting) – More magical in nuance.
📌 Example Usage
섬은 신비로운 분위기가 있다."
island has a mysterious atmosphere."
9. 오르골 (Music Box)
A small
mechanical device that plays a tune.
📌 Example Usage
열면 아름다운 음악이 흐른다."
you open the music box, beautiful music plays."
10. 넣어두다 / 빼내다 (To Put In / To Take Out)
actions of storing and removing something.
📌 Example Usage
편지를 서랍에 넣어두었다."
put the precious letter in the drawer."
주머니에서 열쇠를 빼냈다."
took the key out of his pocket."
🌀 Similar Expressions
보관하다 (To
Store) – More formal.
📌 Example Usage
서류는 금고에 보관해야 한다."
documents should be stored in a safe."
11. 영원히 (Forever)
something lasting indefinitely.
📌 Example Usage
영원히 함께하고 싶어."
want to be with you forever."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Endlessly) – More about continuity.
📌 Example Usage
펼쳐진 바다가 아름다웠다."
endlessly stretching ocean was beautiful."
12. 되감다 (To Rewind)
metaphorically for recalling memories.
📌 Example Usage
추억을 되감아 보고 싶다."
want to rewind and relive memories."
🌀 Similar Expressions
돌이키다 (To
Look Back) – More about reflection.
📌 Example Usage
돌이켜보면 후회가 많아."
I look back on that time, I have many regrets."
13. 순간 / 영원 (Moment / Eternity)
between fleeting time and permanence.
📌 Example Usage
순간이 영원했으면 좋겠어."
wish this moment could last forever."
🌀 Similar Expressions
찰나 (A
Fleeting Moment) – Emphasizes brevity.
📌 Example Usage
순간은 찰나처럼 지나갔다."
moment passed by like a fleeting second."
14. 마지막
페이지 (The Last Page)
used for endings.
📌 Example Usage
이야기는 마지막 페이지에 다다랐다."
story has reached the last page."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Ending) – More general.
📌 Example Usage
결말이 예상 밖이었다."
movie's ending was unexpected."
15. 부탁해 (Please Take Care of Me / I Rely on You)
A common
phrase used when requesting kindness or good treatment from someone.
📌 Example Usage
잘 부탁해!"
continue to take care of me!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
신세 지겠습니다
(I Will Be Indebted to You) – More formal and humble.
📌 Example Usage
일에 대해 신세 지겠습니다."
will be indebted to you for this matter."
16. 작별 / 이별 (Farewell / Parting)
refer to separating from someone, but '이별' often has a
more emotional tone.
📌 Example Usage
작별 인사는 너무 짧았다."
farewell was too short."
후에도 너를 잊을 수 없어."
after parting, I can’t forget you."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Separation) – More neutral and descriptive.
📌 Example Usage
언제나 아쉬운 법이다."
is always regretful."
17. 완벽하다 / 부족하다 (To Be Perfect / To Be Lacking)
expressions that describe completeness and insufficiency.
📌 Example Usage
순간이 완벽해."
moment is perfect."
실력이 부족하다고 느껴."
still feel that my skills are lacking."
🌀 Similar Expressions
흠잡을 데 없다
(Flawless) – More intense than "완벽하다."
📌 Example Usage
무대는 흠잡을 데 없었다."
performance was flawless."
18. 라일락
꽃 (Lilac Flower)
nostalgia and the fleeting nature of time.
📌 Example Usage
꽃향기가 봄바람을 타고 퍼졌다."
scent of lilac flowers spread with the spring breeze."
🎨 Expressions
(Cherry Blossom) – Also symbolizes transient beauty.
📌 Example Usage
흩날리는 거리를 걸었다."
walked along a street where cherry blossoms were falling."
19. 꽃이
지다 / 꽃이 피다 (Flowers Wither /
Flowers Bloom)
expressions representing the cycle of life.
📌 Example Usage
지나면 라일락 꽃이 진다."
spring passes, lilac flowers wither."
햇살 아래 꽃이 피었다."
bloomed under the warm sunlight."
🌀 Similar Expressions
시들다 (To
Wither) – Can apply to flowers, plants, or energy levels.
📌 Example Usage
물이 부족해서 시들고 있다."
roses are withering due to a lack of water."
20. 결말 (Ending, Conclusion)
to how a story, relationship, or event concludes.
📌 Example Usage
드라마의 결말이 너무 슬펐다."
ending of this drama was so sad."
🌀 Similar Expressions
마지막 장면
(Final Scene) – More specific to visual media.
📌 Example Usage
장면에서 눈물이 났다."
cried during the final scene."
21. 어울리다 (To Suit, To Match, To Get Along)
Used to
describe harmony between things or people.
📌 Example Usage
옷은 너한테 정말 잘 어울려."
outfit suits you very well."
🎨 Expressions
(Harmonious) – More about overall balance.
📌 Example Usage
조화롭게 어울린다."
colors blend harmoniously."
22. 안녕 (Hello / Goodbye)
A standard
greeting that also means farewell.
The casual greeting '안녕' is used when meeting and parting.
📌 Example Usage
"안녕! 잘 지내?"
How have you been?"
안녕을 말해야 할 시간이다."
time to say goodbye now."
🌀 Similar Expressions
잘 가
(Goodbye, Take Care) – More informal.
📌 Example Usage
가! 다음에 또 보자."
care! Let’s meet again next time."
23. 꽃잎
같은 (Like a Flower Petal)
Used to
describe something delicate and beautiful.
📌 Example Usage
피부는 꽃잎처럼 부드럽다."
skin is as soft as a flower petal."
🎨 Expressions
(Soft, Gentle) – A broader term.
📌 Example Usage
부드럽게 불어온다."
wind blows gently."
24. 하이얀 / 하얀 (Pure White)
forms mean "white," but "하이얀" is
more poetic.
📌 Example Usage
눈이 소복이 쌓였다."
white snow piled up."
꽃이 만개했다."
flowers are in full bloom."
🌀 Similar Expressions
순백 (Pure
White) – More elegant and refined.
📌 Example Usage
드레스를 입었다."
wore a pure white dress."
25. 봄날 (Spring Day)
associated with warmth, renewal, and nostalgia.
📌 Example Usage
햇살이 포근하다."
sunlight of a spring day is warm."
🎨 Expressions
(Spring Atmosphere) – Captures the feeling of early spring.
📌 Example Usage
느껴지는 날씨야."
weather feels like spring is coming."
26. 기쁜
일 / 슬픈 일 (Happy Occasion / Sad
Used to
describe significant life events.
📌 Example Usage
일은 함께 나누고 싶어."
want to share happy moments with you."
일이 있을 때마다 널 떠올려."
something sad happens, I think of you."
🎨 Expressions
행복한 순간 /
가슴 아픈 순간 (Happy Moments / Heartbreaking Moments) – More
📌 Example Usage
순간을 오래 기억하고 싶어."
want to remember happy moments for a long time."
27. 봄바람처럼 (Like a Spring Breeze)
describes something fleeting or refreshing.
📌 Example Usage
봄바람처럼 다가왔다가 사라졌어."
came like a spring breeze and disappeared."
🎨 Expressions
(Gentle Breeze) – Less metaphorical.
📌 Example Usage
불어 기분이 좋다."
gentle breeze feels nice."
28. 기분이
달아오르다 (To Feel Excited, To Heat Up Emotionally)
a heightened emotional state, often due to excitement or anticipation.
📌 Example Usage
있을 때마다 기분이 달아올라."
feel excited whenever I'm with you."
🌀 Similar Expressions
흥분되다 (To
Be Excited) – More commonly used in general contexts.
📌 Example Usage
시작되기 전이라 흥분돼."
excited because the performance is about to start."
29. 콧노래를
부르다 (To Hum a Tune)
a lighthearted, joyful state.
📌 Example Usage
좋아서 콧노래를 불렀다."
hummed a tune because I was in a good mood."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Hum) – More casual and spontaneous.
📌 Example Usage
걸으며 노래를 흥얼거렸다."
hummed a song while walking."
30. 입꼬리를
올리다 (To Lift the Corners of One’s Mouth, To Smile)
a subtle or intentional smile.
📌 Example Usage
말을 듣고 나도 모르게 입꼬리를 올렸다."
unconsciously lifted the corners of my mouth when I heard his words."
🌀 Similar Expressions
미소 짓다
(To Smile) – More general.
📌 Example Usage
조용히 미소를 지었다."
quietly smiled."
31. 하늘 / 땅 (Sky / Ground)
literally and metaphorically to contrast extremes.
📌 Example Usage
맑고 푸르다."
sky is clear and blue."
젖어서 걷기가 힘들다."
ground is wet, making it hard to walk."
🎨 Expressions
천지 차이
(Heaven and Earth Difference) – Used to emphasize a huge difference.
📌 Example Usage
지금은 천지 차이다."
past and now are worlds apart."
32. 바람 (Wind, Breeze, Wish)
It can
refer to the physical wind or, metaphorically, to longing and change.
📌 Example Usage
시원하게 분다."
wind blows coolly."
자유를 바람처럼 원했다."
longed for freedom like the wind."
🎨 Expressions
(Gentle Breeze) – Softer than ‘바람.’
📌 Example Usage
불어 기분이 좋다."
gentle breeze feels nice."
33. 오늘따라 (Especially Today, More Than Usual Today)
when something feels different than usual.
📌 Example Usage
유난히 네가 보고 싶어."
today, I miss you so much."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Particularly, Exceptionally) – Can be used in more situations.
📌 Example Usage
오늘은 피곤하다."
feel especially tired today."
34. 마음에
들다 (To Like, To Be to One’s Liking)
Used to
express that something suits one’s preference.
📌 Example Usage
옷이 정말 마음에 들어."
really like this outfit."
🌀 Similar Expressions
마음에 꼭 들다
(To Like Something Very Much) – Stronger emphasis.
📌 Example Usage
선물은 마음에 꼭 들어."
absolutely love this gift."
35. 그날처럼 (Like That Day)
nostalgia for a past moment.
📌 Example Usage
처음 만난 그날처럼 느껴져."
feels just like the day we first met."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Like Before) – More general.
📌 Example Usage
함께 놀고 싶어."
want to hang out together like before."
36. 예쁘다 / 밉다 (Pretty / Ugly, Unlikable)
that describe both physical appearance and emotions.
📌 Example Usage
미소가 정말 예쁘다."
smile is so pretty."
말이 너무 밉게 들렸다."
words sounded so unlikable."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Beautiful) – More poetic than ‘예쁘다.’
📌 Example Usage
sunset is beautiful."
37. 말해주다 / 들어주다 (To Tell / To Listen)
between speaking and listening attentively.
📌 Example Usage
마음을 솔직하게 말해줘."
me your honest feelings."
고민을 들어줄게."
listen to your worries."
🎨 Expressions
상담하다 (To
Counsel) – More professional.
📌 Example Usage
상담을 했다."
had a counseling session with the teacher."
38. 달콤하다 (Sweet, Pleasant)
flavors and metaphorical sweetness.
📌 Example Usage
케이크가 정말 달콤해."
cake is really sweet."
말이 달콤하게 들렸다."
words sounded sweet."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Mellow, Sweet) – Used for music and atmosphere.
📌 Example Usage
음악이 흐르고 있다."
music is playing."
39. 뜬구름 / 뜬구름처럼 (Floating Cloud / Like a
Floating Cloud)
fleeting things or unrealistic dreams.
📌 Example Usage
같은 꿈을 꾸고 싶어."
want to dream like a floating cloud."
🎨 Expressions
(Empty, Meaningless) – More about existential emptiness.
📌 Example Usage
게 허무하게 느껴진다."
feels meaningless."
40. 언젠가 (Someday, At Some Point)
an indefinite time in the future or past.
📌 Example Usage
다시 만나자."
meet again someday."
🌀 Similar Expressions
어느 날
(One Day) – More definite than ‘언젠가.’
📌 Example Usage
날 갑자기 생각났어."
day, it suddenly came to my mind."
41. 잊다 / 잊게 되다 (To Forget / To End Up
voluntary and involuntary forgetting.
📌 Example Usage
순간을 절대 잊지 못할 거야."
will never forget that moment."
지나면서 점점 잊게 됐다."
time passed, I ended up forgetting."
🌀 Similar Expressions
기억이 흐려지다
(Memories Fade) – Describes gradual fading.
📌 Example Usage
흐려져 가고 있어."
memories are starting to fade."
42. 표정 (Facial Expression)
to the emotions shown on one's face.
📌 Example Usage
표정이 밝아 보여."
facial expression looks bright."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Facial Tone) – Describes complexion or mood reflected on the face.
📌 Example Usage
얼굴빛이 창백하다."
facial tone is pale."
43. 향기 (Scent, Fragrance)
to a pleasant smell, often from flowers or perfumes.
📌 Example Usage
향기가 은은하게 퍼진다."
scent of lilac spreads subtly."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Smell, Odor) – More neutral and can be positive or negative.
📌 Example Usage
오는 날 흙 냄새가 좋다."
like the smell of the soil on a rainy day."
44. 단잠 (Deep Sleep, Sweet Sleep)
to a peaceful and refreshing sleep.
📌 Example Usage
자고 일어나니 개운하다."
a deep sleep, I feel refreshed."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Great Sleep) – A more casual and fun way to say "good sleep."
📌 Example Usage
꿀잠 잤어!"
had a great sleep last night!"
45. 스쳐가다 (To Pass By, To Brush Past)
something momentary, like a passing thought or a fleeting presence.
📌 Example Usage
순간이 스쳐 지나갔다."
moment passed by in a flash."
🎨 Expressions
흘러가다 (To
Flow, To Pass) – Used for time or water-like movement.
📌 Example Usage
빠르게 흘러간다."
flows by quickly."
46. 꿈처럼 (Like a Dream)
Used to
describe an unreal or beautiful experience.
📌 Example Usage
함께한 시간은 꿈처럼 느껴졌어."
time I spent with you felt like a dream."
🌀 Similar Expressions
환상 같다
(Like a Fantasy) – Even more surreal and imaginative.
📌 Example Usage
풍경은 정말 환상 같다."
scenery truly looks like a fantasy."
47. 대답 / 질문 (Answer / Question)
words representing communication exchanges.
📌 Example Usage
대답이 예상과 달랐다."
answer was different from what I expected."
있으면 언제든 물어봐."
you have a question, feel free to ask anytime."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Response) – More formal than ‘대답.’
📌 Example Usage
없어서 다시 연락했다."
contacted again because there was no response."
48. 울리다 / 웃기다 (To Make Someone Cry / To Make
Someone Laugh)
actions that evoke emotions in others.
📌 Example Usage
노래 가사가 나를 울렸다."
lyrics of that song made me cry."
개그맨은 사람들을 웃기는 재주가 있다."
comedian has a talent for making people laugh."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Move Emotionally) – Used for more profound emotional impact.
📌 Example Usage
연설이 많은 사람들을 감동시켰다."
speech moved many people emotionally."
49. 약속 (Promise, Appointment)
Can mean
both a spoken commitment and a scheduled meeting.
📌 Example Usage
약속 잊지 마."
forget our promise."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Oath, Pledge) – A more substantial and official commitment.
📌 Example Usage
평생 함께하겠다는 서약을 했다."
made an oath to be together forever."
Key Points for Enjoying "LILAC"
- A
Unique Blend of Nostalgia & Celebration → Unlike typical breakup songs,
"LILAC" conveys a sense of celebration rather than sorrow, making
farewells a natural part of life’s cycle.
- Retro
& Funky Sound → The track features a retro, city-pop-inspired instrumental
that blends upbeat melodies with sentimental lyrics.
- Symbolism
of Lilac Flowers → Lilacs often represent first love and youth, perfectly
matching the song’s theme of a beautiful yet fleeting chapter in life.
IU - “LILAC”: Additional Information
- Release
Date: March 25, 2021
- Album: LILAC
- Genre: City Pop, Dance
- Lyrics:
- Composer: imsuho, Dr.JO, 웅킴, N!ko
🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official
music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!
❗All rights to the lyrics belong to Edam Entertainment and the
original creators.
❗This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning
purposes and does not replace the official lyrics.