Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.



"LOVE SCENARIO" by iKON is among the most iconic K-Pop hits. Released in 2018 as the title track of their second studio album, Return, it gained massive popularity for its relatable lyrics, sentimental yet straightforward melody, and emotional storytelling. The song explores the theme of a past love, reflecting on a relationship that has ended but is still cherished as a beautiful memory. With its subdued yet heartfelt delivery, the track became a cultural phenomenon, resonating deeply with listeners of all ages.


🎶 iKON - "LOVE SCENARIO": Music Video

[Source] YouTube, iKON

🎯 Key Takeaways

1. (우리는) 사랑을 했다

"We were in love."


🔍 Analysis

- "사랑을": "사랑 (love)" + object marker "- (object marker)."

- "했다": Past tense of verb "하다 (to do)."

• "하다" → "했다"


📌 Example Usage

"우린 한때 사랑을 했어."

"We once loved each other."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"사랑을 했다" → "사랑을 핻따"


2. 우리가 만나다 / 우리가 만나

"We met." / "Since we met"


🔍 Analysis

- "우리가": "우리 (we, us)" + subject marker "- (subject marker)."

- "만나다": verb "만나다 (to meet)" in dictionary form.

- "만나다" → "만났다" (past tense) + "-아서" (connective ending indicating sequence) → "만나서" → "만나" (shortened form)

- "우리가 만나다" → "우리가 만났다" → "우리가 만나서" → "우리가 만나"


🐾우리가 만나서우리가 만나는 과거시제와 현재시제가 동일한 형태임


📌 Example Usage

"우리가 다시 만날 수 있을까?"

"Can we meet again?"


3. 지우지 못할 추억

"A memory that can’t be erased."


🔍 Analysis

- "지우지": "지우다 (to erase)" + negative "-지 못하다"

- "못할": "못하다 (to be unable to do)" + attributive form "-"

- "추억": "추억 (memory, reminiscence)."


📌 Example Usage

"이건 지우지 못할 추억이야."

"This is an unforgettable memory."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"지우지 못할 추억" → "지우지 모탈 추억" (+ pronunciation shift)


4. 볼만하다 / 볼만한

"Something worth watching or experiencing."


🔍 Analysis

- "볼만하다": "보다 (to see, watch)" + "-만하다 (to be worth doing)"

- "볼만한": adjective form of "볼만하다"


📌 Example Usage

"이 영화는 정말 볼만해."

"This movie is really worth watching."


5. 멜로드라마

"A drama centered around an emotional love story."


🔍 Analysis

- "멜로 (melo)" + "드라마 (drama)"


📌 Example Usage

"이건 완전 멜로드라마 같아!"

"This completely feels like a melodrama!"


6. 괜찮은 결말

"A satisfying conclusion."


🔍 Analysis

- "괜찮은": adjective form of "괜찮다 (to be okay, good)"

- "결말": "결말 (ending, conclusion)"


📌 Example Usage

"이 정도면 괜찮은 결말이야."

"This is a decent ending."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"괜찮은 결말" → "괜찬은 결말"


7. 그거면 됐다

"That's enough."


🔍 Analysis

- "그거면": "그거 (that thing)" + conditional "- (if, then)"

- "됐다": past tense of "되다 (to be okay, to work out)"


📌 Example Usage

"너만 행복하다면 그거면 됐어."

"If you're happy, that's enough."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"그거면 됐다" → "그거면 뒛따"


8. 널 사랑했다

"I once loved you."


🔍 Analysis

- "": " (you)" contracted form with object marker "-"

- "사랑했다": past tense of "사랑하다 (to love)"


📌 Example Usage

"널 사랑했어, 하지만 이제는 아니야."

"I loved you, but not anymore."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"널 사랑했다" → "널 사랑핻따"

9. 우리 / /


🔍 Analysis

- "우리 (we, us),"

- " (you),"

- " (I, me)."


📌 Example Usage

"우리, , 나 모두 행복해야 해."

"We, you, and I all need to be happy."


10. 만들다 / 만든


🔍 Analysis

- "만들다 (to make, create),"

- "만든": past participle form of "만들다"


📌 Example Usage

"내가 직접 만든 요리야."

"I made this dish myself."


11. 조명이 꺼지다 / 조명이 켜지다

"The state of lights turning on or off."


🔍 Analysis

- "조명 (lighting)" + subject marker “-” + verbs "꺼지다 (to turn off),"

- "조명 (lighting)" + subject marker “-” + verbs "켜지다 (to turn on)"


📌 Example Usage

"무대에서 조명이 켜졌다."

"The lights turned on on the stage."


12. 마지막 페이지

"The end of a story or relationship."


🔍 Analysis

- "마지막 (last, final)" + "페이지 (page)"


📌 Example Usage

"이제 우리의 마지막 페이지야."

"This is our final page now."


13. ~을 넘기다

"To pass or turn over something like a page or time."


🔍 Analysis

- "~": object marker

- "넘기다": verb "넘기다 (to turn, to pass, to skip)"


📌 Example Usage

"책장을 조용히 넘겼다."

"I quietly turned the page."


14. 조용히 / 조용하다

"A state of silence or calmness."


🔍 Analysis

- "조용히": adverb, quietly

- "조용하다": adjective "조용하다 (to be quiet)"


📌 Example Usage

"조용히 해 주세요."

"Please be quiet."


15. 막을 내리다

"The ending or closure of something."


🔍 Analysis

- " (curtain, act in a play)" + object particle "-” + “내리다 (to lower, to close)"


📌 Example Usage

"이제 공연의 막을 내릴 시간이다."

"It's time to close the performance."


16. 괜찮지만은 않다

"Not entirely okay."


🔍 Analysis

- "괜찮다 (to be okay)" + emphasized negative "-지만은 않다 (not completely okay)"


📌 Example Usage

"괜찮지만은 않은 기분이야."

"I don't feel completely okay."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"괜찮지만은 않다" → "괜찬치만은 안타"


17. 이별을 마주하다

"To directly experience and face a separation."


🔍 Analysis

- "이별 (farewell, breakup)" + object marker "-" + "마주하다 (to face)"


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 결국 이별을 마주했다."

"In the end, we faced our breakup."


18. 오늘 / 어제 / 내일


🔍 Analysis

- "오늘 (today),"

- "어제 (yesterday),"

- "내일 (tomorrow)."


📌 Example Usage

"오늘도 어제처럼 보낼 거야."

"I will spend today like yesterday."


19. 내일이 없다


🔍 Analysis

"내일 (tomorrow)" + "-이 없다 (there is no)"


📌 Example Usage

"마치 내일이 없는 것처럼 놀자!"

"Let's party like there's no tomorrow!"


☀️ Meaning

"미래를 신경 쓰지 않고 현재를 즐기는 것."

"To enjoy the present without worrying about the future."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"내일이 없다" → "내일이 업따"


20. 아프긴 해도

"There is pain, but it's bearable."


🔍 Analysis

- "아프다 (to be in pain, to hurt)" + emphasized form "-긴 해도 (though it does hurt)"


📌 Example Usage

"아프긴 해도 괜찮아질 거야."

"It does hurt, but I'll be okay."


21. 상처가 덧나다

"A wound getting worse."


🔍 Analysis

- "상처 (wound, scar)" + subject marker “-” + "덧나다 (to worsen, to get worse)"


📌 Example Usage

"조심해, 상처가 덧날 수도 있어."

"Be careful, the wound might get worse."


22. 이걸로 됐다 / 이걸로 됐어

"This is enough." / "This is enough."


🔍 Analysis

- "이거 (this thing)" + "-() (with, using)" + "됐다 (past tense of 되다, meaning 'it's done' or 'it's enough')."

• "이것" + "-()" → "이것으로" → "이걸로" (contracted form)


📌 Example Usage

"이걸로 됐어. 더 이상 바랄 게 없어."

"This is enough. I have nothing more to ask for."


🐾 "이걸로 됐다" vs "이걸로 됐어"

- Key differences: "이걸로 됐다" is more formal and emphasizes completion, while "이걸로 됐어" is more casual and emphasizes sufficiency or conclusion.


"이걸로 됐다"

- Formal: Used in relatively formal or official situations.

- Completion: Clearly expresses that something has been completed.

- Satisfaction: Can express satisfaction with results.


📌 Example Usage

"계약서 검토가 이것으로 됐다." ("The contract review is now complete.")


"이 정도면 이것으로 됐다." ("This much is satisfactory.")


"이걸로 됐어"

- Informal: Used comfortably among friends or close acquaintances.

- Closure: Casually indicates completion.

- Sufficiency: Indicates that one's needs have been met.


📌 Example Usage

"이 정도면 이것으로 됐어." ("This is sufficient.")


"이제 이것으로 됐어." ("That's finished now.")


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"이걸로 됐다" → "이걸로 됃따"


23. 살아가다 / 살아가면서

"To live" / "While living (as I live)"


🔍 Analysis

- "살다 (to live)" + progressive "-아가다 (to continue doing)" + "-면서 (while, as one continues living)."

• "살다" → "살아가다" → "살아가면서"


📌 Example Usage

"살아가면서 많은 걸 배운다."

"As I live, I learn a lot."


☀️ Meaning

"계속해서 삶을 살아가는 과정."

"The process of continuing to live."


24. 가끔씩 떠오르다

"To occasionally come to mind."


🔍 Analysis

- "가끔 (sometimes)" + emphasis "- (every, each)."

- "떠오르다 (to come to mind, to rise)."


📌 Example Usage

"가끔씩 그때가 떠올라."

"Sometimes, that moment comes to mind."


☀️ Meaning

"잊고 있다가도 생각나는 것."

"To recall something occasionally."


25. 기억

"Memory, recollection."


🔍 Analysis

- "기억 (memory, recollection)."


📌 Example Usage

"그때의 기억이 또렷해."

"That memory is still vivid."


☀️ Meaning

"과거의 일을 떠올리는 것."

"Recalling past events."


26. 충분하다

"To be enough, to be sufficient."


🔍 Analysis

- "충분하다 (to be enough, to be sufficient)."


📌 Example Usage

"이 정도면 충분해."

"This is enough."


☀️ Meaning

"부족함 없이 만족스러운 상태."

"A state of being sufficient without lack."


27. 갈비뼈 사이사이

"The spaces between the ribs."


🔍 Analysis

- "갈비뼈 (rib)" + "사이사이 (between, in between)."


📌 Example Usage

"그리움이 갈비뼈 사이사이 스며든다."

"Longing seeps through the spaces between my ribs."


☀️ Meaning

"가슴 깊숙한 곳에서 느껴지는 감정."

"A deeply felt emotion within the chest."


28. 찌릿찌릿한 느낌

"A tingling sensation."


🔍 Analysis

- "찌릿찌릿하다 (to tingle, to feel electric)" + attributive "-" + "느낌 (feeling, sensation)."


📌 Example Usage

"네 손길에 찌릿찌릿한 느낌이 들어."

"I feel a tingling sensation when you touch me."


☀️ Meaning

"전기가 오는 듯한 강한 감각적 자극."

"A strong sensory stimulus, like an electric jolt."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"찌릿찌릿한 느낌" → "찌릳찌릳탄 느낌" (consonant reinforcement).


29. 사랑받고 있음을 알게 하다

"To make someone realize that they are loved."


🔍 Analysis

- "사랑받고 있다 (to be loved, passive form of 'to love')" + nominalizing "-" + object marker "" + "알게 하다 (to make someone realize)."


📌 Example Usage

"네가 내가 사랑받고 있음을 알게 해."

"You make me realize that I am loved."


☀️ Meaning

"누군가의 사랑을 실감하게 하는 것."

"To make someone feel that they are truly loved."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"사랑받고 있음을" → "사랑받꼬 이쓰믈"


30. 눈빛


🔍 Analysis

- " (eye)" + " (light, expression)."


📌 Example Usage

"그의 눈빛이 흔들렸다."

"His gaze wavered."


☀️ Meaning

"눈으로 전달되는 감정과 의미."

"The emotions and meaning conveyed through the eyes."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"눈빛" → "눈빋"


31. 많이 배웠다


🔍 Analysis

- "많이 (a lot, much)" + "배우다 (to learn)" + past tense "-었다."


📌 Example Usage

"사랑하면서 정말 많이 배웠어."

"I learned a lot through love."


☀️ Meaning

"경험을 통해 깨달음을 얻음."

"To gain wisdom through experience."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"많이 배웠다" → "마니 배웟따" ( linking)


32. 반쪽을 채우다


🔍 Analysis

- "반쪽 (half, incomplete part)" + object marker "" + "채우다 (to fill, to complete)."


📌 Example Usage

"네가 나의 반쪽을 채워줬어."

"You completed my other half."


☀️ Meaning

"부족했던 부분이 채워지는 것."

"To feel complete with someone or something."


33. 과거로 두다


🔍 Analysis

- "과거 (past)" + particle " (as, in the form of)" + "두다 (to leave, to place)."


📌 Example Usage

"이제 이 사랑은 과거로 두자."

"Let’s leave this love in the past."


☀️ Meaning

"더 이상 신경 쓰지 않고 지나간 일로 여기다."

"To leave something behind and move on."


34. 소중한 사람


🔍 Analysis

- "소중한 (precious, valuable)" + "사람 (person)."


📌 Example Usage

"넌 내게 가장 소중한 사람이야."

"You are the most precious person to me."


☀️ Meaning

"가장 중요한 존재."

"The most cherished and important person."


35. 벌써 그립다


🔍 Analysis

- "벌써 (already)" + "그립다 (to miss, to long for)."


📌 Example Usage

"너랑 헤어진 지 하루밖에 안 됐는데 벌써 그리워."

"It’s been a day since we broke up, but I already miss you."


☀️ Meaning

"시간이 많이 지나지 않았지만, 그리운 감정이 듦."

"To feel longing for something even though not much time has passed."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"벌써 그립다" → "벌써 그립따"


36. 그리워하지 않으려 하다 / 그리워하지 않으려 해

"To try not to miss." / "I try not to miss you."


🔍 Analysis

- "그리워하다 (to miss, to long for)" + negative "-지 않다 (not)" + intentional form "-으려 하다 (to try to)."

• "그리워하지 않으려 하다" → informal spoken form "그리워하지 않으려 해"


📌 Example Usage

"너를 그리워하지 않으려 해도 쉽지 않아."

"I try not to miss you, but it's difficult."


☀️ Meaning

"잊으려고 하지만, 그리움이 남아 있음."

"To try to move on but still feel longing."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"그리워하지 않으려 해" → "그리워하지 아느려 해"


37. 한 편의 영화

"A movie; a single movie."


🔍 Analysis

- " (one, a single)" + " (a piece, a part)" + possessive particle "" + "영화 (movie)."


📌 Example Usage

"우리의 이야기는 한 편의 영화 같았어."

"Our story felt like a movie."


☀️ Meaning

"드라마틱한 경험이나 관계를 비유적으로 표현."

"A metaphor for a dramatic or memorable experience."


38. 따스했던 봄

"A warm spring."


🔍 Analysis

- "따스하다 (to be warm)" → past tense "따스했다" + "- (past recollection modifier)" + " (spring)."


📌 Example Usage

"너와 함께한 따스했던 봄이 생각나."

"I remember the warm spring I spent with you."


☀️ Meaning

"따뜻한 감성을 느끼게 하는 계절이나 순간."

"A warm and cherished moment or season."


39. 기억하다

"To remember."


🔍 Analysis

- "기억하다 (to remember)."


📌 Example Usage

"그 순간을 영원히 기억할게."

"I will remember that moment forever."


☀️ Meaning

"과거의 일을 잊지 않고 간직하는 것."

"To keep something in memory and not forget."


40. 우습게 질투하다

"To get jealous playfully."


🔍 Analysis

- "우습게 (lightly, playfully)" + "질투하다 (to be jealous)."


📌 Example Usage

"나는 우습게 질투하곤 했어."

"I used to get jealous in a playful way."


☀️ Meaning

"가볍게, 장난스럽게 질투하는 것."

"To be jealous in a not too serious or deep way."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"우습게 질투하다" → "우습께 질투하다" (된소리화).

41. 미친 듯이 사랑하다

"To love like crazy."


🔍 Analysis

- "미친 (crazy, insane)" + "듯이 (as if)" + "사랑하다 (to love)."


📌 Example Usage

"우린 미친 듯이 사랑했지."

"We loved like crazy."


☀️ Meaning

"이성을 잃을 정도로 강렬하게 사랑하는 것."

"To love so passionately that it feels crazy."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"미친 듯이 사랑하다" → "미친 드시 사랑하다" (+이 연음).


42. 이 정도면 됐다

"This is enough."


🔍 Analysis

- "이 정도 (this much, this level)" + "- (if, then)" + "됐다 (past tense of 되다, meaning 'it's done' or 'it's enough')."


📌 Example Usage

"이 정도면 됐어. 더 이상 바랄 게 없어."

"This is enough. I don't need anything more."


☀️ Meaning

"이만하면 만족할 수 있다."

"This much is sufficient or acceptable."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"이 정도면 됐다" → "이 정도면 됏따" (된소리화).


🎶 iKON - "LOVE SCENARIO": Lyrics Summary

This song tells the story of a love that has already ended, yet remains a cherished "scenario" in the past. Rather than expressing sorrow or regret, the lyrics reflect, acknowledging that the memories were beautiful and meaningful while the relationship is over. The song compares love to a "play" that had its run on stage, with both individuals playing their roles before the curtains finally closed. It conveys acceptance of the breakup, emphasizing that even if the love is gone, the experience itself was valuable. Through its calm, almost conversational lyrics, "LOVE SCENARIO" portrays the emotional maturity of embracing a past love without resentment.


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "LOVE SCENARIO"

- Soft Yet Addictive Melody → The song’s gentle and repetitive melody creates an easy-listening experience that sticks with the listener. Unlike dramatic breakup songs, it carries a subdued yet impactful energy.

- Unique Lyricism & Storytelling → Rather than focusing on heartbreak, the lyrics reflect on a love that was beautiful while it lasted. This mature perspective on relationships resonated deeply with audiences.

- Cultural Impact & Massive Popularity → "LOVE SCENARIO" became a viral sensation in South Korea and beyond, particularly among young listeners. Due to its catchy and easy-to-sing-along chorus, it even earned the nickname "the kindergarten anthem."

- Minimalistic Yet Emotionally Powerful Composition → The instrumental is simple, allowing the emotions in the lyrics and the members' expressive vocal delivery to stand out. The song's structure avoids dramatic high notes, instead relying on subtle changes in tone to convey emotions.


🎶 iKON - "LOVE SCENARIO": Additional Information

- Release Date: January 25, 2018

- Album: Return

- Genre: Pop, Alternative Hip-Hop

- Lyrics: B.I, Bobby, Mot Mal

- Composer: B.I, Millenium, Seung

- Awards: Melon Music Awards - Song of the Year (2018), Golden Disc Awards - Digital Song Division Grand Prize


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!

All rights to the lyrics belong to 143 Entertainment and the original creators.

This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics.