Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.
This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.
By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.
If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.
🎶 ECLIPSE - "Sudden Shower" (소나기)
“Sudden Shower” is
the OST for the tvN drama “Lovely Runner,” released on April 8, 2024. This
song captures the emotions of the drama, musically expressing the bittersweet
and heart-fluttering stories of the characters.
🎶 ECLIPSE - "Sudden Shower": Music Video
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 비가
그치지 않는다 (The Rain Won’t Stop)
phrase describes continuous rain that won’t cease.
📌 Example Usage
비가 그치지 않는다."
rain hasn’t stopped since the morning."
🌀 Similar Expressions
비가 계속 내리다 (The Rain Keeps Falling)
📌 Example Usage
계속 내려서 밖에 나갈 수가 없다."
rain keeps falling, so I can’t go outside."
2. ~을
바라다 / ~을 바라오다 (To Wish for / To Have
Longed for)
"바라다" means to wish or hope for something, while "바라오다" has a more poetic nuance, implying something one has long
📌 Example Usage
wish for happiness."
이 순간을 바라왔다."
have longed for this moment for a long time."
"저는 비가 그치지 않기를 바랬죠."
hoped the rain wouldn't stop."
"저는": "저 (I, formal)" + topic marker "-는."
"비가": "비 (rain)" + subject marker "-가."
않기를": "그치다 (to stop, to cease)" + negation "-지 않다" + verb noun form "-기”
+ object marker “-를” (wishing, hoping that)."
"바랬죠.": "바라다 (to hope, to wish)" + past tense
"-았-" + casual statement "-죠
(soft confirmation, reminiscing tone)." → “바랐죠” (standard dialect) → “바랬죠”
(Non-standard dialect)
🌀 Similar Expressions
소망하다 (To
Hope, Wish for Something Deeply)
📌 Example Usage
평화를 소망한다."
hope for peace."
3. 처음 (First, Beginning)
the first time experiencing something.
📌 Example Usage
만난 날을 기억해?"
you remember the first day we met?"
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Beginning, Start)
📌 Example Usage
시작을 준비하고 있어."
am preparing for a new beginning."
4. 그대 (You - Poetic, Formal)
Used in
poetry, songs, or old-fashioned speech.
It is a term to address a loved one or someone you miss.
📌 Example Usage
나의 운명입니다."
are my destiny."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(You - Used in Older, Respectful Speech)
It is a word used when a superior respectfully addresses a subordinate.
📌 Example Usage
어떻게 생각하나?"
do you think?"
5. 잠시
동안 (For a Moment, For a While)
A short
period of time.
📌 Example Usage
동안 기다려 주세요."
wait for a moment."
🌀 Similar Expressions
잠깐 (A
Short Moment, Briefly)
📌 Example Usage
들렀다가 갈게."
stop by for a short while."
6. 적시다 (To Soak, Dampen)
Used for
wetting something, either literally or metaphorically (e.g., emotions).
📌 Example Usage
옷을 적셨다."
rain soaked my clothes."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Get Wet, Be Soaked)
📌 Example Usage
없어서 다 젖었다."
got completely soaked because I didn’t have an umbrella."
7. 간절히 (Earnestly, Desperately)
strong longing or deep desire.
📌 Example Usage
원했던 순간이었다."
was the moment I earnestly wanted."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Sincerely, Truly)
📌 Example Usage
너의 행복을 바란다."
sincerely wish for your happiness."
8. 마음을
알다 (To Understand One’s Heart, Feelings)
recognize someone’s emotions.
📌 Example Usage
"그대도 내 맘 아나요?"
you also know my heart?"
"그대도": "그대 (you, poetic expression for 'you')" + emphasis "-도
(also, too)."
맘": "내 (my)" + "맘 (abbreviated form of 마음,
heart, feelings)." + object marker “-을” (Omission)
"아나요?": "알다 (to know)" + polite question
"-나요?" (expresses curiosity or emotion).
🌀 Similar Expressions
마음을 헤아리다 (To Read Someone’s Feelings, Be Considerate)
📌 Example Usage
마음을 헤아리는 것이 중요하다."
important to understand the other person’s feelings."
9. 매일 (Every Day, Daily)
something occurring regularly.
📌 Example Usage
같은 시간에 운동해."
work out at the same time every day."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Every Day – Slightly More Literary)
📌 Example Usage
일기를 쓴다."
write in my journal every day."
10. 어제, 오늘, 내일 (Yesterday,
Today, Tomorrow)
time expressions.
📌 Example Usage
비가 왔고, 오늘은 맑아."
rained yesterday, and today is clear."
🌀 Similar Expressions
과거, 현재, 미래 (Past, Present, Future – More Abstract)
📌 Example Usage
후회하기보다는 현재를 즐기고 미래를 준비하자."
of regretting the past, let’s enjoy the present and prepare for the
11. 스며들다 (To Permeate, To Sink In, To Be Absorbed)
used poetically for emotions or realizations.
📌 Example Usage
말이 내 가슴에 스며들었다."
words sank into my heart."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Soak In, Permeate)
📌 Example Usage
마음 깊이 배어들었다."
has deeply seeped into my heart."
12. 선물 (Gift, Present)
given to someone as a token of appreciation or love.
📌 Example Usage
선물을 준비했어."
prepared a birthday gift."
🎨 Expressions
(Complimentary Gift, Giveaway)
📌 Example Usage
제품을 사면 증정품이 제공됩니다."
you buy this product, you’ll receive a complimentary gift."
13. 하늘이
내려주다 (Heaven Sent, A Gift from the Sky)
phrase describes something precious or special, as if granted by the heavens.
📌 Example Usage
“그대는 하늘이 내려준 선물입니다."
are a gift from the heavens."
"그대는": "그대 (you, poetic expression)" + topic marker "-는."
내려준": "하늘 (sky, heavens)" + subject marker "-이"
+ "내려주다 (to send down, to grant)" in adjective form "-ㄴ."
"선물입니다.": "선물 (gift)" + polite verb ending
"-입니다 (formal 'is')."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Be Blessed)
📌 Example Usage
기회를 얻다니 정말 축복받았어."
this opportunity is truly a blessing."
14. 홀로
서다 (To Stand Alone)
means to become independent, emotionally or physically.
📌 Example Usage
"홀로 선 세상 속에 그댈 지켜줄게요."
this world where I stand alone, I will protect you."
선": "홀로 (alone)" + "서다 (to stand)" in past participle
속에": "세상 (world)" + "속 (inside,
within)." + location marker "-에”
"그댈": "그대 (you)" + object marker "-를"
(spoken as "-를" → "-ㄹ" in poetic usage).
"지켜줄게요.": "지키다 (to protect)" + benefactive
주다" + promise "-ㄹ게요 (I will, reassuring tone)."
• “지키다” → “지켜주다” → “지켜줄게요”
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Become Independent)
📌 Example Usage
가면 자립하는 법을 배워야 한다."
you go to college, you must learn to be independent."
15. 세상
속 (In the World, Among the World)
being within society or the world in general.
📌 Example Usage
세상 속에서 나만의 길을 찾고 싶다."
want to find my own path in this world."
🌀 Similar Expressions
세상 한가운데 (In the Middle of the World)
📌 Example Usage
한가운데서 외로움을 느낄 때가 있다."
I feel lonely in the middle of the world."
16. 지켜주다 (To Protect, To Guard)
To keep
someone safe, physically or emotionally.
📌 Example Usage
널 지켜줄게."
will always protect you."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Defend, To Shield – More Formal)
📌 Example Usage
보호하는 것이 어른의 책임이다."
the responsibility of adults to protect children."
17. 문득 (Suddenly, Out of Nowhere)
something that comes to mind or happens unexpectedly.
📌 Example Usage
"어느 날 문득 그대가 소나기처럼
day, suddenly, you fell like a rain shower."
날": "어느 (some, one)" + "날 (day)."
"문득": "문득 (suddenly, out of the blue, all at once)."
"그대가": "그대 (you, poetic expression)" + subject marker "-가."
"소나기처럼": "소나기 (rain shower)" + simile "-처럼
(like, as if)."
"내리다": "내리다 (to fall, to pour down, poetic expression for
🌀 Similar Expressions
(All of a Sudden - More Common in Speech)
📌 Example Usage
전화가 울렸다."
the phone rang."
18. 소나기 (Sudden Rain Shower)
A brief
but intense rain.
📌 Example Usage
소나기가 내렸다."
a rain shower fell."
🎨 Expressions
(Torrential Rain)
📌 Example Usage
내려 길이 다 잠겼다."
rain fell, flooding the streets."
19. 불러보다 (To Try Calling Out)
when calling someone’s name or singing softly.
📌 Example Usage
이름을 불러보았다."
tried calling out your name."
🎨 Expressions
(To Shout, To Cry Out)
📌 Example Usage
절망 속에서 크게 외쳤다."
cried out loudly in despair."
20. 소중한
사람 (A Precious Person, Someone Dear)
to someone very important in one’s life.
📌 Example Usage
내게 가장 소중한 사람이야."
are the most precious person to me."
🌀 Similar Expressions
소중한 존재 (A Precious Being – More Formal)
📌 Example Usage
우리에게 소중한 존재이다."
are precious beings to us."
21. 빗물 / 빗방울 (Rainwater / Raindrop)
"빗물" refers to collected rainwater, while "빗방울" is an individual raindrop.
📌 Example Usage
창문을 타고 흘러내렸다."
streamed down the window."
얼굴에 닿았다."
raindrop touched my face."
🎨 Expressions
(Dew, Water Droplets in the Morning)
📌 Example Usage
위에 이슬이 맺혀 있었다."
had gathered on the leaves."
22. 어느새 (Before One Knows It, In No Time)
time passing without notice.
📌 Example Usage
해가 저물었다."
I knew it, the sun had set."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(In the Blink of an Eye)
📌 Example Usage
disappeared in the blink of an eye."
23. ~를
깨우다 (To Wake Up Someone / Something)
both literally and metaphorically.
📌 Example Usage
"일어나! 이제 깨울 시간이야."
up! It’s time to wake you."
🎨 Expressions
잠을 깨우다
(To Wake from Sleep)
📌 Example Usage
소리가 나서 잠이 깨버렸다."
woke up because of a loud noise."
24. 생각에
잠기다 (To Be Lost in Thought)
deep contemplation.
📌 Example Usage
생각에 잠겨 말을 잇지 못했다."
was lost in thought and couldn’t continue speaking."
🌀 Similar Expressions
깊은 생각에 빠지다 (To Fall into Deep Thought)
📌 Example Usage
깊은 생각에 빠져 멍하니 있었다."
was in deep thought, staring blankly."
25. 이제 (Now, From Now On)
the present moment or a transition.
📌 Example Usage
시작해도 될까요?"
we start now?"
🌀 Similar Expressions
(From This Moment On – Slightly More Formal)
📌 Example Usage
집중해야 한다."
have to focus from now on."
26. 기다리다 (To Wait, To Anticipate)
Used for
waiting for something or someone.
📌 Example Usage
오랫동안 기다렸어."
have waited for you for a long time."
(To Expect, To Look Forward To)
📌 Example Usage
소식을 기대하고 있어."
looking forward to good news."
27. 손을
꼭 잡다 (To Hold Hands Tightly)
phrase expresses holding someone’s hand firmly, often conveying warmth or
emotional connection.
📌 Example Usage
걸을 때 손을 꼭 잡고 있었어."
walking, we held hands tightly."
🎨 Expressions
손을 맞잡다 (To Hold Hands Together) – Often used in a symbolic sense for
unity or support.
📌 Example Usage
서로의 손을 맞잡고 함께 나아가기로 했다."
held hands together and decided to move forward as one."
28. ~을
잊고 싶다 / ~을 잊지 말다 / ~을 잊지 않다 (To Want to Forget / To Not Forget / To Remember)
expressions convey the desire to forget something painful or the importance of
remembering something.
📌 Example Usage
"아픈 기억들을
want to forget the painful memories."
"아픈": "아프다 (to be painful)" + adjective form "-ㄴ."
"기억들을": "기억 (memory)" + plural emphasis "-들"
+ object marker "-을."
싶다.": "잊다 (to forget)" + connective "-고"
+ "-싶다 (to want to)."
순간을 잊지 말자."
not forget that moment."
따뜻한 말을 잊지 않았다."
haven’t forgotten his warm words."
🎨 Expressions
마음에서 지우다 (To Erase from the Heart) – Emphasizes forgetting deeply.
📌 Example Usage
기억을 마음에서 지우고 싶다."
want to erase that memory from my heart."
29. 흘려보내다 (To Let Something Flow Away, To Move On)
Can be
used literally for water or metaphorically for emotions and time.
📌 Example Usage
go of the pain of the past along with the raindrops."
"지난날의": "지난날 (the past)" + possessive "-의
"아픔을": "아픔 (pain, sorrow)" + object marker "-을."
함께": "빗방울 (raindrops)" + conjunction "-과
(with)" + "함께 (together, along with)."
돼요.": "흘려보내다 (to let flow, to release)" +
conditional "-면 (if, when)" + permission "돼요
(it's okay to, you can)."
🎨 Expressions
(To Let Go, To Release) – More about setting something or someone free.
📌 Example Usage
그를 놓아줘야 할 때야."
time to let him go."
30. 때로는 (Sometimes, At Times)
when something happens occasionally.
📌 Example Usage
혼자 있고 싶을 때가 있어."
I want to be alone."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Sometimes, Occasionally – More Casual)
📌 Example Usage
연락도 없이 찾아오더라."
they show up without even calling."
31. 지치다 (To Be Exhausted, To Be Tired Out)
physical or emotional exhaustion.
📌 Example Usage
기다리다 보니 지쳤다."
for a long time made me tired."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Be Tired – More Common for Physical Fatigue)
📌 Example Usage
늦게 자서 너무 피곤해."
so tired because I slept late yesterday."
32. 하늘이
흐리다 / 하늘이 맑다 (The Sky is Cloudy / The
Sky is Clear)
phrases describe the weather but can also symbolize emotions.
📌 Example Usage
하늘이 흐려서 우울해 보여."
sky is cloudy today, so it feels gloomy."
맑아서 기분이 좋아."
sky is clear, so I feel good."
구름이 낀 하늘 (A Cloudy Sky) – Describes a sky filled with clouds.
📌 Example Usage
낀 하늘 아래에서 산책했다."
took a walk under the cloudy sky."
33. 하나뿐인
사랑 (One and Only Love)
a unique and irreplaceable love.
📌 Example Usage
내 하나뿐인 사랑이야."
are my one and only love."
🎨 Expressions
영원한 사랑 (Eternal Love) – Emphasizes love lasting forever.
📌 Example Usage
사랑을 믿나요?"
you believe in eternal love?"
34. 다시 / 다시는 (Again / Never Again)
"다시" means repeating something, while "다시는" means not doing it ever again.
📌 Example Usage
한 번 기회를 주세요."
give me another chance."
그런 실수를 하지 않을 거야."
will never make that mistake again."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Once Again – Often Used Poetically)
📌 Example Usage
너를 만날 날이 올까?"
there be a day when I meet you again?"
35. 새겨보다 (To Engrave in One’s Heart, To Reflect Deeply)
It can be used literally for engraving or figuratively for deeply remembering.
📌 Example Usage
마지막 말을 가슴에 새겨보았다."
engraved his last words in my heart."
🌀 Similar Expressions
기억 속에 남기다 (To Leave in Memory, To Remember Deeply)
📌 Example Usage
장면을 영원히 기억 속에 남기고 싶어."
want to keep that scene in my memory forever."
🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Sudden Shower"
The song’s emotional melody and ECLIPSE’s soothing vocals create a deeply
touching experience.
It harmonizes beautifully with the story of “Lovely Runner,” enhancing the
emotional depth of the characters.
Through metaphors and symbolism, the lyrics delicately portray the value of
love and its healing power.
🎶 ECLIPSE - "Sudden Shower": Additional Information
Release Date: April 8, 2024
Album: Lovely Runner OST Part 1
Genre: Ballad / OST
Lyricists: Han Seong-ho, Sooyoon
Composers: Han Seong-ho, Park Soo-seok, Moon Kim (Room01)
Arranger: Jung Jin-wook
🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music
platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!
❗"All rights to the lyrics belong to Stone Music Entertainment
and the original creators."
❗"This analysis is intended for educational and
language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."