🎥 "Signal": Introduction
there any fans of “Signal” here? How did you feel when you
first watched this masterpiece? As many fans may already know, the production
of “Signal 2” has finally been officially announced! With the
sequel coming after eight years since its original airing in 2016, expectations
are higher than ever.
“Signal” unfolds a unique story where the past and present are
connected through a walkie-talkie, solving unsolved cold cases. It sheds new
light on cases that might have remained mysteries forever in reality,
captivating audiences with its emotionally rich narrative and intense
short scene we’re introducing today features a pivotal moment in the drama—the
kidnapping case that sets everything in motion. As the statute of limitations
approaches, the true culprit engages in a tense battle of wits with the
this scene, immerse yourself in the gripping dialogue and learn natural
expressions commonly used by native speakers.
🎥 "Signal": Short Video
🎥 "Signal" Shorts: Meet the Characters
Cha Soo-hyun (Kim Hye-soo): Kim Hye-soo perfectly embodies the
role of Detective Cha Soo-hyun, a strong-willed and determined police officer.
Park Hae-young (Lee Je-hoon): Played
by Lee Je-hoon, Park Hae-young is a genius profiler who tracks down cold cases
using a radio that connects the past and present.
🎥 "Signal" Shorts: Dialogue
“지금은 어디에 계시죠?”
A: "Where are you right now?"
제보자): “어제 뉴스가 나가고 난 뒤에 갑자기 말도 없이 사라졌어요.”
Soo-ah (the suspect and informant): "After the news aired yesterday, they
suddenly disappeared without a word."
“동료를 의심하는 게 좀 마음에 걸려서 망설였었는데요.”
Soo-ah: "I hesitated because I felt uneasy about suspecting a
“캐비닛을 확인해봤더니, 역시 의심 가는 물건들이 있는 거 같아서요.”
Soo-ah: "I checked the cabinet and, as expected, there seemed to be some
suspicious items."
“난 그런 적 없어요.”
"I've never done anything like that."
“서형준이랑은 어떻게 만났어요?”
Soo-hyun: "How did you meet Seo Hyung-joon?"
“전 그런 사람 몰라요.”
"I don’t know that person."
“김윤정도 모르고, 서형준도 모른다.”
Soo-hyun: "So you don’t know Kim Yoon-jung or Seo Hyung-joon?"
“그럼 어제 뉴스가 나간 뒤에 왜 잠적한 거죠?”
Soo-hyun: "Then why did you go into hiding after the news aired
“잠적을 하긴 누가 잠적을 해요.”
"Who said I went into hiding?"
“이 여자가 아니에요.”
Hae-young: "It’s not this woman."
“머그컵 손잡이가 왼쪽으로 놓여져 있었고, 가위도 왼손잡이용 가위였어요.”
Hae-young: "The mug handle was placed on the left side, and the scissors
were for left-handed use."
“범인은 왼손잡이에요.”
Hae-young: "The culprit is left-handed."
Soo-hyun: "That can't be."
“분명히 제보자가...”
Soo-hyun: "The informant was definitely..."
“남은 공소시효를 계산해서 전화를 한 겁니다.”
Hae-young: "They calculated the remaining statute of limitations before
making the call."
“강세영한테 우리가 시간을 허비하도록, 다급해진 경찰들이 실수할 수밖에 없도록 유인한 거예요.”
Hae-young: "They lured us into wasting time on Kang Se-young, forcing the
desperate police to make mistakes."
“분명히 가까이 있을 겁니다.”
Hae-young: "They must be nearby."
“윤수아씨 당신은 김윤정 유괴사건의 범인이자 서형준 살인사건의 범인이야.”
Soo-hyun: "Yoon Soo-ah, you are the kidnapper of Kim Yoon-jung and the
murderer of Seo Hyung-joon."
“확실한 증거 아직 못 찾은 거구나. 찾았다면 이럴 필요 없잖아요.”
Soo-ah: "So you haven’t found solid evidence yet. If you had, there’d be
no need for all this, right?"
“시간도 없는데, 기소하면 그만일 텐데, 그죠?”
Soo-ah: "You’re running out of time. If you had the evidence, you would
have indicted me already, wouldn’t you?"
“난 그 사람들 죽이지 않았어요.”
Soo-ah: "I didn’t kill those people."
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 말도 없이 사라지다
(Disappear Without a Word)
phrase describes someone disappearing suddenly without informing others.
Example Usage
"그 친구가 말도 없이 사라져서 걱정했어."
was worried because my friend disappeared without a word."
Similar Expressions
연락 없이 사라지다
(Disappear Without Contact) – Emphasizes no communication
before disappearing.
Example Usage
"그는 연락 없이 사라져서 찾을 수가 없었다."
disappeared without contact, so we couldn't find him."
2. ~을 의심하다
/ 의심이
가다 (Suspect / Have Doubts About)
phrases mean to doubt or suspect someone or something.
Example Usage
"나는 그의 행동을 의심하고 있어."
suspect his actions."
"뭔가 수상해서 의심이 간다."
seems suspicious, so I have doubts."
Similar Expressions
생각하다 (Find Something Suspicious) –
A more indirect way of expressing doubt.
Example Usage
"그의 태도가 이상해서 수상하게 생각했어."
attitude was strange, so I found it suspicious."
3. 마음에 걸리다
(Weigh on One’s Mind, Feel Uneasy About Something)
describes something bothering or making someone feel uneasy.
Example Usage
"어제 한 말이 마음에 걸려."
I said yesterday is weighing on my mind."
Similar Expressions
신경 쓰이다
(Be Bothered By Something) – Similar but can imply
Example Usage
"작은 소음도 신경 쓰여서 잠을 못 잤어."
a small noise bothered me, so I couldn’t sleep."
4. 망설이다
means to hesitate or be uncertain before making a decision.
Example Usage
"고백할까 말까 망설이고 있어."
hesitating whether to confess or not."
Similar Expressions
(Be Reluctant, Hesitate) – Slightly more formal.
Example Usage
"그는 대답을 주저했다."
hesitated to answer."
5. 확인하다
/ 확인해
보다 (Check / Try Checking)
phrases mean to verify or confirm something.
Example Usage
"메일을 확인해 봐."
your email."
"예약이 제대로 되었는지 확인해 보세요."
if the reservation has been made properly."
Similar Expressions
(Review, Examine) – Often used for documents or
Example Usage
"계약서를 다시 한 번 검토해야 해."
need to review the contract once more."
6. 그런 적 없다
(That Never Happened)
phrase denies the occurrence of an event.
Example Usage
"나는 그런 적 없어."
never happened to me."
한 번도 그런 일이 없었다
(That Has Never Happened Before) –
Emphasizes it has never occurred.
Example Usage
"한 번도 그런 일이 없었어."
has never happened before."
7. 잠적하다
(Go Into Hiding, Disappear Secretly)
means to disappear intentionally, usually to avoid someone or something.
Example Usage
"그는 사건 이후 잠적했다."
went into hiding after the incident."
Similar Expressions
(Run Away, Escape) – Implies fleeing rather than just
Example Usage
"그는 도망쳐서 행방이 묘연하다."
ran away, and his whereabouts are unknown."
8. 왼손잡이
/ 오른손잡이 (Left-Handed / Right-Handed)
words describe a person’s dominant hand.
Example Usage
"나는 왼손잡이라서 글씨를 왼손으로 써."
left-handed, so I write with my left hand."
(Ambidextrous) – Someone who can use both hands
equally well.
Example Usage
"그는 양손잡이라서 양손으로 공을 던질 수 있다."
is ambidextrous, so he can throw with both hands."
9. 그럴리가
없다 (That’s Impossible)
phrase expresses disbelief.
Example Usage
"그 사람이 그랬다니, 그럴 리가 없어!"
person did it? That’s impossible!"
Similar Expressions
말도 안 된다
(That Makes No Sense) – More colloquial and expressive.
Example Usage
"그게 가능하다고? 말도 안 돼!"
possible? No way!"
10. 공소시효
(Statute of Limitations)
legal term referring to the expiration period for prosecuting a crime.
Example Usage
"이 사건은 공소시효가 지나서 처벌할 수 없다."
case cannot be prosecuted because the statute of limitations has expired."
11. 시간을 허비하다
/ 시간이
없다 (Waste Time / Have No Time)
Example Usage
"쓸데없는 일에 시간을 허비하지 마."
waste time on useless things."
"시간이 없으니까 빨리 결정해야 해."
don't have time, so we need to decide quickly."
12. 유인하다
(Lure, Entice)
Example Usage
"범인은 피해자를 유인해서 납치했다."
criminal lured the victim and kidnapped them."
(Tempt, Seduce) – Used more for persuading someone
through charm.
Example Usage
"그녀는 상대를 유혹하는 기술이 뛰어나다."
is skilled at seducing others."
13. 가까이 있다
/ 멀리
있다 (Be Nearby / Be Far Away)
Example Usage
"네가 가까이 있어서 든든해."
feel reassured because you're nearby."
"지금 너무 멀리 있어서 만나기 힘들어."
too far away right now, so it's hard to meet."
14. 유괴사건
/ 살인사건 (Kidnapping Case / Murder Case)
Example Usage
"최근 유괴사건이 많아서 부모들이 걱정하고 있다."
have been many kidnapping cases lately, so parents are worried."
"그 살인사건은 아직도 미제 사건으로 남아 있다."
murder case still remains unsolved."
15. 이럴 필요 없다
(No Need to Do This)
Example Usage
"너무 걱정하지 마, 이럴 필요 없어."
worry too much, there's no need for this."
16. 기소하다
(Prosecute, Indict)
Example Usage
"검찰이 그를 기소했다."
prosecution indicted him."
17. ~하면 그만이다
(It’s Enough If You Just Do ~)
Example Usage
"열심히 노력하면 그만이다."
enough if you just try your best."
🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue
following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an
advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a
beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from
above is better.
"지금은 어디에 계시죠?"
- "지금은": "지금 (now, at this moment)"
+ topic marker "-은" (emphasizing contrast).
- "어디에": "어디 (where)" + location
particle "-에 (at, in, to)."
- "계시죠?": "계시다 (to be, honorific form of
있다)" + polite question "-죠?" (seeking confirmation).
📌 Example Usage
어디에 계세요?"
are you right now?"
☀️ Meaning
위치가 어디십니까?"
are you right now?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
계시죠?" → "어디에 계시조?" (연음
제보자): "어제 뉴스가 나가고 난 뒤에 갑자기 말도 없이 사라졌어요."
- "어제": "어제 (yesterday)."
- "뉴스가
나가고 난 뒤에": "뉴스 (news)"
+ subject marker "-가" + "나가다 (to be broadcast)" + connective "-고" + "난 뒤에 (after it
- "갑자기": "갑자기 (suddenly)."
- "말도
없이": "말 (words,
speech)" + emphatic "-도 (even)" +
negation "-없이 (without)."
- "사라졌어요": "사라지다 (to disappear)" +
past tense "-었" + polite ending "-어요."
• “사라지다” →
“사라졌다” → “사라졌어요”
📌 Example Usage
끝나고 난 뒤에 갑자기 사라졌어요."
the meeting ended, they suddenly disappeared."
☀️ Meaning
뉴스가 보도된 후, 아무 말도 없이 갑자기 사라졌습니다."
the news aired yesterday, they disappeared without saying anything."
"동료를 의심하는 게 좀 마음에 걸려서 망설였었는데요."
- "동료를": "동료 (colleague)" + object
marker "-를."
- "의심하는
게": "의심하다 (to suspect)"
+ noun form "-는 것" (spoken as "-는
- "좀
마음에 걸려서": "좀 (a bit)" +
"마음에 걸리다 (to feel uneasy, to weigh on one's
mind)" + reason marker "-어서."
- "망설였었는데요": "망설이다 (to hesitate)" +
past tense "-었었" (emphasizing past
hesitation) + softening ending "-는데요."
• “망설이다” →
“망설였다” → “망설였었다” → “망설였었는데” → “망설였었는데요”
📌 Example Usage
의심하는 게 마음에 걸려서 말하기가 어려웠어요."
felt uneasy about suspecting my friend, so it was hard to say anything."
☀️ Meaning
의심하는 것이 마음에 걸려서 망설였습니다."
hesitated because I felt uneasy about suspecting my colleague."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
"망설였었는데요" → "망서려썬는데요" (liaison occurs)
"캐비닛을 확인해봤더니, 역시 의심 가는 물건들이 있는 거 같아서요."
- "캐비닛을": "캐비닛 (cabinet)" + object
marker "-을."
- "확인해봤더니": "확인하다 (to check)" +
experience marker "-아 보다 (to try doing)" +
past tense "-았더니" (indicating discovery).
• “확인하다” →
“확인해보다” → “확인해봤다” → “확인해봤더니”
- "역시": "역시 (as expected,
- "의심
가는": "의심 (suspicion)" +
"가다 (to go)" in attributive form, meaning
- "물건들이": "물건 (item, thing)" +
plural marker "-들" + subject marker "-이."
- "있는
거 같아서요": "있다 (to
exist)" + noun form "-는 것 같다 (it seems
like)" + softening ending "-서요."
• “있다” →
noun form “있는 것” → “있는 것 같다”
(it seems like to exist) → “있는 거 같다” (abbreviation) +
“-아서” → “있는 거 같아서” + “-요” → “있는 거 같아서요”
• "-아서":
A connective ending that indicates the preceding fact or situation serves as
the cause or basis for the following content. In this sentence, "있는
거" is shown as the reason or basis for "같아서요" that follows.
• "-요":
A sentence-ending particle that functions to complete a sentence. It is also
used as an auxiliary particle to show politeness to the listener. This sentence
concludes the sentence and conveys respect to the listener.
📌 Example Usage
확인해봤더니, 역시 예상했던 자료가 들어 있었어요."
checked the desk, and as expected, the documents I expected were there."
☀️ Meaning
확인해보니, 역시 의심스러운 물건들이 있었습니다."
checked the cabinet, and as expected, there were some suspicious items."
"난 그런 적 없어요."
- "난": abbreviation of "나는 (I,
- "그런
적 없어요": "그런 (such, like
that)" + "적 (instance, experience)" + 부정형 "-없어요 (I have never)."
📌 Example Usage
그런 실수한 적 없어요."
never made that kind of mistake."
☀️ Meaning
그런 일을 한 적이 없습니다."
have never done such a thing."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
그런 적 없어요" → "난 그런 적 업써요"
(liaison occurs).
"서형준이랑은 어떻게 만났어요?"
- "서형준이랑은": "서형준 (Seo Hyung-joon,
name)" + 동반의 의미 "-이랑"
+ 주제 강조 "-은."
- "어떻게": "어떻게 (how)."
- "만났어요?": "만나다 (to meet)" + 과거형 "-았" + 정중한 질문형 "-어요?"
📌 Example Usage
사람이랑은 어떻게 알게 됐어요?"
did you get to know that person?"
☀️ Meaning
어떻게 만난 사이인가요?"
did you meet Seo Hyung-joon?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
"만났어요?" → "만나써요?" (liaison occurs).
"전 그런 사람 몰라요."
"전": abbreviation of "저는 (I,
사람 몰라요": "그런 (such, like
that)" + "사람 (person)" + "모르다 (to not know)" + polite ending "-아요."
📌 Example Usage
그런 사람 전혀 몰라요."
have no idea who that person is."
☀️ Meaning
그런 사람을 알지 못합니다."
don't know that person."
"김윤정도 모르고, 서형준도 모른다."
- "김윤정도
모르고": "김윤정 (Kim Yoon-jung,
name)" + emphasis "-도 (also)" + "모르다 (to not know)" + connective form "-고 (and, linking)."
- "서형준도
모른다": "서형준 (Seo Hyung-jun,
name)" + "-도 (also)" + "모르다 (to not know)" + declarative form "-ㄴ다 (formal/plain statement ending)."
📌 Example Usage
그 사람도 모르고, 저 사람도 몰라?"
don’t know that person, and you don’t know the other one either?"
☀️ Meaning
모르고 서형준도 모른다는 건 말이 안 돼."
doesn’t make sense that you don’t know both Kim Yoon-jung and Seo
"그럼 어제 뉴스가 나간 뒤에 왜 잠적한 거죠?"
- "그럼": Informal spoken form of "그러면
(then, in that case)."
- "어제
뉴스가 나간 뒤에": "어제
(yesterday)" + "뉴스 (news)" + subject
marker "-가" + "나가다 (to be aired, broadcasted)" + past tense "-ㄴ" + "뒤에 (after)."
- "왜
잠적한 거죠?": "왜 (why)" +
"잠적하다 (to disappear, go into hiding)" + past
tense "-한" + noun form "-거" + polite question form "-죠
(asking for confirmation, softening the question)."
📌 Example Usage
발표가 나간 뒤에 왜 사라졌어요?"
did you disappear after yesterday’s announcement?"
☀️ Meaning
보도 후 왜 갑자기 사라졌어요?"
did you suddenly disappear after the news report?"
"잠적을 하긴 누가 잠적을 해요."
- "잠적을
하긴": "잠적 (disappearance,
hiding)" + object marker "-을" + "하다 (to do)" + emphatic "-긴 (indeed,
emphasizing doubt)."
- "누가
잠적을 해요.": "누구 (who)" +
subject marker "-가" + "잠적 (disappearance, hiding)" + object marker "-을" + "하다 (to do)" + present
tense ending "-어요 (polite statement, incredulous
tone here)."
• "누구"
+ "-가" → "누가"
📌 Example Usage
가긴 누가 도망을 가요?"
even runs away?"
☀️ Meaning
잠적이라도 했다는 거예요?"
you saying I went into hiding?"
"이 여자가 아니에요."
- "이
여자가": "이 (this)" +
"여자 (woman)" + subject marker "-가."
- "아니에요": "아니다 (to not be)" +
present tense "-에요 (polite form)."
📌 Example Usage
사람이 아니에요."
is not the person."
☀️ Meaning
여자가 범인이 아닙니다."
woman isn’t the culprit."
"머그컵 손잡이가 왼쪽으로 놓여져 있었고, 가위도 왼손잡이용 가위였어요."
- "머그컵
손잡이가": "머그컵 (mug cup)"
+ "손잡이 (handle)" + subject marker "-가."
- "왼쪽으로
놓여져 있었고": "왼쪽 (left
side)" + direction marker "-으로" + "놓이다 (to be placed, passive)" + "-어져 있다 (passive state, continued existence)" + past tense "-었고 (and, past tense)."
• "놓이다"
→ "놓여져 있다" → "놓여져 있었다" → "놓여져 있었고"
- "가위도
왼손잡이용 가위였어요": "가위
(scissors)" + emphasis marker "-도
(also)" + "왼손잡이 (left-handed person)" +
usage marker "-용 (for, designed for)" +
"가위 (scissors)" + "-였다 (past tense 'to be')" + "-어요
(polite ending)."
📌 Example Usage
손잡이가 왼쪽에 있었어요."
cup handle was on the left."
☀️ Meaning
왼손잡이를 위한 방식으로 놓여 있었고, 가위는 왼손잡이들이 사용하는 가위였어요."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
있었고" → "노여저 이썯꼬"
"범인은 왼손잡이에요."
- "범인은": "범인 (culprit, criminal)" +
topic marker "-은 (emphasizing topic)."
- "왼손잡이에요": "왼손잡이 (left-handed
person)" + "-에요 (polite form of 'is')."
📌 Example Usage
사람은 왼손잡이에요."
person is left-handed."
☀️ Meaning
culprit must be left-handed."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
"왼손잡이에요" → "왼손자비예요"
"그럴 리가."
- "그럴
리가": "그렇다 (to be like
that)" + possibility marker "-ㄹ 리
(possibility)" + subject marker "-가
(emphasizing disbelief)."
📌 Example Usage
안 돼. 그럴 리가 없어."
way. That can't be true."
☀️ Meaning
리가 없어요."
can't be."
"분명히 제보자가..."
- "분명히": "분명히 (clearly, surely)."
- "제보자가": "제보자 (informant, tipster)"
+ subject marker "-가."
📌 Example Usage
내가 본 사람이 맞아."
sure that's the person I saw."
☀️ Meaning
the informant clearly..."
"남은 공소시효를 계산해서 전화를 한 겁니다."
- "남은
공소시효를": "남다 (to
remain)" + adjective form "-은" + "공소시효 (statute of limitations)" + object marker "-를."
- "계산해서": "계산하다 (to calculate)" +
connective form "-해서 (and then)."
- "전화를
한 겁니다": "전화 (call)" +
object marker "-를" + "하다 (to do, make a call)" + past tense "-ㄴ" + "겁니다 (formal statement)."
• "The call was made after
calculating the remaining statute of limitations."
• “전화를 한 것입니다” → “전화를 한 겁니다” (contraction, spoken form).
📌 Example Usage
계산해서 맞춰 갔어요."
calculated the time and arrived accordingly."
☀️ Meaning
계산한 후에 전화를 건 거예요."
calculated the statute of limitations before making the call."
"강세영한테 우리가 시간을 허비하도록, 다급해진 경찰들이 실수할 수밖에 없도록
유인한 거예요."
- "강세영한테": "강세영 (Kang Se-young,
name)" + dative particle "-한테 (to,
- "우리가
시간을 허비하도록": "우리 (we)" +
subject marker "-가" + "시간 (time)" + object marker "-을"
+ "허비하다 (to waste)" + purpose marker "-도록 (so that, in order to)."
- "다급해진
경찰들이": "다급하다 (to be urgent,
desperate)" + passive "-해지다 (to become)"
+ adjective-forming "-ㄴ" + "경찰 (police)" + plural marker "-들"
+ subject marker "-이."
- "실수할
수밖에 없도록": "실수하다 (to make a
mistake)" + possibility "-ㄹ 수밖에 없다
(inevitably have no choice but to do)" + purpose marker "-도록 (so that, making it so that)."
- "유인한
거예요": "유인하다 (to lure, to
induce)" + adjective-forming "-ㄴ" + noun
"-거" + explanatory ending "-예요 (polite statement)."
📌 Example Usage
우리를 함정에 빠지도록 유인한 거야."
lured us into falling into a trap."
☀️ Meaning
일부러 강세영한테 우리가 시간을 낭비하게 해서, 우리들이 조급해져 실수하도록 유도한 거예요."
culprit deliberately made Kang Se-young waste our time, so we would become
desperate and make mistakes."
"분명히 가까이 있을 겁니다."
- "분명히": adverb, "clearly, surely."
- "가까이": adverb, "nearby, close."
- "있을
겁니다": "있다 (to be, to
exist)" + future speculation "-을 것" +
formal ending "-입니다 (polite statement)."
• "있을 것입니다" → "있을 겁니다" (contracted,
spoken form).
📌 Example Usage
사람이 분명히 근처에 있을 겁니다."
person must be nearby."
☀️ Meaning
가까운 곳에 있을 것입니다."
must be somewhere close."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
있을 겁니다" → "가까이 읻쓸 겁니다"
"윤수아씨 당신은 김윤정 유괴사건의 범인이자 서형준 살인사건의 범인이야."
- "윤수아씨": "윤수아 (Yoon Soo-ah, name)"
+ honorific suffix "-씨."
- "당신은": "당신 (you, formal)" + topic
marker "-은."
- "김윤정
유괴사건의 범인이자": "김윤정 (Kim
Yoon-jung, name)" + "유괴사건 (kidnapping
case)" + possessive marker "-의 (of)" +
"범인 (criminal)" + "-이자 (both A and B, indicating dual roles)."
- "서형준
살인사건의 범인이야": "서형준 (Seo
Hyung-joon, name)" + "살인사건 (murder
case)" + possessive marker "-의" + "범인 (criminal)" + informal statement "-이야 ('is')."
📌 Example Usage
그 사건의 용의자이자 주범이야."
are both the suspect and the main perpetrator of the case."
☀️ Meaning
김윤정 유괴사건의 범인이면서 동시에 서형준 살인사건의 범인입니다."
are both the kidnapper of Kim Yoon-jung and the murderer of Seo
"확실한 증거 아직 못 찾은 거구나. 찾았다면 이럴 필요 없잖아요."
- "확실한
증거": "확실하다 (to be certain,
solid)" + attributive "-한" + "증거 (evidence)."
- "아직
못 찾은 거구나": "아직 (yet,
still)" + negative "못 (cannot)" + "찾다 (to find)" + past tense "-은"
+ spoken emphasis "-거구나 (expressing
- "찾았다면": "찾다 (to find)" + past
tense "-았" + conditional "-다면 (if you had)."
- "이럴
필요 없잖아요": "이렇다 (to be like
this)" + noun form "-ㄹ" + "필요 (need, necessity)" + negation "-없다" + emphatic ending "-잖아요 (as you
know, isn't it?)."
📌 Example Usage
아직 증거 못 찾았구나."
you still haven’t found the evidence."
☀️ Meaning
증거를 아직 못 찾았다는 뜻이군요. 찾았다면 이렇게 할 필요 없었겠죠."
you haven’t found solid evidence yet. If you had, you wouldn’t need to do
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
이럴 필요 없잖아요" → "차잗따면 이럴 피료 업짜나요" (linking sounds and tense pronunciation).
"시간도 없는데, 기소하면 그만일 텐데, 그죠?"
- "시간도
없는데": "시간 (time)" +
emphasis "-도 (even)" + negation "-없다" + background explanation "-는데
(but, given that)."
- "기소하면
그만일 텐데": "기소하다 (to indict,
to charge)" + conditional "-면 (if)" +
"그만 (that's it, it would be over)" +
speculation "-일 텐데 (it would be, if that were the
- "그죠?": "그렇죠 (right?)" in spoken
contracted form.
📌 Example Usage
없잖아. 그냥 끝내면 되는 거 아냐?"
don’t have time, right? Can’t you just end it?"
☀️ Meaning
부족한데, 기소할 수 있었다면 벌써 끝났겠죠. 그렇죠?"
don’t have time, right? If you could indict me, you would, wouldn’t you?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
그만일 텐데" → "기소하면 그마닐 텐데"
(linking sounds).
"난 그 사람들 죽이지 않았어요."
- "난": "나 (I, informal)" + subject
marker "-는" (spoken as '난').
- "그
사람들": "그 (those)" +
"사람들 (people, plural form)."
- "죽이지
않았어요": "죽이다 (to kill)"
+ negative "-지 않다" + polite past tense
📌 Example Usage
그런 짓 하지 않았어."
didn't do such a thing."
☀️ Meaning
그 사람들을 죽이지 않았습니다."
didn't kill those people."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
않았어요" → "주기지 아나써요"
(spoken pronunciation).
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Signal (2016) |
🎥 "Signal" Shorts: Wrap-up
“Signal” transcends time, weaving between the past and present as
detectives fight to uncover the truth beyond the limits of time. In this scene,
we witness their intense battle of wits as they struggle to find
crucial clues.
expressions we learned today are useful in real Korean
conversations. Phrases like "feeling suspicious" (의심이
가다), "checking or verifying" (확인해 보다), "statute of limitations" (공소시효), and "going into hiding" (잠적하다) are all applicable in everyday
situations, so be sure to practice using them yourself!
news of “Signal 2” in the works, we’ll likely have even more
iconic scenes to analyze together. Are you excited?
the day you can watch K-dramas without subtitles, our short clip analysis will
continue! In our next session, we’ll introduce even more fascinating Korean
expressions and grammar points, so don’t miss out!
dive into this iconic scene from “Signal” and enjoy the
richness of the Korean language!