Table of Contents
- Korean
Rolled Omelette: “Gyeran Mari” – A Flavorful Twist with Myeongran and Cheese
- Recipe
- Ryu Soo-young’s “Gyeran Mari” (계란말이, Korean Rolled
• Cooking Video
• Main Ingredients
• Seasoning
• Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions
- Nutritional
Benefits of “Gyeran Mari”
- The
Origins of “Gyeran Mari”
- Final
Translated Video Script
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Gyeran Mari [Photo Credit] Flickr, Wany Bae |
Korean Rolled Omelette: “Gyeran Mari” – A Flavorful Twist with Myeongran and Cheese
cuisine contains comforting, home-cooked dishes that highlight simple
ingredients with deep flavors. One of the most beloved side dishes, 계란말이 (Gyeran Mari), or Korean rolled omelette, is a classic banchan
(side dish) found in home-cooked meals, lunch boxes, and even Korean
restaurants. This soft and savory egg roll is delicious and visually appealing
with its neatly folded layers. Today, we’re taking it to the next level
with myeongran (salted pollock roe) and cheese, adding a rich,
umami-filled depth to this traditional dish.
Recipe - Ryu
Soo-young’s “Giant Gyeran Mari” (대왕계란말이, Giant Rolled Omelette)
📺 Video - Ryu Soo-young’s “Giant Gyeran Mari”, New Release, Pyeon Restaurant
🛒 Main Ingredients
- 15
- 2
pieces of myeongran (salted pollock roe)
- 2
slices of cheddar cheese
- Green
onions or scallions
- Cooking
⚖️ Seasoning
- 1
tablespoon sugar
- A
pinch of black pepper
- A
moderate amount of sesame seeds
- A
little sesame oil
- A
moderate amount of fine red pepper powder
📖 Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions
① Finely
chop the green onions or scallions and set them aside.
② Whisk
together 15 eggs, one tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of black pepper, and some
sesame seeds in a mixing bowl. (Video reference: 1:40 mark)
③ Heat a
pan over low heat and lightly grease it with cooking oil.
④ Pour
half of the egg mixture into the pan, spreading it evenly.
⑤ Place
the myeongran and cheddar cheese on top, then carefully roll it up.
⑥ Pour
the remaining egg mixture into the pan and continue rolling the omelette. (Video
reference: 3:40 mark)
⑦ Cook
all four sides evenly until the golden brown omelet is fully set.
⑧ Once
done, cut the rolled omelette into bite-sized pieces.
⑨ Before
serving, garnish with chopped green onions, sesame oil, sesame seeds, and fine
red pepper powder. (Video reference: 5:15 mark)
🍽️ Enjoying the Dish
recipe elevates the classic gyeran mari by adding myeongran and
cheese, giving it a more prosperous, savory flavor. It's perfect as a side
dish for rice or a drink snack.
For the
best experience, place a piece of the rolled omelette on a spoonful of
warm rice and enjoy the harmony of flavors!
📌 Cooking Tips
- It is important to cook the egg mixture slowly over low heat with patience while shaping it.
🐾 You can purchase all the ingredients and seasonings at a
Korean market.
- If you
need, please read and refer to the following post introducing Korean
ingredients and seasonings.
🔖 The
Ultimate Guide to Korean Seasonings and Sauces for Home Cooks
Nutritional Benefits of “Gyeran Mari”
Mari is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. Let’s
break down its main ingredients and their nutritional benefits:
Main Ingredients & Their Benefits
- Eggs
(계란, 15 pieces): A
great source of high-quality protein, vitamins, and healthy fats. Eggs support
muscle growth and provide long-lasting energy.
- Myeongran
(백명란, two pieces): This
salted pollock roe is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health
and brain function. It also adds a naturally salty and umami-packed flavor.
- Cheese
(체다 슬라이스, two pieces): A
good source of calcium and protein, cheese adds creaminess and balances the
savory taste of myeongran.
- Green
onions (대파/쪽파): Packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins, green onions
add a fresh, mild onion flavor and help with digestion.
Seasoning & Their Benefits
- Sugar
(설탕, 1 tbsp): A small
amount of sugar balances the flavors, enhancing the overall taste.
- Pepper
(후춧가루): Provides a
mild spice while boosting metabolism.
- Sesame
seeds (통깨): Rich in
healthy fats and antioxidants, sesame seeds enhance flavor and nutrition.
- Sesame
oil (참기름): Adds a
deep, nutty aroma while providing heart-healthy fats.
- Fine
red pepper powder (고운 고춧가루): Adds a touch of spice while promoting better circulation and
dish is a nutrient powerhouse, making it an excellent choice for
breakfast, lunch, or a healthy side dish!
The Origins of “Gyeran Mari”
rolled omelette, Gyeran Mari, has long been a staple in Korean cuisine,
particularly in dosirak (Korean lunchboxes). While simple egg-based dishes
have existed for centuries, modern-style Gyeran Mari became more
common during the 20th century when the Japanese Tamagoyaki (Japanese
rolled omelette) influenced Korean home cooking. However, unlike
Tamagoyaki, which is often sweet and made with dashi (Japanese broth), Gyeran
Mari uses fillings like ham, vegetables, seaweed, and spicy ingredients to
enhance its flavor.
recipe’s twist—myeongran and cheese—is a modern adaptation inspired by Korea’s
love for rich, umami-packed ingredients. Myeongran (salted pollock roe) is
widely used in Korean cuisine, often paired with butter, rice, and pasta. Combined
with eggs and cheese, it creates an incredible depth of flavor, making this
version of Gyeran Mari a must-try for traditionalists and adventurous food
Final Thoughts
Mari is a comforting and versatile dish that can be enjoyed in
various ways. Whether as a quick breakfast, a flavorful side dish, or even
a creative snack, this rolled omelette with myeongran and cheese offers a
perfect balance of creamy, savory, and umami flavors.
you’ve never tried myeongran before, this is a great introduction! The
slightly salty yet rich taste blends beautifully with eggs and cheese, making
it an irresistible treat.
Why not
give it a try today? Pair it with warm rice or enjoy a beer as a
delightful snack. No matter how you eat it, this dish will surely bring a
little piece of Korea to your table!
[Appendix] Translated Video Script
I have
translated only Ryu Soo-young's dialogue from the cooking session. Please refer
to it.
🗣️ Transcript Video
🕛 0:00
계란말이 해볼까?
Shall we
try making gyeran mari?
계란말이는 손이 많이 가요.
mari takes quite a bit of effort.
사실은 맛은 계란찜이나 (계란)말이나 상관이 없는데
the taste isn’t much different from steamed eggs or a regular omelette,
빨리 익혀서 계속 뒤집다 보니까 분리되는
경우도 있고 또 마음이 급해서 옆구리가 터지는 경우도 있고
you must cook it quickly and keep flipping it, sometimes it falls apart, or if
you rush, the sides might split open.
천천히, 아
이렇게 하면 안 익는데 답답해할 정도로 익히면은 시간은 좀 더 들여도 절대 실패하지 않아요.
If you
cook it so slowly that you might feel frustrated thinking it's not cooking, it
will take a bit longer, but you’ll never fail.
계란을 여기다 풀면 돼요.
You can
beat the eggs in here.
이건 바쁘게 막 딴 걸 하고 있어야 돼. (쇼타임)
You have
to be busy doing something else while this is cooking. (Showtime!)
바쁘게 뭐 딴 걸 하고 있어야 돼.
should be multitasking while cooking.
껍질 들어가잖아. 이거 봐. 이러면 껍질 들어가.
the shell goes in. This is what happens when you’re not careful.
아 이러지 마세요. 하지 마세요. (한 손으로 멋부리면서 계란을 까지 마세요)
don’t do this. Please, don’t. (Don’t try to crack eggs stylishly with one
잘난 체하시면 안돼요. 껍질 들어가요.
try to show off—otherwise, you’ll get eggshells in it.
두 손으로 겸손하게
Use both
hands humbly.
갖고는 택도 없어요. (10개 가지고는 많이 부족해요.)
Ten eggs
aren’t even close to enough. (Ten eggs are far from sufficient.)
둘, 넷, 여섯, 여덟, 열, 열 다섯 개, 계란이 열 다섯 개.
four, six, eight, ten, fifteen eggs. That’s fifteen eggs.
호프 집이나 되게 맛집 포차에 가면 나오는
그 거대한 대왕 계란말이를 만들거라서요.
we’re making that giant gyeran mari you’d find at a pub or a famous street food
자 여기가 뭘 넣느냐, 일단 여기다가 늘 설탕을 조금 넣어요.
what do we add? First, always add a bit of sugar.
설탕 넣어야 돼요. 요만큼만 넣어요. (1스푼)
You must
add sugar. Just this much. (1 spoonful)
설탕을 반드시 넣으세요.
You have
to add sugar.
그럼 카스테라 맛이 나요.
what gives it a slightly castella cake-like flavor.
그리고 후추 조금만 돌려주고,
grind a little bit of pepper.
깨, 오도독, 오도독 씹힐 때마다 맛있다는 생각이 들게 만들어줘요. 깨가
seeds—every time you bite into them, that crunch makes you think, "Oh,
this is delicious."
이렇게 하면 맛있을 거예요. …
will make it tasty...
음식은 성의(정성)로부터 시작되는 거예요.
starts with sincerity.
먹을 사람이 어떻게 하면 더 맛있을까? (먹을 사람을 생각하면서 정성을 다해 준비하는 것이 음식이다.)
How can
I make this taste even better for the person who will eat it?
자 불이 이렇게 약해요. 처음엔
The heat
is this low in the beginning.
이연복 중식대가: 계란 프라이팬이 없네?
Chef Lee Yeon-bok: You don’t have a dedicated egg pan?
No, I
계란 프라이만 하려고 따로 사는 게 좀 그래서
아직은 구입 안 했어요.
haven’t bought one to make eggs—it feels unnecessary now.
이걸 스크램블 하다가 하시는 분들도 있어요.
people start by scrambling it.
처음에 이렇게 휘저어서, 이렇게 하면 빨라.
If you
stir it up at first like this, it’s faster.
나와라. 여기
out. Here it is.
샀어. 이번에
내가 백명란을 샀지.
I bought
it. This time, I got some myeongran (salted pollock roe).
명란젓은 직접 산지에서 주문해 주시면 좋아요.
best to order myeongran directly from the region where it's produced.
주문해 드시면 훨씬 싸고 좋은 게 와요.
If you
order it that way, it’s much cheaper and of better quality.
요즘에는 냉장포장 잘돼서 오니까.
days, they package it nicely with refrigeration, so it arrives fresh.
저도 속초(동해안의
해안가 도시)에서 주문했는데
ordered mine from Sokcho, a coastal city on Korea’s east coast.
명란젓은 꼭 산지에서 직접 주문하세요. 훨씬 싸요.
myeongran directly from the source—it’s much cheaper.
마트보다 한 서너 배 싸요.
three to four times cheaper than at the supermarket.
냄새도 비린 내 하나도 안 나.
doesn’t smell fishy at all.
치즈 넣어야죠.
Now, we
need to add cheese.
이연복 중식대가: 야 이거 이거 잘사는 집 계란말이다. (명란이 비싼 식재료라서 이런
말을 합니다.)
Chef Lee Yeon-bok: This is the kind of gyeran mari in a wealthy household.
(Since myeongran is considered a premium ingredient)
처음엔 (모양이) 중요치 않아요. 처음엔 (모양이) 깨져도 돼요.
first, the shape doesn’t matter. It’s okay if it breaks at the beginning.
나중에만 안 깨지면 돼요.
As long
as it holds together at the end, that’s all that matters.
처음엔 모양 신경 쓰지 마세요.
worry about the shape at first.
이제부터 모양을 살짝 잡아가면서
start shaping it a little.
빨리 익혀서 자주 뒤집다 보니까 분리되는
경우도 있고, 또 마음이 급해서 옆구리가 터지는 경우도 있고.
It might
separate if you cook it too fast and flip it too often. If you rush, the sides
could burst open.
(불을) 세게 하면 안돼요.
shouldn’t use high heat.
요렇게 요 색깔이 나와야 돼요.
This is
the color you want.
요 색깔일 때 뒤집어야 돼요.
Flip it
when it reaches this color.
인내심만 있으면, 누구든지 만들 수가 있어요.
patience, anyone can make this.
요걸 잘 돌려야지 성공인데.
The key
to success is rolling it well.
마지막 바퀴가 제일 중요해요.
final roll is the most important.
목침! (카메라맨이
목침 같다고 얘기함)
A wooden
pillow! (The cameraman jokes that it looks like a wooden pillow)
A wooden
파를 좀 뿌려야지.
We need
to sprinkle some green onions.
참기름이 사실 어마어마한 거 거든요.
oil is actually incredible.
자 그리고 깨를 좀 이렇게 (뿌려 주세요.)
sprinkle some sesame seeds like this.
그리고 한국 사람들이 좋아하는 게 빨간 게 (고춧가루) 조금 들어가야 되잖아.
since Koreans love a bit of red, we should add some fine red pepper powder.
저걸 뿌리면 맛있어 보이잖아요.
that makes it look delicious.
이거 2만원
더 받아야 돼.
dish should cost 20,000 won more! (Joking about how much effort went into
making it)
계란말이 완성!
mari is complete!
🕛 5:42