Table of Contents

🎶 aespa - Next Level (Introduction)

🎶 aespa - Next Level: Music Video

🎯 Key Takeaways

🎶 aespa - Next Level: Lyrics Summary

🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Next Level"

🎶 aespa - Next Level: Additional Information


Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.


🎶 aespa - “Next Level”

"Next Level" is a powerful and dynamic track released by aespa in 2021, marking a significant evolution in their musical style and storytelling. The song blends hip-hop beats with electronic and futuristic elements, creating an intense atmosphere that matches the group's unique metaverse concept. Lyrically, the music conveys a journey through challenges and obstacles, reinforcing aespa's strong, fearless identity as they navigate the digital and real worlds. With its bold lyrics and addictive hook, "Next Level" quickly became a viral sensation, solidifying aespa's global impact.


🎶 aespa - “Next Level”: Music Video

[Source] YouTube, SMTOWN


The "Next Level" music video immerses viewers in aespa’s futuristic universe, filled with CGI-heavy visuals, neon-lit landscapes, and dynamic choreography. The members are depicted as warriors navigating through different dimensions, reinforcing their mission to defeat Black Mamba and reclaim their true selves. The MV’s bold, sci-fi aesthetics and intense action sequences perfectly align with the song’s powerful theme of advancing to the “Next Level.”


🎬 Key Visual Highlights:

- Cyberpunk-inspired digital landscapes representing the futuristic metaverse.

- Iconic fashion & styling that enhances the group's bold, high-tech image.

- Symbolic elements like "KOSMO" and "Black Mamba," linking the visuals to aespa's expanding lore.


With its electrifying sound, striking choreography, and immersive storytelling, "Next Level" stands as one of aespa’s most defining releases, pushing the boundaries of K-pop’s narrative and performance standards. 


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. "절대적 룰 (Absolute rule)"


- "절대적 (absolute)" + " (rule, borrowed from English 'rule')"

Example Usage

"이곳에서는 이게 절대적 룰이야"

"This is the absolute rule here"


"반드시 따라야 하는 규칙"

"A rule that must be strictly followed"


2. "지키다 (to protect, to keep)"


- "지키다 (to protect, to keep)"

Example Usage

"우리의 약속을 끝까지 지켜"

"Keep our promise until the end"


"어떤 것을 유지하거나 보호하는 것"

"To maintain or protect something"


3. "내 손을 놓지 말아줘 (Don't let go of my hand)"


- " (my)" + " (hand)" + object marker ""

- "놓다 (to let go)" + negative imperative "-지 말아줘 (please don’t ~)"

Example Usage

"무서우니까 내 손을 놓지 말아줘"

"It's scary, so don't let go of my hand"


"연결된 손을 계속 잡아 달라는 요청"

"A request to keep holding someone's hand"


4. "결속 (bond, unity)"


- "결속 (bond, unity)"

Example Usage

"우리는 강한 결속을 가지고 있다"

"We have a strong bond"


"사람들이 강하게 연결되어 있는 상태"

"A state where people are strongly connected"

Pronunciation Tips

"결속" → "결쏙" (된소리 발음)


5. "나의 무기 (my weapon)"


- "나의 (my)" + "무기 (weapon)"

Example Usage

"이것이 나의 무기다"

"This is my weapon"


"자신을 보호하거나 강하게 만드는 도구 또는 능력"

"A tool or ability that makes one stronger or offers protection"


6. "광야 (wilderness, vast land)" / "광야의 것 (things of the wilderness)"


- "광야 (wilderness, vast land)"

- "광야의 것 (things of the wilderness)"

Example Usage

"나는 더 이상 광야의 것이 아니야"

"I am no longer something of the wilderness"


"거칠고 거대한 공간을 상징하는 개념"

"A concept symbolizing a wild, vast space"


7. "걸어가다 (to walk, to proceed)"


- "걸어가다 (to walk, to proceed)"

Example Usage

"나는 계속 걸어갈 거야"

"I will keep walking"


"앞으로 나아가는 행위"

"The act of moving forward"

Pronunciation Tips

"걸어가다" → "거러가다" (연음 발생)


8, "위협에 맞서다 (to confront a threat)"


- "위협 (threat)" + "에 맞서다 (to confront, to stand against)"

Example Usage

"우리는 어떤 위협에도 맞설 것이다"

"We will stand against any threat"


"두려움 없이 적대적인 상황을 마주하는 것"

"To face a threatening situation without fear"

Pronunciation Tips

"위협에 맞서다" → "위혀베 맏써다" (연음 및 된소리화 발생)


9. "제껴라 (push aside, ignore it)"


- "제끼다 (to push aside, to ignore)" + imperative "- (command form)"

Example Usage

"신경 쓰지 말고 다 제껴라"

"Don't care about it and push everything aside"


"방해되는 것을 신경 쓰지 않고 넘기는 것"

"To disregard or push aside obstacles"


10. "상상도 못한 (unimaginable)"


- "상상 (imagination)" + "-도 못한 (could not even imagine)"

Example Usage

"상상도 못한 일이 벌어졌어"

"Something unimaginable happened"


"전혀 예측할 수 없었던 상황"

"A situation that was completely unpredictable"

Pronunciation Tips

"상상도 못한" → "상상도 모탄" (+ㅌ 발음 변화)


11. "유혹 (temptation, lure)"


- "유혹 (temptation, lure)"

Example Usage

"그의 유혹을 뿌리칠 수 없었어"

"I couldn't resist his temptation"


"어떤 강한 매력에 끌리는 것"

"Being drawn to a strong attraction"


12. "깊고 진하다 (deep and intense)"


"깊다 (to be deep)" + connective ending "- (and)" + "진하다 (to be strong, intense)"

Example Usage

"그의 눈빛은 깊고 진했어"

"His gaze was deep and intense"


"강렬하고 깊이 있는 감정이나 느낌"

"An intense and profound emotion or sensation"

Pronunciation Tips

"깊고 진하다" → "깁꼬 진하다" (된소리화)


13. "맞잡은 손을 놓치다 (to let go of intertwined hands)" / "잡은 손을 놓지 않다 (to not let go of held hands)"


- "맞잡다 (to hold hands together)" + attributive "-" + " (hand)" + object marker "" + "놓치다 (to let go)"

- "잡다 (to hold)" + attributive "-" + " (hand)" + object marker "" + "놓지 않다 (to not let go)"

Example Usage

"우린 맞잡은 손을 놓치지 않을 거야"

"We won't let go of our intertwined hands"


"함께 잡은 손을 끝까지 유지하지 못하는 것"

"To fail to maintain holding hands together until the end"


"잡은 손을 끝까지 유지하는 것"

"To hold hands and not let go"

Pronunciation Tips

"맞잡은 손을 놓치다" → "맏짜븐 소늘 놓치다" (된소리화 및 연음)


14. "포기 못해 (I can't give up)"


- "포기 (giving up)" + "못해 (cannot do, unable to do)"

Example Usage

"이 싸움은 포기 못해"

"I can't give up on this fight"


"절대 포기하지 않겠다는 강한 의지"

"A strong determination not to give up"

Pronunciation Tips

"포기 못해" → "포기 모태" (ㅎ 약화)


15. "저 너머의 문을 열다 (to open the door beyond that)"


"저 너머 (beyond that, on the other side)" + possessive particle "" + " (door)" + "을 열다 (to open)"

Example Usage

"우린 저 너머의 문을 열어야 해"

"We have to open the door beyond that"


"새로운 세계로 나아가는 행위"

"The act of stepping into a new world"


16. "결국 (in the end, eventually)"


- "결국 (in the end, eventually)"

Example Usage

"결국 우린 다시 만났다"

"In the end, we met again"


"시간이 지나도 변하지 않는 결과"

"The outcome that remains unchanged over time"


17. "부수다 (to break, to destroy)" / "파괴하다 (to destroy, to demolish)"


- "부수다 (to break, to destroy)"

- "파괴하다 (to destroy, to demolish)"

Example Usage

"이 벽을 부수고 나아가자"

"Let's break through this wall and move forward"


"장애물을 제거하거나 무너뜨리는 행위"

"The act of breaking down or demolishing obstacles"


18. "~에 닿을 때까지 (until reaching ~)"


- "~ (to, at)" + "닿다 (to reach, to touch)" + "을 때까지 (until)"

Example Usage

"우린 끝에 닿을 때까지 달려갈 거야"

"We will run until we reach the end"


"목표에 도달할 때까지 멈추지 않는 것"

"Not stopping until reaching the goal"

Pronunciation Tips

"~에 닿을 때까지" → "~에 다을 때까지" (연음 발생)


19. "적대적 (hostile, antagonistic)"


"적대적 (hostile, antagonistic)"

Example Usage

"그는 적대적인 태도를 보였다"

"He showed a hostile attitude"


"적처럼 대하는 태도"

"A hostile or adversarial attitude"

Pronunciation Tips

"적대적" → "적때적" (된소리화)


20. "고난과 슬픔 (hardship and sorrow)"


- "고난 (hardship, adversity)" + " (and)" + "슬픔 (sadness, sorrow)"

Example Usage

"고난과 슬픔을 이겨낼 거야"

"I will overcome hardship and sorrow"


"힘든 시기와 감정적인 고통"

"Difficult times and emotional pain"


21. "진화하다 (to evolve)" / "진화시키다 (to cause evolution, to advance)"


"진화하다 (to evolve)" / "진화시키다 (to cause evolution, to advance)"

Example Usage

"우리는 계속 진화해야 해"

"We must keep evolving"


"더 나은 방향으로 변화하는 과정"

"The process of changing for the better"


22. "감정을 배우다 (to learn emotions)"


- "감정 (emotion, feeling)" + " (object marker)" + "배우다 (to learn)"

Example Usage

"그와 함께하며 새로운 감정을 배웠어"

"I learned new emotions by being with him"


"감정을 이해하고 익히는 과정"

"The process of understanding and experiencing emotions"


23. "다음 (next, following)"


- "다음 (next, following)"

Example Usage

"다음 단계로 넘어가자"

"Let's move on to the next stage"


"이후에 오는 것"

"Something that comes next"


24. "감당하다 (to handle, to bear)"


- "감당하다 (to handle, to bear)"

Example Usage

"난 이 모든 걸 감당할 수 있어"

"I can handle all of this"


"책임지거나 버티는 능력"

"The ability to take responsibility or endure something"


25. "절망 (despair, hopelessness)"


- "절망 (despair, hopelessness)"

Example Usage

"절망 속에서도 희망을 찾을 거야"

"Even in despair, I will find hope"


"희망이 없는 상태"

"A state of hopelessness"


26. "믿음을 깨다 (to break trust)" / "믿음을 깨지 못해 (cannot break trust)"


- "믿음 (trust, belief)" + "을 깨다 (to break)"

- "믿음을 깨지 못해 (cannot break trust, from 깨지 못하다)"

• "믿음을 깨지 못하다 (to be unable to break trust)" + 종결어미 "- (present tense or progressive form)" → "믿음을 깨지 못해"

Example Usage

"우린 서로의 믿음을 깨지 않기로 약속했어"

"We promised not to break each other's trust"


"신뢰를 배신하거나 유지하는 것"

"To betray or maintain trust"

Pronunciation Tips

"믿음을 깨다" → "미드믈 깨다" (연음 발생)


27. "아픈 시련 (painful trial, ordeal)"


- "아픈 (painful)" + "시련 (trial, ordeal)"

Example Usage

"아픈 시련이었지만, 난 성장했어"

"It was a painful trial, but I grew"


"힘들고 고통스러운 경험"

"A painful and difficult experience"


28. "~을 맞다 (to face something, to experience directly)"


"~ (object marker)" + "맞다 (to be hit, to receive, to face)"

Example Usage

"나는 거센 폭풍을 맞았다"

"I faced a fierce storm"


"어떤 상황이나 영향을 직접적으로 겪는 것"

"To directly experience or face a situation or impact"

Pronunciation Tips

"~을 맞다" → "~을 맏따" (된소리화)


29. "뒤를 돌아보지 말아 (don't look back)" / "뒤를 돌아보다 (to look back)"


- " (back, behind)" + object marker "-" + "돌아보다 (to look back)" + negative imperative "-지 말아 (do not do)"

Example Usage

"뒤를 돌아보지 말고 앞으로 가"

"Don't look back, just move forward"


"과거를 회상하거나 뒤를 신경 쓰지 않는 것"

"To not dwell on the past or look back"

Pronunciation Tips

"뒤를 돌아보다" → "뒤를 도라보다" (연음 발생)


30. "탐내다 (to covet, to desire)" / "탐내지 말아 (don’t covet, don’t desire)"


- "탐내다 (to covet, to desire)" + negative imperative "-지 말아 (don’t do)"

• "탐내지 말아" → "탐내지 마" (contracted form)


📌 Example Usage

"남의 것을 탐내지 마"

"Don't covet what belongs to others"


"지나치게 욕심내거나 가지려고 하는 것"

"To excessively desire or seek something"


31. "약속이 깨지다 (a promise gets broken)"


- "약속 (promise)" + subject marker "" + "깨지다 (to be broken)"

Example Usage

"우리의 약속이 깨지고 말았어"

"Our promise was broken"


"맺은 약속이 지켜지지 않는 것"

"A promise not being kept"

Pronunciation Tips

"약속이 깨지다" → "약쏘기 깨지다" (된소리화)


32. "걷잡을 수 없다 (out of control)"


"걷잡다 (to control, to restrain)" + "-을 수 없다 (cannot do)"

Example Usage

"상황이 걷잡을 수 없이 악화되고 있다"

"The situation is getting worse uncontrollably"


"상황을 통제할 수 없는 상태"

"A situation that is out of control"

Pronunciation Tips

"걷잡을 수 없다" → "걷짜블 쑤 업따" (된소리화 및 연음)


33. "언제부터 (since when)"


- "언제 (when)" + "부터 (since)"

Example Usage

"우리는 언제부터 이렇게 되었을까?"

"Since when did we become like this?"


"어떤 일이 시작된 시점을 묻는 표현"

"An expression asking about the starting point of something"


34. "불안해져 간다 (to gradually become anxious)"


- "불안하다 (to be anxious)" + "해지다 (to become)" + "간다 (to continue, progressive tense)"

• "불안하다 (to be anxious)" expresses a state of worry or concern about a situation or the future

• "불안해지다 (to become anxious)" indicates a change from a previously calm state to one of anxiety due to certain triggers

• "불안해져 간다 (to gradually become anxious)" describes anxiety gradually increasing over time

Example Usage

"점점 불안해져 간다"

"I'm gradually becoming more anxious"


☀️ Meaning

"시간이 지날수록 불안감이 커지는 것"

"Anxiety gradually increasing over time"


35. "신호 (signal, sign)"


- "신호 (signal, sign)"

Example Usage

"이건 분명한 신호야"

"This is a clear signal"


"어떤 일이 발생할 것이라는 징후"

"A sign that something is about to happen"


36. "만들어내다 (to create, to produce)"


- "만들다 (to make, to create)" + present-tense connector "-" + "-내다 (to produce, bring forth)"

Example Usage

"새로운 세계를 만들어내자"

"Let's create a new world"


"무엇인가를 새롭게 창조하는 것"

"To create or bring something into existence"

Pronunciation Tips

"만들어내다" → "만드러내다"


37. "환각 퀘스트 (illusion quest)"


- "환각 (hallucination, illusion)" + "퀘스트 (quest, borrowed from English 'quest')"

Example Usage

"이건 분명 환각 퀘스트야"

"This is obviously an illusion quest"


"환상 속에서 경험하는 모험"

"An adventure experienced within an illusion"


39. ~를 분리시켜놓다


- "~ (object marker)" + "분리시키다 (to separate, grammatically incorrect form of '분리하다')" + "-놓다 (auxiliary verb indicating completion of action)"

• "분리시키다" and "분리시켜놓다" are both incorrect expressions; "분리하다" is the standard form.

Example Usage

"두 개의 세계를 분리해야 해."

"We must separate the two worlds."


"하나였던 것을 나누어 떨어뜨리는 것"

"To divide or separate something that was once together"


39. 중심을 잃다


- "중심 (center, balance)" + "을 잃다 (to lose)"

Example Usage

"중심을 잃고 흔들렸어."

"I lost my balance and wavered."


"균형을 잃고 흔들리는 상태"

"A state of losing balance and becoming unstable"

Pronunciation Tips

"중심을 잃다" → "중시믈 일타"


40. 목소리를 잃다


- "목소리 (voice)" + "를 잃다 (to lose)"

Example Usage

"나는 목소리를 잃어버렸다."

"I lost my voice."


"자신의 표현력을 잃거나 발언할 수 없는 상태"

"Losing one's ability to speak or express oneself"

Pronunciation Tips

"목소리를 잃다" → "목쏘리를 일타"


41. 비난받다


- "비난 (criticism, blame)" + "받다 (to receive, to be criticized)"

Example Usage

"나는 이유 없이 비난받았다."

"I was criticized for no reason."


"잘못에 대한 질책을 받는 것"

"To receive blame or criticism"

Pronunciation Tips

"비난받다" → "비난받따"


42. 사람들과 멀어지다


- "사람들 (people)" + " (with, and)" + "멀어지다 (to become distant, to drift apart)"

Example Usage

"점점 사람들과 멀어지고 있어."

"I'm gradually drifting apart from people."


"다른 사람들과의 관계가 소원해지는 것"

"To grow distant from people, emotionally or physically"

Pronunciation Tips

"사람들과 멀어지다" → "사람들과 머러지다"


43. 착각 속


- "착각 (illusion, misunderstanding)" + " (inside, within)"

Example Usage

"나는 오랫동안 착각 속에 살았어."

"I lived in an illusion for a long time."


"잘못된 믿음이나 환상 속에 있는 상태"

"A state of believing in something that is not true"

Pronunciation Tips

"착각 속" → "착깍 속"


44. ~를 불러봐


- "~ (object marker)" + "부르다 (to call)" + " (try, imperative form)"

Example Usage

"그의 이름을 크게 불러봐."

"Try calling his name loudly."


"누군가를 부르거나 요청하는 행동"

"The act of calling or summoning someone"


45. ~를 열어봐


"~ (object marker)" + "열다 (to open)" + " (try, imperative form)"

Example Usage

"새로운 세상의 문을 열어봐."

"Try opening the door to a new world."


"닫힌 것을 열어 새로운 것을 경험하는 행위"

"The act of opening something closed to experience something new"


46. 깨어나다


- "깨어나다 (to wake up, to awaken)"

Example Usage

"드디어 깨어났다."

"Finally, I woke up."


"잠에서 깨거나 새로운 깨달음을 얻는 것"

"To wake up from sleep or to gain new awareness"




- " (light, radiance)"

Example Usage

"어둠 속에서 빛을 찾았다."

"I found light in the darkness."


"어둠에서 밝음을 주는 것 또는 희망을 의미"

"Something that provides brightness in darkness or symbolizes hope"

Pronunciation Tips

"" → ""


48. 궁금해 미치겠다


- "궁금하다 (to be curious)" + "- (connective ending indicating a continued state)" + "미치다 (to go crazy)" + "-겠다 (expressing speaker’s feeling or strong guess)"

Example Usage

"도대체 무슨 일인지 궁금해 미치겠다."

"I'm going crazy wondering what's going on."


"궁금함이 극에 달한 상태"

"A state of overwhelming curiosity"

Pronunciation Tips

"궁금해 미치겠다" → "궁금해 미치겓따"


49. 이다음에


- "이다음 (next time, after this)" + " (time particle, after)"

Example Usage

"이다음에 또 보자."

"Let's meet again next time."


"앞으로 다가올 시간이나 순서"

"A future time or order"


50. 펼치다


- "펼치다 (to unfold, to spread out)"

Example Usage

"미래를 향해 날개를 펼쳐라."

"Spread your wings toward the future."


"무엇인가를 넓히거나 전개하는 행위"

"To open up or expand something"


51. 더 강해지다


" (more)" + "강하다 (to be strong)" + "-아지다 (to become)"

Example Usage

"이번 시련을 통해 더 강해질 거야."

"I will become stronger through this ordeal."


"기존보다 더 힘이 생기거나 단단해지는 것"

"To become stronger than before"


52. 자유롭게


"자유롭다 (to be free)" + "- (adverbial form)"

Example Usage

"새처럼 자유롭게 날고 싶어."

"I want to fly freely like a bird."


"제한 없이 자유를 느끼며 행동하는 것"

"To act freely without restrictions"


53. 난 광야의 내가 아냐


- " (I am)" + "광야 (wilderness)" + " (possessive particle)" + "내가 (I, myself)" + "아냐 (am not, informal of 아니다)"

• "나는" → "" (contraction)

• "아니다" → "아냐" (informal, spoken form)

Example Usage

"난 더 이상 광야의 내가 아냐."

"I'm no longer the person I was in the wilderness."


"이전과 다른 새로운 자아를 찾았다는 의미"

"Finding a new identity, different from the past"


54. 야수 같은 나를 느껴


- "야수 (beast, wild animal)" + "같다 (like)" + "- (attributive form, present tense)" + " (I, me)" + " (object marker)" + "느껴 (feel, informal ending)"

Example Usage

"점점 야수 같은 나를 느껴."

"I feel myself becoming like a beast."


"거칠고 본능적인 자신의 모습을 깨닫는 것"

"Realizing one's raw and instinctive nature"

Pronunciation Tips

"야수 같은 나를 느껴" → "야수 가튼 나를 느껴"


🎶 aespa - “Next Level”: Lyrics Summary

"Next Level" narrates a determined and unyielding journey toward an ultimate goal, facing adversities. The lyrics emphasize self-empowerment, unity, and unwavering resolve as aespa fights against external threats. The recurring themes of breaking barriers, staying resilient, and evolving into a stronger version of oneself are central to the song. With references to their metaverse storyline, including "KOSMO" and "Black Mamba," the song expands aespa’s fictional universe while delivering a message of defiance against manipulation and control. The intense repetition of "Next Level" reinforces the idea of continuous progress, motivating listeners to push forward despite hardships.


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Next Level"

🔥 Powerful Concept & Storytelling

- "Next Level" is part of aespa's metaverse narrative, where they battle the antagonist "Black Mamba" while seeking a higher dimension called "KOSMO."

- The lyrics reflect aespa's transformation journey, symbolizing growth, challenge, and triumph.


🎵 Genre-Blending & Addictive Beat

- The song mixes hip-hop, EDM, and futuristic synth sounds, creating an intense, cinematic experience.

- The tempo shifts and bold bassline make it sonically engaging and unpredictable.


📖 Strong, Inspirational Lyrics

- The lyrics promote strength, resilience, and determination in facing obstacles.

- Lines like "절대적 룰을 지켜" (Follow the absolute rules) and "이젠 조명이 꺼지고" (Now the lights turn off) suggest both real-world challenges and their fictional battle.


🕶️ Signature Swagger & Performance

- The commanding rap delivery and powerful vocal lines elevate the song’s energy.

- The choreography matches the song’s message of control and dominance with its sharp movements and confident poses.


🌍 Global Influence & Popularity

- "Next Level" became a cultural phenomenon, inspiring memes, dance covers, and viral trends worldwide.

- The track’s unique structure and repetitive, chant-like hook contributed to its massive appeal.


🎶 aespa - “Next Level”: Additional Information

- Release Date: May 17, 2021

- Album: Digital Single “Next Level”

- Genre: Dance


- Lyrics: Yoo Young-jin, Adam McInnis, Sophie Curtis, Maria Marcus

- Composer: Mario Marchetti, Adam McInnis, Sophie Curtis, Yoo Young-jin


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


All rights to the lyrics belong to SMTOWN and the original creators.


This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics.