This blog post curates the most engaging K-Drama Shorts and transforms them into powerful learning tools for Korean learners. I dive deep into the language, focusing on key vocabulary, expressions, and even grammar intricacies.

However, if you're a beginner or intermediate learner, don’t worry! Start with the 🎥 Dialogue and 🎯 Key Takeaways sections—designed to help you quickly absorb essential phrases.

Stay patient, follow through, and you won’t just understand the words by the end—you’ll feel the drama the way native speakers do.

For an even richer experience, pair this with K-Lingo (K-Pop) and study Korean daily. Learning a language has never been this exciting and dynamic!


🎥 "Lovestruck in the City": Introduction

"Lovestruck in the City" is a romance drama that realistically portrays young people's love and daily lives in modern cities. The series follows characters with unique personalities and backstories as they navigate the complexities of urban life in search of love.

The video highlights a conversation between Choi Kyung-jun and Seo Rin-i. As Kyung-jun prepares to confess his feelings to the woman he has liked for a long time, Rin-i supports him along the way. This scene provides an opportunity to learn authentic Korean expressions and emotions through their interaction.


🎥 "Lovestruck in the City": Short Video

[Source] YouTube @tune_movie


🎥 "Lovestruck in the City" Shorts: Meet the Characters

Choi Kyung-jun (played by Kim Min-seok)

Kyung-jun is a warm-hearted and sincere young man preparing to confess his feelings to Seo Rin-i, whom he has liked for a long time. His earnest and heartfelt demeanor resonates with many viewers.

Seo Rin-i (played by So Joo-yeon)

Rin-i is an energetic, straightforward woman who has been Kyung-jun’s longtime friend and confidante. She helped him with his confession, and her realistic and down-to-earth advice gives Kyung-jun the support he needs.


🎥 "Lovestruck in the City" Shorts: Dialogue

최경준: “나 엄청 오랫동안 좋아하는 여자애 있었거든.”

Choi Kyung-jun: "I've liked a girl for a long time."

서린이: “그게 누군데? 뭐하는 여잔데?”

Seo Rin-i: "Who is she? What does she do?"

최경준: “그러니까 이제 네가 좀 아이디어를 줘봐.”

Choi Kyung-jun: "So, give me some ideas."

서린이: “나는 이벤트 그런 건 좀 별론 거 같고.”

Seo Rin-i: "I'm not really into event-type stuff."

서린이: “그냥 나 너 좋아하는데 사귈래?”

Seo Rin-i: "How about just saying, 'I like you. Do you want to date?'"

서린이: “이런 거 담백하지 않아?”

Seo Rin-i: "Isn't that simple and straightforward?"

최경준: “나 너 좋아하는데 우리 사귈래?”

Choi Kyung-jun: "I like you. Do you want to go out with me?"

서린이: “방금 그 톤 좋다.”

Seo Rin-i: "I like that tone just now."

최경준: “나 엄청 오랫동안 너 좋아했어.”

Choi Kyung-jun: "I've liked you for a long time."

서린이: “로맨틱하다.”

Seo Rin-i: "Ugh... that's romantic."

서린이: “걔가 니맘 받아줬으면 좋겠다.”

Seo Rin-i: "I hope she accepts your feelings."

최경준: “네가 뭘 좋아할지 몰라서 고민을 해봤는데.”

Choi Kyung-jun: "I wasn’t sure what you'd like, so I thought about it."

최경준: “이거 하나씩 나눠 키우자.”

Choi Kyung-jun: "Let's grow one of these each."

서린이: “, 재밌겠다. 같은 화분 키우면.”

Seo Rin-i: "Yeah, that sounds fun. Growing the same plant together."

최경준: “린이야, 이제 우리 연애할래?”

Choi Kyung-jun: "Rin-i, shall we start dating now?"

서린이: “?”

Seo Rin-i: "Huh?"

최경준: “연애하자.”

Choi Kyung-jun: "Let's date."

서린이: “, 이거 봐, 엄청 잘 컸지.”

Seo Rin-i: "Ha, look at this. It grew so well."


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 엄청 오랫동안 (For an Extremely Long Time)

This phrase emphasizes an extended period of time, often implying something has been happening continuously or without stopping.

 Example Usage

"우리는 엄청 오랫동안 친구로 지냈다."

"We’ve been friends for an extremely long time."


"그 영화를 엄청 오랫동안 기다렸어."

"I’ve been waiting for that movie for an extremely long time."

 Similar Expressions

아주 오래 (For a Very Long Time) – Similar meaning but slightly more neutral in tone.

 Example Usage

"아주 오랫동안 연락이 없었어."

"There hasn't been any contact for a very long time."


2. 좋아하는 여자 (A Woman I Like)

Refers to a woman someone has romantic or affectionate feelings for.

 Example Usage

"나는 좋아하는 여자 앞에서 긴장해."

"I get nervous in front of the woman I like."


"좋아하는 여자에게 고백하려고 해."

"I'm planning to confess to the woman I like."

 Similar Expressions

마음에 드는 여자 (A Woman Who Catches My Interest) – Slightly broader and less emotional than "좋아하는 여자."

 Example Usage

"그녀는 내 마음에 드는 여자야."

"She is a woman who catches my interest."


3. 그러니까 (So, That’s Why)

Used to clarify, emphasize, or connect a reasoning or explanation.

 Example Usage

"지금 너무 피곤해. 그러니까 내일 이야기하자."

"I'm really tired right now. So, let’s talk tomorrow."


"비가 올 거야. 그러니까 우산 가져가."

"It’s going to rain. So, take an umbrella."

 Similar Expressions

그래서 (So, Therefore) – Similar meaning but more neutral and logical.

 Example Usage

"비가 많이 와서 밖에 못 나갔어."

"It rained a lot so that I couldn’t go outside."


4. 아이디어 / 생각 (Idea / Thought)

"아이디어" is usually used for creative concepts, while "생각" is more general for thoughts or opinions.

 Example Usage

"좋은 아이디어가 떠올랐어!"

"I just came up with a great idea!"


"나는 다른 생각이 있어."

"I have a different thought."

 Similar Expressions

발상 (Concept, Way of Thinking) – More formal or intellectual than "아이디어."

 Example Usage

"그의 발상은 정말 독창적이야."

"His concept is truly original."


5. 이벤트 (Event, Special Occasion)

Refers to a planned activity, often for promotion or celebration.

 Example Usage

"이번 주말에 특별한 이벤트가 있어."

"There’s a special event this weekend."


"매장에서 할인 이벤트를 하고 있어."

"They’re having a discount event at the store."

 Similar Expressions

행사 (Formal Event) – Used for official or larger-scale events.

 Example Usage

"학교에서 중요한 행사가 열릴 예정이야."

"A significant event is scheduled at school."


6. 별로다 (Not That Good, So-So)

Used to express disappointment or that something is not impressive.

 Example Usage

"이 영화 별로다. 기대보다 재미없어."

“This movie is so-so. It’s less interesting than I expected."


"맛이 별로야. 다른 거 먹자."

"It doesn’t taste that good. Let’s eat something else."

 Similar Expressions

그저 그렇다 (Just Okay, Mediocre) – A softer way to express indifference.

 Example Usage

"어때? 그냥 그저 그래."

"How is it? Just okay."


7. 사귈래 (Do You Want to Date?)

Used to ask someone if they want to start a romantic relationship.

 Example Usage

"우리 사귈래?"

"Do you want to date?"


"너랑 사귀고 싶어."

"I want to date you."

 Similar Expressions

연애할래? (Shall We Date?) – A softer and more indirect way of asking.

 Example Usage

"우리 연애할래?"

"Shall we date?"


8. 그 톤 좋다 (I Like That Tone)

Expresses appreciation for someone’s tone of voice or expression.

 Example Usage

"너 지금 말하는 그 톤 좋다."

"I like the way you’re speaking right now."


"노래 부를 때 그 톤이 좋아."

"I like that tone when you sing."


목소리 좋다 (I Like Your Voice) – More general and related to vocal quality.

 Example Usage

"네 목소리 정말 좋아!"

"I truly like your voice!"


9. 로맨틱하다 (To Be Romantic)

Describes actions, words, or atmosphere that create a romantic mood.

 Example Usage

"이 레스토랑 분위기 너무 로맨틱하다."

"This restaurant’s atmosphere is so romantic."


"그 영화 진짜 로맨틱했어."

"That movie was truly romantic."

 Similar Expressions

달달하다 (Sweet and Romantic) – Emphasizes a sweet, affectionate vibe.

 Example Usage

"그 커플 정말 달달해."

"That couple is so sweet and romantic."


10. 모르다 (Not Know, Be Unaware)

Expresses a lack of knowledge or awareness.

 Example Usage

"난 그 사실을 몰랐어."

"I didn’t know that fact."


"어떻게 하는지 몰라."

"I don’t know how to do it."

 Similar Expressions

알지 못하다 (Not Be Able to Know) – A more formal way to express the same idea.

 Example Usage

"나는 그때 그의 마음을 알지 못했다."

"I didn’t know his feelings back then."


11. 고민을 해보다 (To Think Hard About, To Consider Seriously)

Refers to deeply contemplating a decision or situation.

 Example Usage

"이 일을 할지 고민을 해보고 있어."

"I’m thinking hard about whether to do this job."


"고민을 해봤는데 그냥 하기로 했어."

"I thought about it but decided just to do it."

 Similar Expressions

숙고하다 (To Deliberate, To Ponder Deeply) – More formal and intellectual in tone.

 Example Usage

"그는 오랫동안 숙고한 끝에 결정을 내렸다."

"After a long period of deliberation, he made a decision."


12. 나누다 (To Share, To Divide)

It can mean sharing something with others or splitting something into parts.

 Example Usage

"친구들과 음식을 나눠 먹었어."

"I shared my food with my friends."


"역할을 나눠서 해보자."

"Let’s divide the roles and try it."

 Similar Expressions

공유하다 (To Share Information or Thoughts) – More common in discussions or digital content.

 Example Usage

"유용한 정보를 공유해줘서 고마워."

"Thanks for sharing useful information."


13. 키우다 (To Raise, To Grow, To Nurture)

Used for raising children, pets, or growing plants.

 Example Usage

"나는 강아지를 키우고 있어."

"I’m raising a dog."


"이 식물을 잘 키워야 해."

"You have to take good care of this plant."

 Similar Expressions

기르다 (To Nurture, To Grow) – Often interchangeable with "키우다."

 Example Usage

"머리를 길게 기르고 있어."

"I’m growing my hair long."


14. 재밌겠다 (That Sounds Fun!)

Expresses excitement or anticipation for something fun.

 Example Usage

"놀이공원 간다고? 재밌겠다!"

"You’re going to an amusement park? That sounds fun!"


즐거워 보인다 (Looks Enjoyable)

 Example Usage

"너 오늘 즐거워 보인다!"

"You look happy today!"


15. 화분 (Flower Pot, Potted Plant)

Refers to a pot used for planting flowers or other small plants.

 Example Usage

"방에 작은 화분을 두면 분위기가 좋아져."

"Having a small flower pot in the room improves the atmosphere."


"그 화분에 물을 좀 줘야겠다."

"I should water that flower pot."


식물 (Plant) – A more general term referring to any plant.

 Example Usage

"이 식물은 햇빛이 많이 필요해."

"This plant needs a lot of sunlight."


16. 우리 연애할래? / 우리 사귈래? (Shall We Date? / Do You Want to Be in a Relationship?)

These expressions are used to propose starting a romantic relationship. "우리 연애할래?" has a slightly softer and more romantic tone, while "우리 사귈래?" is more direct.

 Example Usage

"우리 연애할래?"

"Shall we date?"


"우리 사귈래?"

"Do you want to be in a relationship with me?"

 Similar Expressions

나랑 만나볼래? (Do You Want to Go Out with Me?) – A more casual way to ask someone out.

 Example Usage

"나랑 만나볼래?"

"Do you want to go out with me?"

🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue

The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.

최경준: "나 엄청 오랫동안 좋아하는 여자애 있었거든."

분석 (Analysis)

- "": " (I, me)" – subject pronoun.

- "엄청 오랫동안": "엄청 (very, extremely)" + "오랫동안 (for a long time)" – an emphatic expression.

- "좋아하는": "좋아하다 (to like, to have feelings for)" + present participle "-" (indicates an ongoing state).

- "여자애": "여자 (girl, woman)" + " (kid, casual term for a young person)" – gives a friendly or youthful nuance.

- "있었거든": "있다 (to exist, to have)" + past tense "-" + explanatory "-거든" (adds background information or emphasis).

• "있다" → "있었다" → "있었거든" (past tense + conversational nuance).

Example Usage

"나 오래전부터 좋아하는 사람이 있어."

"I’ve had someone I liked for a long time."


"나 진짜 오래전부터 좋아했던 여자애가 있었어."

"I had a girl I truly liked for a long time."

Pronunciation Tips

"있었거든" → "이썯꺼든" (natural liaison occurs).


서린이: "그게 누군데? 뭐하는 여잔데?"

분석 (Analysis)

- "그게": " (that)" + "것이 (thing, subject marker '')" → contracted form "그게" (that thing).

- "누군데?": "누구 (who)" + "-인데?" (casual ending for curiosity or slight confrontation).

• "누구인데?" → "누군데?" (contracted form).

- "뭐하는 여잔데?": "뭐하다 (to do what)" + present participle "-" + "여자 (woman)" + "-인데?" (asking for more information).

• "여자인데" → "여잔데" (contracted form).

Example Usage

"그 사람이 누구야? 무슨 일 하는 사람이야?"

"Who is that person? What do they do?"


"그 사람이 누군데? 무슨 일 하는 여자야?"

"Who is she? What does she do?"


최경준: "그러니까 이제 네가 좀 아이디어를 줘봐."

분석 (Analysis)

- "그러니까": Adverb used to connect a reason or basis for the following statement.

- "이제": "Now, at this point."

- "네가": " (you)" + " (subject marker)" → pronounced as "니가" in casual speech.

- "": "A little, softly asking."

- "아이디어를": "아이디어 (idea)" + object marker "-."

- "줘봐": "주다 (to give)" + "- (to try)" → "Try giving."

Example Usage

"나 좀 도와줘봐."

"Try helping me a little."


"그러니까 이제 네가 아이디어 좀 줘봐."

"So, give me some ideas now."

Pronunciation Tips

"네가" → "니가" (common pronunciation).

"줘봐" → "줘봐~" (soft, slightly elongated pronunciation).


서린이: "나는 이벤트 그런 건 좀 별론 거 같고."

분석 (Analysis)

- "나는": " (I)" + topic marker "."

- "이벤트": "Event, special occasion."

- "그런 건": "그렇다 (to be like that)" + attributive "-" + " (thing)" + topic marker "-" → "Things like that."

• "그렇다" → "그런" → "그런 것은" → "그런 건" (contracted form).

- "": "A little, kind of."

- "별론 거 같고": "별로 (not really, not great)" + "-ㄴ 거 같다 (seems like, I think)" + connective "-."

Example Usage

"나는 깜짝 이벤트 같은 건 별론 거 같아."

"I think surprise events aren’t my thing."


"나는 이벤트 같은 건 별로야."

"I’m not really into events like that."

Pronunciation Tips

"별론 거 같고" → "별론 거 갇꼬" (natural pronunciation with liaison).


서린이: "그냥, 나 너 좋아하는데 사귈래?"

분석 (Analysis)

- "그냥": "Just, simply."

- "나 너": " (I)" + " (you)" → Direct expression.

• "나는 너를" → "나 너" (dropping particles for casual speech).

- "좋아하는데": "좋아하다 (to like)" + present tense "-" + "- (soft contrast, leading into a proposal)."

• "좋아하다" → "좋아하는데"

- "사귈래?": "사귀다 (to date, to be in a relationship)" + "-ㄹ래? (willingness, suggestion)."

• "사귀다" → "사귈래?"

Example Usage

"그냥 나 너 좋아하는데 같이 다녀볼래?"

"I like you, so do you want to spend time together?"


"그냥 솔직하게 말할게. 나 너 좋아해. 사귈래?"

"I’ll just be honest. I like you. Do you want to date?"

Pronunciation Tips

"좋아하는데" → "조아하는데" (natural flow in pronunciation).


서린이: "이런 거 담백하지 않아?"

분석 (Analysis)

- "이런 거": "이렇다 (to be like this)" + attributive "-" + " (thing)" + "" → "Things like this."

• "이렇다" → "이런 것" → "이런 것이" → "이런 거" (contracted form).

- "담백하지 않아?": "담백하다 (to be simple, straightforward)" + negative interrogative "-지 않아?" (isn’t it?).

Example Usage

"이런 방식이 더 담백하지 않아?"

"Isn’t this way simpler and more direct?"


"이런 게 더 솔직하고 깔끔하지 않아?"

"Isn’t this more straightforward and clean?"

Pronunciation Tips

"담백하지 않아?" → "담배카지 아나?" (natural pronunciation shift).


최경준: "나 너 좋아하는데 우리 사귈래?"

분석 (Analysis)

- "나 너 좋아하는데": " (I)" + " (you)" + "좋아하다 (to like)" + "-는데" (leading into proposal).

• "나는 너를 좋아하는데" → "나 너 좋아하는데" (dropping particles for casual speech).

- "우리 사귈래?": "우리 (we)" + "사귀다 (to date)" + "-ㄹ래? (willingness)."

Example Usage

"나 너 진짜 좋아하는데 우리 연애할래?"

"I sincerely like you. Do you want to be in a relationship?"


"나 너 좋아해. 우리 사귀자."

"I like you. Let’s date."


서린이: "방금 그 톤 좋다."

분석 (Analysis)

- "방금": "Just now."

- "그 톤": " (that)" + " (tone, way of speaking)."

- "좋다": "To be good."


🐾 Kyung-jun confesses his feelings to Rin-i, but she still doesn’t realize it.

📌 Example Usage

"방금 말한 거 톤이 좋았어."

"The way you just said that sounded nice."


"지금 그 말투 괜찮았어."

"The tone you just used was nice."

Pronunciation Tips

"그 톤 좋다" → "그 톤 조타" (natural pronunciation flow).


최경준: "나 엄청 오랫동안 너 좋아했어."

분석 (Analysis)

- "": "I, me."

• "나는" → "" (dropping subject marker).

- "엄청 오랫동안": "엄청 (very)" + "오랫동안 (for a long time)."

- "너 좋아했어": " (you)" + "좋아하다 (to like)" + past tense "-했어."

• "너를 좋아하다" → "너 좋아하다" (dropping object marker) → "너 좋아했다" (past tense) → "너 좋아했어."

Example Usage

"나 진짜 오래전부터 너 좋아했어."

"I’ve liked you for a truly long time."


"나 너 오랫동안 좋아했어."

"I’ve liked you for a long time."

Pronunciation Tips

"좋아했어" → "조아해써" (connected pronunciation).


서린이: "로맨틱하다."

분석 (Analysis)

- "…": An exclamation expressing emotion.

- "로맨틱하다": "로맨틱 (romantic)" + verb-forming suffix "-하다."

Example Usage

"너무 로맨틱해."

"Ugh… that’s so romantic."


"진짜 로맨틱하다."

"That’s romantic."

Pronunciation Tips

"로맨틱하다" → "로맨티카다" (smooth pronunciation).


서린이: "걔가 니맘 받아줬으면 좋겠다."

분석 (Analysis)

- "걔가": " (that person, casual)" + " (subject marker)."

• "그 아이가" → "그 얘가" (contracted) → "걔가."

- "니맘": " (your)" + "마음 (heart, feelings)" → spoken as "니맘."

• "네 마음을" → "네 마음" (dropping object marker) → "네맘" (contracted) → "니맘" (casual speech).

- "받아줬으면": "받다 (to receive, accept)" + "-아 주다 (to do something for someone)" + hope "-었으면 (if, hope for)."

• "받다" → "받아주다" → "받아주었으면" → "받아줬으면" (contracted).

- "좋겠다": "좋다 (to be good)" + hopeful "-겠다 (would be nice)."

Example Usage

"네가 좋아하는 사람이 네 마음 받아줬으면 좋겠다."

"I hope the person you like accepts your feelings."


"네가 좋아하는 사람이 너를 받아줬으면 좋겠어."

"I hope the person you like accepts you."

Pronunciation Tips

"니맘 받아줬으면" → "니맘 바다줘쓰면" (connected pronunciation).


최경준: "네가 뭘 좋아할지 몰라서 고민을 해봤는데."

분석 (Analysis)

- "네가": " (you)" + " (subject marker)" → pronounced as "니가" in casual speech.

- "": "무엇을 (what, object form)" → contracted to "."

• "무엇을" → "."

- "좋아할지": "좋아하다 (to like)" + speculation “-ㄹ지" (wonder if, whether)."

- "몰라서": "모르다 (to not know)" + cause "-아서 (because)."

- "고민을 해봤는데": "고민 (concern, thought)" + "-을 하다 (to do)" + "-보다 (to try)" + "-았는데 (soft contrast, leading into explanation)."

• "고민을 하다" → "고민을 해보다" → "고민을 해보았다" (past tense) → "고민을 해봤는데."

Example Usage

"네가 뭘 좋아할지 몰라서 이것저것 생각해봤어."

"I didn’t know what you’d like, so I thought about different things."


"네가 뭘 좋아할지 몰라서 고민했어."

"I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I thought about it."

Pronunciation Tips

"네가 뭘" → "니가 뭘."

"고민을 해봤는데" → "고미늘 해봔는데." (connected pronunciation).


최경준: "이거 하나씩 나눠 키우자."

분석 (Analysis)

- "이거": " (this)" + " (thing)" → spoken form "이거."

• "이것을" → "이것" (dropping object marker) → "이거" (contracted, spoken).

- "하나씩": "하나 (one)" + "- (each, one by one)."

- "나눠": "나누다 (to share, divide)" + casual contraction.

• "나누다" + "-" (present/progressive tense) → "나눠" (spoken form).

- "키우자": "키우다 (to grow, to raise)" + suggestion "- (let’s)."

Example Usage

"이거 하나씩 나눠서 같이 키우자."

"Let’s share this and grow it together."


"이거 나눠서 같이 키워보자."

"Let’s split this and raise it together."


서린이: ", 재밌겠다. 같은 화분 키우면."

분석 (Analysis)

- "": Positive response, equivalent to "yeah" or "okay."

- "재밌겠다": "재미있다 (to be fun)" + speculation “-겠다” (would be, seems like)."

• "재미있겠다" → "재밌겠다" (contracted).

- "같은 화분": "같은 (same)" + "화분 (flower pot, plant pot)."

- "키우면": "키우다 (to grow, to raise)" + conditional "- (if)."

Example Usage

"같은 화분 키우면 더 재밌을 것 같아."

"It would be more fun if we raised the same plant."


"같은 화분을 키우면 재미있을 것 같아."

"It sounds fun to raise the same plant."

Pronunciation Tips

"같은 화분" → "가튼 화분" (connected pronunciation).


최경준: "린이야, 이제 우리 연애할래?"

분석 (Analysis)

- "린이야": "린이 (name)" + "- (casual address)."

- "이제": "이제 (now, from this point on)."

- "우리": "우리 (we, us)."

- "연애할래?": "연애하다 (to date, to be in a relationship)" + suggestion "-ㄹ래? (do you want to?)."

Example Usage

"이제 우리 사귈래?"

"Shall we start dating now?"


"우리 이제 연애할까?"

"Shall we start a relationship now?"

Pronunciation Tips

"연애할래?" → "여내할래?" (connected pronunciation).


서린이: "?"

분석 (Analysis)

"?": Exclamation of surprise or confusion. Equivalent to "Huh?" or "What?"

Example Usage

"? 진짜?"

"Huh? Really?"


"뭐라고? 갑자기?"

"What? All of a sudden?"


최경준: "연애하자."

분석 (Analysis)

"연애하자": "연애하다 (to date)" + suggestion "- (let’s)."

Example Usage

"우리 연애하자."

"Let’s date."


"우리 사귀자."

"Let’s be in a relationship."

Pronunciation Tips

"연애하자" → "여내하자" (connected pronunciation).


서린이: ", 이거 봐, 엄청 잘 컸지."

"Ha, look at this. It grew so well, right?"

분석 (Analysis)

- "": Exclamation, similar to "ha" or a sigh.

- "이거 봐": "이거 (this)" + "보다 (to see)" → "이거 봐" (look at this).

• "이것을" → "이것" (dropping object marker) → "이거" (contracted, spoken).

• "보다" (descriptive) → "" (imperative, inviting the listener to look).

- "엄청 잘 컸지": "엄청 (very, extremely)" + " (well)" + "크다 (to grow)" + past tense "-" + confirmation "-".

• "크다" → "컸다" (past tense) → "컸지?" (confirming statement).

Example Usage

"이거 봐, 엄청 잘 자랐지?"

"Look at this, it grew incredibly well, right?"


"이거 좀 봐. 엄청 잘 키웠네."

"Look at this. You raised it very well."

Pronunciation Tips

"이거 봐" → "이거 바" (connected pronunciation).

"엄청 잘 컸지" → "엄청 잘 컫찌" (softened ending).

Lovestruck in the City (2020)

🎥 "Lovestruck in the City" Shorts: Wrap-up

In this short video, we learned natural Korean expressions related to confessing one’s feelings. Expressions like “엄청 오랫동안?” (for an extremely long time), “사귈래?” (Do you want to date?), and “우리 연애할래?” (Shall we be in a relationship?) help convey emotions naturally, like a native speaker.

This scene is an excellent example of the tone and atmosphere when confessing. Korean learners should memorize sentences and pay attention to intonation and emotional delivery.


This video contained many cases of omitted particles. The next blog post will explain omission, a key characteristic of the Korean language.


🔖 Beyond Grammar: The Art of Omission in Korean