🎶 CNBLUE - “Young Forever”

"Young Forever" by CNBLUE is a track that embodies youthful passion, resilience, and the desire to live freely without regrets. Released as part of their 2016 album "BLUEMING," the song conveys a powerful message about embracing the present and moving forward despite the uncertainties of life. With an uplifting rock sound and energetic instrumentation, CNBLUE delivers an anthem that resonates deeply with listeners who long to hold on to their youthful dreams.


🎶 CNBLUE - “Young Forever”: Music Video

[Source] YouTube, CNBLUE


The music video for "Young Forever" visually amplifies the song’s theme of freedom and endless youth. Featuring vibrant cityscapes, fast-paced movement, and dynamic shots of the band performing, the video captures the exhilarating rush of chasing dreams. The cinematography emphasizes light and motion, reinforcing the idea that time passes quickly but the spirit remains unchanged. The contrast between quiet reflective moments and high-energy sequences mirrors the song’s lyrical themes of nostalgia and unbreakable determination.


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 영원할 것 같다 / 영원할 것 같던


- "영원할": 형용사 "영원하다" (to be eternal) + "-()" (suffix indicating future tense or possibility)

- "것 같다": "-것 같다" (phrase meaning "seems like" or "appears to be")

- "영원할 것 같던": "-" (suffix indicating past recollection, referring to something that seemed eternal in the past but no longer is)

Example Usage

"우리의 사랑은 영원할 것 같았어."

"Our love seemed like it would last forever."


"영원할 것처럼 보였지만, 실제로는 그렇지 않을 수도 있음."

"Something appeared to be eternal, but it might not have been."


2. 시간이 지나가다 / 시간이 지나가고


- "시간이": "시간" (time) + "-" (subject marker indicating that "time" is the subject of the sentence)

- "지나가다": 동사 "지나가다" (to pass, to go by)

- "지나가고": 동사 "지나가다" + "-" (connective suffix meaning "and" or "while doing," indicating sequential action)

Example Usage

"시간이 지나가고 모든 게 변했어."

"Time passed, and everything changed."


"시간이 흐르고 변화를 겪는 것."

"The passing of time and the changes that come with it."


3. 깊은 고요함


- "깊은": "깊다" (deep) + "-" (suffix forming an adjective)

- "고요함": "고요하다" (to be silent, still) + "-" (nominalization suffix)

Example Usage

"그곳엔 깊은 고요함이 감돌았다."

"A deep silence lingered there."


"완전한 침묵과 정적을 의미."

"A state of complete silence and stillness."


4. 더


"" (more, further)

Example Usage

"더 알고 싶어."

"I want to know more."


"현재보다 추가적인 상태나 양을 의미."

"Indicates an additional amount or degree beyond the current state."


5. 가두다


- "가두다" (to lock up, to confine)

Example Usage

"그는 나를 방에 가뒀다."

"He locked me in the room."


"어딘가에 갇히거나 자유를 제한하는 것."

"To confine or restrict someone's freedom."


6. 침묵


- "침묵" (silence, quietness)

Example Usage

"그의 침묵이 더 무섭다."

"His silence is scarier."


"말을 하지 않고 조용히 있는 상태."

"A state of being silent, not speaking."


7. 깊은 곳에 빠지다 / 깊은 곳에 빠뜨려


- "깊은 곳에": "깊다" (deep) + "-" (suffix forming an adjective) + "" (place) + "-" (particle indicating location)

- "빠지다": "빠지다" (to fall, to sink)

- "빠뜨려": "빠뜨리다" (to make fall, to drop) + "-" (suffix forming a present or progressive tense verb)

Example Usage

"깊은 곳에 빠져들었다."

"I fell into a deep place."


"깊은 상태나 감정에 몰입하는 것."

"To fall deeply into a situation or emotion."


8. 어른이라는 착각


- "어른": "어른" (adult)

- "이라는": "-이다" (to be) + "-라는" (as if, called)

- "착각": "착각" (illusion, delusion)

Example Usage

"나는 어른이라는 착각을 했어."

"I was under the illusion that I was an adult."


"진짜 어른이 아니라, 어른이라고 착각하는 상태."

"Being mistaken into thinking one is an adult when they are not."

9. 아직은 어리다 / 아직은 어려


- "아직은": "아직" (still, yet) + "-" (suffix used for emphasis)

- "어리다": "어리다" (to be young)

- "어려": colloquial conjugation of "어리다"
Example Usage

"아직은 어려서 모르는 게 많아."

"I'm still young, so there’s a lot I don’t know."


"나이가 어려 경험이 부족한 상태."

"Being young and inexperienced."


10. 지나가는 과정 / 지나가는 과정일 뿐


- "지나가는": "지나가다" (to pass by) + "-" (present participle, indicating an ongoing process)

- "과정": "과정" (process)

- "일 뿐": "-일 뿐" (it’s just, only)

Example Usage

"이건 단지 지나가는 과정일 뿐이야."

"This is just a passing phase."


"시간이 지나면서 변할 수 있는 상태."

"A temporary state that will change over time."


11. 끝이 오다 / 끝이 오거든


- "끝이": "" (end) + "-" (subject marker)

- "오다": "오다" (to come)

- "오거든": "-거든" (conditional suffix meaning "if, when something happens")

Example Usage

"끝이 오거든 후회 없이 떠나자."

"When the end comes, let’s leave without regrets."


"무언가가 마무리되는 시점."

"The point when something reaches its conclusion."


12. 그땐 말할래


- "그땐": "그때" (that time) + "-" (contracted form of "-")

• "그때는" → "그땐"

- "말할래": "말하다" (to say) + "-할래" (expressing intention, "I will," "I want to")

Example Usage

"그땐 꼭 말할래."

"I will definitely say it then."


"적절한 때가 오면 말할 것이라는 의지."

"A determination to speak at the right time."


13. 사람이 떠나다 / 사람이 떠나도


- "사람이": "사람" (person) + "-" (subject marker)

- "떠나다": "떠나다" (to leave, to depart)

- "떠나도": "떠나다" + "-아도" (even if, even though)

Example Usage

"사람이 떠나도 추억은 남는다."

"Even if a person leaves, the memories remain."


"누군가가 멀어지거나 이별하는 상황을 의미."

"A situation where someone departs or separates."


14. 나를 지켜줄 사람


- "나를": "" (me) + "-" (object marker)

- "지켜줄": "지키다" (to protect) + auxiliary verb "-주다" (to do for someone) + attributive form "-" (future tense)

• "지키다" → "지켜주다" → "지켜줄"

- "사람": "사람" (person)

Example Usage

"언제나 나를 지켜줄 사람을 원해."

"I always want someone who will protect me."


"자신을 보호하고 곁에서 함께할 사람."

"Someone who will protect and stay by one's side."


15. 하나도 없다


- "하나도": "하나" (one) + "-" (not even one)

- "없다": "없다" (to not exist, to have none)

Example Usage

"이제 남은 게 하나도 없어."

"Now, there is nothing left."


"완전히 아무것도 없는 상태."

"A state of having absolutely nothing."


16. 느끼다 / 느꼈다


- "느끼다": "느끼다" (to feel, to sense)

- "느꼈다": past tense of "느끼다"

Example Usage

"그 순간, 사랑을 느꼈어."

"In that moment, I felt love."


"감정이나 상태를 인지하는 것."

"To perceive emotions or conditions."


17. 홀로 남겨지다 / 홀로 남겨졌다


- "홀로": literary expression of "혼자" (alone)

- "남겨지다": "남기다" (to leave behind) + "-지다" (passive form, meaning "to be left")

- "남겨졌다": past tense

• "남기다" → "남겨지다" → "남겨졌다"

Example Usage

"그는 홀로 남겨졌다."

"He was left alone."


"혼자 남겨지는 상태."

"A state of being left alone."


18. 착각 속에


- "착각": "착각" (illusion, misunderstanding)

- "속에": "" (inside, within) + "-" (indicating location or state)

Example Usage

"나는 착각 속에 빠져 있었다."

"I was trapped in an illusion."


"현실과 다르게 잘못 생각하는 상태."

"A state of misunderstanding or misperception."


🎶 CNBLUE - “Young Forever”: Lyrics Summary

Rather than dwelling on the past or fearing the future, "Young Forever" celebrates living in the present and cherishing every moment. The lyrics express a desire to break free from limitations, embrace challenges, and keep moving forward with unwavering confidence. While the song acknowledges fleeting youth, it also conveys that the essence of being young is not bound by age but by one’s mindset and passion. This idea is reinforced through imagery of running, chasing dreams, and shining brightly like the stars—symbolizing a life filled with endless possibilities.

The song’s message is particularly empowering and uplifting, urging listeners to hold onto their ambitions and never lose the spark of their youthful spirit. It’s not just about staying young physically, but about keeping a youthful heart that refuses to be constrained by time or reality.


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Young Forever"

- Signature CNBLUE Rock Sound → The track features a bold rock sound with driving guitars and rhythmic drum beats, staying true to CNBLUE’s distinct musical identity.

- Infectious Energy & Optimistic Vibes → The upbeat tempo and passionate vocal delivery create a sense of euphoria and excitement, making the song anthemic.

- Inspirational Message → Unlike songs that lament the passage of time, "Young Forever" embraces youth as a state of mind, encouraging listeners to live fearlessly.

- Contrast Between Nostalgia & Hope → The lyrics balance reminiscing about the past with a forward-looking perspective, making the song relatable for those navigating transitions in life.


🎶 CNBLUE - “Young Forever”: Additional Information

- Release Date: April 04, 2016


- Genre: Rock, Pop Rock

- Lyrics: Jung Yonghwa

- Composer: Jung Yonghwa


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


All rights to the lyrics belong to FNC Entertainment and the original creators.


This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics.