🎥 "Agency": Introduction

K-drama "Agency" vividly portrays South Korea's advertising industry's fierce competition and power struggles.

The protagonist, Go A-in (played by Lee Bo-young), is a strong female character who aims to reach the top solely through her skills, without relying on academic background or personal connections. The drama follows her journey to the highest position in an advertising agency.

At its core, the series delves into the ruthless reality of the advertising world, highlighting power struggles, personal conflicts, and the relentless competition for success.

In this short clip, newly appointed Executive Director Kang Han-na (played by Son Na-eun) observes the company's atmosphere. Given the nature of advertising agencies, meeting rooms should be lively and chaotic, yet she finds the office too neat and quiet, which raises her suspicions.

To verify her expectations, she visits Production Team 3 and checks whether the reality aligns with what she anticipated. Let’s watch how her first impression compares to the actual work environment!



🎥 "Agency": Short Video

[Source] YouTube, @1minute_drama


🎥 "Agency" Shorts: Meet the Characters

Kang Han-na (Son Na-eun): A newly appointed executive director and a third-generation chaebol who carefully analyzes the company's atmosphere while trying to establish her own presence.

Park Young-woo (Han Joon-woo): A character who serves as Kang Han-na’s assistant and carries out her orders.

Jo Eun-jung (Jeon Hye-jin): One of the key figures in Production Team 3 who, despite being surprised by Kang Han-na’s sudden visit, strives to maintain her own style.

Go Ah-in (Lee Bo-young): The central figure of this drama, leading the industry with her sharp judgment and strong drive despite intense competition.


🎥 "Agency" Shorts: Dialogue

강한나: “내가 생각한 거랑 너무 다르네.”

Kang Hanna: "This is so different from what I imagined."

박영우: “뭐가요?”

Park Youngwoo: "What is?"

강한나: “분위기, 너무 깔끔하고 건조해.”

Kang Hanna: "The atmosphere—it's too neat and dry."

강한나: “일반회사 같아.”

Kang Hanna: "It feels like a regular company."

박영우: “미리 전화를 해서 그런가.”

Park Youngwoo: "Maybe because we called ahead?"

강한나: “제작팀에도 전화했어?”

Kang Hanna: "Did you call the production team too?"

박영우: “아뇨. 이제 해야죠.”

Park Youngwoo: "No, I was just about to."

강한나: “하지 마.”

Kang Hanna: "Don't."

강한나: “날 것으로 좀 보게.”

Kang Hanna: "I want to see it raw."

박영우: “.”

Park Youngwoo: "Okay."

(The meeting room is noisy.)

강한나: “그치, 광고대행사라면 이런 분위기여야지.”

Kang Hanna: "Right, this is the vibe an ad agency should have."

조은정: “누가 회의 중에 문을 벌컥 열어?”

Jo Eun-jung: "Who just barges in during a meeting?"

강한나: “내 머리속 이미지랑 비슷하네요.”

Kang Hanna: "This is pretty close to the image in my head."

강한나: “생각보다 좀 더 어수선하긴 하지만.”

Kang Hanna: "Though it's a bit messier than I expected."

강한나: “수고들 하시네요. 좀 드세요.”

Kang Hanna: "You're all working hard. Have some snacks."

조은정: “아 잘 먹겠습니다.”

Jo Eun-jung: "Oh, thank you!"


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 분위기 (Atmosphere, Vibe, Mood)

Refers to the overall feeling or ambiance of a place, situation, or group of people.


📌 Example Usage

"이 카페는 분위기가 정말 좋아."

"The atmosphere of this café is really nice."


"회의 분위기가 어수선하다."

"The meeting atmosphere is chaotic."


🌀 Similar Expressions

기운 (Energy, Mood) – Refers more to a person's energy or the general feeling in the air.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘은 기운이 좀 다운된 것 같아."

"I feel like the energy is a bit down today."


2. 날 것으로 보다 / 날 것으로 느끼다 (See/Feel Something Raw and Unfiltered)

Means experiencing something as it is, without alteration or embellishment.


📌 Example Usage

"그 영화는 전쟁의 참혹함을 날 것으로 보여준다."

"That movie shows the horrors of war in a raw and unfiltered way."


"현장에서 직접 보니 날 것으로 느껴졌다."

"Seeing it in person, I could feel it in its rawest form."


🌀 Similar Expressions

있는 그대로 보다 (See as It Is)


📌 Example Usage

"세상을 있는 그대로 보려고 노력한다."

"I try to see the world as it is."


3. 광고대행사 (Advertising Agency)

A company that creates and manages advertisements for clients.


📌 Example Usage

"그 광고대행사는 유명한 브랜드와 많이 협업한다."

"That advertising agency collaborates with many famous brands."


🌀 Similar Expressions

마케팅 회사 (Marketing Company) – A broader term that includes advertising and promotional strategies.


📌 Example Usage

"마케팅 회사에서 일하는 게 내 꿈이야."

"My dream is to work at a marketing company."


4. 문을 벌컥 열다 (Throw the Door Open Suddenly)

Describes opening a door forcefully, often showing urgency or surprise.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 화가 난 듯 문을 벌컥 열고 들어왔다."

"He stormed in, throwing the door open in anger."


🌀 Similar Expressions

문을 세게 열다 (Open the Door Forcefully)


📌 Example Usage

"강한 바람이 문을 세게 열었다."

"The strong wind blew the door open forcefully."


5. 이미지 (Image, Impression)

Can refer to both a literal image (photo, picture) and a person or brand's impression.


📌 Example Usage

"그 배우는 세련된 이미지로 유명하다."

"That actor is famous for his sophisticated image."


"회사 이미지 관리를 잘해야 한다."

"We must manage the company's image well."


🌀 Similar Expressions

인상 (Impression, Facial Expression) – Refers more to personal first impressions or facial expressions.


📌 Example Usage

"첫인상이 정말 중요해."

"First impressions are really important."


6. 어수선하다 (Messy, Disorganized, Chaotic)

Describes a physically messy space or a mentally/emotionally chaotic situation.


📌 Example Usage

"이 방은 너무 어수선해서 정리가 필요해."

"This room is too messy; it needs organizing."


"회의 분위기가 어수선해서 집중이 안 돼."

"The meeting atmosphere is chaotic, so I can't focus."


🌀 Similar Expressions

정리가 안 되다 (Unorganized, Unsettled)

📌 Example Usage

"머릿속이 정리가 안 돼서 답답해."

"My thoughts are all over the place, and I feel frustrated."


7. 수고들 하시네요 (You’re All Working Hard - Polite Acknowledgment)

A phrase used to recognize and appreciate people’s effort, usually in a workplace or group setting.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘도 수고들 하시네요!"

"You’re all working hard again today!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

고생 많으십니다 (You're Working Hard - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"추운 날씨에 고생 많으십니다."

"You're working hard in this cold weather."


8. 드세요 (Please Eat/Drink - Polite)

A polite way to offer food or drinks.


📌 Example Usage

"식사 준비했으니 드세요!"

"I’ve prepared a meal, please eat!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

잡수세요 (Very Formal, Often Used for Elders)


📌 Example Usage

"할머니, 많이 잡수세요."

"Grandmother, please eat a lot."


9. 잘 먹겠습니다 (I Will Eat Well - Polite Expression Before Eating)

A phrase used before eating to express gratitude for the meal.


📌 Example Usage

"음식 맛있어 보이네요. 잘 먹겠습니다!"

"The food looks delicious. I’ll eat well!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

잘 먹을게 (Casual Way to Say It Among Friends)


📌 Example Usage

"맛있겠다! 잘 먹을게!"

"This looks great! Thanks, I’ll enjoy it!"


🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue

The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.


강한나: "내가 생각한 거랑 너무 다르네."

- "내가": " (I, informal)" + subject marker "-."

- "생각한 거랑": "생각하다 (to think)" + modifying form "-" + " (thing)" + "-이랑 (compared to, with)."

• “생각한 것이랑” → “생각한 거랑” (contracted form)

- "너무 다르네": "너무 (too, very)" + "다르다 (to be different)" + exclamatory ending "- (expressing realization or surprise)."


📌Example Usage

"내가 기대한 거랑 너무 다르네."

"This is so different from what I expected."



"내가 예상했던 것과 많이 다르네."

"This is quite different from what I expected."


🗣️Pronunciation Tips

"생각한 거랑" → "생가칸 거랑" (linked pronunciation).


박영우: "뭐가요?"

- "뭐가요?": " (what)" + subject marker "-" + polite question ending "-?"


📌Example Usage

"A: 뭔가 이상해."

"B: 뭐가?"

"A: Something feels off."

"B: What is?"



"어떤 점이 다르다는 말인가요?"

"What exactly is different?"


강한나: "분위기, 너무 깔끔하고 건조해."

- "분위기": "atmosphere, vibe."

- "너무 깔끔하고": "너무 (too much, very)" + "깔끔하다 (to be neat, clean)" + "- (and)."

- "건조해": "건조하다 (to be dry, lacking warmth)" + "- (casual statement ending)."


📌 Example Usage

"이 카페 분위기 너무 깔끔하고 차가워."

"The atmosphere in this café is too neat and cold."


☀️ Meaning

"The atmosphere... It's too neat and dry."


강한나: "일반회사 같아."

- "일반회사": "일반 (ordinary, standard)" + "회사 (company)."

- "같아": "같다 (to be like, to seem)" + "- (casual statement ending)."


📌 Example Usage

"여긴 스타트업이라기보단 일반 회사 같아."

"This feels more like a regular company than a startup."


☀️ Meaning

"창의적인 분위기보다는 일반적인 회사 느낌이야."

"It feels more like a conventional company than a creative one."


박영우: "미리 전화를 해서 그런가?"

- "미리": "in advance, beforehand."

- "전화를 해서": "전화 (phone call)" + object marker "-" (spoken omission) + "하다 (to do)" + "-해서 (so, because)."

- "그런가": "그렇다 (to be like that)" + "-ㄴ가 (I wonder if)."


📌 Example Usage

"미리 예약을 해서 그런가 사람이 별로 없네."

"Maybe it's because we reserved in advance that there aren't many people here."


☀️ Meaning

"우리가 사전에 연락해서 분위기가 바뀐 걸까?"

"Did the atmosphere change because we called ahead?"


강한나: "제작팀에도 전화했어?"

- "제작팀에도": "제작팀 (production team)" + "-에도 (also, even)."

• "-에도": indicates inclusion within a certain range or condition.

- "전화했어?": "전화하다 (to call)" + past tense "-" + casual question "-?"

• "전화하다" → "전화했다" (past tense) → "전화했어?"


📌 Example Usage

"출판사에도 전화했어?"

"Did you also call the publishing company?"


☀️ Meaning

"제작팀에도 따로 연락을 한 거야?"

"Did you contact the production team separately as well?"


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"전화했어?" → "전화핻써?" (tense pronunciation effect).


박영우: "아뇨. 이제 해야죠."

- "아뇨": "아니요 (no, polite form)" in a shortened form.

- "이제": "Now, at this moment, from now on."

- "해야죠": "하다 (to do)" + obligation "-아야 하다 (must do)" + sentence-ending "-" + politeness marker "-."

• “하다” → “해야 하다” → “해야 하지” → “해야 하지요” (polite form) → “해야 하죠” (contracted form).


📌 Example Usage

"A: 아직도 안 했어요?"

"B: 아뇨. 이제 해야죠."

"A: You still haven't done it?"

"B: No. Now we have to do it."


☀️ Meaning

"아니요. 이제 해야 할 때죠."

"No. It's time to do it now."


강한나: "하지 마."

- "하지 마": "하다 (to do)" + prohibitive "-지 마 (don’t do)."


📌 Example Usage

"위험하니까 하지 마."

"Don't do it, it's dangerous."


강한나: "날것으로 좀 보게."

- "날것으로": "날것 (raw, unfiltered, unprocessed)" + particle "-으로 (as, in the form of)."

- "": "A little, softens the tone of a request."

- "보게": "보다 (to see)" + "- (let, allow to do something)."

• "-": A sentence-ending form that expresses strong intention or exclamation, often used in monologues or self-talk.


📌 Example Usage

"편집하지 말고 날 것으로 좀 보자."

"Don't edit it, let me see the raw version."


☀️ Meaning

"있는 그대로 볼 수 있게 해 줘."

"Let me see it as it is."


박영우: "."

- "": "Yes, a polite response."


☀️ Meaning


"Got it."


(The meeting room gets noisy.)


강한나: "그치, 광고대행사라면 이런 분위기여야지."

- "그치": "그렇지 (right?, isn't it?)" in a spoken, shortened form.

- "광고대행사라면": "광고대행사 (advertising agency)" + conditional "-라면 (if it is)."

- "이런 분위기여야지": "이런 (this kind of)" + "분위기 (atmosphere)" + necessity "-여야지 (it should be)."


📌 Example Usage

"대학 축제라면 이런 분위기여야지."

"If it's a college festival, this is the atmosphere it should have."


☀️ Meaning

"광고대행사라면 이 정도는 돼야지."

"If it's an ad agency, it should at least be like this."


조은정: "누가 회의 중에 문을 벌컥 열어?"

- "누가": "누구 (who)" + subject marker "-."

- "회의 중에": "회의 (meeting)" + " (middle, midst)" + location particle "- (in, during)."

- "문을": " (door)" + object marker "-."

- "벌컥 열어?": "벌컥 (suddenly, forcefully)" + "열다 (to open)" + informal question "-?"


📌 Example Usage

"누가 강의 중에 갑자기 문을 열어?"

"Who suddenly opens the door during a lecture?"


☀️ Meaning

"회의 도중에 문을 갑자기 열고 들어오는 사람이 누구야?"

"Who suddenly barges in by opening the door during a meeting?"


강한나: "내 머릿속 이미지랑 비슷하네요."

- "내 머릿속": " (my)" + "머리 (head)" + "- (inside, within)."

- "이미지랑": "이미지 (image)" + comparative particle "- (with, like)."

- "비슷하네요": "비슷하다 (to be similar)" + "-네요 (expressing realization or agreement)."


📌 Example Usage

"내 상상 속 이미지랑 비슷하네요."

"It looks similar to the image I imagined."


☀️ Meaning

"내가 생각했던 이미지랑 거의 같네요."

"It's almost exactly like the image I had in mind."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"머릿속 이미지랑" → "머리쏙 이미지랑"


강한나: "생각보다 좀 더 어수선하긴 하지만."

- "생각보다": "생각 (thought, expectation)" + comparative "-보다 (than)."

- "좀 더": " (a bit)" + " (more)."

- "어수선하긴 하지만": "어수선하다 (to be messy, chaotic)" + "-긴 하지만 (it is, but…)."

• "어수선하다": "The surroundings are chaotic and lack order."

• "어수선하긴 하다": "The surroundings are somewhat chaotic and lack order."

• "어수선하긴 하지만": "The surroundings are somewhat chaotic and lack order, but despite that, ~."


📌 Example Usage

"생각보다 좀 더 복잡하긴 하지만 괜찮아."

"It's a bit more complicated than I expected, but it's okay."


☀️ Meaning

"내 예상보다는 조금 더 정신없지만 그래도 비슷하네요."

"It's a bit more hectic than I expected, but it's still similar."


강한나: "수고들 하시네요. 좀 드세요."

- "수고들 하시네요": "수고 (effort, hard work)" + plural marker "- (indicating multiple people)" + honorific verb "하시다 (to do, to work hard)" + "-네요 (expressing realization or mild praise)."

- "좀 드세요": " (a bit, politely suggesting)" + "드시다 (to eat, honorific)" + polite imperative "-세요."

• "들다" → "드시다" → "드세요" (polite speech)

• "들다" → "들어요" (slightly more casual than "드세요" but still polite)

• "들다" → "들어" (informal, used among close acquaintances)


📌 Example Usage

"다들 수고 많으시네요. 좀 쉬세요."

"You're all working hard. Get some rest."


☀️ Meaning

"모두 고생 많으시네요. (커피) 좀 드세요."

"You're all working hard. Please have some coffee."


조은정: "아 잘 먹겠습니다."

- "": " (ah, oh)" → 감탄사, 자연스러운 반응.

- "잘 먹겠습니다": " (well, politely expressing gratitude)" + "먹다 (to eat)" + formal intention "-겠습니다 (I will, polite phrase used before eating)."

• "먹다" → "먹겠다" → "먹겠습니다"


📌 Example Usage

", 너무 감사합니다. 잘 먹겠습니다!"

"Oh, thank you so much. I will enjoy the food!"


☀️ Meaning

"감사합니다. 맛있게 먹겠습니다."

"Thank you. I'll enjoy the food."

Agency (2023)

🎥 "Agency" Shorts: Wrap-up

This scene highlights the fast-paced, dynamic, and creativity-driven environment unique to the advertising industry. Kang Han-na values the core essence of an advertising agency and expects her employees to work with freedom and passion.

Through this scene, we can learn natural Korean expressions and conversation patterns used in business. Expressions like ‘atmosphere’ (분위기), ‘to see things raw’ (날 것으로 보다), and ‘to be chaotic’ (어수선하다) are also helpful in everyday conversations, so be sure to remember them.

Which expression stood out the most to you in this scene? Were there any phrases you could use in a similar situation? Share your thoughts in the comments!

If you want more K-drama Korean learning content, stay tuned for the next post!