🎥 Introduction

This short clip features the second couple from the K-drama “사내맞선” (Business Proposal). Jin Young-seo adorably tries to draw the line—but not really—when she unexpectedly meets Cha Sung-hoon at a restaurant. Will love blossom between Cha Sung-hoon, an orphan, and Jin Young-seo, the daughter of a chaebol family? If you have time, check it out for yourself!


🎥 Short Video

[Source] @슈팅클럽-p5y


🎥 Meet the Characters

Jin Young-seo (Seol In-ah) – A free-spirited chaebol heiress who dreams of finding true love on her terms.

Cha Sung-hoon (Kim Min-kyu) – A composed and loyal chief secretary, deeply devoted to his work and unexpectedly drawn to Jin Young-seo.


🎥 Dialogue

진영서: "저기요, 자꾸 이렇게 얽혀서 죄송한데요."

Jin Young-seo: "Excuse me, I'm sorry for getting tangled up like this again."

진영서: ", 한 동네 살면서 이정도 동선 얽히는 건, 서로 감수해야 될 것 같아서요."

Jin Young-seo: "Well, since we live in the same neighborhood, I guess we must accept that our paths will cross this much."

진영서: "무조건 피하는 것도 피곤하고."

Jin Young-seo: "Avoiding each other completely is exhausting too."

차성훈: ", 저도 괜찮습니다. 식사하세요."

Cha Sung-hoon: "Yes, I'm fine too. Enjoy your meal."

진영서: "대신 이웃으로서 선 넘지 않도록 조심할게요."

Jin Young-seo: "But as a neighbor, I'll be careful not to cross the line."

진영서: "이 선만 안 넘으면 되겠죠?"

Jin Young-seo: "As long as I don't cross this line, it's fine, right?"

차성훈: ""

Cha Sung-hoon: "Ah."

진영서: "저기요."

Jin Young-seo: "Excuse me."

종업원: "뜨거우니까 조심하세요."

Waiter: "It's hot, so be careful."

진영서: "~."

Jin Young-seo: "Okay~."

진영서: "드디어 널 실물로 영접하는구나."

Jin Young-seo: "Finally, I get to see you in real life."

진영서: "~"

Jin Young-seo: "Ah~"

진영서: ", 어머, 죄송해요."

Jin Young-seo: "Oh, my! I'm sorry."

진영서: "제 음식 김이 그쪽으로 선을 넘었네요."

Jin Young-seo: "The steam from my food crossed the line towards you."

진영서: "죄송해요."

Jin Young-seo: "I'm sorry."

차성훈: (한숨)

Cha Sung-hoon: (Sighs)

진영서: "~"

Jin Young-seo: "Hmm~"

종업원: "음료 나왔습니다. 오프너는 저쪽에 있어요."

Waiter: "Here's your drink. The opener is over there."

차성훈: "이거 쓰세요."

Cha Sung-hoon: "Use this."

진영서: "으음으음 ~ ~"

Jin Young-seo: "Mmm~ mmm~ No~ No~"

진영서: "약속했잖아요."

Jin Young-seo: "We made a promise, remember?"

진영서: "절대 선 넘지 않기로."

Jin Young-seo: "That we would never cross the line."

진영서: (숟가락으로 음료수 뚜껑을 딴다.)

Jin Young-seo: (Uses a spoon to open the drink bottle.)

차성훈: "아이고야."

Cha Sung-hoon: "Oh, dear."


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 동선이 얽히다 (Paths Overlap)

This phrase describes a situation where people's movement routes overlap, often leading to inconvenience or unintended encounters.


📌 Example Usage

"출근 시간에 동선이 얽혀서 예상보다 늦었다."

"My commute was delayed because my path overlapped with others during rush hour."


"이 행사에서는 여러 팀의 동선이 얽히지 않도록 조정해야 한다."

"We need to adjust the movement routes to prevent teams from overlapping during the event."


🌀 Similar Expressions

동선이 겹치다 – Similar meaning, referring to overlapping movement routes.


📌 Example Usage

"배우들의 동선이 겹쳐서 동선 조정을 다시 해야 한다."

"The actors' paths overlapped, so we need to readjust their routes."


2. 서로 감수하다 (Mutually Endure or Accept)

This means both parties endure or accept difficulties or burdens together.


📌 Example Usage

"부부는 서로 감수하면서 함께 살아가는 법을 배워야 한다."

"Married couples must learn to endure and accept hardships together."


"서로 감수하는 관계가 되어야지, 한쪽만 희생하면 안 돼."

"It should be a relationship where both endure together; one side shouldn't be the only one sacrificing."


🌀 Similar Expressions

서로 배려하다 (Mutually Considerate) – A slightly softer expression that emphasizes mutual care.


📌 Example Usage

"좋은 팀워크를 위해서는 서로 배려하는 마음이 필요하다."

"Good teamwork requires mutual consideration."


3. 선 넘다 / 선 넘지 않다 (Cross the Line / Stay Within Boundaries)
This phrase describes someone crossing a boundary, whether in behavior or speech, often implying disrespect. Conversely, "
선 넘지 않다" means to stay within appropriate limits.


📌 Example Usage

"그건 선 넘는 행동이야. 조심해."

"That behavior crosses the line. Be careful."


"우리는 서로 선 넘지 않으면서 존중하는 사이야."

"We respect each other without crossing boundaries."


🌀 Similar Expressions

선을 지키다 (Keep the Line) – Emphasizes maintaining proper boundaries.


📌 Example Usage

"아무리 친해도 선을 지키는 게 중요해."

"No matter how close you are, maintaining boundaries is important."


4. 실물로 영접하다 (Meet in Person)

This phrase is often used humorously when seeing someone famous or impressive.


📌 Example Usage

"드디어 내 최애 배우를 실물로 영접했다!"

"I finally met my favorite actor in person!"


"사진으로만 보던 건물을 실물로 영접하니 감회가 새롭다."

"Seeing the building I had only seen in pictures in real life is quite emotional."


5. 뚜껑을 따다 (Open the Lid)

This phrase can be used literally for opening a container or figuratively to reveal something hidden.


📌 Example Usage

"콜라 뚜껑을 따자마자 거품이 넘쳤다."

"As soon as I opened the soda bottle, it foamed over."


"이제 뚜껑을 따야 할 시간이다. 진실을 밝히자!"

"It's time to open the lid. Let's reveal the truth!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

뚜껑을 열다 (Open the Lid) – Used in both literal and figurative senses.


📌 Example Usage

"뚜껑을 열어 봐야 결과를 알 수 있어."

"You won’t know the result until you open the lid."

🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue

The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.

진영서: “저기요, 자꾸 이렇게 얽혀서 죄송한데요.”

- "저기요": Used to get someone's attention, translated as "Excuse me."

- "자꾸": "constantly" or "repeatedly."

- "이렇게 얽혀서": "이렇게 (like this)" + "얽히다 (to be entangled, to get involved)" + connective ending "-" (indicating cause or reason).

- "죄송한데요": "죄송하다 (to be sorry)" + ending "-ㄴ데요" (softening the statement, explaining the situation).


📌 Example Usage

"저기요, 제가 자꾸 실수해서 죄송해요."

"Excuse me, I'm sorry for making mistakes repeatedly."


☀️ Meaning

"이렇게 자꾸 마주쳐서 불편하게 해드려 죄송합니다."

"I'm sorry for constantly running into you like this."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"자꾸 이렇게 얽혀서" → "자꾸 이러케 얼켜서" (sound linking phenomenon)


진영서: “, 한 동네 살면서 이정도 동선 얽히는 건, 서로 감수해야 될 것 같아서요.”

- "": A word used to lighten the tone or emphasize meaning, similar to "Well" or "I mean."

- "한 동네 살면서": " (same, one)" + "동네 (neighborhood)" + "살면서 (while living)."

- "이 정도": " (this)" + "정도 (extent, degree)."

- "동선 얽히는 건": "동선 (movement path, route)" + "얽히다 (to be tangled, overlap)" + noun-forming ending "-는 것" + “-” → "얽히는 것은" (The fact that our paths cross). → contracted to "얽히는 건."

- "서로": "each other."

- "감수해야 될 것": It means a situation or result to be accepted in the future and expresses an emphasis on obligations or necessity.

• "감수하다 (to endure, accept)" + "-어야 하다 (must do)" → "감수해야 하다" (You must accept any situation or consequences.) + “되다” (Some conditions or situations are made or changing.)

• “감수해야 하다” + "되다 (Some conditions or situations are being created or changing.)" → "감수해야 되다."

• “감수해야 되다” + “-” (Adnominal ending indicating future tense) + “” → “감수해야 될 것

- "같아서요": "같다" (to be the same) + “-아서” (A connective ending indicating cause or reason) + “-어요” (A polite sentence-ending particle used to soften the statement.)

• “같다” → “같아서” → “같아서요


📌 Example Usage

"회사에서 같은 부서에 있으면 이 정도 불편함은 서로 감수해야죠."

"If we're in the same department at work, we should be able to tolerate this level of inconvenience."


☀️ Meaning

"같은 동네에서 살다 보면 이 정도로 동선이 겹치는 건 피할 수 없으니 서로 받아들여야 할 것 같아요."

"Since we live in the same neighborhood, we should accept that our paths will overlap to this extent."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"동선 얽히는 건" → "동선 얼키는 건


진영서: “무조건 피하는 것도 피곤하고.”

- "무조건": "unconditionally" or "without exception."

- "피하는 것도": "피하다 (to avoid)" + noun-forming suffix "-는 것" + particle "- (also)."

- "피곤하고": "피곤하다 (to be tired)" + connective ending "-" (indicating continuation of speech).


📌 Example Usage

"무조건 참는 것도 힘들어."

"Enduring it unconditionally is also hard."


☀️ Meaning

"계속해서 피하려고만 하면 오히려 더 피곤해요."

"If I try to avoid it all the time, it just gets exhausting."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
피하는 것도 피곤하고" → "피하는 거또 피곤하고" (sound linking phenomenon).


차성훈: “, 저도 괜찮습니다. 식사하세요.”

- "": "Yes."

- "저도 괜찮습니다": " (I)" + " (also)" + "괜찮다 (to be fine)" + respectful ending "-습니다."

- "식사하세요": "식사 (meal)" + respectful imperative "-하세요" (Please eat).


☀️ Meaning

"저도 괜찮으니 신경 쓰지 마시고 식사하세요."

"I'm fine too, so don't worry and enjoy your meal."


진영서: “대신 이웃으로서 선 넘지 않도록 조심할게요.”

- "대신": "instead" or "in return."

- "이웃으로서": "이웃 (neighbor)" + a suffix "-으로서" indicating qualification, meaning "as a ~."

- "선 넘지 않도록": " (line, boundary)" + "넘다 (to cross)" + negative form "-지 않다" + purpose marker "-도록" (so that ~ doesn't happen).

- "조심할게요": "조심하다 (to be careful)" + commitment form "-할게요" (I'll be careful).


📌 Example Usage

"대신, 친구로서 선 넘지 않도록 할게."

"Instead, as a friend, I'll be careful not to cross the line."


☀️ Meaning

"이웃으로서 예의를 지키며 선을 넘지 않도록 신경 쓰겠습니다."

"As a neighbor, I'll be mindful not to cross any boundaries."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"선 넘지 않도록" → "선 넘찌 안토록" (sound linking & fortition phenomenon).


진영서: “이 선만 안 넘으면 되겠죠?”

- "이 선만": " (this)" + " (line, boundary)" + " (only)."

- "안 넘으면": "넘다 (to cross)" + negative form "-지 않다" → shortened form "안 넘다" + conditional "-으면" (if ~ doesn't happen).

- "되겠죠?": "되다 (to be okay, to be allowed)" + conjectural "--" + respectful "-?" (It should be fine, right?).

• "되다" → "되겠다" → "되겠죠?"


📌 Example Usage

"이 규칙만 안 어기면 되겠죠?"

"As long as I don't break this rule, it'll be fine, right?"


☀️ Meaning

"If I don't cross this line, it'll be fine, right?"


차성훈: “

- "": A spontaneous reaction or exclamation, meaning "Ah" or "Oh."


진영서: “저기요.”

- "저기요": Used to get someone's attention, translated as "Excuse me."


📌 Example Usage

"저기요, 여기 주문할게요."

"Excuse me, I’d like to order here."


종업원: “뜨거우니까 조심하세요.”

- "뜨거우니까": "뜨겁다 (to be hot)" + reason marker "-니까" (because).

- "조심하세요": "조심하다 (to be careful)" + respectful imperative "-하세요" (please be careful).


📌 Example Usage

"길이 미끄러우니까 조심하세요."

"The road is slippery, so be careful."


☀️ Meaning

"It's hot, so be careful not to burn yourself."


진영서: “~.”

- ”: "Yes~."

진영서: “드디어 널 실물로 영접하는구나.”

- "드디어": "finally."

- "": "너를” (you) → “” (abbreviation)

- "실물로": "실물 (real life, actual appearance)" + "- (by, in)."

- "영접하는구나": "영접하다 (to greet, to meet with reverence)" + exclamatory ending "-는구나."


📌 Example Usage

"드디어 아이돌을 실물로 영접했다!"

"I finally saw my idol in person!"


☀️ Meaning

"드디어 너를 실제로 보게 되는구나."

"Finally, I'm seeing you in real life."


진영서: “~”

- ”: "Ah~."


진영서: “, 어머, 죄송해요.”

- "": "Ah" or "Oh."

- "어머": "Oh my."

- "죄송해요": "죄송하다 (to be sorry)" + respectful ending "-해요."


📌 Example Usage

"어머! 이럴 줄 몰랐어요!"

"Oh my! I didn’t expect this!"


☀️ Meaning

", 깜짝 놀랐네요. 죄송해요."

"Oh, I was startled. I'm sorry."

진영서: “제 음식 김이 그쪽으로 선을 넘었네요.”

- "": "저의 (my)" → “” (abbreviation)

- "음식 김이": "음식 (food)" + " (steam)" + subject marker "-."

- "그쪽으로": "그쪽 (that way, you)" + directional particle "-으로."

- "선을 넘었네요": " (line, boundary)" + object particle “” + "넘다 (to cross)" → "넘었다" (past) + exclamatory ending "-네요."


📌 Example Usage

"죄송해요, 제 커피 냄새가 그쪽으로 갔네요."

"Sorry, my coffee smell drifted towards you."


☀️ Meaning

"제 음식에서 나온 김이 당신 쪽으로 넘어갔네요. 죄송해요."

"The steam from my food crossed towards you. Sorry."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"선을 넘었네요" → "서늘 넘언네요" (sound linking phenomenon).


진영서: “죄송해요.”

- "죄송해요": A polite way of apologizing, meaning "I'm sorry."


📌 Example Usage

"늦어서 죄송해요."

"I'm sorry for being late."


차성훈: (한숨)
Cha Sung-hoon: (Sighs)


진영서: “~”

- “”: "Hmm~"


종업원: “음료 나왔습니다. 오프너는 저쪽에 있어요.”

- "음료 나왔습니다": "음료 (drink, beverage)" + subject marker omitted ("") + "나오다 (to come out)" → "음료 나왔다" (past) + formal ending "-습니다"

- "오프너는 저쪽에 있어요": "오프너 (opener)" + topic marker "" + "저쪽에 (over there)" + "있어요 (exists, is located)."

📌 Example Usage

"주문하신 커피 나왔습니다."

"Your ordered coffee is ready."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"오프너는 저쪽에 있어요" → "오프너는 저쪼게 이써요" (sound linking phenomenon).


차성훈: “이거 쓰세요.”

- "이거": " (this)" + " (thing, short for )."

- "쓰세요": "쓰다 (to use)" + respectful imperative "-세요."


📌 Example Usage

"이거 한번 써 보세요."

"Try using this once."


진영서: “으음으음 노~ ~”
Jin Young-seo: "Mmm~ Mmm~ No~ No~"


☀️ Meaning

"(거절하는 느낌) 아니에요, 괜찮아요."

"(A rejecting nuance) No, it's fine."


진영서: “약속했잖아요.”

- "약속했잖아요": "약속하다 (to promise)" + past tense "--" + emphasis "-잖아요" (reminding tone).

• "약속하다" → "약속했다" → "약속했잖아요"


📌 Example Usage

"나한테 저녁 같이 먹기로 약속했잖아!"

"You promised to have dinner with me!"


☀️ Meaning

"우리가 서로 한 약속이 있잖아요."

"You made a promise."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
약속했잖아요" → "약쏘캣짜나요" (sound linking & fortition phenomenon).


진영서: “절대 선 넘지 않기로.”

- "절대": "절대 (never, absolutely)" → used with negation, meaning "never do something."

- "선 넘지 않기로": " (line, boundary)" + "넘다 (to cross)" + negative form "-지 않다" + "-기로 (as a promise/decision)."


📌 Example Usage

"절대 비밀 지키기로 했잖아."

"We promised to keep it a secret."


☀️ Meaning

"우리가 절대 선을 넘지 않기로 한 거 기억하죠?"

"We agreed never to cross the line, remember?"


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
절대 선 넘지 않기로" → "절때 선 넘찌 안키로" (sound linking & fortition phenomenon).


진영서: (숟가락으로 음료수 뚜껑을 딴다.)

Jin Young-seo: (Pick up a drink with a spoon.)


성훈: “아이고야.”

- "아이고야": A word expressing surprise, embarrassment, or confusion, similar to "Oh dear," "Oh no," or "Oops."

• Similar expressions include "어휴" and "."


📌 Example Usage

"아이고야, 이걸 어떻게 하지?"

"Oh dear, what should I do about this?"



🎥 Final Thoughts

It was a scene that highlighted the delightful chemistry between Jin Young-seo and Cha Sung-hoon, wasn’t it? The way the two, constantly tangled in the same neighborhood, bickered yet built subtle emotions was so cute. Even in this short moment, the wit and emotional depth unique to the drama were beautifully captured. The contrast between Jin Young-seo’s playful and honest character and Cha Sung-hoon’s quiet yet warm persona naturally creates romantic tension.

If you enjoyed this scene, don’t miss the full drama! It will be fun to see how their relationship develops and discover what other memorable moments emerge from their journey.