Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.

🎶 Yoo Yeon-seok - "Say My Name"

Yoo Yeon-seok’s "Say My Name" is OST Part 6 for the drama  “When the Phone Rings" (“지금 거신 전화는”), released on January 4, 2025. This ballad expresses Baek Sa-eon (Yoo Yeon-seok)’s deep and heartfelt emotions for Hong Hee-joo (Chae Soo-bin). Yoo Yeon-seok actively sang and wrote the lyrics, enhancing the song’s emotional depth.


🐾 "Say My Name" is a song performed by actor Yoo Yeon-seok, who stars in “When the Phone Rings."


🎶 Yoo Yeon-seok - "Say My Name": Music Video

[Source] YouTube, Stone Music Entertainment


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 흩어지다 (Scatter, Disperse)

This means that things spread out or disperse in different directions.


📌 Example Usage

"바람이 불자 꽃잎이 흩어졌다."

"As the wind blew, the petals scattered."


🌀 Similar Expressions

퍼지다 (Spread Out, Diffuse)


📌 Example Usage

"향기가 온 방에 퍼졌다."

"The scent spread throughout the room."


2. 숨결 (Breath, Breathing)

This poetic term refers to the gentle act of breathing.


📌 Example Usage

"따뜻한 숨결이 내 볼을 스쳤다."

"A warm breath brushed against my cheek."


🌀 Similar Expressions

호흡 (Breathing, Respiration - More Scientific/Technical)


📌 Example Usage

"호흡을 고르고 차분히 생각해."

"Regulate your breathing and think calmly."


3. 어깨 (Shoulder)

A part of the body, often used symbolically for burdens or support.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 피곤한 듯 어깨를 늘어뜨렸다."

"He dropped his shoulders as if exhausted."


🎨 Expressions

(Back) – Often associated with responsibility or weight of burdens.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 넓은 등은 든든했다."

"His broad back felt reassuring."


4. 온기가 머물다 (Warmth Stays, Lingers)

A poetic expression referring to warmth lingering in a place.


📌 Example Usage

"너의 온기가 손끝에 머물러 있다."

"Your warmth still lingers at my fingertips."


🌀 Similar Expressions

따뜻함이 남아 있다 (Warmth Remains)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 따뜻함이 방 안에 남아 있었다."

"His warmth remained in the room."


5. 끌어안다 (Embrace, Hug)

This means to hold someone or something closely.


📌 Example Usage

"그녀를 조용히 끌어안았다."

"He quietly embraced her."


🌀 Similar Expressions

포옹하다 (To Hug - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"재회한 두 사람은 포옹했다."

"The two people reunited and hugged."


6. 거짓 / (Falsehood / Truth)

"거짓" means something false, while "" means truth.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 말이 거짓인지 참인지 알 수 없다."

"I can’t tell if his words are true or false."


🌀 Similar Expressions

진실 (Truth, Reality)


📌 Example Usage

"진실을 알고 싶어."

"I want to know the truth."


7. 부서져 내리다 (Shatter, Crumble Down)

This describes something breaking apart and collapsing.


📌 Example Usage

"모래성이 파도에 부서져 내렸다."

"The sandcastle crumbled under the waves."


🌀 Similar Expressions

무너지다 (Collapse, Fall Apart)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 희망이 무너졌다."

"His hopes crumbled."


8. 이젠 (Now, From Now On)

A contracted form of "이제는," meaning "from this moment."


📌 Example Usage

"이젠 다시 만날 수 없을까?"

"Can we no longer meet from now on?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

이제부터 (From Now On, Starting Now)


📌 Example Usage

"이제부터 열심히 노력할게."

"From now on, I’ll try my best."


9. 아무것도 중요하지 않다 (Nothing Matters Anymore)

Used to express despair or emotional numbness.


📌 Example Usage

"너 없이 아무것도 중요하지 않아."

"Without you, nothing matters anymore."


🌀 Similar Expressions

모든 게 무의미하다 (Everything Is Meaningless)


📌 Example Usage

"이젠 모든 게 무의미해."

"Now, everything feels meaningless."


10. 심장에 새기다 (Engrave in One’s Heart)

A poetic way of saying "to remember deeply."


📌 Example Usage

"그날의 기억을 심장에 새겼다."

"I engraved that day’s memory in my heart."


🌀 Similar Expressions

가슴속에 간직하다 (Keep in One’s Heart)


📌 Example Usage

"너의 말을 가슴속에 간직할게."

"I will keep your words in my heart."


11. 속삭이다 (To Whisper)

To speak softly and quietly, often in an intimate or secretive manner.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 내 귀에 조용히 속삭였다."

"He whispered into my ear."


🌀 Similar Expressions

나지막이 말하다 (To Speak in a Low Voice)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 나지막이 내 이름을 불렀다."

"She called my name softly in a low voice."


12. 새로 그리다 (To Draw Again, To Redefine)

Used literally and figuratively to create a new vision or redefine something.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 우리의 미래를 새로 그려 나갈 것이다."

"We will redraw our future."


🌀 Similar Expressions

다시 시작하다 (To Start Over)


📌 Example Usage

"이젠 모든 걸 다시 시작할 때야."

"Now it’s time to start everything over."


13. 귓가 (Around the Ear, Whispering Sound)

Often used in poetic contexts to describe lingering sounds near the ear.


📌 Example Usage

"귓가에 너의 목소리가 맴돈다."

"Your voice lingers near my ear."


🎨 Expressions

귀에 맴돌다 (To Linger in the Ear)


📌 Example Usage

"그 노래가 내 귀에 계속 맴돌아."

"That song keeps lingering in my ears."


14. 목소리 (Voice)

Used to refer to a person’s sound when speaking or singing.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 목소리는 따뜻하고 부드러웠다."

"His voice was warm and gentle."


🌀 Similar Expressions

음성 (Voice - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀의 음성이 라디오에서 들려왔다."

"Her voice came through on the radio."


15. 세상 (World, Life, Universe)

Can refer to the physical world or a broader existential meaning.


📌 Example Usage

"세상은 넓고도 좁다."

"The world is both vast and small."


🎨 Expressions

우주 (Universe, Cosmos)


📌 Example Usage

"우주는 여전히 미지의 세계다."

"The universe is still an unknown world."


16. 채우다 / 채워지다 (To Fill / To Be Filled)

"채우다" is active (someone fills something), while "채워지다" is passive (something is filled).


📌 Example Usage

"너로 내 마음을 채우고 싶어."

"I want to fill my heart with you."


"기다림으로 가득 채워진 시간."

"A time filled with waiting."


🎨 Expressions

가득하다 (To Be Full, Overflowing)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 미소에는 따뜻함이 가득했다."

"His smile was full of warmth."

17. 맴돌다 (To Linger, To Hover Around)

This means staying around a place or continuously replaying it in one’s mind.


📌 Example Usage

"네 목소리가 계속 내 머릿속을 맴돌아."

"Your voice keeps lingering in my head."


🌀 Similar Expressions

머릿속에서 떠나지 않다 (Not Leaving the Mind)


📌 Example Usage

"그 기억이 내 머릿속에서 떠나지 않아."

"That memory won’t leave my mind."


18. 어루만지다 (To Gently Caress, To Comfort)

Used both literally (softly touching) and figuratively (soothing emotions).


📌 Example Usage

"꿈결처럼 네 목소리가 나를 어루만져."

"Like a dream, your voice gently caresses me."

- "꿈결처럼": "꿈결 (the sensation of a dream, dream-like state)" + Comparative Expressions "-처럼 (like, as if)." → "Like in a dream" or "as if in a dream."

- " 목소리가": " (your)" + "목소리 (voice)" + 주격 조사 "- (subject marker)." → "Your voice" (as the subject of the sentence).

- "나를": " (I, me)" + 목적격 조사 "- (object marker)." → "Me" (as the object receiving the action).

- "어루만져": "어루만지다 (to caress, to gently touch)" → "- (imperative/indicative present tense)." → "Gently caresses" or "softly touches."


🌀 Similar Expressions

쓰다듬다 (To Gently Stroke, Pet)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 아이의 머리를 조용히 쓰다듬었다."

"He gently stroked the child’s hair."


19. 꿈결 (Dreamlike State, In a Dream)

A poetic term describing a state that feels like a dream.


📌 Example Usage

"꿈결 같은 순간이었어."

"It was a dreamlike moment."


🎨 Expressions

몽환적이다 (Dreamy, Ethereal)

📌 Example Usage


"그곳의 풍경은 정말 몽환적이었다."

"The scenery there was truly ethereal."


20. 더 이상 ~하지 않게 (No Longer ~)

Used when something that was happening before is no longer the case.


📌 Example Usage

"더 이상 아프지 않게."

"So that it won’t hurt anymore."

- " 이상": " (more)" + "이상 (any longer, anymore)" → "Any longer, anymore" (often used in negative sentences).

- "아프지 않게": "아프다 (to hurt, to be in pain)" + negative form "- 않다 (not to do, negation)" + purpose expression "- (so that, in a way that)." → "So that it won’t hurt" or "not to be in pain anymore."


🌀 Similar Expressions

이제는 ~하지 않다 (Now No Longer ~)


📌 Example Usage

"이제는 울지 않을 거야."

"I won’t cry anymore."


21. 거칠다 / 거친 (Rough, Wild)

Used to describe something physically or emotionally rough.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 손은 거칠었다."

"His hands were rough."


🌀 Similar Expressions

거세다 (Strong, Fierce)


📌 Example Usage

"바람이 너무 거세게 불고 있다."

"The wind is blowing too fiercely."


22. 상처 (Wound, Scar, Hurt)

Can refer to physical wounds or emotional pain.


📌 Example Usage

"그 말이 깊은 상처로 남았다."

"Those words left a deep wound."


🌀 Similar Expressions

흉터 (Scar, Mark Left from a Wound)


📌 Example Usage

"오래된 상처가 흉터로 남았다."

"An old wound left a scar."


23. 감싸 안다 (To Embrace, To Envelop)

Used literally for hugging and figuratively for accepting or protecting someone’s emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 나를 조용히 감싸 안았다."

"He quietly embraced me."


🎨 Expressions

보듬다 (To Embrace with Care, To Hold Close)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 아이를 따뜻하게 보듬었다."

"She warmly held the child close."


24. 지금 이 순간 (This Very Moment)

Used to emphasize the present moment with intensity.


📌 Example Usage

"지금 이 순간을 영원히 기억할 거야."

"I will remember this very moment forever."


🌀 Similar Expressions

바로 지금 (Right Now, At This Exact Moment)


📌 Example Usage

"바로 지금이 기회야!"

"Right now is the chance!"

25. 너와 나 사이 (Between You and Me)

Describes the relationship, space, or emotional connection between two people.


📌 Example Usage

"너와 나 사이에는 아무도 끼어들 수 없어."

"No one can come between you and me."


🌀 Similar Expressions

우리 둘 사이 (Between the Two of Us)


📌 Example Usage

"우리 둘 사이에는 말하지 않아도 통하는 게 있어."

"Between us, there’s something we understand without words."


26. 차가운 밤 (Cold Night)

Can be used literally for temperature or metaphorically for loneliness.


📌 Example Usage

"차가운 밤공기가 스며든다."

"The cold night air seeps in."


🎨 Expressions

쓸쓸한 밤 (Lonely Night)


📌 Example Usage

"쓸쓸한 밤을 혼자 보냈다."

"I spent a lonely night alone."


27. 스미다 (To Permeate, To Soak In)

Used to describe something slowly penetrating or sinking in.


📌 Example Usage

"너의 따뜻한 말이 마음속 깊이 스며들었다."

"Your warm words seeped deep into my heart."


🌀 Similar Expressions

배어들다 (To Absorb, To Be Engrained In)


📌 Example Usage

"옷에 비누 냄새가 배어들었다."

"The smell of soap has seeped into the clothes."


28. 전하다 (To Deliver, To Convey a Message or Emotion)

Used for passing messages, emotions, or gifts.


📌 Example Usage

"이 편지를 그녀에게 전해 줘."

"Please deliver this letter to her."


🌀 Similar Expressions

알려주다 (To Inform, To Let Someone Know)


📌 Example Usage

"그 소식을 나한테도 알려줘."

"Let me know that news as well."


29. 과거, 현재, 미래 (Past, Present, Future)

Used to express the concept of time progression.


📌 Example Usage

"과거를 잊고 현재를 살아가며 미래를 꿈꿔라."

"Forget the past, live the present, and dream of the future."


🎨 Expressions

시간의 흐름 (Flow of Time)


📌 Example Usage

"시간의 흐름을 거스를 수는 없다."

"You can’t go against the flow of time."


30. 미래를 쓰다 (To Write the Future)

A poetic way of expressing shaping or creating one’s future.


📌 Example Usage

"우리만의 미래를 써 내려가자."

"Let’s write our own future."


"미래를 내려가"

"Write the future as you go."

- "미래를": "미래 (future)" + "- (object marker)." → "The future" (as the object of writing).

- " 내려가": "쓰다 (to write)" + indicating directionality and continuity "-/ 내려가다 (to write down continuously, to keep writing down)." → "To write down (continuously)" or "keep writing the future."


🌀 Similar Expressions

미래를 그리다 (To Envision the Future, To Plan for the Future)


📌 Example Usage

"밝은 미래를 그려 보고 싶어."

"I want to envision a bright future."


31. 쌓아 나가다 (To Build Up, To Accumulate Gradually)

Used for relationships, experiences, or efforts accumulating over time.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 신뢰를 쌓아 나가야 해."

"We need to build trust step by step."


🌀 Similar Expressions

축적하다 (To Accumulate, To Store Up - More Technical)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 많은 경험을 축적했다."

"He has accumulated much experience."


32. ~를 부르다 (To Call, To Sing, To Summon)

Can mean calling someone, singing a song, or summoning something.


📌 Example Usage

"그녀가 내 이름을 불렀다."

"She called my name."


33. 노을빛 (Sunset Light, The Glow of Sunset)

Describes the warm glow of the sun during sunset.


📌 Example Usage

"노을빛이 바다 위에 아름답게 퍼졌다."

"The glow of the sunset spread beautifully over the sea."


🌀 Similar Expressions

저녁노을 (Evening Sunset Glow)


📌 Example Usage

"저녁노을이 붉게 물들었다."

"The evening sunset was dyed in red."


34. 아득히 (Distantly, Faintly, Vaguely)

Used for physical distance or emotional remoteness.


📌 Example Usage

"아득히 먼 곳을 바라보았다."

"I gazed into the far distance."


🌀 Similar Expressions

희미하게 (Dimly, Faintly)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 얼굴이 희미하게 보였다."

"His face appeared faintly."


35. 온전해지다 (To Become Whole, To Be Restored)

Often used metaphorically for emotional healing or recovery.


📌 Example Usage

"너 없이 난 온전해질 수 없어."

"Without you, I can’t be whole."


🎨 Expressions

회복되다 (To Recover, To Heal)

📌 Example Usage

"그의 마음이 점점 회복되었다."

"His heart gradually healed."


36. 영원히 (Forever, Eternally)

Describes something that lasts without end.


📌 Example Usage

"영원히 너를 사랑할게."

"I will love you forever."


🌀 Similar Expressions

끝없이 (Endlessly, Infinitely)


📌 Example Usage

"끝없이 펼쳐진 하늘을 바라봤다."

"I gazed at the endlessly stretched sky."


37. 어둠 (Darkness, The Dark)

Can refer to literal darkness or metaphorical uncertainty or fear.


📌 Example Usage

"어둠 속에서 길을 찾았다."

"I found my way in the darkness."


🌀 Similar Expressions

암흑 (Pitch Darkness, Total Darkness)


📌 Example Usage

"암흑 같은 절망 속에서 헤매고 있었다."

"I was wandering in pitch-dark despair."


38. 한 줄기 빛 (A Ray of Light, A Glimmer of Hope)

Often used metaphorically to describe hope in darkness.


📌 Example Usage

"한 줄기 빛이 나를 비춰 주었다."

"A ray of light shone on me."


🌀 Similar Expressions

희망의 빛 (Light of Hope)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 나에게 희망의 빛이었다."

"She was the light of hope for me."


🎶 Yoo Yeon-seok - "Say My Name": Listening Highlights

- Yoo Yeon-seok’s delicate vocals: His ability to convey subtle emotions, honed through his acting career, is beautifully reflected in his singing, delivering deep emotional resonance.


- Poetic melody and arrangement: The song's sentimental atmosphere is enhanced by the harmonious blend of piano and string instruments.


- Connection to the drama: The song perfectly encapsulates the characters' emotions, making it even more impactful for those who have watched the series.


🎶 Yoo Yeon-seok - "Say My Name": Additional Information

- Release Date: January 4, 2025

- Album: “When the Phone Rings” OST Part 6

- Genre: Ballad

- Lyrics by: Chae Si-hyun

- Composed by: ALYSA, William Seldahl

- Arranged by: ALYSA, William Seldahl


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to Stone Music Entertainment and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."