Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.


"FANCY" is a song released by TWICE in 2019. It marks a shift from their signature bright and cute concept to a more sophisticated and mature vibe. The music stands out with its dreamy synth-pop sound and lyrics that confidently express love in a direct and self-assured manner.


🎶 TWICE - "FANCY": Music Video

[Source] YouTube, JYP Entertainment


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 지금 (Now, At This Moment)

Indicates the present time.


📌 Example Usage

"지금 뭐 해?"

"What are you doing now?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

현재 (Present, Currently) – More formal.


📌 Example Usage

"현재 상황이 어떤가요?"

"How is the current situation?"


2. 하늘 (Sky, Heaven)

Can refer to the sky or a metaphorical "heaven."


📌 Example Usage

"오늘 하늘이 정말 예쁘다."

"The sky is so beautiful today."


🌀 Similar Expressions

창공 (The Vast Sky) – More poetic.


📌 Example Usage

"새들이 창공을 날고 있다."

"Birds are flying across the vast sky."


3. 구름 (Cloud)

A mass of water vapor in the sky.


📌 Example Usage

"구름이 많아서 해가 안 보여."

"There are too many clouds, so I can’t see the sun."


🎨 Expressions

뭉게구름 (Fluffy Cloud) – A specific type of cloud.


📌 Example Usage

"하늘에 뭉게구름이 떠 있다."

"Fluffy clouds are floating in the sky."


4.  / 색깔 (Color)

Refers to different hues.


📌 Example Usage

"네가 좋아하는 색이 뭐야?"

"What’s your favorite color?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

빛깔 (Shade, Tint) – More poetic.


📌 Example Usage

"노을의 빛깔이 참 아름답다."

"The color of the sunset is truly beautiful."


5. 태양 (The Sun)

A scientific or poetic term for the sun.


📌 Example Usage

"태양이 뜨겁게 빛나고 있어."

"The sun is shining brightly."


" 태양의 빨간빛이 같아"

"That red light of the sun looks like your cheeks."

- "": "that" (far from the speaker but visible).

- "태양의": "태양 (sun)" + possessive particle "-" ("of the sun").

- "빨간빛이": "빨간 (red)" + " (light)" + subject marker "-".

- " ": " (your)" + " (two)" + " (cheeks)".

- "같아": "같다 (to be like)" + informal ending "-" (casual statement).


🌀 Similar Expressions

(Sun - More Common)


📌 Example Usage

"해가 지고 있다."

"The sun is setting."


6. 얼굴 볼 (Cheeks, Face)

"" refers specifically to the cheeks, while "얼굴" is the entire face.


📌 Example Usage

"네 볼이 빨개졌어!"

"Your cheeks turned red!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

(Cheek - More Formal)


📌 Example Usage

"바람이 차서 뺨이 시려."

"The wind is cold, so my cheeks sting."


7. 따끔하다 (To Sting, To Be Sharp)

Describes a slight pain, scolding, or a sharp sensation.


📌 Example Usage

"모기 물린 곳이 따끔해."

"The mosquito bite stings."


🎨 Expressions

화끈하다 (To Burn, Feel Hot)


📌 Example Usage

"창피해서 얼굴이 화끈거려."

"I’m embarrassed, so my face feels hot."


8. 장미 (Rose)

Symbolizes love and beauty.


📌 Example Usage

"장미 한 송이를 선물했다."

"I gave a single rose as a gift."


" 장미같이 따끔해"

"You're as sharp as a rose."

- "": " (you)" + topic marker "-". "” (spoken contraction)

- "장미같이": "장미 (rose)" + comparison particle "-같이" ("like, as").

- "따끔해": "따끔하다 (to be sharp, to sting)" + casual ending "-".


🌀 Similar Expressions

장미꽃 (Rose Flower - More Specific)


📌 Example Usage

"장미꽃 향기가 너무 좋다."

"The scent of roses is so nice."


9. 괜찮다 (It’s Okay, Fine, Alright)

Used to express being okay or something being acceptable.


📌 Example Usage

"다쳤어? 괜찮아?"

"Did you get hurt? Are you okay?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

문제없다 (No Problem)


📌 Example Usage

"이 정도는 문제없어."

"This much is no problem."


10. 겁나지 않다 / 겁나다 (Not Afraid / Afraid)

Describes fear or lack thereof.


📌 Example Usage

"난 하나도 겁나지 않아!"

"I’m not scared at all!"


"괜찮아 조금도 겁나지 않아"

"It's okay, I'm not scared at all."

- "괜찮아": "괜찮다 (to be okay, fine)" + informal ending "-".

- "": " (I)" + topic marker "-". "” (spoken contraction)

- "조금도": "조금 (a little)" + emphasis "- (even a little)".

- "겁나지 않아": "겁나다 (to be scared)" + negation "- 않아 (not)".


🌀 Similar Expressions

두렵지 않다 / 두렵다  (Not Afraid / Afraid)


📌 Example Usage

"나는 미래가 두렵지 않아."

"I am not afraid of the future."


"실패가 두렵다."

"I am afraid of failure."


11. 더 세게 잡다 (To Hold Tighter)

Used for grasping firmly.

📌 Example Usage

"내 손을 더 세게 잡아!"

"Hold my hand tighter!"

🌀 Similar Expressions

꽉 잡다 (To Hold Firmly)

📌 Example Usage

"안전벨트를 꽉 잡아!"

"Hold onto the seatbelt tightly!"


12. 위험하다 (To Be Dangerous)

Describes something risky or hazardous.


📌 Example Usage

"저 길은 위험하니까 조심해!"

"That road is dangerous, so be careful!"


" 위험할 거야"

"It'll be even more dangerous."

- " ": " (a little)" + " (more)".

- "위험할": "위험하다 (to be dangerous)" + future attributive "-".

- "거야": Future tense "- 것이다" " “- 것이야” (casual statement) " “- 거야” (spoken contraction)

위험할 것이다"위험할 것이야"위험할 거야


🎨 Expressions

위태롭다 (To Be Risky - More Serious)


📌 Example Usage

"그의 건강 상태가 위태롭다."

"His health condition is precarious."


13. 달콤하다 (To Be Sweet, Pleasantly Sweet)

Used for flavors, words, or feelings.


📌 Example Usage

"초콜릿이 달콤해!"

"The chocolate is sweet!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

스윗하다 (Sweet - Borrowed from English)


📌 Example Usage

"그 남자 정말 스윗해!"

"That guy is really sweet!"


14. 녹다 / 녹아버리다 (To Melt / To Completely Melt Away)

"녹다" means to melt, while "녹아버리다" emphasizes complete melting.


📌 Example Usage

"아이스크림이 더워서 녹고 있어."

"The ice cream is melting because it’s hot."


"너의 미소에 내 마음이 녹아버렸다."

"My heart completely melted at your smile."


"지금 기분이 녹아버리다"

"Right now, my feelings are melting away."

- "지금": "now, at this moment."

- " 기분이": " (my)" + "기분 (feeling, mood)" + subject marker "-".

- "녹아버리다": "녹다 (to melt)" + emphatic "-아버리다" (completely, irreversibly).


🎨 Expressions

사르르 녹다 (To Gently Melt Away - Poetic)


📌 Example Usage

"따뜻한 초콜릿이 입안에서 사르르 녹는다."

"The warm chocolate melts gently in my mouth."


15. 깜깜한 (Pitch Black, Very Dark)

Describes extreme darkness.


📌 Example Usage

"방 안이 깜깜해서 아무것도 안 보여."

"It’s so dark in the room that I can’t see anything."


"깜깜한 우주 속에서 가장 반짝이는 저 별과 그 옆에 큰 네 별이 있어."

"In the dark universe, there's the brightest star and a big star next to it—you."

- "깜깜한": "깜깜하다 (to be dark, pitch-black)" + adjective form "-".

- "우주 속에서": "우주 (universe, space)" + “ (inside)” + location "-에서".

- "가장 반짝이는": "가장 (the most)" + "반짝이다 (to shine, twinkle)" + attributive "-".

- "저 별과": " (that)" + " (star)" + conjunction "- (and)".

- "그 옆에 큰 네 별": " (that)" + " (next to)" + location “-” + " (big)" + " (your)" + " (star)".

- "있어": "있다 (to exist)" + casual ending "-".


🌀 Similar Expressions

어두운 (Dark - More General)


📌 Example Usage

"밖이 어두워지기 시작했어."

"It’s starting to get dark outside."


16. 우주 (Universe, Space)

Can refer to outer space or the vast universe.


📌 Example Usage

"우주는 끝이 없을까?"

"Does the universe have an end?"


🎨 Expressions

은하 (Galaxy - More Specific)

📌 Example Usage


"우리 은하는 정말 크다."

"Our galaxy is truly enormous."


17. 반짝이다 (To Sparkle, To Shine Brightly)

Describes twinkling or shining objects.


📌 Example Usage

"별들이 밤하늘에서 반짝이고 있어."

"The stars are sparkling in the night sky."


🌀 Similar Expressions

빛나다 (To Shine, To Glow)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀의 눈이 빛났다."

"Her eyes were shining."


18.  (Star)

A celestial body, often symbolizing dreams or guidance.


📌 Example Usage

"밤하늘에 별이 가득하다."

"The night sky is full of stars."


🎨 Expressions

별빛 (Starlight)


📌 Example Usage

"별빛이 아름답게 빛난다."

"The starlight shines beautifully."


19. ~를 원하다 (To Want ~)

Expresses a desire for something.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 진정한 사랑을 원해."

"I want true love."


"나는 아무나 원하지 않아"

"I don’t want just anyone."

- "나는": " (I)" + topic marker "-" (emphasizing the subject).

- "아무나": "anyone, whoever" (used in a negative sentence to mean not just anyone).

- "원하지 않아": "원하다 (to want)" + negation "- 않아 (not)".


🌀 Similar Expressions

갖고 싶다 (To Want to Have)


📌 Example Usage

"새 핸드폰을 갖고 싶어."

"I want a new phone."


20. 꿈처럼 행복하다 (To Be Happy Like a Dream)

Describes a happiness that feels surreal.


📌 Example Usage

"너와 함께하는 시간이 꿈처럼 행복해."

"The time I spend with you is as happy as a dream."


🎨 Expressions

동화 같아 (Like a Fairy Tale)


📌 Example Usage

"이 순간이 정말 동화 같아."

"This moment really feels like a fairy tale."


21. 좋아하다 (To Like, To Love)

Expresses preference or affection.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 너를 좋아해."

"I like you."


"누가 먼저 좋아하면 어때?"

"So what if someone falls in love first?"

- "누가": "who" (subject form).

- "먼저": "first, before the other person."

- "좋아하면": "좋아하다 (to like, love)" + conditional "- (if)."

- "어때?": "어떻다 (to be how)" + casual question "-?" (What’s the problem?).


🌀 Similar Expressions

마음에 들다 (To Be to One’s Liking)


📌 Example Usage

"이 옷이 정말 마음에 들어."

"I really like this outfit."


22. 매일 (Every Day, Daily)

Indicates something happening daily.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 매일 운동을 해."

"I exercise every day."


🌀 Similar Expressions

항상 (Always, All the Time)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 항상 친절하다."

"He is always kind."


23. 정말 (Really, Truly)

Used to emphasize truth or depth of feeling.


📌 Example Usage

"정말 좋은 사람이야."

"You’re really a good person."


🌀 Similar Expressions

진짜 (Really - More Casual)


📌 Example Usage

"진짜 맛있어!"

"It’s really delicious!"


24. 아무것도 못하다 (To Be Unable to Do Anything)

Expresses helplessness or inaction.


📌 Example Usage

"너무 놀라서 아무것도 못했어."

"I was so shocked that I couldn’t do anything."


" 아무것도 못하네"

"I can’t do anything."

- "": " (I)" + topic marker "-" "” (spoken contraction)

- "아무것도": "anything" in a negative sentence (lit. not even a single thing).

- "못하네": "못하다 (to not be able to do)" + casual realization "-" (expressing realization).


🌀 Similar Expressions

손도 못 대다 (Not Able to Even Touch It - Figuratively Helpless)


📌 Example Usage

"문제가 너무 어려워서 손도 못 댔어."

"The problem was so difficult that I couldn’t even start."


25. 큰 일 나다 / 큰 일 내다 (A Big Trouble Happens / To Cause a Big Trouble)

Indicates a serious issue occurring or being caused.


📌 Example Usage

"지금 출발 안 하면 큰일 나!"

"If we don’t leave now, we’ll be in big trouble!"


" 이러다 큰일 같은데"

"I feel like I’m about to do something big."

- "": "I" (casual).

- "이러다": "이렇게 하다 (to act like this)" → colloquial contraction.

- "큰일 같은데": "큰일 (big trouble, serious matter)" + "내다 (to cause, to make happen)" + future "- 같다 (seems like, I feel like)." + “-

”: A sentence-final ending that conveys a fact the speaker directly experienced in the past and is now recounting in the present.


🌀 Similar Expressions

문제가 생기다 (A Problem Arises)


📌 Example Usage

"갑자기 문제가 생겼어."

"A problem suddenly came up."


26. 머리가 리셋되다 (Mind Goes Blank, Brain Resets)

Describes a sudden mental blank.


📌 Example Usage

"시험 중에 갑자기 머리가 리셋됐어."

"My mind suddenly went blank during the test."


🌀 Similar Expressions

머릿속이 하얘지다 (Mind Turns White - Similar Idiom)


📌 Example Usage

"무대 위에서 머릿속이 하얘졌어."

"On stage, my mind went blank."


27. 어쩌면 좋아 (What Should I Do? / Oh No!)

Expresses panic or indecision.


📌 Example Usage

"지갑을 잃어버렸어. 어쩌면 좋아?"

"I lost my wallet. What should I do?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

어떡하지? (What Do I Do? - Casual)


📌 Example Usage

"숙제 안 했는데... 어떡하지?"

"I didn’t do my homework... What should I do?"


28. 맞다 (To Be Correct, To Get Hit, To Fit Well)

This verb has multiple meanings: being correct, getting hit, or something fitting well.


📌 Example Usage (Correct)

"네 대답이 맞아!"

"Your answer is correct!"


📌 Example Usage (To Get Hit)

"어릴 때 장난치다 친구한테 맞은 적 있어."

"When I was a kid, I got hit while playing with a friend."


📌 Example Usage (To Fit Well)

"이 옷이 나한테 딱 맞아!"

"This outfit fits me perfectly!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

정답이다 (To Be the Right Answer) – Used for quiz/test answers.


📌 Example Usage

"문제의 정답은 3번입니다."

"The correct answer is number 3."


29. 바다 (Sea, Ocean)

Refers to a large body of salt water.


📌 Example Usage

"여름에는 바다에 가고 싶어."

"I want to go to the sea in summer."


🎨 Expressions

해변 (Beach) – More specific to the shore.


📌 Example Usage

"해변에서 산책하는 게 좋아."

"I like taking walks on the beach."


30. 잠수함 (Submarine)

A watercraft capable of operating underwater.


📌 Example Usage

"잠수함을 타 보고 싶어."

"I want to ride a submarine."


31.  / 꿈같다 (Dream / Dreamlike)

"" refers to both literal dreams and aspirations, while "꿈같다" means "like a dream."


📌 Example Usage (Literal Dream)

"어젯밤에 이상한 꿈을 꿨어."

"I had a weird dream last night."


📌 Example Usage (Dreamlike)

"오늘 하루가 정말 꿈같았어."

"Today felt like a dream."


🌀 Similar Expressions

환상적이다 (Fantastic, Dreamlike)


📌 Example Usage

"이 공연은 환상적이었어!"

"This performance was fantastic!"


32. 꼬집다 (To Pinch, To Point Out Something Critically)

It means pinching someone or metaphorically pointing out a physical flaw.


📌 Example Usage (Physical)

"장난치다가 친구가 내 팔을 꼬집었어."

"While playing, my friend pinched my arm."


📌 Example Usage (Critical Remark)

"그의 실수를 꼬집어서 말했어."

"I pointed out his mistake."


33. 상태 메시지 (Status Message, Profile Status)

A short phrase or sentence used to express one’s mood on social media or chat apps.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘 상태 메시지에 '행복하다'라고 적었어."

"I set my status message to 'I’m happy' today."


🌀 Similar Expressions

프로필 문구 (Profile Text)

📌 Example Usage

"내 프로필 문구를 바꿨어."

"I changed my profile text."


34. 연기처럼 사라지다 (To Disappear Like Smoke)

Used to describe something fading away completely.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 흔적은 연기처럼 사라졌다."

"His traces disappeared like smoke."


"네가 연기처럼 사라질까 걱정돼."

"I’m worried you’ll disappear like smoke."

- "네가": " (you)" + subject marker "-."

- "연기처럼": "연기 (smoke)" + comparison "-처럼 (like)."

- "": Sound effect for sudden movement (e.g., whoosh).

- "사라질까": "사라지다 (to disappear)" + uncertainty "-ㄹ까?" (worried something might happen).

- "걱정돼": "걱정하다 (to worry)" + state "- (to feel worried about)."


🌀 Similar Expressions

흔적 없이 사라지다 (To Vanish Without a Trace)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 흔적 없이 사라져 버렸다."

"He disappeared without a trace."


35. 두 눈에 담다 (To Capture in One’s Eyes, To Remember Beautifully)

Describes treasuring a sight in one's memory.


📌 Example Usage

"이 순간을 두 눈에 담고 싶어."

"I want to capture this moment in my eyes."


🌀 Similar Expressions

기억 속에 새기다 (To Engrave in One’s Memory)


📌 Example Usage

"그날의 장면을 기억 속에 새겼어."

"I engraved that moment in my memory."


36. 생각 (Thought, Idea, Reflection)

Refers to one's thoughts, opinions, or reflections.


📌 Example Usage

"너는 어떤 생각을 하고 있어?"

"What are you thinking about?"


37. 포근하다 (To Be Cozy, Warm, Comfortable)

Describes warmth or comfort, physically or emotionally.


📌 Example Usage

"포근한 이불 속에서 자는 게 좋아."

"I love sleeping in a cozy blanket."


" 생각만으로도 포근해져."

"Just thinking about you makes me feel warm."

- " 생각만으로도": " (your)" + "생각 (thoughts)" + emphasis "-만으로도 (just with, even only with)."

- "": " (I)" + topic marker "-."

- "포근해져": "포근하다 (to be warm, cozy)" + dynamic "- (becoming)."


🌀 Similar Expressions

따뜻하다 (To Be Warm)


📌 Example Usage

"햇살이 따뜻해서 기분이 좋다."

"The sunlight is warm, so I feel good."


38. 놓다 (To Put Down, To Let Go, To Release)

Depending on the context, it can mean placing something down or letting go.


📌 Example Usage (Put Down)

"책을 책상 위에 놓아 둬."

"Put the book on the desk."


📌 Example Usage (Let Go)

"이제 걱정을 놓아도 돼."

"You can let go of your worries now."


📌 Example Usage (To Release)

"이제 놓지 않을래"

"Now, I won’t let you go."

- "이제": "Now, from this moment on."

- "": " (you)" + object marker "-" (spoken contraction).

- "놓지 않을래": "놓다 (to let go, to release)" + negation "- 않다" + intention "-을래 (I won’t, I refuse to)."


🌀 Similar Expressions

내려놓다 (To Set Down, To Relieve Oneself from Burden)


📌 Example Usage

"마음의 짐을 내려놓아."

"Let go of the burden in your heart."


🎶 TWICE - "FANCY": Summary & Meaning of the Lyrics

The lyrics vividly capture the overwhelming emotions of falling in love, portraying a proactive approach to expressing affection. Unlike TWICE’s previous shy and innocent love songs, this track embraces the theme of fancying someone with certainty and boldness.


🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "FANCY"

- A shift from TWICE’s traditional lovely concept to a refined synth-pop style.

- Instead of expressing love shyly, the song conveys confidence and certainty.

- The dreamy synth melody and strong beat enhance the song’s addictive appeal.

- The performance also evolved from their usual lively choreography to a more elegant and stylish dance routine.


🎶 TWICE - "FANCY":  Additional Information

- Release Date: April 22, 2019

- Album: Fancy You

- Genre: Synth-pop & Dance

- Lyrics & Composition: Black Eyed Pilseung, Jeon Goon


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to JYP Entertainment and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."