🎥 Introduction

The Netflix drama "Severe Trauma Center" is currently making waves, capturing global audiences with its intense depiction of the medical field and heartwarming human stories. In the latest short clip, Baek Kang-hyuk treats his team to a meal, leading to a lighthearted conversation between Baek Kang-hyuk, Yang Jae-won, and Cheon Jang-mi. Their witty exchange adds a refreshing touch to the drama’s intense atmosphere.



🎥 Short Video

[Source] YouTube, @dramaduckhupick


🎥 Meet the Characters

- Baek Kang-hyuk (Joo Ji-hoon) – The leader of the Severe Trauma Center, a highly skilled and charismatic doctor.

- Cheon Jang-mi (Ha-young) – A strong-willed nurse and the mood maker of the team.

- Yang Jae-won (Chu Young-woo) – A former colorectal surgeon who diligently strives to become a top-tier doctor.


🎥 Dialogue

백강혁: “안되겠다. 오늘 내가 쏜다. 나가서 먹자.”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "That won’t do. I’m treating the team today. Let’s go eat out."

양재원(항문): “병원 밖에서요?”
Yang Jae-won (a.k.a. proctology): "Outside the hospital?"

백강혁: “, 맞다.”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "Oh, right."

양재원: “.”
Yang Jae-won: "Yes."

백강혁: “조폭한테, 내가 한 말 꼭 전하고.”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "Make sure to pass my message to the gangster."

양재원: “, 어 어떤 거?”
Yang Jae-won: "Yes… Uh, what exactly?"

천장미(조폭): “뭐라고요?”
Chun Jang-mi (a.k.a. gangster): "What?"

양재원: “, 사람같이 하고 나오래요.”
Yang Jae-won: "Oh, he said to come out looking presentable."

천장미: “하아
Chun Jang-mi: "Sigh"

천장미: “, 알았어요. .”
Chun Jang-mi: "Fine. Got it."

천장미: “, 진짜 어이가 없네?”
Chun Jang-mi: "Seriously? Unbelievable."

천장미: “아니, 내가 안 꾸며서 그렇지.”
Chun Jang-mi: "It's just because I didn’t dress up."

천장미: “, 꾸미면 얼마나
Chun Jang-mi: "If I did, I’d look…"

천장미: “아이, 뭐 벗고 나가지만 않으면 되지, .”
Chun Jang-mi: "Whatever. As long as I’m not going out naked, right?"

천장미: “, 드라마가 너무 비현실적이야.”
Chun Jang-mi: "This drama is so unrealistic."

천장미: “저렇게 잘생긴 의사가 어딨어.”
Chun Jang-mi: "Where do you even find doctors that handsome?"

양재원: “교수님! 교수님! 아이고. , 아이고.”
Yang Jae-won: "Professor! Professor! Oh, man… Ah, geez."

양재원: “늦어서 죄송합니다.”
Yang Jae-won: "Sorry for being late."

백강혁: “이야 항문.”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "Wow, Hangmoon."

백강혁: “너무 다른 사람 같다?”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "You look like a completely different person."

양재원: “제가 병원에선 나름 옷 잘 입기로 유명합니다.”
Yang Jae-won: "I’m actually known for dressing well at the hospital."

백강혁: “얘가 공복이라서 그런가 쉰 소리를 다하네.”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "Are you talking nonsense because you’re on an empty stomach?"

양재원: “사실은 누가 다 사준 거예요. 이거.”
Yang Jae-won: "Actually, someone bought all of this for me."

백강혁: “누가? 여친?”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "Who? Your girlfriend?"

백강혁: “엄마는 아닐 꺼 아냐? 마마보이도 아니고.”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "It’s not your mom, right? You’re not a mama’s boy."

백강혁: “으음!”
Baek Kang-hyuk: "Hmm!"

양재원: “, 먹어요.”
Yang Jae-won: "Teacher, eat up."

천장미: “좀 차려입고 올 걸 그랬나? 집 앞이라 너무 대충 나왔더니.”
Chun Jang-mi: "Should I have dressed up a bit? I just threw something on since it's near my place."

양재원: “밥 먹는데 뭐 옷이 뭐가 중요해요. 그냥 편하게 먹는거지.”
Yang Jae-won: "Clothes don’t matter when eating. Just relax and enjoy the food."

천장미: “아 그러신 분이. 크허. 오 프라다.”
Chun Jang-mi: "Says the guy in… Oh, Prada?"

🎯 Key Takeaways

1. "내가 쏜다": Used when someone offers to pay for a meal, drink, or similar expenses.

🌀 Synonyms:

- "내가 낼게." (I’ll pay.)

- "내가 살게." (I’ll treat you.)

📌 Example Usage:

- 오늘 회식은 내가 쏜다! (I’ll pay for the company dinner today!)

- 너 시험 잘 봤다며? 축하 기념으로 내가 커피 쏜다! (You did well on your exam? I’ll treat you to coffee to celebrate!)


2. "어이가 없네": Expresses disbelief, being dumbfounded, or finding something ridiculous. It is often used with intensifiers like "너무," "진짜," or "정말."

🌀 Synonyms:

- "기가 막히네." (This is absurd.)

- "황당하네." (This is ridiculous.)

📌 Example Usage:

- 진짜 어이가 없네. 이렇게까지 거짓말을 할 줄이야! (Seriously, this is ridiculous. I can’t believe they lied this much!)

- 어이가 없어서 말도 안 나온다. (I’m so dumbfounded that I can’t even speak.)


3. "~이 비현실적이다": Used to describe something unrealistic or disconnected from reality. Like "어이가 없네," it is often paired with intensifiers like "너무," "진짜," or "정말."

🌀 Synonyms:

- "현실성이 없다." (It lacks realism.)

- "말도 안 된다." (That makes no sense.)

📌 Example Usage:

- 이 드라마 설정이 너무 비현실적이다. (This drama’s plot is too unrealistic.)

- 저렇게 잘생긴 의사가 현실에 어딨어? 진짜 비현실적이야. (Where would you find a doctor that handsome in real life? It’s totally unrealistic!)


4. "~하기로 유명하다": Used to indicate that someone or something is widely known for a specific trait or skill.

🌀 Synonyms:

- "~로 잘 알려져 있다." (Well known for ~)

📌 Example Usage:

- 그 가게는 맛있는 빵을 만들기로 유명해. (That bakery is famous for making delicious bread.)

- 나는 회사에서 꼼꼼하기로 유명하다. (At work, I’m known for being meticulous.)


5. "쉰 소리를 한다": Means "to talk nonsense" or say something foolish.

🌀 Synonyms:

- "헛소리를 한다." (Talking nonsense.)

- "말도 안 되는 소리를 한다." (Saying something absurd.)

📌 Example Usage:

- 얘가 공복이라 그런가? 쉰 소리를 다 하네(Is he just hungry? He’s talking total nonsense.)

- 제발 쉰 소리 그만하고 현실을 직시해. (Stop talking nonsense and face reality.)

🎥 Grammatical analysis of the dialogue

The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.


백강혁: "안되겠다. 오늘 내가 쏜다. 나가서 먹자."

Baek Kang-hyuk: "This won’t do. I'll pay today. Let's eat out."

- "안되겠다": "안되다" (not possible, not allowed) + "-겠다" (speaker's determination, will)

• Interpretation: "이대로는 안되겠다." → Indicates a resolution to change something.


📌 Example Usage:

- 이제 더 이상 기다릴 수 없어. 안되겠다, 내가 직접 할게.

- I can’t wait any longer. This won’t do. I’ll do it myself.


- "내가 쏜다.": "내가 계산할게." (I'll cover the bill.)

"쏜다": "쏘다" originally means "to shoot," but here it’s slang for "to pay, to treat."

"쏘다" (base form) → "쏜다" (The ending changes to "-ㄴ다," indicating that the action is happening in the present tense.)


📌 Example Usage:

- 오늘 월급 받았으니 내가 쏠게!

- I got my paycheck today, so I'll treat you!


- "나가서": "나가다" (to go outside) + connective "-" (indicating sequence)

- "먹자": "먹다" (to eat) + suggestive "-" (let’s)

• Full interpretation: "(밖에) 나가서 (밥을) 먹자." → "Let’s go out and eat."


📌 Example Usage:

- 집에서 먹지 말고 나가서 먹자.

- Instead of eating at home, let’s eat out.


양재원: "병원 밖에서요?"

Yang Jae-won: "Outside the hospital?"

- "병원 밖에서": "병원" (hospital) + "" (outside) + "-에서" (location marker)

• Meaning: "Outside the hospital (for eating)?"

- "-?": Polite ending conveys respect and slight disbelief.


📌 Example Usage:

- 진짜 여기서 자겠다고요?

- Are you seriously going to sleep here?


백강혁: ", 맞다."

Baek Kang-hyuk: "Oh, right."

- "맞다": "To be correct" or "to recall something."


📌 Example Usage:

- 맞다! 우산을 두고 왔어!

- Oh, right! I left my umbrella!

양재원: "."

Yang Jae-won: "Yes."

- "" vs. ""

"": Casual, common in daily speech.

"": More formal and polite.


📌 Example Usage:

- 상사: 보고서 준비됐나요?

- Boss: Is the report ready?

- 부하직원: , 다 준비됐습니다.

- Employee: Yes, it's all prepared.

백강혁: "조폭한테, 내가 한 말 꼭 전하고."

Baek Kang-hyuk: "Tell the gangster exactly what I said."

- "조폭": A shortened form of "조직폭력배," referring to a criminal organization that engages in organized violence (gangster).

- "한테": "에게" in spoken form, indicating the recipient of an action.

- "내가 한 말": "The words I said."

- "": Means "without fail, for sure."

- "전하고": "전하다" (to deliver, to convey) + imperative "-" (command form).


📌 Example Usage:

- 엄마한테 내 안부 꼭 전해줘.

- Make sure to say hello to my mom for me.


양재원: ", 어 어떤 거?"

Yang Jae-won: "Yes, uh… what exactly?"

- "": Used when flustered or buying time in speech.

- "어떤 거?": "어떤" (which, what kind of) + "" (, thing).


📌 Example Usage:

- 어떤 음식 좋아해?

- What kind of food do you like?

천장미: "뭐라고요?"

Cheon Jang-mi: "What did you say?"

- "뭐라고": Contracted form of "무엇이라고?", asking for clarification.

- "-?": Polite speech level.


📌 Example Usage:

- 그게 무슨 뜻이라고요?

- What do you mean by that?

양재원: ", 사람같이 하고 나오래요."

Yang Jae-won: "Oh, he said to dress like a human."

- "사람같이": "사람"(human) + "-같이" (~처럼, like).

• Hidden meaning: Implies Cheon Jang-mi’s usual appearance is messy.

- "하고": Here, it means "to dress in a certain way."

- "나오래요": "나오다" (to come out) + "-라고 하다""나오라고 하다"

- 나오라고 하다나오라고 했다 (past tense)

- 나오라고 했다 + "-래요" (indirect speech) → 나오래요.”


📌 Example Usage:

- 선생님이 조용히 하래요.

- The teacher said to be quiet.

천장미: "하아."

Cheon Jang-mi: (Deep sigh)

"하아": Expresses frustration, annoyance, or exhaustion.


📌 Example Usage:

- 하아오늘 진짜 힘들다.

- Sigh… Today was really exhausting.


천장미: ", 알았어요. ."

Cheon Jang-mi: "Oh, okay. Got it."

- "": Indicates realization or reaction.

- "알았어요": "알다" (to know) + "-았어요" (past tense) → "Got it, understood."


천장미: ", 진짜 어이가 없네?"

Cheon Jang-mi: "Ah, this is ridiculous."

- "어이가 없다": A situation is so unexpected that one is speechless, feeling dumbfounded or absurd.

"어이" (sense, reason) + "없다" (not exist) → "It makes no sense."

Interpretation: "너무 황당해서 말이 안 나온다." (So absurd that I can't even speak.)


- "없네": "없다" (not exist) + "-" (expressing realization or emphasis).

• Sounds natural and casual in spoken language.


📌 Example Usage:

- 네 말 들으니까 어이가 없네.

- Listening to you, I’m speechless.

천장미: "아니, 내가 안 꾸며서 그렇지."

Cheon Jang-mi: "No, it's just because I don’t dress up."

- "아니,": Exclamation used for denial or contradiction.


📌 Example Usage:

- 아니, 그게 아니고 내가 말하려던 건

- No, that’s not it. What I meant was…


- "내가 안 꾸며서": "내가" (I, subject) + "" (negation) + "꾸미다" (to dress up) + "-" (reason).

• Interpretation: "Because I don’t dress up."


- "그렇지.": "그렇다" (to be like that) + "-" (softening tone).

• Interpretation: "That's why."


📌 Example Usage:

- 아니, 내가 노력 안 해서 그렇지, 하면 잘해.

- No, it’s just that I haven’t tried. If I do, I can do well.

천장미: ", 꾸미면 얼마나"

Cheon Jang-mi: "Uh, if I dress up, how much… I mean…"

- ",": Used when hesitating or thinking.

- "꾸미면": "꾸미다" (to dress up) + "-" (if, hypothetical).

• Interpretation: "If I dress up…"


- "얼마나": "얼마나" (how much, to what extent) + sentence cut off mid-thought.

• Implied meaning: 내가 꾸미면 얼마나 예쁜데! (If I dress up, I look fantastic!)


📌 Example Usage:

- , 내가 준비하면 얼마나 잘하는데!

- If I prepare, I do so well!

천장미: "아이, 뭐 벗고 나가지만 않으면 되지, ."

Cheon Jang-mi: "Ugh, as long as I’m not going out naked, it’s fine."

- "아이,": Exclamation expressing frustration or emphasis.

- "": Casual filler word, downplaying a situation.


📌 Example Usage:

- , 그냥 적당히 하면 되지.

- Eh, just doing it moderately is fine.


- "벗고 나가지만 않으면 되지,"

"벗다" (to take off clothes) + "-" (and).

"나가다" + "-지만" (It is a connective ending that indicates a contrast between the preceding and following clauses. In this sentence, it implies that the content following "나가다" will express an opposite idea.)

"않으면" (if not): 아니하다 + “-으면(It is a connective ending that indicates a hypothesis or condition, assuming that the preceding clause does not happen. In this sentence, it expresses the assumption of "나가지만 않는다면," meaning "if one does not go out.")

되지”: "되다" (to be okay) + "-" (It is a sentence-ending form used to acknowledge a fact or express a question. In this sentence, it is used to acknowledge the fact that "나가지만 않으면 된다" (as long as one does not go out, it is fine)).

• Interpretation: "As long as I don’t go out naked, it’s fine."


- ".": Emphasizes casualness.


📌 Example Usage:

- 아이, 대충 하면 되지, .

- Ugh, just doing it roughly is fine.

천장미: ", 드라마가 너무 비현실적이야."

Cheon Jang-mi: "Ah, this drama is too unrealistic."

- "비현실적이야": “비현실적(unrealistic) + “이야(casual sentence-ending form)


천장미: "저렇게 잘생긴 의사가 어딨어."

Cheon Jang-mi: "Where in the world is there a doctor that handsome?"

- "저렇게": Like that

- "잘생긴": "잘생기다" (to be handsome) + "-" (adjective form).

- "어딨어": "어디 있어" (where is it?) → casual contraction.


📌 Example Usage:

- 세상에 저렇게 완벽한 사람이 어딨어?

- Where in the world is a person that perfect?

양재원: "교수님! 교수님! 아이고. , 아이고."

Yang Jae-won: "Professor! Professor! Oh my… oh, geez."

- "교수님": Honorific title for professors and doctors.

- "아이고.": Exclamation for surprise, distress, or frustration.


📌 Example Usage:

- 아이고, 내가 이걸 또 해야 돼?

- Oh man, do I have to do this again?

양재원: "늦어서 죄송합니다."

Yang Jae-won: "I’m sorry for being late."

- "늦어서": "늦다" (to be late) + "-어서" (reason).

양식의 맨 위

Interpretation: "Because I was late."


📌 Example Usage:

- 회의에 늦어서 죄송합니다.

- I’m sorry for being late to the meeting.


- "죄송합니다.": Polite apology.


백강혁: "이야 항문."

Baek Kang-hyuk: "Wow, Anus."

- "이야,": Expression of admiration or surprise.


📌 Example Usage:

- 이야, 너 진짜 대단하다!

- Wow, you’re really amazing!


- "항문" (Anus)

• Baek Kang-hyuk’s nickname for Yang Jae-won.

• Context: Before meeting Baek Kang-hyuk, Yang Jae-won was a proctologist (항문외과 의사), so Baek Kang-hyuk gave him the nickname 항문.”


백강혁: "너무 다른 사람 같다?"

Baek Kang-hyuk: "You look like a completely different person?"

- "너무": Meaning "too much," but in this case, it means "completely."

- "다른 사람 같다?": "다른 사람" (a different person) + "같다" (seems like).

• Paraphrased: "다른 사람 같아 보인다?" (You look like someone else?)


📌 Example Usage:

- 너 오늘 너무 다른 사람 같다. 완전 변했네!

- You look like a completely different person today. You’ve totally changed!

양재원: "제가 병원에선 나름 옷 잘 입기로 유명합니다."

Yang Jae-won: "At the hospital, I’m known for dressing quite well."

- "제가": "" (I, formal) + "" (subject marker).

- "병원에선": Contraction of "병원에서는."

• "병원에서" (at the hospital) + "" (topic marker).

- "나름": Means "quite" or "reasonably."

- "옷 잘 입기로"

• "입다" (to wear) → "입기" (nominalization) + "-" (emphasizing how something is recognized).

• Paraphrased: "저는 병원에서 옷을 꽤 잘 입는 것으로 유명합니다." (At the hospital, I am pretty well-known for dressing well.)


📌 Example Usage:

- 나는 회사에서 나름 일 잘하기로 유명해.

- At work, I’m known for doing my job quite well.

백강혁: "얘가 공복이라서 그런가 쉰 소리를 다하네."

Baek Kang-hyuk: "Is it because he’s on an empty stomach? He’s talking nonsense."

- "얘가": Contraction of "이 아이가," used casually with close people.

- "공복이라서": "공복" (empty stomach) + "-이라서" (because).

• Paraphrased: "얘가 배가 고파서 그런가?" (Is it because he’s hungry?)

- "그런가": "그러하다" (is that so) + "-ㄴ가" (expressing doubt).

- "쉰 소리를 다하네."

• "쉰 소리" (nonsense, gibberish).

• "다 하다" (doing something completely).

• Paraphrased: "얘가 공복이라 그런가? 헛소리를 다 하네." (Is it because he’s hungry? He’s talking nonsense.)


📌 Example Usage:

- 얘가 피곤해서 그런가? 헛소리를 다 하네.

- Is he just tired? He’s talking nonsense.

양재원: "사실은 누가 다 사준 거예요. 이거."

Yang Jae-won: "Actually, someone bought all of this for me."

- "사실은": "사실" (fact) + "" (topic marker).

- "누가 다 사준 거예요."

• "누가" (someone) + "" (all).

• "사다" (to buy) + "주다" (to give) → "사주다" (to buy for someone). + "-" (past tense adjective).

• "거예요" (polite ending): + “-에요 (It is a sentence-ending form used to convey information or ask a question in a polite manner.)


📌 Example Usage:

- 이 옷들 내가 산 게 아니라, 다 친구가 사준 거예요.

- I didn’t buy these clothes, my friend bought them all for me.

백강혁: "누가? 여친?"

Baek Kang-hyuk: "Who? Your girlfriend?"

- "누가?": "누구" (who) + "-" (subject marker).

• Paraphrased: "누가 (사준 거야)?" (Who bought it for you?)

- "여친?": "여자 친구" (girlfriend) shortened to "여친."


백강혁: "엄마는 아닐 꺼 아냐? 마마보이도 아니고."

Baek Kang-hyuk: "It wasn’t your mom, right? You’re not a mama’s boy."

- "엄마는 아닐 꺼 아냐?"

• "엄마" (mom) + "" (topic marker).

• "아니다" (to not be) + "-" (future tense adjective form) → 아닐

"" (spoken form of "," referring to a fact or thing).

"아냐?": shortened form of "아닌가?" – informal confirmation question.

Interpretation: "엄마가 사준 건 아닐 거잖아?" (It wasn't your mom who bought it, right?)


📌 Example Usage:

- 이거 엄마가 해준 거 아니지?

- This wasn’t made by your mom, right?


- "마마보이도 아니고."

"마마보이" (mama’s boy, a man overly dependent on his mother).

"-도 아니고" (not even that).

"-" (adds another element to the negation).

"아니고" ("not that, and…").

• Interpretation: "엄마가 사준 것은 아니지? 너 마마보이도 아니잖아." (Your mom didn’t buy it, right? You’re not even a mama’s boy.)

백강혁: "으음!"

Baek Kang-hyuk: "Mmm!"

- Expression of savoring food, enjoying an aroma, or anticipation.


📌 Example Usage:

- 으음~ 냄새 좋다!

- Mmm~ smells excellent!


양재원: ", 먹어요."

Yang Jae-won: "Teacher, eat up."

- "": Shortened form of "선생님" (teacher, also used for doctors).


📌 Example Usage:

- , 점심 같이 드실래요?

- Teacher, do you want to have lunch together?


- "먹어요.": "먹다" (to eat) + polite "-어요" (suggestion).


📌 Example Usage:

- 밥 식기 전에 먹어요!

- Eat before the food gets cold!


천장미: "좀 차려입고 올 걸 그랬나? 집 앞이라 너무 대충 나왔더니."

Cheon Jang-mi: "Should I have dressed up a little? Since it’s just outside my house, I came out too casually."

- "좀 차려입고 올 걸 그랬나?"

"" (a little).

"차려입다" (to dress up nicely) + "-" (connecting ending).

"올 걸" ("오다" "" (future) + "것을" (indicating regret or realization)). →

"그랬나?": "그러하다" → past tense "그러했다""그러했나" (questioning) → “그랬나” (contracted form)

• Interpretation: "(좀 더 신경 써서) 옷을 잘 입고 올 걸." (I should have dressed up a little more.)

- "집 앞이라 너무 대충 나왔더니."

"집 앞" (in front of the house) + "-이라" (because it’s ~).

"너무" (too much).

"대충" (roughly, casually).

"나왔더니": “나오다나왔다 (past) + “-더니 (indicating cause and effect).

• Interpretation: "집 앞이라서 너무 대충 입고 나왔더니 쑥스럽네." (Since it's just outside my house, I dressed too casually, and now I feel awkward.)


양재원: "밥 먹는데 뭐 옷이 뭐가 중요해요. 그냥 편하게 먹는 거지."

Yang Jae-won: "What’s the point of dressing up just to eat? Just eat comfortably."

- "밥 먹는데": "밥을 먹다" (to eat a meal) + "-는데" (indicating context or contrast).

Interpretation: "밥 먹을 때는." (When eating.)

- "뭐 옷이 뭐가 중요해요."

"" (what, for emphasis).

"" (clothes) + "" (subject marker).

"뭐가" "무엇이" shortened, emphasizing surprise.

• Interpretation: "밥 먹을 때 옷이 왜 그렇게 중요해?" (Why is clothing so important when eating?)

- "그냥 편하게 먹는 거지."

"그냥" (just, simply).

"편하게" (comfortably).

"먹는 거지" (casual speech for "it’s about eating comfortably").

• Interpretation: "그냥 편하게 먹으면 된다." (Just eat comfortably.)


천장미: "아 그러신 분이. 크허. 오 프라다."

Cheon Jang-mi: "Oh, look who’s talking. Ha! Oh, Prada."

- "아 그러신 분이."

"" (exclamation).

"그러신": "그렇다" + "-" (adnominal ending) → "그런" → "그러신" (honorific form)

"" (honorific for "person"). + (subject particle)

Interpretation: ", 그렇게 말씀하시는 분이…" (Oh, so the person saying this is…?)

- "크허.": Laughter-like exclamation, often used when amused, sarcastic, or exasperated.

• Interpretation: "크허~" (헛웃음, chuckle).

- "오 프라다."

• "" (oh, exclamation).

• "프라다" (Prada, luxury brand).

Interpretation: ", 프라다를 입으셨네요?" (Oh, you're wearing Prada?)

- Overall Interpretation: "Oh, so the person saying ‘clothes don’t matter’… ha! Oh, you're wearing Prada!"

Severe Trauma Center, 2025, Netflix


🎥 Final Thoughts

Even amidst the tension of a medical drama, Severe Trauma Center delivers unforgettable moments filled with humor and humanity. Nurse Cheon Jang-mi’s playful complaints and the team’s seamless chemistry genuinely shine in this scene. What did you think of it? Imagine how amazing it would be to encounter such incredible doctors and teamwork in real life! Stay tuned for the next episode—more must-see moments are coming!