🎥 Introduction
K-drama “런온” (Run On) goes beyond a simple
romance to highlight how vital ‘communication’ is between people.
particular, the couple Seo Dan-ah and Lee Young-hwa try to
understand each other, but a single word can wound them, revealing the
challenges of their relationship.
In this
scene, Seo Dan-ah tries to hide her emotions, while Lee
Young-hwa attempts to break down her walls.
words spoken with sincerity truly reach the other person?
their emotions through this short clip.
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🎥 Short Video
🎥 Meet the Characters
Dan-ah (Su-Young): The ambitious CEO of a sports
agency is determined to carve her path despite societal constraints.
Young-hwa (Kang Tae-oh): A free-spirited art
student who brings warmth and spontaneity into Dan-ah’s structured world.
이영화: “제가 대표님한테 기대를 했나 봐요.”
Lee Young-hwa: "I guess I had
expectations for you, Director."
이영화: “이렇게 실망하는 거 보니까.”
Lee Young-hwa: "Seeing how
disappointed I am."
서단아: “실망해. 네가
뭘 하든 나는 안 중요해.”
Seo Dan-ah: "Go ahead and be
disappointed. Whatever you do, I don't matter."
서단아: “내 결과물이 중요하지.”
Seo Dan-ah: "What matters is my final
이영화: “그림 뒤에 사람 있어요. 대표님.”
Lee Young-hwa: "There's a person
behind the painting, Director."
서단아: “그림 앞에 있는데.”
Seo Dan-ah: "The painting is in
서단아: “이런 식으로 할 거면 그냥 때려치워.”
Seo Dan-ah: "If you're going to do it
like this, just quit."
서단아: “너 말고도 뽑아낼 자판기 많아.”
Seo Dan-ah: "Plenty of vending
machines can produce results besides you."
서단아: “왜 내가 이런 말까지 하게 해.”
Seo Dan-ah: "Why are you making me say
things like this?"
서단아: “나한테 뭘 기대했는데.”
Seo Dan-ah: "What did you expect from
서단아: “네가 마감 없이 시간 쓰는 데도 기다려 주는 거?”
Seo Dan-ah: "That I'd wait while you
take all the time you want with no deadline?"
서단아: “너 네가 네 시간 써서 그리는 줄 아나 본데.”
Seo Dan-ah: "You think you're drawing
with your own time?"
서단아: “너 지금 내 시간 쓰고 있는 거라고.”
Seo Dan-ah: "You're using my time
right now."
서단아: “거기다 대고 뭐 실망?”
Seo Dan-ah: "And you're talking about
서단아: “뭐야?”
Seo Dan-ah: "What?"
이영화: “대표님이 망친 거예요.”
Lee Young-hwa: "You're the one who
ruined it, Director."
서단아: “무슨 짓이야, 내
Seo Dan-ah: "What did you do to my
이영화: “그리는 건 저예요.”
Lee Young-hwa: "I'm the one who
painted it."
서단아: “내가 그걸 몰라?”
Seo Dan-ah: "You think I don't know
이영화: “모르고 있잖아.”
Lee Young-hwa: "But you don't."
이영화: “내 거야.”
Lee Young-hwa: "It's mine."
이영화: “내가 당신 줄 때까진.”
Lee Young-hwa: "Until I decide to give
it to you."
이영화: “내 거라고.”
Lee Young-hwa: "It's mine."
🎯 Key
1. 기대하다 / 기대를
하다 (Expect / Look Forward To)
This means to anticipate something with
hope or excitement. "기대하다" is a verb, while
"기대를 하다" is a noun phrase with the same
Example Usage
"내일 여행이 정말 기대돼!"
"I'm really looking forward to the
trip tomorrow!"
"이번 영화는 너무 기대를 했는데, 생각보다 별로였다."
"I had high expectations for this
movie, but it wasn't as good as I thought."
Similar Expressions
바라다 (Hope, Wish) – A softer way to
express expectation.
Example Usage
"좋은 결과가 있길 바란다."
"I hope for a good result."
2. 실망하다 (Be
This means to feel let down when something
does not meet expectations.
Example Usage
"시험 결과를 보고 실망했다."
"I was disappointed with my test
"친구가 약속을 어겨서 실망했어."
"I was disappointed because my friend
broke their promise."
Similar Expressions
낙심하다 (Be Discouraged) – A stronger,
more emotional form of disappointment.
Example Usage
"계획이 실패해서 낙심할 필요 없어."
"You don’t need to feel discouraged
just because the plan failed."
3. 중요하다 (Be
This describes something as being
significant or essential.
Example Usage
"건강이 제일 중요해."
"Health is the most important
"시험에서는 시간 관리가 중요하다."
"Time management is important during
Similar Expressions
필수적이다 (Be Essential) – Emphasizes
necessity rather than importance.
Example Usage
"안전장비는 필수적이다."
"Safety equipment is essential."
4. 때려치우다 (Quit /
Give Up in Frustration)
This is an intense, informal way to say
"quit" something out of frustration.
Example Usage
"이 일 너무 힘들어서 그냥 때려치울까 봐."
"This job is too tough; I might just
"공부가 잘 안 돼서 때려치우고 싶다."
"I want to quit studying because it's
not going well."
Similar Expressions
그만두다 (Quit, Stop) – A more neutral way
to say "stop" something.
Example Usage
"회사를 그만두고 새로운 일을 시작했다."
"I quit my job and started something
5. 마감 (Deadline,
This refers to the due date or end of
something, such as a submission deadline or the closing of an event.
Example Usage
"숙제 마감이 내일까지야."
"The homework deadline is
"마감 시간이 다가오니 서둘러야 해!"
"The deadline is approaching, so we
need to hurry!"
Similar Expressions
마감일 (Due Date) refers to the exact
date something is due.
Example Usage
"마감일을 지키는 것이 중요하다."
"Meeting the deadline is
6. 시간을 쓰다 (Spend
This means using time for a certain
Example Usage
"나는 주말에 취미 생활에 시간을 쓴다."
"I spend my weekends on hobbies."
"효율적으로 시간을 쓰는 법을 배우고 싶어."
"I want to learn how to spend my time
Similar Expressions
보내다 (Spend Time, Pass Time) – More general, often used
for leisure.
Example Usage
"친구들과 좋은 시간을 보냈어."
"I had a great time with my
7. 망치다 (Ruin,
Mess Up)
This means to spoil or destroy something,
whether intentionally or accidentally.
Example Usage
"실수로 시험을 망쳤어."
"I messed up my test by mistake."
"그 친구 덕분에 파티 분위기를 망쳤다."
"Thanks to that friend, the party
atmosphere was ruined."
Similar Expressions
실패하다 (Fail) – A more specific word
meaning not to succeed.
Example Usage
"도전하는 것 자체가 중요하지, 실패해도 괜찮아."
"The challenge itself is important;
it's okay to fail."
🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue
The following content contains a lot of
grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim
through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate
learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.
"제가 대표님한테 기대를 했나 봐요."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "제가": "저 (I, formal)" + subject
marker "-가."
- "대표님한테": "대표님 (CEO, president, honorific
title)" + dative marker "-한테" (to,
towards someone).
- "기대를
했나 봐요": "기대하다 (to
expect)" + past tense "-했" + conjectural
ending "-나 보다 (it seems, I guess)" + polite
ending "-요."
• “기대하다” → “기대했다” (past tense) + “-나 보다” → “기대했나 보다” + “-요” → “기대했나 봐요”
📌 Example Usage
너한테 너무 기대했나 봐."
guess I had too many expectations for you."
☀️ Meaning
대표님께 기대를 했던 것 같아요."
guess I had expectations for you, CEO."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
봐요" → "핸나 봐요"
"이렇게 실망하는 거 보니까"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "이렇게": "Like this, this much, in this way."
- "실망하는
거": "실망하다 (to be
disappointed)" + noun form "-는 것"
(spoken as "-는 거").
- "보니까": "보다 (to see, to realize)"
+ connective "-니까" (because, since).
📌 Example Usage
화나는 거 보니까, 내가 정말 너를 좋아했나 봐."
myself this angry, I guess I really liked you."
☀️ Meaning
이렇게 실망한 걸 보면 알겠죠."
myself this disappointed, I must have expected something."
"실망해. 네가 뭘 하든 나는 안 중요해."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "실망해": "실망하다 (to be
disappointed)" + casual imperative "-해"
(command form).
- "네가": "너 (you, casual)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "뭘
하든": "무엇을 (what, object
form)" + contracted into "뭘" + "-하든" (no matter what you do).
- "나는
안 중요해": "나 (I)" + topic
marker "-는" + "안
(not)" + "중요하다 (to be important)" +
casual ending "-해."
📌 Example Usage
뭘 하든 상관없어."
don’t care what you do."
☀️ Meaning
좋아. 네가 뭘 하든 나한텐 중요하지 않아."
ahead and be disappointed. Whatever you do, I don't care."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
하든" → "뭘 하든" (remains
the same in pronunciation).
🐾 “네” vs “니”
- "네": Used in written Korean when "너"
is followed by a subject marker "-가" or
complement marker "-가."
- "니": The colloquial spoken form of "네" when used in daily conversation.
spoken Korean, "네" is often pronounced as
"니," but "네"
is the correct form in written Korean.
"내 결과물이 중요하지."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "내": "My, informal."
- "결과물이": "결과물 (result, outcome)" +
subject marker "-이."
- "중요하지": "중요하다 (to be important)" +
informal ending "-지" (for emphasis).
📌 Example Usage
과정보다 결과가 중요해."
care more about results than the process."
☀️ Meaning
신경 쓰는 건 내 결과물이야."
only thing I care about is my results."
🐾 In this sentence, "결과물"
refers to "Young-hwa's work".
"그림 뒤에 사람 있어요. 대표님."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "그림
뒤에": "그림 (painting,
picture)" + "뒤에 (behind, at the back
- "사람
있어요": "사람 (person)" +
existence verb "있다" + polite ending "-어요."
- "대표님": "CEO, president" (honorific title, used for direct
📌 Example Usage
뒤에 사람이 있어요."
a person behind the door."
☀️ Meaning
그림 뒤에 그림을 그린 사람 있어요, 대표님."
that painting, there's the person who painted it, CEO."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
있어요" → "사람 이써요" (linked
pronunciation occurs).
"그림 앞에 있는데."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "그림
앞에": "그림 (painting)" +
"앞에 (in front of, at the front)."
- "있는데": "있다 (to be, to exist)" +
"-는데" (background information, contrast, or
📌 Example Usage
문 앞에 있는데 왜 못 찾는 거야?"
right in front of the door; why can't you find me?"
☀️ Meaning
그림 앞에 있는데"
right in front of the painting."
🐾 When Young-hwa says, "Behind the painting, there's a
person," referring to the artist (himself), Dan-ah playfully counters
with, "But you're in front of the painting," twisting the literal
meaning. In the scene, Young-hwa is standing in front of the painting.
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
앞에 있는데" → "그림 아페 인는데"
(linked pronunciation occurs).
"이런 식으로 할 거면 그냥 때려치워."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "이런
식으로": "이런 (like this, this
kind of)" + "식 (way, manner)" + "-으로 (in this way)."
- "할
거면": "하다 (to do)" +
future "-ㄹ 거" + conditional "-면 (if, assuming that)."
- "그냥
때려치워": "그냥 (just,
simply)" + "때려치우다 (to quit, to give up)"
in imperative form "-워."
📌 Example Usage
식으로 공부할 거면 그냥 때려치워!"
you're going to study like this, just quit!"
☀️ Meaning
할 거면 아예 그만둬."
you're going to do it like this, just quit."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
"때려치워" → "때려치워" (remains the same
in pronunciation).
"너 말고도 뽑아낼 자판기 많아."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "너
말고도": "너 (you,
informal)" + "말고도 (besides, other than
- "뽑아낼": "뽑다 (to select, to
extract)" + "-아내다 (to take out, to get)"
in attributive form "-ㄹ."
- "자판기
많아": "자판기 (vending
machine)" + "많다 (to be many)" in casual
statement form "-아."
📌 Example Usage
말고도 나랑 놀 사람 많아."
are plenty of people I can hang out with besides you."
☀️ Meaning
아니어도 대신할 사람 많아."
without you, there are plenty of replacements."
🐾 The word "vending machine" here is obscene. Understandably,
Young-hwa feels hurt and angry after hearing it. Dan-ah compares an artist who
pours their soul into creating unique works to a machine that mass-produces
identical products. Dan-ah's words are genuinely harsh.
"왜 내가 이런 말까지 하게 해."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "왜": "Why."
- "내가": "나 (I, informal)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "이런
말까지": "이런 (this kind
of)" + "말 (words, things to say)" +
emphasis particle "-까지 (even, to this
- "하게
해": "하다 (to do)" +
causative "-게 하다 (to make someone do
📌 Example Usage
내가 이런 일까지 하게 만들어?"
are you making me do things like this?"
☀️ Meaning
나한테 이런 말까지 하게 만드니?"
are you making me say things like this?"
🐾 Dan-ah immediately realizes she made a mistake and is angry at herself. Though she blames the other person, the mistake was her own.
"나한테 뭘 기대했는데."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "나한테": "나 (I, informal)" + dative
marker "-한테 (to me, from me)."
- "뭘
기대했는데": "뭐 (what)" +
object particle "-를 (spoken as '뭘')" + "기대하다 (to expect)" +
past tense "-했" + interrogative "-는데 (soft questioning, rhetorical)."
• “무엇” + “-을” → “무엇을” → “뭐를” → “뭘”
📌 Example Usage
나한테 대체 뭘 기대했는데?"
did you even expect from me?"
☀️ Meaning
뭘 해주길 바랐던 거야?"
were you hoping I would do?"
"네가 마감 없이 시간 쓰는 데도 기다려 주는 거?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "네가": "너 (you, informal)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "마감
없이": "마감 (deadline)" +
negation "-없이 (without)."
- "시간
쓰는 데도": "시간 (time)" +
"쓰다 (to use)" + noun form "-는 데 (the act of doing something)" + emphasis "-도 (even)."
- "기다려
주는 거?": "기다리다 (to
wait)" + benefactive "-아/여 주다 (to do something for someone)" + noun form "-는 것 (casual form “거”)
• “기다리다” +
“-아/여 주다” → “기다려 주다” + “-는 것” → “기다려 주는 거”
📌 Example Usage
시간 낭비하는 걸 내가 다 기다려 줘야 해?"
I have to wait while you waste time?"
☀️ Meaning
마감도 없이 시간 보내는 걸 내가 기다려 준다고 생각해?"
think I'm waiting for you to take your time without a deadline?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
없이" → "마감 업씨" (linked
pronunciation occurs).
"너 네가 네 시간 써서 그리는 줄 아나 본데."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "너": "You (informal, emphasizing directness)."
- "네가": "너 (you, informal)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "네
시간 써서": "네 (your)" +
"시간 (time)" + "쓰다 (to use)" + past connective "-어(서) (by doing)."
- "그리는
줄 아나 본데": "그리다 (to
draw)" + noun form "-는 줄 (thinking that
something is true)" + "아나 보다 (seems like,
assuming)" + "-ㄴ데 (soft expression of
realization or warning)."
• “그리다” +
“-는 줄” → “그리는 줄”
• “아나 보다” +
“-ㄴ데” → “아나 본데”
📌 Example Usage
지금 네 돈으로 사는 줄 아나 본데?"
think you're buying that with your own money?"
☀️ Meaning
네 시간 써서 그림을 그리는 줄 아는 것 같은데?"
seem to think you're drawing with your own time?"
"너 지금 내 시간 쓰고 있는 거라고."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "너": "You (informal)."
- "지금": "Now, at this moment."
- "내
시간": "내 (my)" + "시간 (time)."
- "쓰고
있는 거라고": "쓰다 (to use)"
+ progressive form "-고 있다 (ongoing action)" +
noun form "-는 거" + emphasis "-라고 (I'm telling you, asserting)."
• “쓰고 있는 것이라고” → “쓰고 있는 거라고” (spoken form).
📌 Example Usage
지금 내 돈 쓰고 있는 거야!"
spending my money right now!"
☀️ Meaning
쓰고 있는 건 내 시간이야."
time you're using is mine."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
있는 거라고" → "쓰고 인는 거라고"
(linked pronunciation occurs).
"거기다 대고 뭐 실망?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "거기다
대고": "거기다 (on top of that,
in this situation)" + "대고 (to say, to direct
at someone)."
- "뭐
실망?": "뭐 (what, how
come)" + "실망 (disappointment, being
📌 Example Usage
대고 변명?"
now you're making excuses?"
☀️ Meaning
상황에서 네가 실망했다고?"
disappointed in this situation?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "뭐야?": "뭐 (what)" + casual verb
ending "-야?" (casual questioning,
📌 Example Usage
네가 날 배신했어?"
뭐야? 내가 왜?"
You betrayed me?"
What? Why would I?"
☀️ Meaning
대체 뭐야?"
the heck is this?"
"대표님이 망친 거예요."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "대표님이": "대표님 (CEO, honorific
title)" + subject marker "-이."
- "망친
거예요": "망치다 (to ruin, to mess
up)" + past form "-ㄴ" (modifying form) +
noun "-것" (spoken as "-거") + formal "-예요 (polite
• “망친 것이예요”
→ “망친 거예요” (spoken contraction).
📌 Example Usage
네가 망친 거야."
is your fault."
☀️ Meaning
대표님이 망쳐 놓은 겁니다."
is something you ruined, CEO."
"무슨 짓이야, 내 그림에"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "무슨
짓이야": "무슨 (what kind
of)" + "짓 (act, deed, behavior)" +
"이야 (casual 'is')."
- "내
그림에": "내 (my)" + "그림 (painting)" + location particle "-에 (on, to)."
📌 Example Usage
짓이야, 내 책에 낙서를!"
are you doing, scribbling on my book?"
☀️ Meaning
그림에 무슨 짓을 한 거야?"
did you do to my painting?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
짓이야" → "무슨 지시야" (linked
pronunciation occurs).
"그리는 건 저예요."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "그리는
건": "그리다 (to paint, to
draw)" + noun form "-는 것" + subject
particle "-은" (spoken as "-는 건").
- "저예요": "저 (I, formal)" + copula
"-예요 (polite 'is')."
📌 Example Usage
건 저예요."
the one driving."
☀️ Meaning
그림을 그리는 사람은 저예요."
the one who paints this."
"내가 그걸 몰라?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "내가": "나 (I, informal)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "그걸
몰라?": "그걸 (that,
object)" + "모르다 (to not know)" + casual
interrogative "-아?"
• “그것을” → “그걸”
• “모르다” +
“-아” → “몰라”
📌 Example Usage
그걸 모를 것 같아?"
think I wouldn't know that?"
☀️ Meaning
그 사실을 모른다고 생각해?"
think I don't know that?"
"모르고 있잖아."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "모르고
있잖아": "모르다 (do not
know)" + progressive "-고 있다 (to be
doing)" + confirmation "-잖아 (you know,
pointing out a fact)."
📌 Example Usage
모르고 있잖아, 그러니까 설명해 줄게."
don’t know, so I'll explain it."
☀️ Meaning
모르고 있잖아, 인정해."
don’t know, admit it."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
있잖아" → "모르고 읻짜나"
(linked pronunciation occurs).
"내 거야."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "내": "My."
- "거야": "것 (thing, possession)" +
casual copula "-(이)야
• “내 것이야” →
“내 거야” (spoken form).
📌 Example Usage
내 거야."
is mine."
☀️ Meaning
그림은 내 것이야."
painting is mine."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
거야" → "내 꺼야" (linked
pronunciation occurs).
"내가 당신 줄 때까진."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "내가": "나 (I, informal)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "당신": "You (formal, direct address)."
- "줄
때까진": "주다 (to give)" +
noun form "-ㄹ 때 (when)" + emphasis "-까지 (until)" + contrast "-는 (spoken
as '-진')."
• “내가 당신한테 줄 때까지는” → “내가 당신 줄 때까진” (particle omitted,
contracted form).
📌 Example Usage
결정할 때까진 기다려."
until I decide."
☀️ Meaning
당신에게 줄 때까지는 내 것이야."
I give it to you, it’s mine."
"내 거라고."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "내": "My."
- "거라고": "것 (thing, possession)" +
emphasis "-(이)라고 (I'm
telling you, asserting)."
• “내 것이라고”
→ “내 거라고” (spoken contraction).
📌 Example Usage
내 거라고!"
said this is mine!"
☀️ Meaning
내 것이라고 말했잖아."
told you this is mine."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
거라고" → "내 꺼라고" (linked
pronunciation occurs).
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Run On (2020) |
🎥 Wrap-up
The conversation between Lee Young-hwa
and Seo Dan-ah is more than playful bickering. It reveals a complex flow of
emotions—expectations and disappointments, wounds and sincerity.
At times, they push each other away with
harsh words, yet their desire to lean on one another eventually becomes
“런온” delivers this message: ‘What truly
matters between people is, ultimately, conversation.’
Perhaps we can, too, take this
opportunity to reflect on the conversations we share with the important people
in our lives.