🎥 Introduction

As mentioned in our previous short clip, the "응답하라" (Reply) series is an essential chapter in Korean drama history. While each installment—"응답하라 1988," "응답하라 1997," and "응답하라 1994"—carries its allure, my heart is set on "응답하라 1997". Which one have you enjoyed?

After finishing their date, this short clip captures a pivotal moment where Bora and Sun-woo exchange affectionate words in a neighborhood alley until Taek unexpectedly interrupts. Bora leaves Taek with just one word—“믿는다.”—entrusting him to handle the situation with Sun-woo. Essentially, she is telling Sun-woo to keep Taek’s comments in check. The scene shifts as Taek moves to another room, where, before bedtime, the characters explore each other’s past relationships. Let’s watch it together.

A quick tip for our readers: if you’re intrigued by Korean culture and language nuances, this dialogue is an excellent study of natural conversation, slang, and the subtle interplay of emotion and formality.



🎥 Short Video

[Source] YouTube, @showdang-drama


🎥 Meet the Characters

- Bora (Ryu Hye-young): She embodies a character whose assertiveness and vulnerability make her both relatable and admirable.

- Sun-woo (Ko Kyung-pyo): He adds a touch of humor and sincerity to the unfolding drama.

- Taek (Park Bo-gum): He brings in an unexpected twist with his quirky charm and candid expressions.


🎥 Dialogue

보라: “다왔어. 먼저 간다.”

Bora: "I'm here. I'm heading in first."

선우: “잘자요.”

Sun-woo: "Good night."

보라: “.”

Bora: "Yeah."

: “누가 또 보면 어떡할라 그러냐.”

Taek: "What if someone sees you again?"

: “누나, 안녕하세요.”

Taek: "Noona, hello."

보라: “쟤는 왜 인기척을 안 내고 다니냐.”

Bora: "Why does he walk around without making a sound?"

보라: “니가 처리해.”

Bora: "You handle it."

보라: “! 최희동!”

Bora: "Hey! Choi Hee-dong!"

: “.”

Taek: "Yes?"

보라: “믿는다.”

Bora: "I trust you."

선우: “택이 방에서 잘려구. 얼른 자. 엄마.”

Sun-woo: "Taek's sleeping in my room. Go to bed, Mom."

선영(선우 엄마): “오야, 택이도 잘자라캐레.”

Sun-young (Sun-woo’s mom): "Oh, tell Taek to sleep well too."

: “보라 누나랑은 잘 되가?”

Taek: "Is it going well with Bora noona?"

선우: “, 좋아.”

Sun-woo: "Yeah, it's good."

선우: “근데, 택아! 너 좋다는 사람들 많은데, 왜 덕선이냐? 이유가 뭔데?”

Sun-woo: "But Taek! There are so many girls like you. Why Duk-seon? What's the reason?"

: “그냥 좋아.”

Taek: "I just like her."

: “같이 있으면 그냥 좋아.”

Taek: "I just feel good when I'm with her."

: “없으면 죽을 수도 있을 거 같애.”

Taek: "If she's not there, I could die."

선우: (웃으면서) “, 아 이 새끼 완전 미쳤구만.”

Sun-woo: (laughing) "Hey, this guy is totally crazy."

선우: “정신 차려, 최택~”

Sun-woo: "Get a grip, Choi Taek~"

선우: “얘 약 먹어야겠다. 너 요즘 약 쪼금 먹더라. 약 먹어, .”

Sun-woo: "This guy needs meds. You've been taking fewer meds lately. Take your medicine, take it."

: “같이 먹자.”

Taek: "Let's take it together."

선우: “내가, 내가 약을 왜 먹냐?”

Sun-woo: "Why would I take medicine?"


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 인기척을 내다 (Make a Sign of Presence)

This phrase means making noise or movement to indicate someone is present. It is often used when someone is quiet or checking to see if someone is around.


📌 Example Usage

"도둑이 들었는지 인기척을 내도 반응이 없었다."

"I made some noise, but there was no response—maybe a thief broke in."


"방에 들어가기 전에 인기척을 내는 게 예의야."

"It's polite to make some noise before entering a room."


🌀 Similar Expressions

기척을 보이다 (Show a Sign of Presence) – A more formal variation.


📌 Example Usage

"밤새 인기척을 보인 사람이 없었다."

"There was no sign of anyone all night."


2. 처리하다 (Handle, Deal With, Process)

This verb means to take care of or resolve a task, situation, or problem.


📌 Example Usage

"서류를 빨리 처리해야 해."

"I need to process the documents quickly."


"어려운 상황이지만 침착하게 처리해야 한다."

"Even in a difficult situation, you must handle it calmly."


🌀 Similar Expressions

해결하다 (Solve, Resolve) – More commonly used when fixing problems.


📌 Example Usage

"문제를 빨리 해결해야 한다."

"We need to solve the problem quickly."


3. 얼른 (Quickly, Immediately)

This adverb means to do something fast without delay.


📌 Example Usage

"늦었으니까 얼른 출발하자!"

"We're late, so let's hurry up and go!"


"배고프면 얼른 먹어!"

"If you're hungry, eat quickly!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

빨리 (Fast, Quickly) – More general and widely used for speed.


📌 Example Usage

"택시를 타고 빨리 가자."

"Let's take a taxi and get there quickly."


4. 정신 차려라 (Pull Yourself Together, Get a Grip)

This phrase tells someone to regain focus, be more alert, or wake up from confusion or carelessness.


📌 Example Usage

"너 요즘 너무 정신없어 보여. 정신 차려라!"

"You look so distracted lately. Pull yourself together!"


"시험이 코앞인데 정신 차리고 공부해야 해."

"The exam is just around the corner, so you must focus and study."


🌀 Similar Expressions

정신을 바짝 차리다 (Be Fully Alert) – A more potent version implying high alertness.


📌 Example Usage

"운전할 때는 정신을 바짝 차려야 해."

"You must stay fully alert when driving."

🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue

The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.


보라: "다 왔어. 먼저 간다."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "다 왔어": " (all, completely)" + "오다 (to come)" + past tense "-았어."

• “오다” → “왔다” (past tense) + “-” (colloquial speech)

- "먼저 간다": "먼저 (first, ahead)" + "가다 (to go)" + informal declarative "-ㄴ다" (used in casual speech, often implying intent or action in progress).


📌 Example Usage

"우리 집 다 왔어. 먼저 들어갈게."

"I'm home. I'll go in first."


☀️ Meaning

"거의 다 도착했어. 나 먼저 갈게."

"I'm almost there. I'll go in first."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"다 왔어" → "다 왇써"


선우: "잘 자요."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "잘 자요": " (well)" + "자다 (to sleep)" + polite ending "-."

• “잘 자다” → “잘 자” (imperative, suggesting action) + “-” → “잘 자요


📌 Example Usage

"오늘 피곤했지? 잘 자요."

"You must be tired today. Sleep well."


보라: "."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "": Casual affirmative response, similar to "" but informal.


📌 Example Usage

"A: 오늘 어땠어?"

"B: , 괜찮았어."

"A: How was today?"

"B: Yeah, it was fine."


☀️ Meaning




: "누가 또 보면 어떡할라 그러냐."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "누가 또 보면": "누가 (someone)" + " (again)" + "보다 (to see)" + conditional "- (if)."

- "어떡할라 그러냐": "어떡하다 (what to do)" + shortened "어떡할라 (어떻게 할라고)" + "그러냐 (do you mean to say that?)"

• “어떻게 하다” → “어떡하다” (contracted form) + “-하려고” → “어떻게 하려고” → “어떻게 할라고” (informal) → “어떡할라” (shortened)

• “-하려고”: Indicates intention or plan to do something.

• “그러다”: Contracted form of “그렇게 하다” (to do like that).

• “그렇게 하다” + “-느냐” (interrogative ending) → “그렇게 하느냐” → “그러냐” (shortened).


📌 Example Usage

"누가 보면 어쩌려고 그래?"

"What are you going to do if someone sees?"


☀️ Meaning

"다른 사람이 또 보면 어떡하려고 그래?"

"What if someone else sees us again?"


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"어떡할라 그러냐" → "어떠칼라 그러냐" (linked pronunciation occurs).


: "누나, 안녕하세요."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "누나": "Older sister" (used by a younger male to an older female).

- "안녕하세요": "안녕하다 (to be well)" + polite greeting "-세요."


📌 Example Usage

"누나, 오랜만이에요! 안녕하세요."

"Noona, long time no see! Hello."


☀️ Meaning

"누나, 반갑습니다."

"Noona, nice to see you."


보라: "쟤는 왜 인기척을 안 내고 다니냐."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "쟤는": " (that kid, that person)" + topic marker "-."

• “”: “저 아이” (that kid) → “” (contracted form)

- "": "Why."

- "인기척을 안 내고 다니냐": "인기척 (sign of presence, noise indicating someone is there)" + object marker "-" + " (not)" + "내다 (to make, to create)" + connective "-" + "다니다 (to move around, to go about)" + informal interrogative "-?"


📌 Example Usage

"넌 왜 인기척도 없이 다녀?"

"Why do you move around without making a sound?"


☀️ Meaning

"쟤는 왜 조용히 다녀서 사람 놀라게 하냐?"

"Why does he move around so quietly and startle people?"


보라: "니가 처리해."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "니가": " (you, informal)" + subject marker "-" (spoken as "니가" in casual speech).

• “니가”: Non-standard pronunciation of "네가."

- "처리해": "처리하다 (to handle, to take care of)" + informal imperative "- (command form)."


📌 Example Usage

"이거 귀찮으니까 네가 처리해."

"This is annoying, so you take care of it."


☀️ Meaning

"네가 알아서 해결해."

"You take care of it yourself."


보라: "! 최희동!"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "!": A casual way to call someone, equivalent to "Hey!"

- "최희동!": Name being called out.


🐾 "희동" is ""'s nickname or term of endearment. "희동" comes from the character "희동이" in the Korean comic Dooly the Little Dinosaur (아기공룡 둘리).

희동이 is a chubby baby character in the comic who often drools and cries. In Reply 1988, is given this nickname because of his quiet and slightly dazed expression, which resembles 희동이.


📌 Example Usage

"! 김영수!"

"Hey! Kim Young-soo!"


: "."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "": Polite affirmative response (a formal way of saying "yes").


📌 Example Usage

"A: 숙제 다 했어?"

"B: ."

"A: Did you finish your homework?"

"B: Yes."


보라: "믿는다."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "믿는다": "믿다 (to believe, to trust)" + declarative present tense "-는다" (used for statements of fact in informal speech).


📌 Example Usage

"너만 믿는다."

"I'm counting on you."


☀️ Meaning

"네가 지금 본 거 사람들에게 말 안 할 거라고 믿는다."

"I trust that you won't tell anyone what you just saw."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"믿는다" → "민는다" (linked pronunciation occurs).


선우: "택이 방에서 잘려구. 얼른 자. 엄마."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "택이 방에서 잘려구": " (Taek, name)" + " (subject marker, spoken informally)" + "방에서 (in the room)" + "자다 (to sleep)" + intention "-려고 (to intend to, to be about to)" (spoken as "잘려구" in casual speech).

• “자다” + “-려고” → “자려고” → “잘려구” (casual contraction).

- "얼른 자": "얼른 (quickly, hurry up)" + "자다 (to sleep)" in the informal imperative "-."

- "엄마": "Mom."


📌 Example Usage

"나 친구네 집에서 잘려구."

"I'm going to sleep at my friend's house."


☀️ Meaning

"나 택이 방에서 잘 거야. 엄마도 얼른 주무세요."

"I am going to sleep in Taek’s room. You should go to bed too, Mom."


선영(선우 엄마): "오야, 택이도 잘 자라캐레."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "오야": Dialectal form of ‘오냐.’ It is a commonly used word in the Busan/Gyeongsang-do dialect.

• “오냐”: An exclamation used to respond affirmatively to a question or request from someone younger.

- "택이도": "택이 (Taek, name)" + " (also, too)."

- "잘 자라캐레": "잘 자라 (sleep well)" + Gyeongsang-do dialect "-캐레" (used to relay a statement, similar to "라고 해" in standard Korean).

• “자라캐레” → “잘 자라고 해” (standard Korean).


📌 Example Usage

"오야, 아빠도 밥 많이 먹으라캐라."

"Oh dear, tell Dad to eat a lot, too."


☀️ Meaning

"택이도 잘 자라고 전해라."

"Tell Taek to sleep well too."


: "보라 누나랑은 잘 되가?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "보라 누나랑은": "보라 (Bora, name)" + "누나 (older sister, used by males)" + topic particle "-랑은" (with, as for).

- "잘 되가?": " (well)" + "되다 (to go, to progress)" + present progressive "-?" (casual questioning).


📌 Example Usage

"A: 너 요즘 여자친구랑 잘 돼가?"

"B: , 좋아!"

"A: How’s it going with your girlfriend?"

"B: Yeah, it's good!"


☀️ Meaning

"보라 누나랑 잘 사귀고 있어?"

"Are things going well with Bora noona?"


선우: ", 좋아."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "": Casual affirmative response, like "Yeah."

- "좋아": "좋다 (to be good, to like)" in informal declarative form.


📌 Example Usage

"A: 요즘 일 어때?"

"B: , 좋아."

"A: How’s work these days?"

"B: Yeah, it’s good."


☀️ Meaning

", 잘 사귀고 있어."

"Yeah, we’re dating well."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

", 좋아" → ", 조아" (linked pronunciation occurs).


선우: "근데, 택아! 너 좋다는 사람들 많은데, 왜 덕선이냐? 이유가 뭔데?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "근데": "그런데 (but, by the way)"의 축약형.

- "택아!": " (Taek, name)" + "- (vocative particle, used when calling someone informally)."

- "너 좋다는 사람들 많은데": " (you)" + "좋다 (to like, to find attractive)" + indirect speech "-다는" + "사람들 (people)" + "많다 (to be many)" + connective "-는데 (contrast, background information)."

• “많다는데”: “많다고 하는데의 뜻

- "왜 덕선이냐?": " (why)" + "덕선 (Duk-sun, name)" + copula "-이냐?" (casual question, "is it?").

- "이유가 뭔데?": "이유 (reason)" + subject marker "-" + " (what)" + "-인데?" (casual "what is it?").

• “무엇인데” → “뭐인데” → “뭔데


📌 Example Usage

"너 좋아하는 사람 많은데, 왜 걔야?"

"A lot of people like you, so why her?"


☀️ Meaning

"너 좋아하는 사람들이 많은데, 왜 덕선이를 선택한 거야?"

"Many people like you, so why did you choose Duk-sun?"


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"너 좋다는 사람들 많은데" → "너 조타는 사람들 만은데" (linked pronunciation occurs).


: "그냥 좋아."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "그냥": "Just, simply, without reason."

- "좋아": "좋다 (to like, to be good)" in informal declarative form.


📌 Example Usage

"A: 왜 이 음식 좋아해?"

"B: 그냥 좋아."

"A: Why do you like this food?"

"B: I just like it."


☀️ Meaning

"딱히 이유는 없고, 그냥 좋아."

"There’s no specific reason, I just like her."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"그냥 좋아" → "그냥 조아" (linked pronunciation occurs).


: "같이 있으면 그냥 좋아."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "같이 있으면": "같이 (together)" + "있다 (to be, to stay)" + conditional "-으면 (if, when)."

- "그냥 좋아": "그냥 (just, simply)" + "좋다 (to like, to feel happy)" in informal declarative form.


📌 Example Usage

"A: 왜 그 친구랑 자주 만나?"

"B: 같이 있으면 그냥 좋아."

"A: Why do you meet that friend so often?"

"B: I just like being with them."


☀️ Meaning

"덕선이랑 같이 있으면 그냥 행복해."

"When I'm with Duk-sun, I just feel happy."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"같이 있으면" → "가치 이쓰면" (linked pronunciation occurs).


: "없으면 죽을 수도 있을 거 같애."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "없으면": "없다 (do not exist, to be without)" + conditional "-으면 (if, when)."

• “덕선이가 없으면” → “없으면” (subject omitted).

- "죽을 수도 있을 거 같애": "죽다 (to die)" + potential form "-을 수도 있다 (could, might)" + conjectural "-을 것 같다 (seems like, feels like)" + casual ending "-" (spoken form of "같아").

• “내가 죽을 수도 있을 거 같애” → “죽을 수도 있을 거 같애” (subject omitted).

• “죽을 수도 있다” + “-을 것 같다” + “-” (casual ending) → “죽을 수도 있을 것 같아” → “죽을 수도 있을 거 같애

• “” → “” (contracted form).

• “같아” → “같애” (spoken form).


📌 Example Usage

"너 없으면 난 진짜 죽을 것 같아."

"I feel like I could die without you."


☀️ Meaning

"덕선이가 없으면 난 죽을 수도 있을 것 같아."

"I feel like I could die without Duk-sun."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"같애" → "가태" (linked pronunciation occurs in casual speech).


선우: (웃으면서) ", 아 이 새끼 완전 미쳤구만."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "": "Hey." (informal, used to call someone casually).

- "": Exclamation, expressing surprise or frustration.

- "이 새끼": " (this)" + "새끼 (guy, brat, a playful/slightly rude way to refer to a close friend)."

- "완전 미쳤구만": "완전 (completely, totally)" + "미치다 (to be crazy)" + past tense "-" + exclamatory "-구만" (expressing realization or emphasis).

• “완전”: “완전히의 준말.

• “미치다” → “미쳤다” (past tense) + “-구만” → “미쳤구만.”


📌 Example Usage

", 너 완전 미쳤구만!"

"Hey, you're totally crazy!"


☀️ Meaning

"이 녀석 완전히 미쳤네."

"This guy is completely crazy."


선우: "정신 차려, 최택~"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "정신 차려": "정신 (mind, awareness)" + "차리다 (to collect, to pull together)" + imperative "- (command form)."

- "최택~": "최택 (Choi Taek, name)" + playful elongated pronunciation "~".


📌 Example Usage

"정신 차려, 시험 곧 시작해!"

"Get a grip; the exam is about to start!"



"정신 좀 차려, 최택아."

"Pull yourself together, Choi Taek."


선우: "얘 약 먹어야겠다. 너 요즘 약 쪼금 먹더라. 약 먹어, ."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "": " (this guy, informal way to refer to someone)."

• “”: “이 아이” (this kid)의 준말.

- "약 먹어야겠다": " (medicine)" + "먹다 (to take/eat)" + obligation "-어야겠다 (should, must)."

- "너 요즘 약 쪼금 먹더라": " (you, informal)" + "요즘 (recently)" + " (medicine)" + "쪼금 (a little bit)" + "먹다 (to take)" + recollection "-더라 (I noticed that)."

- "약 먹어, ": " (medicine)" + "먹다 (to take)" + imperative "- (command form)."


🐾 Here, "medicine" refers explicitly to the sleeping pills that Taek takes. Taek, with his deep passion for Baduk and a remarkably sensitive personality, frequently finds himself wrestling with insomnia, indigestion, and a host of other pesky ailments.


📌 Example Usage

"너 감기 심하잖아, 약 먹어야겠다."

"You have a bad cold; you should take medicine."


☀️ Meaning

"너 요즘 약 덜 먹더라. 약 더 먹어라."

"You haven't been taking your medicine much lately. Take more."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"약 먹어야겠다" → "약 머거야겓따" (linked pronunciation occurs).


: "같이 먹자."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "같이": "Together."

- "먹자": "먹다 (to eat, to take medicine)" + suggestion "- (let’s)."


📌 Example Usage

"우리 같이 밥 먹자."

"Let’s eat together."


☀️ Meaning

"너도 나랑 같이 먹자."

"You should take it with me, too."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"같이 먹자" → "가치 먹자" (linked pronunciation occurs).


선우: "내가, 내가 약을 왜 먹냐?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

- "내가, 내가": Repetition for emphasis.

- "약을 왜 먹냐?": " (medicine)" + object marker "-" + " (why)" + "먹다 (to take)" + informal question "-?"


📌 Example Usage

"내가 왜 숙제해야 돼?"

"Why do I have to do homework?"


☀️ Meaning

"내가 약을 먹을 이유가 어디 있어?"

"Why would I need to take medicine?"


Reply 1988 (2015)

🎥 Wrap-up

Whether you’re a seasoned Korean drama fan or a learner exploring the language, these conversations remind us that the essence of communication lies in the balance between what is said and what is felt. So next time you dive into a Korean drama, listen closely—the words carry more than just meaning; they echo the heartbeat of the culture.

With a dash of wit, a sprinkle of sincerity, and a lot of heart, this exploration of Korean drama dialogue will surely add an extra layer of appreciation for both the language and its vibrant storytelling. Happy watching and happy learning!