🎥 Introduction
The "응답하라"(Replay) series is an unmissable part of Korean drama
history. "응답하라 1988" (2015), "응답하라 1997" (2012), and "응답하라
1994" (2013) each have their own unique charm, but among them, my
personal favorite is "응답하라 1997". Have
you watched any of these three dramas?
Internationally, "응답하라 1988" is the most well-known. The clip I’m sharing today
is from "응팔," where 덕선 confides in her friend 동룡 about
her concerns. This scene beautifully captures the youthful and innocent
emotions unique to teenagers. It’s a lighthearted life consultation that only
close friends can share—shall we watch it together?
🎥 Short Video
🎥 Meet the Characters
(Hyeri): A lively and warm-hearted high school girl who often feels overlooked
in her family.
(Lee Dong-hwi): The class clown with a carefree personality, always bringing
laughter to his friends.
(Park Bo-gum): A genius Go player who is quiet and reserved but deeply caring
toward his friends.
🎥 Dialogue & Description
Dong-ryong: "Why?"
"도사님, 궁금한 게 있어요."
Deok-sun: "Master, I have a question."
Dong-ryong: "Go ahead, speak."
덕선: "왜
아무도 저를 좋아하지 않는 겁니까?"
Deok-sun: "Why does no one like me?"
덕선: "왜
날 좋아하는 사람은 없어?"
Deok-sun: "Why is there no one who likes
🔎 The two sentences have the same meaning, but the first one is a
polite question directed to the master, while the second one is a casual
question asked to a friend.
"덕선아! 너 물고구마가 좋아, 밤고구마가
Dong-ryong: "Deok-sun! Do you like moist sweet
potatoes or chestnut sweet potatoes?"
Deok-sun: "Moist sweet potatoes."
"이문세가 좋아, 박남정이 좋아?"
Dong-ryong: "Do you like Lee Moon-sae or Park
Deok-sun: "Lee Moon-sae."
"내가 좋아, 택이가 좋아?"
Dong-ryong: "Do you like me or Taek?"
Deok-sun: "Taek."
"아 씨 짜증나. 난 싫어?"
Dong-ryong: "Ugh, so annoying. Do you dislike
"그래도 택이가 더 좋아."
Deok-sun: "Still, I like Taek more."
Deok-sun's answer does not mean that she dislikes Dong-ryong; rather, it means
that she likes Dong-ryong too, but she likes Taek even more.
"정팔이가 좋아, 선우가 좋아?"
Dong-ryong: "Do you like Jung-pal or
"정팔" is "정환"'s nickname or term of endearment.
"그런걸 물어보고 그래."
Deok-sun: "Why do you ask things like
"넌 어떠냐고?"
Dong-ryong: "I’m asking about you!"
"다른 사람이 좋아하는 거 말고 너!"
Dong-ryong: "Not who others like—YOU!"
"고구마 취향은 그렇게 분명한 애가 뭐 좋아하는 사람 취향 같은 건 없냐?"
Dong-ryong: "You’re so clear about your sweet potato preference, but you
have no preference for people?"
"남이 널 좋아하는 거 말고, 니가 누굴 좋아할 수도 있는 거야."
Dong-ryong: "Forget who likes you—maybe you
could like someone."
"요즘 애들은 근의 공식만 알지, 인생을 몰라요."
Dong-ryong: "Kids these days only know the
quadratic formula, not life."
"근데 넌 근의 공식도 모르고, 인생도 모르고,
아는 게 뭐야? 뭐야, 너."
Dong-ryong: "But you don’t even know the
quadratic formula, you don’t know life—what do you even know? What, you?"
"일어나 얼른."
Dong-ryong: "Get up, hurry."
"어디 가게?"
Deok-sun: "Where are you going?"
"피자 왔어."
Dong-ryong: "The pizza’s here."
덕선: (웃는다.)
Deok-sun: (Smiles.)
"아니 피자를 대체 몇 판을 산 거야?"
Dong-ryong: "Wait, how many pizzas did you
even buy?"
"다섯 판."
Taek: "Five pizzas."
Dong-ryong: "Rich guy."
"각자 집에서 먹으라고."
Taek: "So we can eat at our own homes."
"희동아! 우리 결혼하자!"
Dong-ryong: "Hee-dong! Let’s get
"희동" is "택"'s nickname or term of endearment.
"희동" comes from the character "희동이" in
the Korean comic "Dooly the Little Dinosaur" (아기공룡 둘리).
희동이 is a chubby baby character in the
comic, often drooling and crying. In "Reply 1988", 택 is
given this nickname because of his quiet and slightly dazed expression, which
resembles 희동이.
Taek: "Forget it."
At Dong-ryong's joking proposal, Taek responds seriously and firmly rejects it.
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 도사
Someone who has mastered a certain skill or field is often used humorously or metaphorically. It originally referred to a Taoist hermit or sage.
📌 Example Usage
사람은 연애의 도사야."
a master of dating."
오래 했으면 이제 게임 도사겠네?"
must be a gaming master by now, huh?"
🌀 Similar Expressions
고수 – A
skilled person, often used in games or martial arts.
📌 Example Usage
포커 고수라서 이기기 어렵다."
a poker expert, so it's hard to beat him."
2. 물고구마 / 밤고구마
물고구마 refers to a moist, softer type of sweet potato, while 밤고구마 is drier and has a texture similar to chestnuts.
📌 Example Usage
밤고구마보다 물고구마가 더 좋아."
prefer moist sweet potatoes over chestnut ones."
먹고 물 안 마시면 목 막혀."
"Eating a chestnut sweet potato without drinking water get stuck in your
3. 아 씨 짜증나
An expression
of frustration or irritation. "아 씨" is a
softened expletive often used to vent emotions without being too aggressive.
"아": This word is an interjection expressing surprise, frustration, or sadness.
"씨": This slang term can carry a derogatory
or insulting meaning. However, as used in this sentence, it is commonly paired
with "아" to habitually express emotions like "짜증나"
(annoyed), "빡쳤어" (pissed off), or "열받아" (angry).
📌 Example Usage
씨 짜증나, 버스 또 놓쳤어."
this is so annoying. I missed the bus again."
렉 걸려서 졌어. 아 씨, 짜증 나!"
"I lost because of lag. Ugh, so frustrating!"
Similar Expressions
① 아
빡쳤어 – A slang term meaning "super annoyed" or
"pissed off."
- "빡쳤어": A slang term that expresses a
state of being extremely angry or frustrated.
Example Usage
"아 씨 빡쳤어, 또 늦잠 잤어."
I'm so pissed. I overslept again."
② 아
열받아 – To feel angry or frustrated.
Example Usage
"아 씨 열받아, 게임 렉 때문에 졌어."
I'm so mad. I lost because of lag."
4. 넌
A casual way to ask someone's opinion or condition is often used in conversations to keep the flow going.
📌 Example Usage
이 영화 너무 재밌었어. 넌 어때?"
really enjoyed this movie. What about you?"
다 괜찮은데, 넌 어때?"
fine with everything. What about you?"
🌀 Similar Expressions
① 너는? – A more direct and simple way to ask the same question.
📌 Example Usage
김치찌개 먹을래. 너는?"
going to have kimchi stew. What about you?"
② 네
생각은? – A slightly more formal way to ask for someone's
📌 Example Usage
생각은 이게 맞는데, 네 생각은?"
think this is right. What do you think?"
The expressions mentioned in number 4 are all related
to ellipsis in the Korean language.
어때?” → “네
어때?” / “네
“너는?” → “너는
생각은?” → “네
If you
want to learn more about ellipsis in the Korean language, check out the
following post.
🔖 Beyond Grammar: The Art of Omission in Korean
5. 취향
person's preference or taste in things like food, music, fashion, or hobbies.
📌 Example Usage
내 취향 아니야."
not my taste."
취향은 달달한 커피야."
prefer sweet coffee."
🌀 Similar Expressions
① 스타일 – A more fashion-oriented term for personal taste.
📌 Example Usage
스타일대로 입어 봐."
dressing in your own style."
② 선호 – A more formal way to say "preference."
Example Usage
클래식 음악을 선호해."
prefers classical music."
6. 인생을 모른다
Used to
describe someone who lacks life experience or doesn’t understand the complexity
of life.
📌 Example Usage
아직 어려서 인생을 몰라."
still young, so you don’t understand life yet."
쉽게 생각하는 거 보니 인생을 모르는구나."
think it's that easy? You really don’t understand life."
🌀 Similar Expressions
① 세상을
모른다 – A phrase with a similar meaning but emphasizing lack of
experience in society.
📌 Example Usage
아직 세상을 몰라."
still don’t know how the world works."
② 철없다 – Used to describe someone immature or naive.
📌 Example Usage
소리 좀 그만해."
talking so immaturely."
7. 판
A unit
used to count whole, flat food items like pizza or pancakes.
📌 Example Usage
피자 두 판 시킬까?"
we order two pizzas?"
한 판 더 부쳐야겠다."
should make one more pancake."
🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue & Description
following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an
advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a
beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from
above is better.
- "왜": An interrogative adverb meaning "why," used to ask
for reasons or causes.
📌 Example Usage
그렇게 슬퍼 보여?"
do you look so sad?"
"도사님, 궁금한 게 있어요."
- "도사님": "도사 (master, expert)" +
honorific suffix "-님," referring to someone
wise or experienced.
- "궁금한
게": "궁금하다 (to be
curious)" + "-한" (adjective form) +
"게" (shortened form of "것이," meaning "thing").
- "있어요": "있다 (to have, to exist)"
in polite present tense.
📌 Example Usage
"선생님, 궁금한 게 있어요."
I have a question."
🔮 Meaning: "도사님, 제가 궁금한 점이 있습니다."
I have something I am curious about."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "궁금한 게 있어요" →
"궁그만 게 이써요" (natural connected
- "말해보거라": "말하다 (to speak)" + "보다 (to try)"
+ imperative ending "-거라" (a casual yet
authoritative way to command someone to do something).
• “말해보다” → “말해보거라”
📌 Example Usage
고민을 말해보거라."
me your concerns."
🔮 Meaning: "궁금한 것이 있으면 말해 보아라."
you are curious about something, speak up."
"왜 아무도 저를 좋아하지 않는 겁니까?"
- "왜": "Why," used to ask for a reason.
- "아무도": "No one," a negative pronoun used with negation.
- "저를": "저 (I, me)" + object
particle "-를."
- "좋아하지
않는": "좋아하다 (to like)"
in negative form.
• “좋아하다” → “좋아하지
않다” + “-는” (A suffix that makes the
preceding word function as a modifier and indicates that an event or action is
occurring in the present from the perspective of the speaker.) → “좋아하지 않는” + “것” (thing)
- “것입니까” (Indicates an interrogative sentence and is also a polite
expression.) → “겁니까” (Abbreviated form)
📌 Example Usage
아무도 나를 초대하지 않는 거야?"
does no one invite me?"
🔮 Meaning: "왜 누구도 저를 좋아하지 않는 것인가요?"
"Why is it that no one likes me?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "겁니까?" →
"검니까?" (intonation rises at the end).
"왜 날 좋아하는 사람은 없어?"
- "왜": "Why."
- "날": "나를 (me)" in a casual
contracted form.
- "좋아하는
사람은": "좋아하다 (to like)"
+ "-는" (adjective form) + "사람" (person) + topic particle "-은"
(for emphasis).
- "없어": "없다 (do not exist)" in
casual speech.
📌 Example Usage
날 기다리는 사람이 없어?"
is there no one waiting for me?"
🔮 Meaning: "왜 나를 좋아하는 사람이 아무도 없을까?"
is there no one who likes me?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "왜 날 좋아하는 사람은 없어?"
→ "왜 날 좋아하는 사라믄 업써?" (linked pronunciation).
동룡: "덕선아! 너 물고구마가 좋아, 밤고구마가 좋아?"
- "덕선아!": "덕선" (name) + vocative suffix "-아,"
used when calling someone casually.
- "너": "You," casual speech.
- "물고구마": Moist sweet potatoes, which have a softer texture.
- "밤고구마": Chestnut sweet potatoes, which are drier.
- "좋아?": "좋다 (to like, to prefer)"
in a question form.
📌 Example Usage
아이스크림이 좋아, 케이크가 좋아?"
you like ice cream or cake?"
🔮 Meaning: "덕선아, 네 취향은 물고구마야, 밤고구마야?"
do you prefer moist sweet potatoes or chestnut sweet potatoes?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "밤고구마가 좋아?" →
"밤고구마가 조아?" (softened pronunciation).
📌 Example Usage
초콜릿 아이스크림!"
like chocolate ice cream!"
🔮 Meaning: "나는 물고구마를 더 좋아해."
prefer moist sweet potatoes."
"이문세가 좋아, 박남정이 좋아?"
- "이문세": A famous Korean ballad singer.
- "박남정": A famous Korean pop singer from the 80s.
- "좋아?": "좋다 (to like)" in an
informal question form.
📌 Example Usage
좋아, 롤링 스톤즈가 좋아?"
you like The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"
🔮 Meaning: "이문세와 박남정 중에서 누구를 더 좋아하니?"
Lee Moon-sae and Park Nam-jung, who do you like more?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "이문세가 좋아?" →
"이문세가 조아?" (softened pronunciation).
"내가 좋아, 택이가 좋아?"
- "내가": "나 (I)" + subject marker
- "택이": A nickname for Choi Taek, a character in Reply 1988.
- "좋아?": "좋다 (to like)" in an
informal question form.
📌 Example Usage
좋아, 아빠가 좋아?"
you like mom or dad?"
🔮 Meaning: "내가 더 좋아? 택이가 더 좋아?"
you like me more, or do you like Taek more?"
"아 씨 짜증나. 난 싫어?"
"아": This word is an interjection expressing surprise, frustration, or sadness.
"씨": This slang term can carry a derogatory
or insulting meaning. However, as used in this sentence, it is commonly paired
with "아" to habitually express emotions like "짜증나"
(annoyed), "빡쳤어" (pissed off), or "열받아" (angry).
- "짜증나": "짜증난다 (to be annoyed)" in
casual speech.
- "난": "나는" in a shortened casual
- "싫어?": "싫다 (to dislike)" in
question form.
📌 Example Usage
씨 짜증나. 또 숙제야?"
so annoying. More homework?"
🔮 Meaning: "아, 짜증나. 나는 싫다는 거야?"
"Ugh, so annoying. Are you saying you dislike me?"
"그래도 택이가 더 좋아."
- "그래도": An adverb that connects
preceding and following phrases or sentences, indicating that the previous
content is understandable but cannot be accepted or is not the case.
- "택이가": "택 (Taek's name)" +
subject marker "-이가."
When the subject marker "-가" follows
a word without a final consonant, it is used as is. However, when it follows a
word with a final consonant, "-이가" is added for smoother pronunciation according to
grammatical rules.
Example Usage
“택이가,” “덕선이가,” “동룡이가,” “정환이가”
- "더
좋아": "더 (more)" +
"좋다 (to like, to prefer)."
📌 Example Usage
나는 초콜릿 아이스크림이 더 좋아."
I like chocolate ice cream more."
🔮 Meaning: "너도 좋지만, 나는 택이가 더 좋아."
like you too, but I like Taek more."
동룡: "정팔이가 좋아, 선우가
- "정팔이가": "정팔 (Jung-pal’s name)" + subject marker "-가."
- "선우가": "선우 (Sun-woo’s name)" +
subject marker "-가."
- "좋아?": "좋다 (to like)" in a
question form.
"그런 걸 물어보고 그래."
- "그런
걸": "그렇다 (to be like
that)" + adnominal ending "-ㄴ" → “그러한” → “그런” (Abbreviated form) + "것을 (thing, matter)" → "걸." (Abbreviated
- "물어보고
그래": "물어보다 (to ask)" +
"-고 그래?" (expressing exasperation).
📌 Example Usage
걸 왜 나한테 묻고 그래?"
are you asking me that?"
🔮 Meaning: "그런 질문을 왜 하니?"
are you asking such a thing?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "그런 걸 물어보고 그래"
→ "그런 걸 무러보고 그래"
"넌 어떠냐고?"
- "넌": "너는 (you)" in a casual
contracted form.
- "어떠냐고?": "어떻다 (how, what do you
think?)" in indirect speech "-냐고" (used
for quoting a question).
• "어떠냐고?" is used when asking about
the other person's opinion or condition, such as "How do you
think?" or "How have you been?"
📌 Example Usage
어떠냐고, 내 말 듣고 있어?"
asking about you. Are you listening to me?"
🔮 Meaning: "나는 네가 어떻게 생각하는지 묻고 있는 거야."
"I'm asking about what you think."
"다른 사람이 좋아하는 거 말고 너!"
- "다른
사람이": "다른 (other)" +
"사람이 (person, subject)."
- "좋아하는 거": "좋아하다 (to like)" + "-는" (adjective form) + "것" (thing, matter)."
- "말고": "말다 (to not do)" in its connective form, meaning "instead of." + “-고”
- "너!": Emphasizing "you."
📌 Example Usage
뭐라 하든 말고 네가 하고 싶은 걸 해!"
worry about what your friends say, do what YOU want!"
🔮 Meaning: "다른 사람이 아니라 네가 좋아하는 걸 말해 봐!"
about others—tell me who YOU like!"
"고구마 취향은 그렇게 분명한 애가 뭐 좋아하는 사람 취향 같은 건 없냐?"
- "고구마
취향은": "고구마 (sweet
potato)" + "취향 (preference)" + topic
marker "-은."
- "그렇게
분명한": "그렇게 (that much,
so)" + "분명하다 (to be clear, definite)" in
adjective form.
- "애가": "아이 (kid, person)" in
casual speech. + “-가”
- "뭐
좋아하는 사람 취향": "좋아하다 (to
like)" + “-는” + "사람
(person)" + "취향 (preference)."
- "같은
건 없냐?": "같다 (to be
similar)" + ”-은” + "것
(thing)" + topic marker "-은" + negative
question "-없냐?"
• “것은” → “건” (Abbreviated form)
📌 Example Usage
취향은 뚜렷한데 왜 영화 취향은 없냐?"
so clear about food preferences but have none for movies?"
🔮 Meaning: "음식 취향은 뚜렷한데, 좋아하는 사람에
대한 취향은 없냐?"
clear about food preferences but none about people?"
"남이 널 좋아하는 거 말고, 니가 누굴 좋아할 수도 있는 거야."
- "남이": "남" (a noun
meaning "other people") + "이" (a
subject marker indicating the subject of a sentence).
- "널": A contraction of "너를". "너" is the second-person pronoun ("you"),
and "를" is an object marker.
- "좋아하는
거": A nominalized form of "좋아하다" (to like). "거" is
a colloquial form of "것", meaning
"thing" or "matter."
- "말고": A connective ending meaning "not (something) but rather
(something else)," emphasizing an alternative.
- "니가": A colloquial form of "네가"
used as a subject pronoun.
- "누굴": A contraction of "누구를" ("whom").
- "좋아할
수도 있는 거야":
• "좋아할 수 있다": Means "it is possible to like (someone)."
• "-도":
Emphasizes the additional possibility.
• "있는 거야": Adds emphasis, making the statement sound more explanatory
or assertive.
📌 Example Usage
널 좋아하는 걸 신경 쓰지 말고, 니가 진짜 좋아하는 사람을 찾아봐."
worry about who likes you; focus on finding someone you truly like."
보통 누가 자신을 좋아하는지에만 관심을 가지지만, 중요한 건 내가 누굴 좋아하는지야."
usually care about who likes them, but the important thing is who they
🔮 Meaning
This sentence emphasizes the idea that rather than focusing on who likes you,
you should recognize that you can also pick someone yourself. It encourages an
active and self-directed approach to emotions.
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "누굴 좋아할 수도 있는 거야"
→ "누굴 조아할 쑤도 인는 거야"
"요즘 애들은 근의 공식만 알지, 인생을 몰라요."
- "요즘": An adverb meaning "recently" or "these
days." Similar in meaning to "요새" (nowadays).
- "애들": A colloquial form of "아이들" (children). "요즘
애들" generally refers to the younger generation.
- "은": A topic marker that emphasizes the subject.
- "근의
공식": The quadratic formula used to find the roots of a
quadratic equation.
- "만": A particle meaning "only" or "just."
- "알지": A colloquial form of "알다" (to
know), often conveying a nuance like "they do know, but..."
- "인생": A noun meaning "life."
- "을": An object marker.
- "몰라요": The polite form of "모르다" (to
not know).
📌 Example Usage
애들은 시험 점수엔 관심이 많지만, 어떻게 행복하게 사는지는 잘 몰라요."
these days care a lot about test scores, but they don’t know how to live
잘하면 다 된다고 생각하는데, 인생에는 더 중요한 것들이 많아요."
think getting good grades is everything, but there are more important things in
🔮 Meaning
This sentence suggests that the younger generation may be knowledgeable about
academics but not understand important life values and experiences. Older
generations often use it to critique youth's perceived lack of real-world
"근데 넌 근의 공식도 모르고, 인생도 모르고,
아는 게 뭐야? 뭐야, 너."
- "근데": "그런데 (but, however)" in
casual speech.
- "넌": "너는 (you)" in a contracted
casual form.
- "근의
공식도 모르고": "근의 공식 (quadratic
formula)" + "도 (also)" + "모르다 (to not know)" in connective form "-고."
- "인생도
모르고": "인생 (life)" +
"도 (also)" + "모르다 (do not know)" in the connective form "-고."
- "아는
게 뭐야?": "알다 (to know)"
in adjective form "아는" + "것 (thing)" in casual contraction "게"
+ "뭐야?" (interrogative ending expressing
- "뭐야, 너.": Repetition of "뭐야" adds frustration or emphasis.
📌 Example Usage
수학도 못 하고, 과학도 못 하고, 대체 뭘 잘하는 거야?"
bad at math and science, so what are you even good at?"
🔮 Meaning: "너는 수학도 모르고, 인생 경험도 없는데, 대체 뭘 알고 있는 거냐?"
don’t know math, you don’t know life—so what do you even know?"
"일어나 얼른."
- "일어나": "일어나다 (to get up, to wake up)" in imperative form.
- "얼른": An adverb meaning "quickly" or "hurry
📌 Example Usage
"늦었어! 일어나 얼른!"
late! Get up, hurry!"
🔮 Meaning: "빨리 일어나!"
"Get up quickly!"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "일어나 얼른" →
"이러나 얼른"
"어디 가게?"
- "어디": "Where."
- "가게?": "가다 (to go)" in future or
casual form with a question nuance.
🔮 Meaning: "어디에 가려고 하는 거야?"
are you planning to go?"
"피자 왔어."
- "피자": "Pizza."
- "왔어": "오다 (to come)" in past
tense informal form.
📌 Example Usage
package is here!"
🔮 Meaning: "피자가 도착했어."
pizza has arrived."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "피자 왔어" →
"피자 와써"
덕선: (웃는다.)
"아니 피자를 대체 몇 판을 산 거야?"
- "아니": An exclamation expressing
- "피자를": "피자 (pizza)" + object
marker "-를."
- "대체": "Exactly, on earth," used to emphasize shock or
- "몇
판을": "몇 (how many)" +
"판 (unit for pizza)" + object marker "-을."
- "산
거야?": "사다 (to buy)" in
past tense + casual question ending.
• “사다” + “-ㄴ” → “산” (past tense, adnominal
• “것이다” → “거다” (contracted form) + “-야”
(casual question ending)
📌 Example Usage
"아니, 커피를 대체 몇 잔을 마신 거야?"
how many cups of coffee did you even drink?"
🔮 Meaning: "아니, 너 피자를 몇 개나 산 거야?"
how many pizzas did you buy?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "몇 판을 산 거야?"
→ "멷 파늘 산 거야?"
"다섯 판."
- "다섯": "Five."
- "판": A unit counter for flat food like pizza.
📌 Example Usage
몇 개 샀어?"
다섯 개."
How many did you buy?"
🔮 Meaning: "나는 피자 다섯 판을 샀어."
bought five pizzas."
- "부자": "A rich person."
📌 Example Usage
진짜 부자다. 맨날 비싼 거 사잖아."
seriously rich. You always buy expensive things."
🔮 Meaning: "와, 너 돈 많구나."
you're rich."
"각자 집에서 먹으라고."
- "각자": "Each person,
- "집에서": "집 (home)" + location
marker "-에서."
- "먹으라고": "먹다 (to eat)" in
imperative form suggesting an instruction.
• “먹다” → “먹어라” (Imperative form)
• “먹다” → “먹으라
하다” (Let someone eat something) = “먹게 하다”
• “먹으라 하다” →
“먹으라 하고” → “먹으라고” (Contracted
• “-고”: Connective
endings indicating cause, reason, or condition.
📌 Example Usage
알아서 먹으라고 샀어."
bought it so each person can eat on their own."
🔮 Meaning: "각자 자기 집에서 먹으라고 산 거야."
"I bought it so everyone could eat at home."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "먹으라고" →
"희동아! 우리 결혼하자!"
- "희동아": "희동 (Hee-dong’s name)" +
vocative suffix "-아."
"희동" is "택"'s nickname or term of endearment.
"희동" comes from the character "희동이" in
the Korean comic "Dooly the Little Dinosaur" (아기공룡 둘리).
희동이 is a chubby baby character in the
comic, often drooling and crying. In "Reply 1988", 택 is
given this nickname because of his quiet and slightly dazed expression, which
resembles 희동이.
- "우리
결혼하자": "우리 (we)" +
"결혼하다 (to marry)" in proposal form "-하자 (let’s do it)."
📌 Example Usage
"민수야, 우리 결혼하자!"
let's get married!"
🔮 Meaning: "희동아, 우리 같이 결혼하자!"
let's get married!"
- "됐어": "되다 (to become, to be
okay)" in past tense casual form, meaning "No thanks" or
"Forget it."
• “되다” → “됐다” (past tense) + “-어” → “됐어” (declarative sentence-ending suffix)
The sentence-final ending "-어" is used in various sentence types, including
declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences. Below are its key
characteristics and usage examples.
① Declarative
Sentences: "-어" is used to end
declarative sentences. For example, "나는 밥을 먹었어" and "그는 책을 읽어" serve
as the final sentence ending.
② Interrogative
Sentences: "-어?" is used in
interrogative sentences to ask a question. For instance, "너는 어디
갔어?" and "이것은 얼마야?" use
this form to inquire about something.
③ Exclamatory
Sentences: "-어!" expresses emotions
such as surprise or joy in exclamatory sentences. Examples include "정말
맛있어!" and "잘했어!",
which convey excitement or approval.
④ Imperative
Sentences: "-어" is not used in
imperative sentences. Instead, "-어라" or "-어요" is used. For example, "먹어라" and "앉아요" are
more appropriate forms for giving commands.
⑤ Honorific
Form: "-어요" is used in polite
speech and sounds more respectful than "-어".
Examples include "저는 밥을 먹었어요" and "어머니, 이거 드셔보세요", which show a higher level
of politeness.
⑥ Combination
with Verb Stems: "-어" can combine
with most verb stems, but exceptions exist. For example, verbs like "가다" and "오다" use "-아" instead of "-어" (e.g., "가" instead of "가어").
sentence-final ending "-어" is used
in various sentence types to end a statement, ask a question, or express
emotions. However, it is not used in imperative sentences, where "-어라" or "-어요" is
preferred. In polite speech, "-어요" is
commonly used instead of "-어" to
convey respect.
🔮 Meaning: "아니, 됐다."
forget it."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips: "됐어" → "됃써"
![]() |
Reply 1988 (2015) |
Final Thoughts
scene may seem like a simple conversation, but it beautifully captures the
innocence and friendship that only teenagers can have. 덕선 worries about not having anyone who likes her, and 동룡 responds humorously, yet his words carry an important
message: "Rather than focusing on who likes you, it's just as
important to have someone you like."
In this
way, "응답하라 1988" not only reflects
the emotions of its time but also presents thought-provoking philosophical
questions that we can all relate to. Life isn’t a test, and memorizing the
quadratic formula won’t solve everything. Ultimately, what truly matters is
choosing what we love and who we want to be with, right?
Have you
ever had a meaningful conversation with your friends like this scene? Share
your own stories in the comments!