Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.

🎶 Lim Hyun-sik - "See The Light"

Lim Hyun-sik’s "See The Light" is the first OST for MBC’s Friday-Saturday drama “When the Phone Rings" released November 30, 2024. This song captures the intricate and precarious relationship between the drama’s protagonists, Baek Sa-eon (played by Yoo Yeon-seok) and Hong Hee-joo (played by Chae Soo-bin). With its cold yet dreamy atmosphere, the track intensifies the tension within the storyline, adding depth to the drama’s emotional landscape.



🎥 Lim Hyun-sik - "See The Light" Music Video

[Source] YouTube, Stone Music Entertainment


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 마음이 텅 빈 것 같아 (It Feels Like My Heart Is Empty)

Used to describe deep emotional emptiness or sadness.


📌 Example Usage

"그가 떠난 후 마음이 텅 빈 것 같아."

"After he left, it felt like my heart was empty."


🌀 Similar Expressions

마음이 공허한 것 같아 (I feel empty inside.)


📌 Example Usage

"내 마음이 공허해서 눈물의 삼키는 밤이다."

"My heart feels empty, and tonight, I swallow my tears.”


2. 눈물을 삼키다 (To Swallow One’s Tears)

Describes holding back tears instead of crying.


📌 Example Usage

"속상했지만 눈물을 삼켰다."

"I was upset, but I swallowed my tears."


🌀 Similar Expressions

슬픔을 참다 (Hold back sorrow, Suppress sadness)


📌 Example Usage

"너를 잃은 슬픔을 참고 있을 뿐이야."

"I'm just holding back the sorrow of losing you."


3. 눈빛이 빛나다 (Eyes Shine, Eyes Sparkle)

Used when someone’s gaze appears bright, intense, or emotional.


📌 Example Usage

"꿈을 이야기할 때 그의 눈빛이 빛났다."

"When he talked about his dream, his eyes sparkled."


🌀 Similar Expressions

눈이 반짝이다 (Eyes sparkle, Eyes shine)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀의 눈이 반짝였다."

"Her eyes sparkled."


4. 이제는 (Now, From Now On)

Used when emphasizing a change in situation or mindset.


📌 Example Usage

"이제는 후회하지 않기로 했다."

"From now on, I decided not to regret."


🌀 Similar Expressions

지금부터는 (From Now On, Starting Now)


📌 Example Usage

"지금부터 열심히 할 거야."

"From now on, I’ll do my best."


5. 낯설다 (To Be Unfamiliar, Strange)

Used to describe something or someone that feels foreign or unknown.


📌 Example Usage

"오랜만에 온 고향이 낯설게 느껴졌다."

"My hometown felt unfamiliar after a long time."


🌀 Similar Expressions

익숙하지 않다 (To Be Not Used To, To Be Unfamiliar With)


📌 Example Usage

"이 도시는 아직 익숙하지 않아."

"I’m still not used to this city."


익숙하지 않은 밤이야

“It's a night I'm not used to.”

6. 밤을 깨우다 (To Awaken the Night)

Poetic expression means staying up all night or making the night lively.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 음악과 함께 밤을 깨웠다."

"With music, we awakened the night."


🎨 Expressions

밤을 지새우다 (To Stay Up All Night)


📌 Example Usage

"시험 공부하느라 밤을 지새웠어."

"I stayed up all night studying for the exam."


7. 심장 (Heart – Literal & Emotional Meaning)

Refers to both the physical organ and emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"너를 볼 때마다 심장이 두근거려."

"Whenever I see you, my heart beats fast."


🌀 Similar Expressions

가슴 (Chest, Heart – Emotional Context)


📌 Example Usage

"가슴이 먹먹해졌다."

"My heart felt heavy."


8. 차디찬 (Icy, Freezing Cold)

Describes something extremely cold, often metaphorically for emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"차디찬 바람이 얼굴을 스쳤다."

"The freezing wind brushed against my face."


🌀 Similar Expressions

얼어붙은 (Frozen, Ice-Cold)


📌 Example Usage

얼어붙은 그의 말에 내 표정이 굳었다."

"My expression froze at his cold, frozen words."


9. ~를 안다 / ~를 포옹하다 (To Hug, To Embrace)

"안다" is more commonly used, while "포옹하다" sounds more formal.


📌 Example Usage

"그녀를 꼭 안아 줬다."

"I hugged her tightly."


🌀 Similar Expressions

껴안다 (To Hug, To Hold Someone Close)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 나를 따뜻하게 껴안아 줬다."

"He embraced me warmly."


10. 마음을 열다 (To Open One’s Heart)

Means to become emotionally open or trusting.


📌 Example Usage

"처음엔 어색했지만 점점 마음을 열었다."

"It was awkward initially, but I slowly opened my heart."


🌀 Similar Expressions

속마음을 털어놓다 (To Confide One’s Inner Thoughts)


📌 Example Usage

"친구에게 속마음을 털어놨어."

"I confided my true feelings to my friend."


11. 입술 (Lips)

Used both literally and metaphorically in romantic contexts.


📌 Example Usage

"그의 입술이 떨렸다."

"His lips trembled."


🎨 Expressions

입가 (Around the Lips, The Edge of the Lips)


📌 Example Usage

"입가에 맺힌 너의 깊은 마음이 너를 원하게 만든다."

"The deep emotions lingering on your lips make me want you."


12. 맞닿다 (To Touch Each Other, To Be in Contact)

Used for physical or emotional closeness.


📌 Example Usage

"손끝이 살짝 맞닿았다."

"Our fingertips lightly touched."


🌀 Similar Expressions

닿다 (To Reach, To Touch)


📌 Example Usage

"물 위에 발끝이 닿았다."

"My toes touched the water."

13. 순간 (Moment, Instant)

Refers to a very brief period of time.


📌 Example Usage

"그 순간 모든 것이 멈춘 것 같았다."

"In that moment, everything felt like it stopped."


🌀 Similar Expressions

찰나 (An Instant, A Blink of an Eye – More Poetic)


📌 Example Usage

"찰나의 행복을 느꼈다."

"I felt happiness in an instant."


14. 서로를 바라보다 (To Look at Each Other)

Used to describe two people gazing at each other, often in an emotional or romantic moment.


📌 Example Usage

"우리는 아무 말없이 서로를 바라보았다."

"We looked at each other in silence."


🌀 Similar Expressions

눈을 마주치다 (To Make Eye Contact)


📌 Example Usage

"그와 눈을 마주치는 순간 가슴이 두근거렸다."

"The moment our eyes met, my heart pounded."


15. 어둠 (Darkness, The Dark)

It can refer to literal darkness or figurative sadness or despair.


📌 Example Usage

"어둠이 짙게 깔린 밤이었다."

"It was a night covered in deep darkness."


🌀 Similar Expressions

암흑 (Complete Darkness, Pitch-Black)


📌 Example Usage

"방 안은 암흑 같았다."

"The room was as dark as pitch."


16. 잠이 들다 (To Fall Asleep)

Describes the act of drifting into sleep.


📌 Example Usage

"너를 생각하다가 잠이 들었어."

"I fell asleep thinking about you."


🎨 Expressions

스르르 잠들다 (To Fall Asleep Gently)


📌 Example Usage

"책을 읽다가 스르르 잠들었다."

"I slowly fell asleep while reading a book."


17. 두 눈을 감다 (To Close Both Eyes)

It can mean literally closing your eyes or metaphorically ignoring something.


📌 Example Usage

"두 눈을 감고 깊이 숨을 들이마셨다."

"I closed both eyes and took a deep breath."


🎨 Expressions

눈을 감아주다 (To Overlook, To Forgive Something)


📌 Example Usage

"이번 한 번만 눈 감아줘."

"Just let it slide this time."


18. 어루만지다 (To Gently Caress, To Soothe Someone or Something)

Often used for tender physical touch or comforting emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 아이의 머리를 어루만졌다."

"She gently caressed the child's head."


🌀 Similar Expressions

쓰다듬다 (To Stroke, To Pat Gently)


📌 Example Usage

"두 눈을 감은 채 고양이의 등을 쓰다듬었다."

"I gently stroked the cat's back with my eyes closed."


19. 손끝 (Fingertip)

Can describe physical touch or subtle sensations.


📌 Example Usage

"손끝이 가볍게 떨렸다."

"My fingertips trembled slightly."


🎨 Expressions

손길 (A Gentle Touch, Someone’s Touch)


📌 Example Usage

"따뜻한 손길이 필요해."

"I need a warm touch."


20. 너를 원하다 (To Want You)

A passionate expression of desire, often used romantically.


📌 Example Usage

"나는 오직 너를 원해."

"I only want you."


🎨 Expressions

너를 그리워하다 (To Miss You, To Long for You)


📌 Example Usage

"매일 밤 너를 그리워해."

"Every night, I long for you."


🎶 Lim Hyun-sik - "See The Light": Musical Elements & Composition

Musical Elements: The song is built around a foundation of piano and guitar sounds, with an increasingly rich instrumental arrangement that heightens the emotions as the track progresses. Lim Hyun-sik’s delicate and powerful vocals blend seamlessly with the instrumentation, enhancing the song’s atmospheric depth.

Lyrics & Meaning: The lyrics convey the intense longing between two individuals and the emotional turmoil that comes with it. The phrase "See the light" symbolizes the journey of finding light within darkness, representing hope and salvation in the relationship between the two protagonists.


🎶 Key Themes in "See The Light" Lyrics

Emptiness and Loss

·       " 마음은 텅빈 눈물을 삼켜내": "Your heart is empty as you swallow your tears again."

→ Expresses a sense of emptiness, implying that the other person is suppressing their emotions.


- " 마음은": " (your)" + "마음 (heart, feelings)" + topic marker "-" → "Your heart."

- " ": " 비다 (to be completely empty)" + state-maintaining suffix "- (while remaining in that state)." → "Remaining empty."

- "": "Again, once more" (indicating repetition).

- "눈물을 삼켜내": "눈물 (tears)" + object marker "-" + "삼키다 (to swallow)" + emphasis "-내다 (to push through, to endure)." → "Swallowing back tears."


📌 Example Usage

"그는 마음으로 한숨을 내쉬었다."

"With an empty heart, he sighed again."


·       "맞닿은 너와 순간 서로를 바라보던 cold eyes": "In this moment when we are so close, we gaze at each other with cold eyes."

→ Highlights a relationship that is physically close yet emotionally distant.


- "맞닿은": "맞닿다 (to be touching, to be close to each other)" + past participle suffix "-" → "Closely touching."

- "너와 순간": " (you)" + conjunction "- (with)" + " 순간 (this moment)." → "This moment with you."

- "서로를 바라보던": "서로 (each other)" + object marker "-" + "바라보다 (to gaze at, to look at)" + attributive "-" (past continuous, indicating something that was happening). → "Gazing at each other."

- "cold eyes": English phrase used as is → "차가운 눈빛."


📌 Example Usage

"우린 맞닿아 있지만, 마음은 멀어져 가고 있어."

"We are close, but our hearts are growing distant."


Yearning for Light Amidst Darkness

·       "Your tender lies, Gonna make me cry tonight" → The softness of a lie deepens the sorrow even further.

·       "Fall like a dawn, When the shades are fading out" → A metaphor for hope emerging as darkness recedes.


The Meaning of ‘See the Light’: A Turning Point in Emotion

·       "See the light, 낯선 밤을 깨워내": "See the light, awakening an unfamiliar night."

→ Represents a process of gaining new realizations in an unfamiliar emotional state.


- "See the light": English phrase meaning "to see the light" or "to find hope." Can be translated as "빛을 보다" or "희망을 찾다."

- "낯선 밤을": "낯선 (unfamiliar, strange)" + " (night)" + object marker "-." → "The unfamiliar night."

- "깨워내": "깨우다 (to wake up)" + emphasis "-내다 (to bring forth, to make happen)." → "To awaken."


📌 Example Usage

"새로운 희망이 낯선 밤을 깨울 거야."

"New hope will awaken the unfamiliar night."


·       "깨진 마음을 열어내": "Opening up a broken heart."

→ A moment of allowing emotions to surface after being shattered.


- "깨진 마음을":

­ "깨지다 (to be broken, shattered)" + past participle suffix "-" → "깨진 (broken, shattered)."

­ "마음 (heart, feelings)" + object marker "-."

­ → "The shattered heart."

- "열어내":

­ "열다 (to open)" + emphasis "-내다 (to fully bring out, to forcefully do)." → "To open up fully, to bring out."


📌 Example Usage

"상처받은 마음을 닫지 말고 열어봐."

"Don't close your wounded heart, open it up."


Deepening Emotions and Desire

·       "입술에 맺힌 깊은 마음이 깊이 원하네": "The deeper feelings lingering on my lips make me want you even more."

→ Suggests emotions that cannot be fully expressed through words, growing stronger instead.


- "입술에 맺힌":

­ "입술 (lips)" + location marker "-".

­ "맺히다 (to form, to linger)" + past participle suffix "-".

­ → "Lingering on the lips."

- " 깊은 마음이":

­ " 깊다 (deeper)" + adjective form "-".

­ "마음 (heart, emotions)" + subject marker "-."

­ → "A deeper heart, deeper emotions."

- " 깊이 원하네":

­ " 깊이 (even deeper)"

­ " (you)" + object marker "-" → “” (spoken omission).

­ "원하다 (to want, to desire)" + exclamatory ending "-" (expressing deep realization).

­ → "I desire you even more deeply."


📌 Example Usage

"입술에 맺힌 말들이 네게 닿기를 바래."­

"I hope the words lingering on my lips reach you."


🎶 Lim Hyun-sik - "See The Light": Global Reception

Following its release, "See The Light" garnered immense domestic and international popularity. The song achieved a remarkable feat by ranking 10th on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales Chart, reflecting its strong global appeal. This success highlights the drama’s growing fanbase and underscores the OST’s musical excellence, resonating with viewers and listeners alike.


🎶 Lim Hyun-sik - "See The Light": Key Listening Points

Emotional Delivery: Lim Hyun-sik’s delicate yet expressive vocals beautifully convey the protagonists’ complex emotions. Focusing on the lyrics and melody enhances the song’s emotional depth.

Musical Progression: The song transitions from a soft piano-led introduction to a rich, layered instrumental climax, effectively mirroring the emotional intensity of the narrative.


🎶 Additional Information

Release Date: November 30, 2024

Album: Call Me When You Hear This OST Part 1

Genre: K-Pop / Ballad

Lyrics by: KINSHA

Composed by: AllThou, Suhyun Kim  


📌 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to Stone Music Entertainment and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."