🎶 IVE - "Attitude"
"Attitude" is
one of IVE’s double title tracks, highlighting themes of confidence and
positivity. The song encourages embracing any situation with a self-assured and
lighthearted mindset.
respect copyright guidelines, I have selected and analyzed key words and
phrases from the lyrics that are commonly used in daily conversations. This
breakdown is designed to help Korean learners better understand and apply these
expressions. Thank you for your understanding.
analysis is intended for educational purposes and does not replace the official
🎥 IVE - "Attitude" Music Video
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 감정선 (Emotional Flow, Emotional Line)
refers to the subtle emotional buildup or consistency in a story, acting, or
📌 Example Usage
드라마는 감정선이 정말 섬세하게 표현됐다."
emotional flow in this drama was expressed very delicately."
🌀 Similar Expressions
감정 흐름
(Emotional Flow)
📌 Example Usage
감정 흐름을 잘 살렸다."
actor portrayed the emotional flow well."
2. 남들과
다르다 (To Be Different from Others)
Used to
emphasize uniqueness or individuality.
📌 Example Usage
남들과 다르게 생각해."
think differently from others."
“나는 남들과는 다른 곳에 신경 쓴다”
focus on a different place than others."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Be Special, Unique)
📌 Example Usage
정말 특별한 사람이야."
are truly a special person."
3. 원하거나
말거나 (Whether You Want It or Not)
when someone’s preference doesn’t change the outcome.
📌 Example Usage
원하거나 말거나 난 갈 거야."
you want it or not, I’m going."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(It Doesn’t Matter)
📌 Example Usage
오든 말든 상관없어."
doesn’t matter whether you come or not."
4. 싫어하다 / 좋아하다 (To Dislike / To Like)
expressions for preference.
📌 Example Usage
매운 음식을 싫어해."
dislike spicy food."
노래 정말 좋아해!"
really like that song!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Prefer – More Formal)
📌 Example Usage
조용한 곳을 선호해."
prefer quiet places."
5. 이리저리
부딪치다 (To Bump Into Things Here and There, To Struggle with
Various Things)
Used for
both physical and figurative struggles.
📌 Example Usage
일할 때는 이리저리 부딪쳤어."
I first started working, I struggled a lot."
“이리저리 부딪쳐도 다시 일어났다”
after bumping into obstacles here and there, I got back up again."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Go Through Hardships)
📌 Example Usage
일 하면서 정말 많이 고생했어."
went through a lot of hardships while doing this job."
6. 행운은
내 편이다 (Luck Is on My Side)
Used to
express confidence that things will go well.
📌 Example Usage
느낌이 좋아. 행운은 내 편이야!"
have a good feeling today. Luck is on my side!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
운이 좋다
(To Be Lucky)
📌 Example Usage
운이 정말 좋았어!"
was really lucky today!"
7. 누가
뭐라 해도 (No Matter What Anyone Says)
when not caring about others’ opinions.
📌 Example Usage
뭐라 하든 내 길을 갈 거야."
matter what anyone says, I’ll follow my own path."
“누가 뭐라 해도 난 흔들리지 않아”
matter what anyone says, I won't waver."
🎨 Expressions
상관하지 않다 (To Not Care)
📌 Example Usage
뭐라 해도 난 상관 안 해."
don’t care what others say."
8. 솔직히 (Honestly, Frankly)
Used to
express sincerity.
📌 Example Usage
말해서 그 영화 별로였어."
that movie wasn’t great."
🌀 Similar Expressions
📌 Example Usage
살아야 해."
should live truthfully."
9. 비바람이
치다 (A Storm Rages, Figuratively: Hardships Come)
both literally and metaphorically.
📌 Example Usage
비바람이 쳤다."
storm raged all night."
“비바람이 쳐도 난 괜찮아”
when the storm rages, I'm fine."
🌀 Similar Expressions
폭풍이 몰아치다 (A Storm Hits Hard)
📌 Example Usage
폭풍이 몰아칠 때도 있어."
storms hit in life too."
10. 머리가
헝클어지다 (To Have Messy Hair)
Used for
literal messy hair or a disorganized situation.
📌 Example Usage
불어서 머리가 헝클어졌어."
hair got messy because of the wind."
🌀 Similar Expressions
머리가 엉망이 되다 (My hair gets messy.)
📌 Example Usage
머리가 엉망이 되어있어"
morning, my hair is a mess."
11. 짜증 (Annoyance, Frustration)
Used to
express irritation.
📌 Example Usage
"아, 진짜 짜증 나!"
I’m so annoyed!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
화가 나다
(To Be Angry)
📌 Example Usage
말에 화가 났어."
got angry at those words."
12. 머리부터
발끝까지 (From Head to Toe)
Used to
emphasize completeness.
📌 Example Usage
발끝까지 멋지네!"
look amazing from head to toe!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
(The Whole Body)
📌 Example Usage
whole body hurts."
13. 동의 (Agreement, Consent)
Used for
expressing agreement.
📌 Example Usage
agree too!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
찬성 (Approval,
📌 Example Usage
의견에 찬성합니다."
support that opinion."
14. 시련 (Hardship, Trial)
difficult situations.
📌 Example Usage
이겨내야 해."
have to overcome hardships."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Suffering, Difficulty)
📌 Example Usage
속에서도 희망을 가져야 해."
in suffering, you should have hope."
15. 귀엽다 (To Be Cute)
Used to
describe something adorable.
📌 Example Usage
너무 귀엽다!"
puppy is so cute!"
“그녀는 귀여울 뿐이야. 아름답지는 않아”
just cute. She's not beautiful."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Lovely, Endearing)
📌 Example Usage
아이는 정말 사랑스러워."
child is truly lovely."
16. 운명 (Fate, Destiny)
refers to something predetermined or inevitable in life.
📌 Example Usage
운명처럼 만났다."
met as if it were destiny."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Inevitable Fate, Destiny) – A stronger term
implying something unavoidable.
📌 Example Usage
내 숙명이다."
is my fate."
17. 장난을
걸다 (To Tease Someone, To Playfully Bother Someone)
phrase is used when playfully joking or teasing a friend.
📌 Example Usage
항상 나한테 장난을 걸어."
always teases me."
“그가 장난을 걸어오면, 같이 놀아주면 돼”
he plays a trick on you, just play along."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Joke Around, To Play Tricks)
📌 Example Usage
심한 장난은 치지 마."
play pranks that are too harsh."
18. 놀아
주다 (To Play With Someone, To Spend Time With Someone Who Wants
when giving attention to someone who wants company.
📌 Example Usage
나랑 놀아 달라고 졸랐다."
younger sibling kept nagging me to play with them."
🌀 Similar Expressions
상대해 주다 (To Entertain Someone, To Interact with Someone Who Seeks
📌 Example Usage
나를 상대해 주지 않는다."
cat won’t even acknowledge me."
19. 움츠리다 (To Shrink, To Cower, To Curl Up)
Used to
describe physically or emotionally withdrawing.
📌 Example Usage
몸을 움츠렸다."
curled up because it was cold."
후 부끄러워서 움츠렸다."
making a mistake, I cowered in embarrassment."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Crouch, To Shrink in a Small Position)
📌 Example Usage
쪼그리고 앉았다."
crouched down on the floor."
20. 행운은
내 편이다 (Luck Is on My Side)
Used to
express confidence that things will go well.
📌 Example Usage
기분이 좋아. 행운은 내 편이야!"
feel good today. Luck is on my side!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
나는 운이 좋다 (I am Lucky)
🎶 IVE - "Attitude" Lyrics Analysis & Meaning
song highlights themes of confidence and self-assurance. Let's delve into the
meaning behind some of its lyrics.
🎵 Confidence and Individuality
"내 감정선은 어딘가 좀 다르게 흘러": "My emotional flow
moves differently from others."
→ Expressing the courage to think and act uniquely without
"Dress up to impress but I'm
impressing everyone": "I dress up to impress, but in the end, I
impress everyone."
→ Emphasizing that true confidence naturally draws attention
rather than dressing up solely for others.
🎵 Self-Determined Attitude
"내가 정할게 나의 무드": "I will decide my own
→ Reinforcing the idea that one's emotions and atmosphere are
under personal control.
"그 누가 아무리 뭐라 해도 솔직히 내가 난 맘에 들어": "No matter what anyone
says, honestly, I like myself."
→ Encouraging self-love and confidence over external
🎵 Embracing Fate with a Playful Mindset
"비바람 쳐도 don't care 'bout it": "Even
when the storm rages, I don’t care about it."
→ Conveying a resilient attitude that remains unfazed by
"운명이 장난을 걸어오면 놀아 줘야지 뭐 어쩌겠어": "If fate plays tricks
on me, I might as well play along."
→ Encouraging a lighthearted approach to unexpected challenges in life.
🎵 A Positive Mindset that Believes in Luck
"움츠리면 뭐할 건데 행운은 늘 내 편인 걸": "What’s the point of
shrinking back? Luck is always on my side."
→ Promoting the belief that confidence attracts good fortune.
🎶 Key Points for Enjoying "Attitude"
The song’s upbeat rhythm and
addictive melody energize listeners.
IVE members' confident vocals and
powerful performances perfectly convey the song’s empowering message.
The music video’s vibrant colors
and unique styling visually reinforce the themes of confidence and
🎶 Additional Information
Release Date: February 26,
Genre: Pop
Lyrics by: Seo Ji-eum,
Nietzsche, Jang Wonyoung (IVE)
Composed by: James Daniel
Lewis, Ryan S. Jhun, Suzanne Vega, Rollo, Olga Sundin, Lotte Mørkved
🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music
platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!
rights to the lyrics belong to STARSHIP and the original
analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does
not replace the official lyrics."