Not just another lyric translation—this is your gateway to mastering Korean through K-Pop.

This blog post isn’t about simply translating or dissecting lyrics word for word. Instead, I break down the key vocabulary and expressions in K-Pop songs, making Korean learning fun and immersive.

By the time you reach the end, you won’t just understand the words—you’ll feel the song the way native speakers do.

If you're serious about leveling up your Korean, make it a daily habit: Pair this with my K-Drama Bites series, and you’ll be picking up Korean naturally—step by step, with excitement.

🎶 IU “You & I” (“너랑 나”)

"You & I" is IU's hit song, released in 2011. It conveys a message of love that transcends time. This song has been loved both domestically and internationally for its dreamy storytelling, lyrics with a growth narrative, and IU's unique emotional vocals.



🎥 IU “You & I” - Music Video

[Source] YouTube, 1theK


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 시계를 보다 / 시간을 보다 (To Look at a Clock / To Check the Time)

"시계를 보다" refers to looking at a clock or watch, while "시간을 보다" means checking what time it is.


📌 Example Usage

"회의 중에 자꾸 시계를 봤다."

"I kept looking at my watch during the meeting."


"시간을 보니까 벌써 밤 10시야!"

"I checked the time, and it’s already 10 p.m.!"


- “시계를"시곌” (abbreviation)


- “보다” + “-” (A connective ending used to list two or more actions or states.) "보며


🌀 Similar Expressions

시간을 확인하다 (To Check the Time) – A more formal way to express it.


📌 Example Usage

"출발 전에 시간을 확인해 봐."

"Check the time before you leave."


2. 비밀을 속삭이다 (To Whisper a Secret)

Used when quietly sharing a secret with someone.


📌 Example Usage

"친구가 내게 비밀을 속삭였다."

"My friend whispered a secret to me."


아직도 속삭이는 비밀들이 있어?”

“Are there still secrets whispering?”


🌀 Similar Expressions

귓속말을 하다 (To Whisper in Someone’s Ear)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 내 귀에 귓속말을 했다."

"She whispered into my ear."


3. 간절하다 (To Be Earnest, To Be Desperate for Something)

Used to describe a deep longing or strong desire.


📌 Example Usage

"간절한 마음으로 기도했다."

"I prayed with an earnest heart."


🌀 Similar Expressions

절실하다 (To Be Urgent, Desperate, or Pressing)


📌 Example Usage

"지금 가장 절실한 것은 시간이야."

"What I need the most right now is time."


4. 모습을 헤치다 (To Disrupt or Disturb an Appearance)

Often used when something ruins or alters a scene.


📌 Example Usage

"폭풍이 마을의 고요한 모습을 헤쳤다."

"The storm disrupted the peaceful look of the village."


🌀 Similar Expressions

모습을 망치다 (To Ruin One’s Appearance or Scene)


📌 Example Usage

"그 실수 하나가 모든 분위기를 망쳤다."

"That one mistake ruined the entire atmosphere."


5. 재촉하다 (To Urge, To Hurry Someone Up)

Used when pressuring someone to do something quickly.


📌 Example Usage

"엄마가 빨리 오라고 재촉했다."

"My mom urged me to come quickly."


🌀 Similar Expressions

서두르게 하다 (To Make Someone Hurry Up)


📌 Example Usage

"늦을까 봐 친구를 서두르게 했다."

"I made my friend hurry up because we might be late."


6. ~하면 할수록 (The More You Do Something, The More...)

This pattern emphasizes that an effect increases with repeated action.


📌 Example Usage

"연습을 하면 할수록 실력이 늘어."

"The more you practice, the better you get."


🎨 Expressions

갈수록 (As Time Goes On, The More It Happens) – More focused on gradual changes over time.

📌 Example Usage

"갈수록 더워지고 있어."

"It’s getting hotter as time goes by."


7. 이름을 부르다 (To Call Someone’s Name)

Used when addressing or calling out to someone by name.


📌 Example Usage

"멀리서 내 이름을 부르는 소리가 들렸다."

"I heard someone calling my name from afar."


- “ 이름 불러줘" Call my name.

”: “나의"” (abbreviation)

­이름을"이름” (Omission of the object particle)

­부르다” + “주다” (Auxiliary verb) "불러주다” + “-” (Request or favor) "불러줘


🎨 Expressions

소리쳐 부르다 (To Shout Someone’s Name)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 큰 소리로 내 이름을 소리쳐 불렀다."

"She shouted my name loudly."


8. 틈새 (A Gap, A Crack, A Small Opening)

Used for both physical gaps and figurative opportunities.


📌 Example Usage

"문 틈새로 빛이 들어왔다."

"Light came through the crack in the door."


"바쁜 일정 속에서도 틈새 시간을 활용해야 해."

"Even with a busy schedule, you must use small pockets of time."


🌀 Similar Expressions

사이 (The Space Between, An Interval)


📌 Example Usage

"두 사람 사이에 어색한 침묵이 흘렀다."

"An awkward silence flowed between the two people."


9. 비치다 (To Be Reflected, To Be Seen Through, To Shine Light On Something)

Used when light passes through or something is faintly visible.


📌 Example Usage

"창문에 내 얼굴이 비쳤다."

"My face was reflected in the window."


"얇은 천 너머로 실루엣이 비쳤다."

"A silhouette was faintly visible through the thin fabric."


- “비치다” + “-” (Present tense prefinal ending) "비치는” (shining or reflecting)


🌀 Similar Expressions

반사되다 (To Be Reflected – More Scientific or Technical Use)


📌 Example Usage

"거울에 빛이 반사됐다."

"Light was reflected in the mirror."


10. 마음을 들키다 (To Have One’s Feelings Discovered, To Have One’s Heart Exposed)

Used when someone unintentionally reveals their emotions.


📌 Example Usage

"나도 모르게 그 사람에게 마음을 들키고 말았다."

"Without realizing it, I revealed my feelings to them."


- “ 들킬까 두려워

­”: “나의

­”: “마음을"맘을” (abbreviation) "(Omission of the object particle)

­들킬까”: “들키다” + “-ㄹ까” (A sentence-ending suffix that indicates uncertainty or a question.)

­두려워”: “두렵다” + “-"두려워” (Sentence-ending suffix)


🌀 Similar Expressions

속마음을 들키다 (To Have One’s Inner Thoughts Discovered)


📌 Example Usage

"거짓말하려 했지만 결국 속마음을 들켰다."

"I tried to lie, but my true feelings were exposed in the end."


11. 두렵다 (To Be Afraid, To Be Fearful)

Used when feeling anxious or scared about something uncertain.


📌 Example Usage

"미래가 두려워."

"I’m afraid of the future."


🌀 Similar Expressions

겁이 나다 (To Feel Scared, To Be Frightened)


📌 Example Usage

"어두운 곳이 너무 겁이 나."

"I’m really scared of dark places."


12. 가슴이 벅차다 (To Be Overwhelmed with Emotion, To Be Full of Emotion)

Used when someone is deeply moved or filled with joy.


📌 Example Usage

"꿈을 이루고 나니 가슴이 벅찼다."

"After achieving my dream, I was overwhelmed with emotion."


🌀 Similar Expressions

감격하다 (To Be Deeply Touched, To Be Moved Emotionally)


📌 Example Usage

"응원의 메시지를 보고 감격했어."

"I was deeply moved when I saw the message of support."


13. 서럽다 (To Feel Sad and Unfairly Treated, To Be Deeply Sorrowful)

Used when feeling emotional pain, often due to unfair circumstances.


📌 Example Usage

"혼자 남겨져서 너무 서러웠어."

"I felt so sorrowful being left alone."


🌀 Similar Expressions

슬프다 (To Be Sad)


📌 Example Usage

"그 영화 정말 슬펐어."

"That movie was really sad."


14. 조금만 (Just a Little, A Bit More)

Used when asking for patience or indicating a small amount.


📌 Example Usage

"조금만 기다려 줘."

"Just wait a little longer."


🌀 Similar Expressions

약간 (Slightly, A Little Bit)


📌 Example Usage

"약간만 더 추가해 주세요."

"Please add just a little more."


15. 참다 (To Endure, To Hold Back, To Suppress)

Used when controlling emotions or resisting something.


📌 Example Usage

"아픈 걸 참지 말고 병원 가."

"Don’t endure the pain, go to the hospital."


- “참다” + “-” (A connective ending that presents two or more facts equally.) "참고" Negation “참지 말고


🌀 Similar Expressions

견디다 (To Withstand, To Bear Through Something Difficult)


📌 Example Usage

"힘들지만 견뎌야 해."

"It’s tough, but you have to endure it."


16. ~()를 기다리다 (To Wait for ~)

Used when waiting for someone or something.


📌 Example Usage

"너를 기다리고 있었어."

"I was waiting for you."


🎨 Expressions

기다림 (Waiting, The Act of Waiting)


📌 Example Usage

"기다림이 길어질수록 더 간절해져."

"The longer the wait, the more desperate I become."


17. 보채다 (To Whine, To Pester, To Demand Something Repeatedly)

Used when someone persistently asks for something, often in a childish way.


📌 Example Usage

"아기가 우유를 달라고 보챘다."

"The baby kept whining for milk."


- “보채고 싶지만" "I want to pester, but..."

­보채다” + “- 싶다"보채고 싶다” + “-지만"보채고 싶지만

­“- 싶다”:  Indicates a desire or wish to perform a specific action.

­“-지만”: A connective ending used when the content before and after it contrast. It is often used with meanings such as "however," "but," or "nevertheless."


🌀 Similar Expressions

졸라대다 (To Nag, To Beg Repeatedly)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 새 휴대폰을 사달라고 졸라댔다."

"He kept nagging to get a new phone."


18. 너랑 나랑 지민이랑 (You, Me, and Jimin)

A phrase used to list people, often in a casual or friendly context.


📌 Example Usage

"너랑 나랑 지민이랑 같이 여행 가자!"

"You, me, and Jimin—let’s go on a trip together!"


🎨 Expressions

우리 모두 (All of Us, We Together)


📌 Example Usage

"너랑 나랑 지민이랑 우리 모두 힘을 합치자."

"You, me, and Jimin-let’s all work together."


19. 과거, 현재, 미래 (Past, Present, Future)

Used to describe different periods.


📌 Example Usage

"과거를 돌아보고, 현재를 살며, 미래를 준비하자."

"Look back at the past, live in the present, and prepare for the future."


🌀 Similar Expressions

옛날, 지금, 앞으로 (Old Times, Now, The Future)


📌 Example Usage

"옛날 이야기 좀 해 줘."

"Tell me an old story."


20. 엿보다 (To Peek, To Spy on, To Glance Secretly)

This means to observe or anticipate something secretly.


📌 Example Usage

"창문 너머로 방 안을 엿보았다."

"I peeked into the room through the window."


"그는 내 반응을 엿보고 있었다."

"He was secretly watching my reaction."


🌀 Similar Expressions

훔쳐보다 (To Steal a Glance, To Peek Secretly)


📌 Example Usage

"시험 시간에 친구 답안지를 훔쳐보면 안 돼."

"You shouldn’t peek at your friend’s answers during a test."


21. 놀아주다 (To Play with Someone, To Spend Time with Someone Who Wants Attention)

Used when someone is giving attention to another person, often younger or seeking company.


📌 Example Usage

"강아지가 심심해 보여서 놀아줬다."

"The puppy looked bored, so I played with it."


🌀 Similar Expressions

상대해 주다 (To Entertain, To Engage with Someone)


📌 Example Usage

"친구가 계속 말을 걸어서 상대해 줬다."

"My friend kept talking to me, so I entertained them."


22. 물어보다 (To Ask a Question)

A basic verb for asking someone something.


📌 Example Usage

"선생님께 숙제를 물어봤다."

"I asked the teacher about the homework."


🌀 Similar Expressions

질문하다 (To Question, To Ask Formally)


📌 Example Usage

"회의 중에 질문할 기회가 없었다."

"I didn’t get a chance to ask a question during the meeting."


23. 눈을 깜박할 사이 (In the Blink of an Eye)

This phrase describes something happening very quickly.


📌 Example Usage

"눈을 깜박할 사이에 버스가 떠나버렸다."

"In the blink of an eye, the bus left."


🌀 Similar Expressions

순식간에 (In an Instant, In a Flash)


📌 Example Usage

"순식간에 상황이 변했다."

"The situation changed in an instant."


24. 어른이 되다 (To Become an Adult, To Grow Up)

This phrase describes the transition into adulthood.


📌 Example Usage

"어른이 되면 책임이 많아진다."

"When you become an adult, responsibilities increase."


- “어른이 거예요" "I will become an adult."

­어른이 되다” + noun form “- ” (future) + “-이다” (descriptive particle) "어른이 것이다” + “-()예요” (Honorific speech) "어른이 것이예요"어른이 거예요” (abbreviation, colloquial speech)


🌀 Similar Expressions

성장하다 (To Grow, To Mature)


📌 Example Usage

"그는 많이 성장했다."

"He has grown a lot."


25. ~()를 알아보다 (To Recognize, To Find Out, To Look Into Something)

Used for recognizing someone/something or researching information.


📌 Example Usage

"오랜만에 만났지만 바로 알아봤다."

"Even though we met after a long time, I recognized them immediately."


"여행 정보를 알아보고 있어."

"I’m looking into travel information."


- “ 알아보겠죠" "You will recognize me."

­”: “나를"” (abbreviation, colloquial speech)

­알아보겠죠”: “알아보다"알아보겠다” (future) + “-” (An ending that expresses a gentle suggestion or question.) "알아보겠죠


🌀 Similar Expressions

확인하다 (To Check, To Verify)


📌 Example Usage

"비행기 출발 시간을 확인해 봐."

"Check the flight departure time."


26. 기억하다 (To Remember, To Recall)

Used when recalling past events or details.


📌 Example Usage

"그 순간을 평생 기억할 거야."

"I will remember that moment for the rest of my life."


- “기억하겠죠”: “기억하다"기억하겠다” (future) + “-” (An ending that expresses a gentle suggestion or question.) "기억하겠죠


🌀 Similar Expressions

떠올리다 (To Recall, To Bring Back a Memory)


📌 Example Usage

"그 노래를 들으면 옛날 기억이 떠올라."

"That song brings back old memories."


27. 기묘하다 (To Be Strange, To Be Mysterious)

This describes something unusual, odd, or eerie.


📌 Example Usage

"이 도시는 기묘한 분위기가 있어."

"This city has a mysterious atmosphere."


- “기묘했던 아이" "A peculiar child"

­기묘하다"기묘했다” (past tense) + “-” (A determiner ending that indicates the past tense.) "기묘했던


🌀 Similar Expressions

이상하다 (To Be Strange, To Be Unusual)


📌 Example Usage

"오늘 네 행동이 좀 이상해."

"Your behavior is a bit strange today."


28. 시곗바늘 (Clock Hands)

Refers to the moving hands on a clock.


📌 Example Usage

"시곗바늘이 천천히 움직였다."

"The clock hands moved slowly."


🎨 Expressions

시간이 흐르다 (Time Passes, Time Flows)


📌 Example Usage

"어느새 시간이 흘러 밤이 되었다."

"Before I knew it, time passed, and it was night."


29. 마법을 걸다 (To Cast a Spell, To Enchant Someone or Something)

This phrase is used literally (fantasy) and metaphorically (charming or mesmerizing someone).


📌 Example Usage

"마녀가 왕자에게 마법을 걸었다."

"The witch cast a spell on the prince."


"그녀의 미소는 사람들에게 마법을 건 것 같았다."

"Her smile was like a magical spell on people."


- “마법을 걸다” + “-ㄴ다” (Termination that represents the current tense) "마법을 건다" "Casts a spell." (Present tense)


🌀 Similar Expressions

마법을 부리다 (To Use Magic, To Perform Magic)


📌 Example Usage

"마법을 부려 불을 피웠다."

"They used magic to start a fire."


30. 헤매다 (To Wander, To Get Lost, To Struggle to Find the Way)

Used when someone is physically lost or confused in a situation.


📌 Example Usage

"길을 잃고 한참을 헤맸다."

"I got lost and wandered around for a long time."


"꿈을 찾지 못해 방황하며 헤매고 있다."

"I am lost and wandering, unable to find my dream."


🌀 Similar Expressions

방황하다 (To Roam Aimlessly, To Be Lost in Life)


📌 Example Usage

"방황하는 시기를 누구나 한 번쯤은 겪는다."

"Everyone goes through a period of wandering at least once."


🎶 Key Highlights of IU “You & I”

- A dreamy combination of lyrics and melody creates a fantasy-like atmosphere.

- The song features a time-travel narrative throughout its storyline.

- The gradual build-up of emotions and the grand climax leave a strong impression.

- The music video emphasizes the time-travel concept using clocks, portraying the girl’s growth and waiting.


🎶 IU “You & I” - Additional Information

- Release Date: November 29, 2011

- Album: Last Fantasy

- Genre: Emotional Pop Ballad

- Lyrics/Composition: Kim Eana, Lee Min-soo


🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to Edam Entertainment and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."