
Koreans often greet each other by saying 밥 먹었어?” ("Did you eat?" or "Have you eaten?", Casual) or 식사하셨어요?” ("Have you eaten?" or "Did you have your meal?", Polite). When parting, it’s common to say, 우리, 언제 같이 밥 한 끼 해야지?” ("Let’s have a meal together sometime. When would be good?").양식의 맨 위 This reflects the deep-rooted cultural emphasis on food inherited from ancestors who valued eating together.

As a result, the Korean language is filled with expressions related to food and taste. You’ve probably heard of 먹방(mukbang), a term first coined by Koreans. So today, let’s introduce various expressions frequently used by Koreans about food and taste. As I was working, some phrases related to "" (mouth) were added. These are commonly used daily; each will be presented with example sentences.




🗨️ – For a sentence.
🏷️ – For a phrase that is not a complete sentence.
🅰️ – For a single word or a compound word.

‘Single quotation mark’ - Literal translation


Korean expressions about food and taste

1. 🗨️ 간에 기별도 안 간다– ‘The news hasn’t even reached the liver.’ - It's so tiny that it doesn't even feel like I ate.

"아침에 빵 한 조각 먹었는데 간에 기별도 안 가네."

"I had just one piece of bread for breakfast, and it didn't even touch my stomach."


2. 🏷️ 개밥에 도토리 – ‘An acorn in dog food.’ - It refers to a person who doesn’t fit in anywhere.

"새로운 학교에 전학 갔는데 아직 친구가 없어서 개밥에 도토리 같아."

"I transferred to a new school, and since I don’t have any friends yet, I feel like an outcast."


3. 🗨️ 고기도 먹어 본 놈이 먹는다. – ‘The one who has eaten meat before eats it again.’ - Experience matters; those who have done it before do it better.
역시 고기도 먹어 본 놈이 먹는다고, 경험 많은 형이 더 쉽게 해결하네!"
"As expected, experience matters. He handled it so easily because he’s done it before!"


4. 🗨️ 국물도 없다. – ‘Not even a drop of soup left.’ - There is nothing left to gain.
이번 프로젝트 보너스도 없다고? 정말 국물도 없어?"
"No bonus for this project? There’s nothing left for us?"


5. 🗨️ 국수 먹여 주다. – ‘To feed someone noodles.’ - To get someone married.
우리 오빠도 곧 국수 먹을 날이 올 거야!"
"My brother’s wedding day is coming soon!"


📌 Since ancient times, Koreans have eaten noodles on celebratory occasions. Therefore, the phrase "feeding someone noodles" means getting someone married.


6. 🗨️ 군침이 돌다. – To have one's mouth water.
, 이 치킨 냄새 대박이야. 군침 돈다!"
"Wow, this fried chicken smells amazing. My mouth is watering!"


7. 🗨️ 금강산도 식후경이다. – ‘Even sightseeing at Geumgangsan comes after eating.’ - No matter how great something is, you can only enjoy it on a full stomach.
여행 가서 맛있는 것부터 먹고 싶어. 금강산도 식후경이잖아!"
"I want to eat something delicious first when traveling. You can’t enjoy anything on an empty stomach!"


📌 Geumgangsan is a mountain in the northern part of Gangwon Province, North Korea. It is known as the most beautiful mountain on the Korean Peninsula. The saying means that A visit to such a stunning place should be made on a full stomach to be fully appreciated.


8. 🏷️ 꿀 먹은 벙어리 – ‘A mute who ate honey.’ - A person who wants to speak but cannot.
회의 내내 꿀 먹은 벙어리처럼 아무 말도 못 했어."
"I couldn’t say a word during the meeting, just like a mute who swallowed honey."


9. 🗨️ 끼니를 때우다. – ‘To pass a meal.’ - To have a quick meal to fill the stomach.
바빠서 점심도 컵라면으로 끼니를 때웠어."
"I was so busy that I just had instant noodles to finish lunch."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

10. 🗨️ 남의 잔치에 감 놓아라 배 놓아라 한다. – ‘At someone else's feast, telling them to place persimmons here and pears there.’ - To interfere in someone else's matters unnecessarily.
네가 상관할 일이 아니야. 남의 잔치에 감 놓아라 배 놓아라 하지 마."
"This isn’t your concern. Stop meddling in other people’s business."


11. 🗨️ 냄새만 맡아도 배부르다. – The smell alone is enough to make me feel full.
이 빵집 진짜 대박이야. 냄새만 맡아도 배부른 기분이야!"
"This bakery is amazing. Just the smell makes me feel full!"


12. 🏷️ 누워서 떡 먹기 – ‘Eating rice cake while lying down.’ - Something that is extremely easy to do.
이 문제는 너무 쉬워. 그냥 누워서 떡 먹기야!"
"This problem is so easy. It’s a piece of cake!"


13. 🏷️ 다 된 밥에 재 뿌리기 – ‘Sprinkling ashes on a finished meal.’ - To ruin something that was almost completed.
마무리만 하면 되는데 실수해서 다 된 밥에 재 뿌렸어."
"I just had to finish it, but I made a mistake and messed everything up."


14. 🏷️ 단짠단짠 – Enjoying sweet and salty flavors alternately.
주말에 갈비찜을 먹었는데, 단짠단짠의 완벽한 조화였어!"
"I had Galbijjim for dinner on the weekend; it was the perfect balance of sweet and salty flavors!"


15. 🗨️ 닭 잡아먹고 오리발 내민다. – ‘Ate a chicken and stuck out a duck's foot.’ - To pretend to be innocent after doing something bad.

A: "누가 과자를 다 먹었어?"

"Who ate all the snacks?"
B: "
나 아니야!"

"Not me!"

A: "닭 잡아먹고 오리발 내미네!"
"You're totally playing innocent!"


16. 🗨️ 달면 삼키고 쓰면 뱉는다. – ‘If it's sweet, swallow it; if it's bitter, spit it out.’ -To act only in one’s interest.
그 사람은 달면 삼키고 쓰면 뱉는 스타일이라 믿을 수 없어."
"That person only cares about their benefit, so I can’t trust them."


17. 🗨️ 떡 본 김에 제사 지낸다. – ‘Seeing rice cakes, one holds a ritual.’ - To take advantage of an opportunity to do something extra.
마트에 간 김에 장 좀 봐야겠다. 떡 본 김에 제사 지내야지!"
"Since I’m already at the store, I might as well do some grocery shopping!"

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

18. 🗨️ 떡 줄 사람은 생각도 않는데 김칫국부터 마신다. – ‘The person offering rice cakes isn’t even thinking about it, but you’re already drinking kimchi soup.’ - To assume something will happen before it’s confirmed.

A: "합격 발표도 안 났는데 벌써 자축 파티를 열었다고?"

"You haven’t even gotten the acceptance results, and you’re already celebrating?"

A: "
떡 줄 사람은 생각도 않는데 김칫국부터 마시는구나!"

"You're counting your chickens before they hatch!"


📌 Since rice cakes can be dry and hard to swallow, they are often eaten with drinks like kimchi soup. However, the expression "drinking kimchi soup before getting the rice cake" refers to acting hastily on the next step before anything has even been decided.


19. 🗨️ 뜨거운 맛을 보다. – ‘To taste the hot flavor.’ - To get a harsh lesson or scolding.
늦잠 자다가 회사 지각해서 뜨거운 맛을 봤어."
"I overslept, was late for work, and got a harsh scolding."


20. 🗨️ 맛이 갔다. - Either food has gone bad, or someone has lost their mind.
이 우유 유통기한이 한 달 지났어! 완전 맛이 갔네."
"This milk expired a month ago! It’s totally spoiled."

21. 🗨️ 맛이 기가 막히다. - Something tastes absolutely amazing.
이 식당 삼겹살은 진짜 맛이 기가 막히다!"
"The pork belly at this restaurant is absolutely incredible!"


22. 🗨️ 맛이 없다. - The food doesn’t taste as expected or is disappointing.
이 케이크 비주얼은 좋은데 맛이 없네."
"This cake looks good, but it doesn’t taste great."


23. 🗨️ 맛이 좋다. - The food has excellent flavor and is delicious.
이 집 김치찌개는 맛이 정말 좋다!"
"The kimchi stew here tastes amazing!"


24. 🗨️ 먹을 복이 있다. - Someone who often gets to eat delicious food.
넌 맨날 맛있는 거 먹네! 진짜 먹을 복 있다."
"You’re always eating great food! You’re so lucky when it comes to food."


25. 🅰️ 먹방(Mukbang) – A type of content where people eat food while engaging with viewers.
유튜브에서 먹방 보는 게 내 취미야."
"Watching mukbang videos on YouTube is my hobby."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

26. 🗨️ 속이 든든하다. – To feel full and energized after eating.
아침에 국밥 먹으니까 속이 든든하다!"
"Having a bowl of soup for breakfast makes me feel full and strong!"


27. 🅰️ 먹방 투어 – A food trip where one travels to different places to try famous restaurants.
이번 주말에 부산으로 먹방 투어 떠나자!"
"Let’s go on a food tour in Busan this weekend!"


28. 🅰️ 먹부심 – Pride in one’s food knowledge or eating ability.
네가 맛집을 그렇게 잘 알다니, 먹부심 장난 아니네!"
"You know so many great restaurants! Your food pride is no joke!"


29. 🅰️ 먹방러 – A person who streams themselves eating food online.
그 스트리머는 하루에 두 번씩 먹방을 하는 유명한 먹방러야."
"That streamer is a famous mukbanger who does two daily food broadcasts."


30. 🏷️ 목구멍이 포도청 – ‘The throat is the police station’ -To do anything to survive, even if it's dishonorable.
그 사람이 그렇게까지 하는 건 목구멍이 포도청이라 그래."
"He’s doing that because he’s struggling to make a living."


31. 🗨️ 못 먹는 감 찔러나 본다. – ‘Poke at unripe persimmons.’ - To ruin something for others out of jealousy.
자기는 못 가니까 그냥 못 먹는 감 찔러나 보는 거네?"
"You can’t go, so you’re just trying to ruin it for others, huh?"


32. 🏷️ 물에 물 탄 듯 술에 술 탄 듯 – ‘like water mixed with water, like alcohol mixed with alcohol’ - Something is too bland or lacks distinct characteristics.
이 국 너무 싱거운데? 물에 물 탄 듯 술에 술 탄 듯하네."
"This soup is way too bland! It’s like water mixed with more water."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

33. 🗨️ 물 한 모금도 아깝다. – ‘Not even a sip of water is precious’ - To be extremely stingy.
사장님은 직원들한테 물 한 모금도 아까워하는 사람이야."
"The boss is so stingy that he doesn’t even want to spare a sip of water for his employees."


34. 🗨️ 미운 놈 떡 하나 더 준다. – ‘Give an extra piece of rice cake to someone you dislike.’ - Sometimes, you should treat unpleasant people even better.

A: "걔가 너한테 그렇게 굴었는데 왜 도와줘?"

"He treated you so badly; why are you helping him?"
B: "
미운 놈 떡 하나 더 주는 거지."
"Sometimes, you need to be even nicer to difficult people."


35. 🗨️ 밥 먹고 하자. – Eating comes first.
배고픈데 얘기 그만하고 밥 먹고 하자."
"I’m hungry; let’s stop talking and eat first."


36. 🗨️ 밥 먹었어? – A standard Korean greeting that asks if someone has eaten.
오랜만이야! 밥 먹었어?"
"It’s been a while! Have you eaten?"


37. 🗨️ 밥 먹을 때는 개도 안 건드린다. – ‘Even dogs are not touched when they are eating.’ - It’s rude to disturb someone while they are eating.
지금 밥 먹는 중인데 자꾸 전화하네. 밥 먹을 때는 개도 안 건드리는 법인데."
"I’m eating, but they keep calling. Even dogs aren’t disturbed during mealtime."


38. 🗨️ 밥심으로 산다. – ‘Live by rice power.’ - Food gives you the energy to keep going.
아침 든든하게 먹어! 우리는 밥심으로 사는 거야."
"Eat a solid breakfast! We need food to fuel us through the day."


39. 🗨️ 밥이 보약이다. – ‘Rice is medicine.’ - Eating well is the foundation of good health.
몸이 안 좋으면 잘 먹어야지. 밥이 보약이야."
"If you’re feeling unwell, you should eat well. Food is the best medicine."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

40. 🗨️ 밥줄이 끊기다. – ‘One's source of livelihood is cut off.’ - To lose one's means of living.
회사가 망해서 밥줄이 끊길까 걱정이야."
"I’m worried I’ll lose my job because the company is struggling."

41. 🗨️ 밥 한 숟가락 얻어먹기 힘들다. – ‘It is difficult to get even a spoonful of rice.’ -Life is tough.
취업이 안 돼서 요즘 밥 한 숟가락 얻어먹기 힘들어."
"I can’t find a job, and life is getting tough."


42. 🗨️ 배 터진다. – ‘My stomach is bursting.’ - To be extremely full from eating.
너무 많이 먹었어. 배 터질 것 같아!"
"I ate way too much. I feel like I’m going to burst!"


43. 🗨️ 사람이 진국이다. – ‘The person is genuine.’ - A person is genuinely good-hearted and sincere.
그 형은 말은 없어도 진짜 사람 자체가 진국이야."
"He doesn’t talk much, but he’s a good person at heart."


44. 🅰️ 소울푸드(Soul Food) – A dish that holds a special meaning to someone.
엄마가 해 준 김치찌개가 내 소울푸드야."
"My mom’s kimchi stew is my soul food."

🗨️ 손맛이 좋다. – ‘Good hand flavor.’ - Someone who is skilled at cooking.
우리 할머니는 손맛이 정말 좋아서 뭐든 맛있어."
"My grandmother is such a great cook; everything she makes is delicious."


46. 🗨️ 수염이 석 자라도 먹어야 양반이다. – ‘Even if you have a three-foot beard, you must eat to be a gentleman.’ - No matter how noble or wise, one must eat to survive.
아무리 바빠도 밥은 챙겨 먹어. 수염이 석 자라도 먹어야 양반이야."
"No matter how busy you are, you need to eat. Even the wise need food to survive."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

47. 🏷️ 순삭(순간 삭제) – ‘Instant removal’ - When food disappears in an instant because it’s so delicious.
이 피자 진짜 맛있다! 순삭했어!"
"This pizza is amazing! I devoured it in seconds!"


48. 🗨️ 술이 깨다. – To sober up after drinking alcohol.
아침에 일어나서 물 한 잔 마시니까 술이 좀 깼어."
"I drank a glass of water this morning and feel a bit sober."


49. 🗨️ 술이 떡이 되다. – To be wholly wasted from drinking.
어제 회식에서 과음해서 술이 떡이 됐어."
"I drank too much at the company dinner last night and got wasted."


50. 🗨️ 술이 원수다. – ‘Alcohol is the enemy.’ - When alcohol causes trouble or problems.
어제 술 먹고 실수했어진짜 술이 원수야!"
"I messed up last night because of alcohol… Seriously, booze is the enemy!"


51. 🗨️ 쓰디쓴 경험을 하다. – To go through a very difficult or bitter experience.
사업 실패하고 쓰디쓴 경험을 했지만 많이 배웠어."
"I failed my business and had a bitter experience but learned a lot from it."


52. 🏷️ 아무리 먹어도 남는 장사 – ‘No matter how much you eat, it's a profitable business’ - A situation where there is always profit, no matter how much is taken.
이건 정말 좋은 조건이야. 아무리 먹어도 남는 장사지!"
"This is such a great deal. No matter what, it’s a win-win situation!"


53. 🗨️ 입맛이 없다. – To have no appetite.
몸이 안 좋아서 입맛이 없어."
"I’m not feeling well, so I have no appetite."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

54. 🗨️ 입맛이 떨어지다. – To lose one’s appetite.
스트레스 받으면 입맛이 확 떨어져."
"When I’m stressed, I completely lose my appetite."


🗨️ 음식이 입에 맞다. – The food suits one's taste.
이 집 김치찌개는 내 입에 딱 맞아!"
"This restaurant’s kimchi stew is exactly to my taste!"


56. 🗨️ 입에 단 것은 몸에 쓰다. – ‘Sweet things in the mouth are bitter in the body.’ -Tasty food is often unhealthy.
달달한 음료는 조심해서 마셔야 해. 입에 단 것은 몸에 쓰다고 하잖아."
"You should be careful with sugary drinks. What tastes sweet is often bad for your health."


57. 🗨️ 입에 달고 살다. – ‘live on something constantly' - Frequently eat or say something.
요즘 내가 커피를 입에 달고 산다."
"Lately, I’ve been drinking coffee all the time."


58. 🗨️ 입에 거미줄 치다. – ‘web of one's mouth’ - To go hungry for a long time.
취업이 안 돼서 입에 거미줄 치겠어."
"I can’t find a job and feel starving."


📌 It takes time for a spider to spin a web, so if there's no income for a long time, one might be so poor they can't even afford to eat.


59. 🗨️ 입에서 단내가 난다. – ‘There is a sweet smell in my mouth.’ - To be extremely exhausted from overwork.
밤새 일했더니 입에서 단내가 난다."
"I worked all night, and now I feel completely drained."


60. 🗨️ 입에 착 붙다. – The food is so delicious that it’s perfect for one’s taste.
이 떡볶이 진짜 맛있다. 입에 착 붙네!"
"This tteokbokki is amazing. It’s just perfect for my taste!"


61. 🗨️ 입에 침이 마르도록 칭찬하다. – ‘The saliva dries up in one's mouth from praising so much.’ - To praise someone repeatedly.
엄마는 네 성실함을 입에 침이 마르도록 칭찬하셨어."
"My mom couldn’t stop praising how hardworking you are."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

62. 🗨️ 입에 쓴 약이 몸에 좋다. – ‘Medicine that tastes bitter is good for the body.’ -Unpleasant advice or experiences are ultimately beneficial.
처음엔 기분 나빴지만, 생각해 보니 그 조언이 맞았어. 입에 쓴 약이 몸에 좋다고 하잖아."
"At first, I was upset, but in hindsight, the advice was correct. Sometimes bitter medicine is good for you."


63. 🅰️ 입맛 – Personal taste or preference.
이건 내 입맛이 아니야. 너무 짜."
"This isn’t my taste. It’s way too salty."


64. 🗨️ 입맛이 돌다. – To regain appetite.
운동하고 나니까 입맛이 돌아서 뭐라도 먹고 싶어."
"After working out, I got my appetite back and want to eat something."


65. 🗨️ 입맛이 뚝 떨어지다. – To completely lose one’s appetite.
그 소식 듣고 나니까 입맛이 뚝 떨어졌어."
"After hearing that news, I completely lost my appetite."


66. 🗨️ 입맛이 없다. – To have no appetite.
요즘 더워서 그런지 입맛이 없어."
"Maybe because it’s so hot these days, I don’t have much appetite."

🗨️ 입맛을 다시다. – To lick one’s lips in anticipation of food.
길거리에서 치킨 냄새를 맡으니 입맛을 다시게 되네."
"Smelling fried chicken on the street makes my mouth water."


68. 🗨️ 입이 가볍다. – A person who quickly spills secrets.
그 사람한테 비밀 얘기하지 마. 입이 너무 가벼워."
"Don’t tell him any secrets. He can’t keep his mouth shut."


69. 🗨️ 입이 무겁다. – A person who can keep secrets well.
걱정 마, 나 입이 무거운 편이라 비밀 안 새어나가."
"Don’t worry, I’m good at keeping secrets."


70. 🗨️ 입이 짧다. – Someone who is picky about food.
내 동생은 입이 짧아서 편식이 심해."
"My younger sibling is a picky eater and doesn’t eat many things."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

71. 🗨️ 잘 먹고 죽은 귀신이 때깔도 좋다. – ‘A well-fed ghost looks nice.’ - Eating well is essential, even after death.
비싼 음식 먹으면서 고민하지 마. 잘 먹고 죽은 귀신이 때깔도 좋다잖아!"
"Don’t hesitate to eat good food. Even ghosts look better if they eat well!"


72. 🗨️ 젓가락질도 서툴다. – To be clumsy with chopsticks, or by extension, with basic tasks.
아직 젓가락질도 서툰데 초밥을 먹으려 하네?"
"You’re still clumsy with chopsticks, but you’re trying to eat sushi?"


73. 🗨️ 젓가락이 가다. – ‘chopsticks go to’ - Food that one keeps reaching for because it’s so good.
이 반찬 진짜 맛있다. 계속 젓가락이 가네."
"This side dish is so good, I can’t stop reaching for it."


74. 🗨️ 주린 배를 움켜쥐다. – ‘clutching one's empty stomach’ - To endure hunger.
점심을 못 먹어서 주린 배를 움켜쥐고 일했어."
"I skipped lunch and had to work while holding my hungry stomach."


75. 🗨️ 찬밥 더운밥 가릴 때가 아니다. – ‘It's not the time to choose cold or hot rice.’ -When in a difficult situation, one cannot afford to be picky.
지금 일자리가 없는데 가릴 때가 아니야. 찬밥 더운밥 가리지 말고 일해야 해!"
"You don’t have a job right now. This isn’t the time to be picky!"


76. 🏷️ 찬밥 신세 – ‘leftover rice status’ - To be neglected or treated as unimportant.
프로젝트에서 빠지더니 완전 찬밥 신세가 됐어."
"Ever since I was removed from the project, I’ve been treated like an outsider."


77. 🗨️ 찬밥을 먹다. – ‘to eat cold rice’ - To receive poor treatment.
회사에서 신입사원이라고 찬밥 먹으면 안 되지!"
"Just because you’re a new employee doesn’t mean you should be treated poorly!"

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

78. 🗨️ 초장에 맛을 들이다. – To get used to something from the beginning.
어릴 때부터 클래식 음악을 들으면서 초장에 맛을 들였어."
"I got used to classical music from a young age."


79. 🏷️ 탕수육 부먹 vs. 찍먹 – The debate between pouring sauce over tangsuyuk or dipping it.
탕수육 먹을 때 부먹이냐 찍먹이냐로 친구랑 싸웠어."
"I had a fight with my friend over whether to pour sauce over tangsuyuk or dip it."


80. 🗨️ 파김치가 되다. – To be completely exhausted.
하루 종일 일하고 집에 오니까 완전 파김치가 됐어."
"After working all day, I came home completely exhausted."


81. 🅰️ 푸드 파이터(Food Fighter) – A person with a large appetite or someone who competes in eating challenges.
넌 한 번에 햄버거 5개를 먹는다고? 완전 푸드 파이터네!"
"You can eat five hamburgers in one sitting? You’re a total foodfighter!"


82. 🗨️ 한 입 거리도 안 된다. – ‘not enough to fill a single bite’ - The portion is too small.

"이거 너무 적은데? 한 입 거리도 안 되네."

"This is way too little. It’s not even enough for one bite!"


83. 🗨️ 한 입으로 두 말하지 마라. – Don’t be inconsistent with your words.

"어제랑 오늘 말이 다르잖아. 한 입으로 두 말하지 마!"

"What you said today is different from yesterday. Don’t contradict yourself!"

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

84. 🗨️ 한술 더 뜨다. – To make an already bad situation worse.

"그냥 넘어가도 될 일을 왜 또 말해? 한술 더 뜨지 마."

"You could have let it go, but why bring it up again? Don’t make things worse."


85. 🗨️ 한입만 줘! – A casual way to ask for a bite of someone’s food.

", 그거 맛있어 보인다! 한입만 줘!"

"Wow, that looks so good! Can I have a bite?"


86. 🗨️ 허기를 채우다. – To satisfy one’s hunger.

"빵 하나라도 먹고 허기를 채우는 게 좋겠어."

"You should eat at least some bread to satisfy your hunger."


87. 🅰️ 혼밥(혼자 밥 먹기) – Eating alone.

"요즘 혼밥하는 사람 많아서 식당도 혼밥석이 있더라."

"These days, so many people eat alone that restaurants even have solo dining seats."


88. 🅰️ 혼술족 – A person who drinks alone.

"나는 혼자 조용히 마시는 게 좋아서 완전 혼술족이야."

"I like drinking alone in peace, so I’m totally a solo drinker."


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


Wrapping Up

Korean culture places great importance on food, which is deeply reflected in its language. Expressions related to eating, taste, and dining are commonly used in daily conversations, highlighting food's communal and emotional significance. From idioms about generosity and gratitude to phrases about savoring flavors, these expressions provide insight into Korea’s rich culinary traditions.

Whether you're a language learner or a cultural enthusiast, mastering these expressions will improve your Korean skills and help you connect with native speakers on a deeper level. So next time you greet someone, don’t forget to ask, 밥 먹었어?”—because in Korea, food is more than just sustenance; it’s a way of life!