🎥 Introduction

The 2019 drama “봄밤” (Spring Night) tells the story of Ji-ho, a single father, and Jeong-in, who have a boyfriend, meet and become deeply intertwined in each other's lives while falling in love. The delicate emotional performances of the actors Han Ji-min and Jung Hae-in stand out, and the emotional journey of the drama resonated deeply with viewers. The following scene shows Jeong-in's boyfriend, Gi-seok, discovering the relationship between the two and Ji-ho calling Jeong-in while on his way to meet Gi-seok. In this moment, we see the subtle emotional tension between the two as they worry for each other.



🎥 Short Video

[Source] YouTube, @드댕


🎥 Meet the Characters

Jeong-in (Han Ji-min): Jeong-in is a woman in a relationship with her boyfriend, Gi-seok, but her life takes a turn when she meets Ji-ho, a single father, leading to a complicated emotional journey.

Ji-ho (Jung Hae-in): Ji-ho is a kind-hearted single father who becomes deeply involved with Jeong-in despite the complications in their lives as they navigate love, responsibility, and personal struggles.


🎥 Dialogue

지호: “. 정인씨

Ji-ho: "Yeah, Jeong-in."

정인: “어디예요?”

Jeong-in: "Where are you?"

지호: “집에 가고 있어요. 기석이형.”

Ji-ho: "I'm on my way his home. Gi-seok hyung."

정인: “알고 있어요?”

Jeong-in: "Do you know?"

지호: “.”

Ji-ho: "Yeah."

정인: “내가 지금 빨리 그 쪽으로 갈테니까

Jeong-in: "I’ll come to you right now."

지호: “오지마.”

Ji-ho: "Don't come."

정인: “지호씨.”

Jeong-in: "Ji-ho."

지호: “한 번은 만날 거라고 생각했잖아.”

Ji-ho: "We knew we'd have to face this at some point."

지호: “괜찮아요. 내가 알아서 할게.”

Ji-ho: "It's fine. I'll handle it."

정인: “그건 아니야. 내가 정리할게요.”

Jeong-in: "No, I’ll take care of it."

지호: “이건 내 문제예요.”

Ji-ho: "This is my problem."

지호: “대신 부탁 하나만 할게.”

Ji-ho: "But can I ask you one favor?"

정인: “?”

Jeong-in: "What?"

지호: “있는 그대로 숨김 없이 다 얘기하고 싶은데 그래도 되겠어요?”

Ji-ho: "I want to say everything as it is, without hiding anything. Is that okay?"

정인: “.”

Jeong-in: "Yeah."

지호: “그럼 됐어.”

Ji-ho: "Then that's enough."

지호: “걱정하지 마.”

Ji-ho: "Don't worry."

정인: “어떻게 걱정을 안 해?”

Jeong-in: "How can I not?"

지호: “그럼 하든가.”

Ji-ho: "Then do it."

정인: “지금 농담이 나와?”

Jeong-in: "How can you joke right now?"

지호: “그만큼 괜찮다고.”

Ji-ho: "That’s how fine I am."

지호: “맘 졸이지 말고 있어요. 이따 전화할게.”

Ji-ho: "Don't stress over it. I'll call you later."

정인: “미안해요.”

Jeong-in: "I'm sorry."

지호: “좋아해서?”

Ji-ho: "For liking me?"

정인: (못내 웃으면서) “진짜.”

Jeong-in: (smiling despite everything) "Seriously."

지호: “걱정하지 마.”

Ji-ho: "Don't worry."


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 어디예요? / 어디? (Where is it? / Where?)

"어디예요?" is a polite way to ask about a location, while "어디?" is more casual.

📌 Example Usage

"지금 어디예요?"

"Where are you right now?"

"내 가방 어디?"

"Where’s my bag?"

🌀 Similar Expressions

어디에 있어요? (Where is it?) – A slightly longer and clearer way to ask.

📌 Example Usage

"화장실은 어디에 있어요?"

"Where is the restroom?"


2. 괜찮아요 / 괜찮아 (It’s Okay, I’m Fine)

"괜찮아요" is polite, while "괜찮아" is casual.

📌 Example Usage

"몸이 안 좋아 보여요. 괜찮아요?"

"You don’t look well. Are you okay?"

"넘어졌어도 괜찮아!"

"Even if you fall, it’s okay!"

🌀 Similar Expressions

문제없어요 (No Problem, No Worries) – A more formal way to say there’s no issue.

📌 Example Usage

"늦어도 문제없어요."

"It’s no problem if you’re late."


3. 내 문제다 (It’s My Problem)

This means taking responsibility for an issue.

📌 Example Usage

"이건 내 문제니까 신경 쓰지 마."

"This is my problem, so don’t worry about it."

🌀 Similar Expressions

내가 해결할게 (I’ll Handle It) – Emphasizes resolving the issue.

📌 Example Usage

"걱정 마. 내가 해결할게."

"Don’t worry. I’ll handle it."


4. 부탁하다 (To Request, Ask a Favor)

This means to ask someone for help or a favor.

📌 Example Usage

"도움을 부탁할 수 있을까요?"

"Can I ask for your help?"

🌀 Similar Expressions

부탁드리다 (Humbly Request - More Formal)

📌 Example Usage

"이 일은 선생님께 부탁드리고 싶습니다."

"I would like to humbly request this from you, teacher."


5. 있는 그대로 숨김 없이 다 (Everything As It Is, Without Hiding Anything)

This phrase means to reveal everything honestly.

📌 Example Usage

"있는 그대로 숨김 없이 다 말해 줘."

"Tell me everything as it is, without hiding anything."

🌀 Similar Expressions

솔직하게 다 말하다 (To Say Everything Honestly)

📌 Example Usage

"솔직하게 다 말하면 내가 이해할게."

"If you tell me everything honestly, I’ll understand."


6. 걱정하지 마 (Don’t Worry)

Used to comfort or reassure someone.

📌 Example Usage

"모두 잘될 거야. 걱정하지 마!"

"Everything will be fine. Don’t worry!"

🌀 Similar Expressions

신경 쓰지 마 (Don’t Mind It, Don’t Care About It) – A more casual way to say not to worry.

📌 Example Usage

"작은 실수였어. 신경 쓰지 마."

"It was a small mistake. Don’t worry about it."


7. 농담 (Joke)

A playful or humorous statement.

📌 Example Usage

"진지하게 듣지 마. 그냥 농담이야!"

"Don’t take it seriously. It’s just a joke!"

🌀 Similar Expressions

장난 (Prank, Playful Joke) – A more general term for playful teasing or tricks.

📌 Example Usage

"너무 심한 장난은 하지 마."

"Don’t play pranks that are too harsh."


8. 맘 졸이다 / 마음 졸이다 (To Be Anxious, To Be Nervous)

This means to be restless and worried about something.

📌 Example Usage

"시험 결과를 기다리며 맘 졸였다."

"I was nervous while waiting for the test results."

🌀 Similar Expressions

긴장하다 (To Be Nervous, To Feel Tense) – More commonly used in formal situations.

📌 Example Usage

"처음 발표라서 너무 긴장돼."

"It’s my first presentation, so I’m really nervous."


9. 진짜 (Really, Seriously)

This word expresses emphasis or confirmation.

📌 Example Usage

"진짜 이걸 다 했어?"

"Did you really do all of this?"

🌀 Similar Expressions

정말 (Truly, Really) – A slightly more formal way to say "really."

📌 Example Usage

"정말 고마워!"

"I’m truly grateful!"


🐾 Tone & Context:

In this short clip, "진짜" is used lightly, accompanied by a smile, indicating amusement rather than disbelief. This phrase is often used when someone makes a playful or teasing remark, showing familiarity and comfort with the other person.


🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue

The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.


지호: ". 정인씨."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "": A short affirmative interjection meaning "yeah, uh-huh."

·       "정인씨": "Jeong-in (name)" + honorific suffix "-" (used for politeness).


📌 Example Usage

A: "나 여기 도착했어."

B: ", 기다려."

A: "I'm here."

B: "Yeah, wait a second."


정인: "어디예요?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "어디예요": "어디 (where, location question word)" + polite verb ending "-예요?"

­ 예요?": "이다 (to be)" + honorific question ending "-예요?"


📌 Example Usage

"지금 어디예요?" → "Where are you right now?"


☀️ Meaning

"지금 어디에 계세요?" → "Where are you right now?" (more formal)


지호: "집에 가고 있어요. 기석이형."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "집에": " (home, house)" + location particle "- (to, towards)."

·       "가고 있어요": "가다 (to go)" + progressive form "-고 있다 (ongoing action)" + polite ending "-어요."

·       "기석이형": "기석 (Giseok, name)" + affectionate suffix "-" + " (older brother, used by males to address an older male)."


📌 Example Usage

"학교에 가고 있어요." → "I'm on my way to school."


☀️ Meaning

"기석이형 집으로 가는 중이에요." → "I'm heading to Giseok hyung's house."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"가고 있어요" → "가고 이써요" (natural liaison effect).


정인: "알고 있어요?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "알고": "알다 (to know)" + connective "-" (continuing a thought).

·       "있어요?": Progressive form "-고 있다 (to be doing something)" + polite question "-어요?"


📌 Example Usage

"그 사실 알고 있어요?" → "Do you know that fact?"


☀️ Meaning

"기석씨가 우리 사이 알고 있어요?" → "Does Giseok know about us?"


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"알고 있어요?" → "알고 이써요?" (natural liaison effect).


지호: "."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "": A simple and brief affirmative interjection.


📌 Example Usage

A: "오늘 약속 기억해?"

B: "."

A: "Do you remember our appointment today?"

B: "Yeah."


정인: "내가 지금 빨리 그 쪽으로 갈 테니까."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "내가": " (I, informal)" + subject marker "-."

·       "지금": "Now."

·       "빨리": "Quickly, fast."

·       "그 쪽으로": "그 쪽 (that way, towards you)" + directional particle "-으로 (towards)."

·       "갈 테니까": "가다 (to go)" + intention/assumption "-ㄹ 테니까 (since I will, because I intend to)."


📌 Example Usage

"내가 금방 갈 테니까 거기 있어."

"I'll be there soon, so stay there."


☀️ Meaning

"내가 지금 바로 그쪽으로 갈게."

"I'll hurry over there right now."


지호: "오지 마."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "오지 마": "오다 (to come)" + prohibitive "-지 마 (don’t do)."


📌 Example Usage

"위험하니까 오지 마!"

"It's dangerous, don't come!"


☀️ Meaning

"오지 마세요."

"Don't come."


정인: "지호씨."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "지호씨": "지호 (Ji-ho, name)" + honorific suffix "- (polite suffix for addressing someone formally)."


📌 Example Usage

"민수씨, 잠시 이야기 좀 할 수 있을까요?"

"Min-su, can we talk for a moment?"


지호: "한 번은 만날 거라고 생각했잖아."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "한 번은": "한 번 (once)" + topic marker "- (at least one time)."

·       "만날 거라고": "만나다 (to meet)" + future tense "-ㄹ 거 (something that will happen)" + indirect speech "-라고 (that)."

·       "생각했잖아": "생각하다 (to think)" + past tense "-" + confirmation "-잖아 (you know, as we both know)."

­생각하다" → "생각했다" + "-잖아" → "생각했잖아."


📌 Example Usage

"언젠간 다시 만날 거라고 생각했잖아."

"We both knew we'd meet again someday."


☀️ Meaning

"언젠가는 한 번쯤 만나게 될 거라고 생각했잖아."

"We both knew we'd have to meet at least once."


지호: "괜찮아요. 내가 알아서 할게."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "괜찮아요": "괜찮다 (to be fine, okay)" + polite ending "-아요."

·       "내가": " (I, informal)" + subject marker "-."

·       "알아서 할게": "알다 (to know, to handle)" + reflexive "-아서" (doing it oneself) + "하다 (to do)" + future promise "-ㄹ게 (I will, I'll do it)."


📌 Example Usage

"걱정하지 마. 내가 알아서 할게."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it myself."


☀️ Meaning

"괜찮아요. 제가 알아서 해결할게요."

"It's okay. I'll take care of it myself."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"알아서 할게" → "아라서 할께"


정인: "그건 아니야. 내가 정리할게요."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "그건 아니야": "그것 (that)" + topic marker "-" (contrast) + "아니다 (to not be)" + casual ending "- (is not)."

­ "그것은" → "그건" (abbreviation)

­ "아니다" → "아니야" (casual speech)

·       "내가": " (I, informal)" + subject marker "-."

·       "정리할게요": "정리하다 (to organize, take care of, settle)" + future promise "-ㄹ게요 (I will, polite promise)."


📌 Example Usage

"그건 아니야. 내가 직접 정리할게."

"No, that's not it. I'll take care of it myself."


☀️ Meaning

"그건 틀렸어요. 제가 정리할게요."

"No, that's not right. I'll handle it myself."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"그건 아니야" → "그건 아냐" (liaison effect).


지호: "이건 내 문제예요."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "이건": "이것 (this)" + topic marker "-" (contrast, emphasis). → "이건" (abbreviation).

·       "내 문제예요": " (my)" + "문제 (problem)" + polite ending "-예요 (statement)."

­ "나의" → "" (abbreviation for possessive form).


📌 Example Usage

"이건 네 문제가 아니야. 내 문제야."

"This isn't your problem. It's mine."


☀️ Meaning

"이건 내가 해결해야 할 문제예요."

"This is my problem to solve."


지호: "대신 부탁 하나만 할게."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "대신": "Instead, in return."

·       "부탁 하나만": "부탁 (favor, request)" + "하나만 (just one)."

·       "할게": "하다 (to do)" + future promise "-ㄹ게 (I'll do, let me do)." → "할게."


📌 Example Usage

"내가 해결할 테니까 대신 부탁 하나만 들어줘."

"I'll handle it, but do me one favor instead."


☀️ Meaning

"대신 한 가지 부탁만 들어줘."

"But I'll ask one favor in return."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"할게" → "할께" (natural pronunciation shift).


정인: "?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "?": " (what)?" → A short, direct question.

­ "무엇" → "" (abbreviation).


📌 Example Usage

A: "나 부탁 하나만 해도 돼?"

B: "?"

A: "Can I ask you for a favor?"

B: "What?"


☀️ Meaning

"뭘 부탁하려고?"

"What favor are you asking?"


지호: "있는 그대로 숨김 없이 다 얘기하고 싶은데 그래도 되겠어요?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "있는 그대로": "있다 (to be, to exist)" + "그대로 (as it is, without change)."

­ "있는": "있다" + attributive suffix "-" → "있는."

·       "숨김 없이": "숨기다 (to hide)" + negation suffix "-없이 (without)."

·       "다 얘기하고 싶은데": " (all, everything)" + "얘기하다 (to talk, to tell)" + "-고 싶다 (to want to do)" + "-은데 (soft contrast, hesitation)."

·       "그래도 되겠어요?": "그래도 (even so, still)" + permission form "-도 되겠다 (is it okay to do)" + polite question ending "-어요?"


🐾 "그래도 되다": Expresses permission or approval to do something.

🐾 "그래도 되겠다": Expresses the possibility or assumption that doing something might be okay.


📌 Example Usage

"있는 그대로 말해도 괜찮아?"

"Is it okay if I tell you everything as it is?"


☀️ Meaning

"내가 숨김 없이 솔직하게 다 말하고 싶은데, 그래도 괜찮겠어요?"

"I want to tell you everything honestly without hiding anything. Is that okay?"


정인: "."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "": A simple affirmative response.


📌 Example Usage

A: "나한테 솔직하게 말해도 돼?"

B: "."

A: "You can be honest with me."

B: "Yeah."


☀️ Meaning




지호: "그럼 됐어."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "그럼": "그러면 (then, in that case)" in spoken form.

·       "됐어": "되다 (to be okay, to be enough)" + past tense "-었어" (casual past form).

­ "되다" → "되었다" (past tense) + completion marker "-" → "되었어" → "됐어" (abbreviation).


📌 Example Usage

A: "네가 원하는 대로 해도 돼."

B: "그럼 됐어."

A: "You can do it your way."

B: "Then that's enough."


☀️ Meaning

"그럼 나는 그걸로 만족해."

"Then I'm satisfied with that."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"그럼 됐어" → "그럼 됃써" (liaison effect).


지호: "걱정하지 마."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "걱정하지 마": "걱정하다 (to worry)" + prohibitive form "-지 마 (don’t do)."


📌 Example Usage

"너무 걱정하지 마. 다 잘 될 거야."

"Don't worry too much. Everything will be fine."


☀️ Meaning

"걱정할 필요 없어."

"There's no need to worry."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"걱정하지 마" → "걱쩡하지 마" (tense consonant effect).


정인: "어떻게 걱정을 안 해?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "어떻게": "How, in what way."

·       "걱정을 안 해?": "걱정 (worry, concern)" + object marker "-" (often omitted in speech) + negation "안 하다 (to not do)" + casual question "-?"


📌 Example Usage

"어떻게 그걸 신경 안 써?"

"How can I not care about that?"


☀️ Meaning

"내가 어떻게 걱정 안 할 수 있겠어?"

"How can I possibly not worry?"


지호: "그럼 하든가."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "그럼": "그러면 (then, in that case)" in spoken form.

·       "하든가": "하다 (to do)" + suggestion "-든가" (offering an option, slightly dismissive tone).


📌 Example Usage

A: "나 계속 고민되는데..."

B: "그럼 그냥 해보든가."

A: "I keep hesitating..."

B: "Then just try it."


☀️ Meaning

"하고 싶으면 그냥 해."

"If you want to, just do it."


정인: "지금 농담이 나와?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "지금": "Now, at this moment."

·       "농담이 나와?": "농담 (joke)" + subject marker "-" + "나오다 (to come out)" + casual question "-?"


📌 Example Usage

"이 상황에서 농담이 나오냐?"

"Do you really think this is the time for jokes?"


☀️ Meaning

"이런 상황에서 장난칠 기분이야?"

"Do you really feel like joking in this situation?"


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"농담이 나와?" → "농다미 나와?" (liaison effect).


지호: "그만큼 괜찮다고."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "그만큼": "That much, to that extent."

·       "괜찮다고": "괜찮다 (to be okay)" + indirect speech "-다고 (saying that)."


📌 Example Usage

"나 그만큼 괜찮아."

"I'm really okay to that extent."


☀️ Meaning

"그 정도로 괜찮아."

"I'm okay to that extent."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"그만큼 괜찮다고" → "그만큼 괜찬타고" (liaison effect).


지호: "맘 졸이지 말고 있어요. 이따 전화할게."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "": "마음 (mind, heart)" in colloquial form.

·       "졸이지 말고": "졸이다 (to be anxious, to worry)" + prohibitive "-지 말고 (don't do and...)."

·       "있어요": "있다 (to stay, to be)" + polite ending "-어요."

·       "이따": "이따가 (later)" in shortened form.

·       "전화할게": "전화하다 (to call)" + future promise "-ㄹ게 (I will, promise form)."


📌 Example Usage

"걱정하지 말고 기다려. 이따 연락할게."

"Don't worry and wait. I'll call you later."


☀️ Meaning

"불안해하지 말고 그냥 기다려요. 이따가 전화할게요."

"Don't be anxious, just wait. I'll call you later."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"전화할게" → "전화할께" (natural pronunciation shift).


정인: "미안해요."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "미안해요": "미안하다 (to be sorry)" + polite ending "-해요 (polite form)."


📌 Example Usage

"내가 실수했어. 미안해요."

"I made a mistake. I'm sorry."


☀️ Meaning


"I'm sorry." (More formal version.)


지호: "좋아해서?"


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "좋아해서": "좋아하다 (to like, to love)" + reason marker "-해서 (because, since)."


📌 Example Usage

A: "미안해."

B: "좋아해서?"

A: "Sorry."

B: "Because you like me?"


🐾 과거 회상:

Previously, Jeong-in confessed their feelings in the same way—first saying "미안해" ("I'm sorry") and, after a pause, adding "좋아해서" ("Because I like you"). Ji-ho is now playfully throwing that moment back at Jeong-in.


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"좋아해서" → "조아해서" (liaison effect).


정인: (못내 웃으면서) "진짜."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "못내": "완전히, 차마 (unable to completely, reluctantly)" → Used to express lingering emotions.

·       "웃으면서": "웃다 (to smile, to laugh)" + progressive "-으면서 (while doing)."

·       "진짜": "Really, seriously." → Often used to emphasize disbelief or amusement.


📌 Example Usage

A: "네가 너무 좋아."

B: "진짜."

A: "I really like you."

B: "Seriously."


☀️ Meaning

"정말 어이없다."

"Seriously, I can't believe this."


🐾 Tone & Context:

In this short clip, "진짜" is used lightly, accompanied by a smile, indicating amusement rather than disbelief. This phrase is often used when someone makes a playful or teasing remark, showing familiarity and comfort with the other person.


지호: "걱정하지 마."


🔍 분석 (Analysis)

·       "걱정하지 마": "걱정하다 (to worry)" + prohibitive form "-지 마 (don’t do)."


📌 Example Usage

"괜찮으니까 걱정하지 마."

"It's fine, so don't worry."


☀️ Meaning

"신경 쓰지 마."

"Don't stress over it."


🗣️ Pronunciation Tips

"걱정하지 마" → "걱쩡하지 마" (tense consonant effect).

Spring Night (2019)

🎥 Wrap-up

In this emotional scene from “봄밤,” we see the characters navigating their complex feelings with subtlety and honesty. The phrases explored in the dialogue are practical for conversational Korean and convey the characters' deep concerns and vulnerabilities. As you continue learning Korean, these expressions will serve as powerful tools to express your own emotions more authentically.

Next time you watch a K-drama, pay attention to how these expressions build character relationships and tension. Keep practicing and using these phrases to add nuance to your conversations about love, concern, or simply asking for help.