
🎥 IU “Good Day” Music Video

[Source] YouTube, 1theK


🎯 Key Takeaways

1. 어쩜 (Oh my, How, Maybe)

This exclamation expresses surprise, admiration, or disbelief. It can also mean "maybe" in some contexts.


📌 Example Usage

"어쩜 그렇게 예뻐?"

"How can you be so pretty?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

어머 (Oh my! - Usually used by women)


📌 Example Usage

"어머! 정말 깜짝 놀랐어."

"Oh my! That really surprised me."


2. 하늘은 파랗다 (The Sky is Blue)

A simple descriptive sentence, but it is often used poetically to describe a peaceful moment.


📌 Example Usage

"오늘은 하늘이 정말 파랗다."

"The sky is really blue today."


🎨 Expressions

맑은 하늘 (Clear Sky)


📌 Example Usage

"구름 없는 맑은 하늘이 펼쳐졌다."

"A clear sky without a single cloud spread before us."


🎨 Expressions

"하늘은 파란건지"

- "하늘은": "하늘 (sky)" + topic marker "-"

- "파란 건지": "파랗다 (to be blue)" + noun-forming "- " (spoken as "") + indirect question "-"

• “파란 것인지” → “파란 건지” (abbreviation)


📌 Example Usage

"하늘은 파란 건지, 아니면 눈이 흐린 건지 모르겠어."

"I don't know if the sky is really blue or if my vision is just blurry."

하늘은 파란 건지, 마음이 그리움을 덧칠한 건지."

"Is the sky really blue, or is it just my heart painting it with longing?"


3. 완벽하다 (To Be Perfect)

This adjective describes something flawless or ideal.


📌 Example Usage

"너의 계획은 완벽해!"

"Your plan is perfect!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

흠잡을 없다 (Flawless, No Faults)


📌 Example Usage

" 작품은 흠잡을 없이 완벽했다."

"That work was flawless and perfect."


🎨 Expressions


- "완벽하다": "완벽 (perfection)" + adjective-forming suffix "-하다" → "완벽하다 (to be perfect)"

- "완벽한지": "완벽하다" + attributive adjective "-" + indirect question "-"


📌 Example Usage

"내가 선택이 완벽한지 궁금해."

"I'm wondering if my choice was perfect."


"사랑이 정말 완벽한지, 아니면 우리가 그렇게 믿고 싶은 건지."

"Is love really perfect, or do we just want to believe it is?"


" 제품이 완벽한지 테스트해 보겠습니다."

"We'll test if this product is perfect."


4. 모르는 , 못들은 , 지워버린 , ~ (Pretend Not to Know, Not to Hear, Erase, etc.)

The structure "~ 척하다" means to pretend or act as if.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 모르는 지나갔다."

"He pretended not to know and walked by."


🎨 Expressions

시치미를 떼다 (Feign Innocence, Play Dumb)


📌 Example Usage

"분명 알고 있었는데도 시치미를 뗐다."

"He clearly knew but played dumb."


5. 이야기를 시작하다 (Start a Conversation)

To begin a discussion or storytelling.


📌 Example Usage

"조심스럽게 이야기를 시작했다."

"I carefully started the conversation."


🌀 Similar Expressions

말을 꺼내다 (Bring Up a Topic)


📌 Example Usage

"어떻게 말을 꺼내야 할지 고민 중이야."

"I'm thinking about how to bring up the topic."


🎨 Expressions

얘길 시작할까

A phrase indicates an intention to start a conversation with someone, carrying different nuances depending on the context.


- "얘길": "얘기 (conversation, talk)" + contracted object particle "-" → "얘길"

• “이야기” → “얘기” (abbreviation)

- "시작할까": "시작하다 (to start)" + future possibility or interrogative "-()ㄹ까."


📌 Example Usage

"이제 본론으로 들어가서 얘길 시작할까?"

"Shall we get to the point and start talking?"


"어디서부터 얘길 시작할까?"

"Where should I start talking from?"


6. 입맞추다 (To Kiss)

A more poetic or literary way of saying "kiss."


📌 Example Usage

"그는 그녀의 이마에 입맞췄다."

"He kissed her forehead."


🌀 Similar Expressions

키스하다 (To Kiss - Borrowed from English)


📌 Example Usage

"둘은 영화관에서 키스했다."

"The two kissed at the movie theater."


🎨 Expressions

입맞출까 = 키스할까
입맞출까" is a phrase used when suggesting or contemplating a kiss. Depending on the context, it can convey excitement, hesitation, or even a playful tone.


- "입맞추다": " (lips, mouth)" + "맞추다 (to put together, to touch)" → "입맞추다 (to kiss)"

- "입맞출까": "입맞추다" + future possibility or interrogative "-()ㄹ까" → Means "Would it be good to kiss?", "Shall we kiss?"


📌 Example Usage

" 노을 아래에서, 우리 입맞출까?"

"Under this sunset, shall we kiss?"


"장난이야~ 진짜 입맞출까 ?"

"Just kidding~ Did you really think I’d kiss you?"


"지금 분위기 좋은데입맞출까?"

"The mood is perfect right now… Should I kiss them?"


7. 눈물이 차오르다 (Tears Well Up)

Used when tears fill the eyes but haven’t fallen yet.


📌 Example Usage

" 말을 듣자 눈물이 차올랐다."

"Hearing those words, tears welled up in my eyes."


🌀 Similar Expressions

눈시울이 붉어지다 (Eyes Get Red with Tears)


📌 Example Usage

"추억을 떠올리며 눈시울이 붉어졌다."

"Remembering the past, my eyes turned red with tears."


🎨 Expressions

눈물이 차올라서
"눈물이 차올라서" describes a moment when emotions surge, causing tears to well up. It is commonly used in situations involving sadness, deep emotions, or overwhelming joy.


- "눈물": " (eye)" + " (water)" → "the liquid that comes from the eyes" → "눈물 (tears)."

- "": Subject particle.

- "차올라서": "차오르다 (to fill up, to rise)" + connective "-/어서" (indicating cause/reason or sequence) → “차올라서


📌 Example Usage

"눈물이 차올라서 고개를 돌렸다."

"Tears welled up, so I turned my head away."


"엄마가 위해 준비한 편지를 읽으며 눈물이 차올라서 울컥했다."

"Reading the letter my mom wrote for me, tears welled up, and I felt emotional."

8. 고개를 들다 (To Raise One’s Head)

Literally means "to lift one’s head," but can also mean gaining confidence.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 자신 있게 고개를 들었다."

"He lifted his head confidently."


🎨 Expressions

고개를 숙이다 (To Lower One’s Head, Be Ashamed)

📌 Example Usage

"부끄러워서 고개를 숙였다."

"I lowered my head in embarrassment."


🎨 Expressions

고갤 들어

"고갤 들어" is a contracted form of "고개를 들다," meaning to lift one's head. This phrase can convey various emotions depending on the context.


- "고갤": "고개 (head, neck movement)" + contracted object marker "-" → "고갤."

- "들어": "들다 (to lift, to raise)" + informal imperative "-."


📌 Example Usage

"너무 기죽지 말고 고갤 들어."

"Don’t be so discouraged, lift your head up."


"고갤 들어야지, 아직 끝난 아니야."

"You must lift your head; it's not over yet."


9. 눈물이 흐르다 (Tears Flow, Crying)

Used to describe tears falling down the face.


📌 Example Usage

"감동적인 장면에 눈물이 흘렀다."

"Tears flowed at the touching scene."


🌀 Similar Expressions

눈물을 흘리다 (To Shed Tears)


📌 Example Usage

"그녀는 기쁨의 눈물을 흘렸다."

"She shed tears of joy."


🎨 Expressions

눈물이 흐르지 못하게

"눈물이 흐르지 못하게" conveys the intention to stop tears from falling. It is commonly used when someone is holding back emotions, suppressing sadness, or trying not to cry.


- "눈물": " (eye)" + " (water)" → "the liquid that comes from the eyes" → "눈물 (tears)."

- "": Subject marker.

- "흐르지": "흐르다 (to flow)" + negation "- 않다" (contracted to "-").

- "못하게": "못하다 (to be unable to)" + causative "- (so that ~ does not happen)." → "흐르지 못하게" = "So that the tears do not flow."


📌 Example Usage

"눈물이 흐르지 못하게 입술을 깨물었다."

"I bit my lip to keep my tears from falling."


"눈물이 흐르지 못하게, 울지 않겠다고 다짐했다."

"I made up my mind not to cry so my tears wouldn’t fall."


10. 살짝 (Slightly, Gently)

Used to describe something done lightly or subtly.


📌 Example Usage

"문을 살짝 열어 보았다."

"I slightly opened the door to check."


🌀 Similar Expressions

조금 (A Little, Slightly)


📌 Example Usage

"소금을 조금 넣어 ."

"Try adding a little salt."


11. 한번도 못했던 (Words I’ve Never Said Before)

Often used sentimentally to express unspoken feelings.


📌 Example Usage

"그에게 한번도 못했던 말을 전했다."

"I finally told him the words I had never been able to say."


🎨 Expressions

차마 못한 (Words I Couldn’t Bear to Say)


📌 Example Usage

"너무 가슴 아파서 차마 못한 말이 있다."

"It hurt too much, so I couldn't bear to say it."


12. 어떡해 (What Should I Do?)

An expression of panic or worry.


📌 Example Usage

"지갑을 잃어버렸어! 어떡해?"

"I lost my wallet! What should I do?"


🌀 Similar Expressions

어쩌지? (What Do I Do?)


📌 Example Usage

"비가 온다고? 어쩌지?"

"It’s going to rain? What do I do?"

13.  머리 (스타일) (My Hair Hairstyle)

Refers to one's hairstyle or hair condition.


📌 Example Usage

" 머리 망했어!"

"My hair is ruined!"


🌀 Similar Expressions

헤어스타일 (Hairstyle - Borrowed from English)


📌 Example Usage

"새로운 헤어스타일이 어울려."

"Your new hairstyle looks great."


14. 입고 나오다 / 입고 나가다 (Wear and Come Out / Wear and Go Out)

Used when referring to wearing clothes for an occasion.


📌 Example Usage

" 입고 나가도 될까?"

"Can I go out wearing this?"


🎨 Expressions

옷을 입다 (To Wear Clothes)


📌 Example Usage

"추우니까 따뜻한 옷을 입어."

"It’s cold, so wear warm clothes."


🎨 Expressions

입고 나왔던

"입고 나왔던" refers to recalling a past instance of wearing a specific outfit when going out. Depending on the context, it can emphasize the outfit itself, a connected memory, or serve as a clue to find something worn previously.


- "입고": "입다 (to wear, to put on clothes)" + connective "- (and, then)."

- "나왔던": "나오다 (to come out, to go out)" + past recollection "-/-" + attributive "- (used to, recalling past events)."


📌 Example Usage

"네가 그때 입고 나왔던 하얀 셔츠 예뻤어."

"The white shirt you wore that day looked great on you."


"오늘 아침에 입고 나왔던 자켓이 보여."

"I can’t find the jacket I wore out this morning."


15. 실수 (Mistake, Error)

This refers to an unintentional error or blunder.


📌 Example Usage

" 실수를 저질렀어."

"I made a big mistake."


🌀 Similar Expressions

잘못 (Fault, Wrongdoing) – Can imply both a mistake and a wrongdoing.


📌 Example Usage

" 잘못을 인정할게."

"I admit my mistake."


16. 아무 없던 것처럼 굴다 (Act As If Nothing Happened)

This phrase is used when someone pretends nothing happened despite a significant event.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 아무 없던 것처럼 웃고 있었다."

"He was smiling as if nothing had happened."


🌀 Similar Expressions

태연한 척하다 (Pretend to Be Calm)


📌 Example Usage

"마음이 흔들렸지만 태연한 척했다."

"I was shaken, but I pretended to be calm."


🎨 Expressions

아무 없던 것처럼 굴어 볼까

"아무 없던 것처럼 굴어 볼까" expresses an intention to act as if nothing happened, often used when someone wants to hide their emotions or avoid an awkward situation.


- "아무 ": "아무 (any, nothing specific)" + " (event, incident, matter)" → "아무 (nothing happened, no particular incident)."

- "없던": "없다 (do not exist)" + past attributive "-" (reminiscent, describing a previous state) → "없던 (as if it didn’t happen)."

- "것처럼": " (thing, situation)" + comparative "-처럼 (like, as if)" → "없던 것처럼 (as if it never happened)."

- "굴어": "굴다 (to behave, to act)" + informal ending "-."

- "볼까": "보다 (to try, to see)" + suggestion or contemplation "-ㄹ까" (wondering, suggesting).

📌 Example Usage

"울고 싶지만 아무 없던 것처럼 굴어 볼까?"

"I want to cry, but should I act as if nothing happened?"


"싸웠지만 그냥 아무 없던 것처럼 굴어 볼까?"

"We fought, but should I just act like nothing happened?"


" 사람을 마주쳐도 아무 없던 것처럼 굴어야지."

"Even if I run into them, I should act like nothing happened."


17. 슬픈 말은 하지 말아요 (Don’t Say Sad Things)

A sentimental way to ask someone to avoid talking about sorrowful topics.


📌 Example Usage

" 순간만큼은 슬픈 말은 하지 말아요."

"At least for this moment, don’t say sad things."


🌀 Similar Expressions

우울한 얘기는 하지 말자 (Let’s Not Talk About Depressing Things)


📌 Example Usage

"기분 좋게 만나서 우울한 얘기는 하지 말자."

"We met for a good time, so let’s not talk about depressing things."

18. 앞을 막다 / 앞을 가로막다 (Block the Way / Stand in the Way)

Used literally for physically blocking someone and metaphorically for obstructing progress.


📌 Example Usage

" 트럭이 도로 앞을 막고 있었다."

"A big truck was blocking the road ahead."


" 앞길을 가로막지 ."

"Don’t stand in my way."


🌀 Similar Expressions

방해하다 (Interrupt, Disturb) – Used more for interference rather than physical blocking.


📌 Example Usage

"집중하고 있으니 방해하지 ."

"I’m concentrating, so don’t disturb me."


🎨 Expressions

앞을 막고서

" 앞을 막고서" describes the act of standing in front of someone to block their way, both literally and figuratively. Depending on the context, it can imply physical obstruction, emotional confrontation, or symbolic resistance against fate or circumstances.


- "": " (you, informal)" + possessive marker "-" (contracted to "") → "Your."

- "앞을": " (front, before)" + object marker "-."

- "막고서": "막다 (to block, to stop)" + connective "-고서" (indicating sequential or causal action, meaning "and then, having done ~").


📌 Example Usage

" 앞을 막고서 보내지 않겠어."

"I’ll stand before you and won’t let you go."


"헤어지자는 너의 말에 앞을 막고서 눈물을 흘렸어."

"When you said we should break up, I stood before you and cried."


"세상이 앞을 막고서 힘들게 해도, 너와 함께할 거야."

"Even if the world stands in your way and makes things hard for you, I’ll stay by your side."


19. 부끄럼이 없다 (Have No Shame)

This phrase means someone feels no embarrassment or shame.


📌 Example Usage

"그는 실수를 해도 부끄럼이 없다."

"Even when he makes mistakes, he has no shame."


🌀 Similar Expressions

뻔뻔하다 (Brazen, Shameless) – A stronger version, often negative.


📌 Example Usage

"그렇게 뻔뻔할 수가 있어?"

"How can you be so shameless?"


🎨 Expressions

부끄럼도 없는지

"부끄럼도 없는지" questions whether someone feels any shame or embarrassment. It can imply accusation (acting shamelessly), admiration (confidence), or simple curiosity about a lack of embarrassment.


- "부끄럼": An old-fashioned or literary variation of "부끄러움 (shame, embarrassment)."

- "": Emphasizing particle ("even, also" nuance).

- "없는지": "없다 (to not have, to be without)" + indirect question ending "-는지" (whether ~ or not).
→ "
부끄럼도 없는지" = "Whether or not one even has shame."


📌 Example Usage

"거짓말을 하고도 부끄럼도 없는지?"

"You lied, and you don’t even feel ashamed?"


"그렇게 당당하게 말하는 보니, 부끄럼도 없는지 궁금하네."

"Seeing how confidently you speak, I wonder if you even feel embarrassed."


"사람들 앞에서 노래하는데 부끄럼도 없는지?"

"You sing in front of people without feeling embarrassed?"


20. 자존심 (Pride, Self-Respect)

A sense of self-worth and dignity.


📌 Example Usage

"자존심이 상해서 말하지 않았다."

"My pride was hurt, so I didn’t say anything."


🎨 Expressions

자부심 (Self-Esteem, Pride in Something) – More about self-confidence.

📌 Example Usage

"나는 일이 자부심이 있다."

"I take pride in my work."


21. 어쩌면 (Maybe, Perhaps)

This word expresses uncertainty or possibility.


📌 Example Usage

"어쩌면 내일 비가 올지도 몰라."

"Maybe it’ll rain tomorrow."


🌀 Similar Expressions

혹시 (By Any Chance, Perhaps)


📌 Example Usage

"혹시 네가 보고 싶을지도 몰라서 전화했어."

"I called, just in case I might miss you."


🎶 IU - "Good Day" Lyrics Analysis & Meaning

"Good Day" is one of IU’s signature songs, released in 2010. It features a bright, hopeful atmosphere and gained global attention, especially for its famous "three-level high note" (3 고음). The song stands out with its lyrics portraying the emotions of a youthful first love, accompanied by an upbeat melody.


🎵 Lyrics Summary & Meaning

This song expresses the excitement and nervousness of confessing one’s feelings to a crush. The lyrics progress from keeping emotions hidden initially to gradually feeling the urge to share them. The song captures the thrilling impatience and eagerness of confessing love.


🎵 Key Highlights of "Good Day"

- The lively orchestral sound and bright melody instantly lift the listener’s mood.

- IU's impressive vocal skills shine, especially in the famous three-level high note at the climax.

- The lyrics realistically depict the excitement and shyness of first love, making them relatable.

- The music video also delicately portrays the emotions of a young girl in love, adding to the song’s charm.


🔹 "나는요 오빠가 좋은걸~" ("I like you, oppa~")
One of the song’s most iconic moments, this line expresses the heartfelt desire to confess love. It represents the turning point where the protagonist finally overcomes hesitation and openly shares her feelings.


🔹 The Meaning Behind the "Three-Level High Note"
The dramatic three-level high note in the latter part of the song symbolizes the peak of emotions. It conveys the overwhelming excitement and the moment when love can no longer be hidden, bursting out in a powerful vocal expression.


🎶 Additional Information

- Release Date: December 9, 2010

- Album: Real

- Genre: Bright, upbeat pop ballad

- Lyrics & Composition: Kim Eana, Lee Min-su


🎵 "Good Day" is one of IU’s most iconic songs and played a significant role in introducing K-pop to a global audience. The lyrics beautifully capture the excitement of a first crush, while IU’s outstanding vocal performance made the song an instant classic loved by many.

🌍 If you’d like to read the full lyrics, please visit official music platforms such as Melon, Genie Music, Apple Music, or Spotify!


"All rights to the lyrics belong to Edam Entertainment and the original creators."


"This analysis is intended for educational and language-learning purposes and does not replace the official lyrics."