Table of Contents 

- Korean Tteokbokki: A Flavor Journey from Street Food to Global Favorite

- The Origins of Tteokbokki

- Popular Types of Tteokbokki

- Classic Tteokbokki Recipe: A Simple Guide to Making It at Home

  🔥 Ryu Soo-young’s Lifetime Tteokbokki Recipe

[Appendix] Translated Video Script

Wheat rice cakes (Classic Mil-tteokbokki) [Photo Credit] Pixabay, 709K

Korean Tteokbokki: A Flavor Journey from Street Food to Global Favorite

If you're familiar with Korean cuisine, you’ve likely heard of tteokbokki. Once a humble street snack, tteokbokki has become a symbol of Korean food culture. Today, we'll explore the irresistible charm of tteokbokki and even guide you through an excellent recipe to try at home!


The Origins of Tteokbokki

Interestingly, tteokbokki wasn't always spicy. Its roots trace back to the Joseon dynasty (1392~1897), where it was first enjoyed as a royal court dish. Instead of the gochujang (spicy red pepper paste), we associate with tteokbokki today, the original version was seasoned with soy sauce.

Modern spicy tteokbokki originated in the 1950s, thanks to Ma Bok-rim, a resident of the Seoul Sindang neighborhood. She experimented by adding gochujang to rice cakes, creating the iconic spicy flavor that defines tteokbokki today. Over the years, tteokbokki has transformed into unique versions like rose tteokbokki (로제 떡볶이), jjajang (black bean) tteokbokki (짜장 떡볶이), and more. Social media has played a significant role in spreading ttteokbokki's appeal worldwide.

The alley in Sindang-dong, Seoul, is still famous for tteokbokki, and Ma Bok-rim’s original tteokbokki restaurant is still there.

And no, this “rose” in rose tteokbokki isn’t the same as the flower—it’s a creamy version!

The chewy texture of rice cakes and a spicy-sweet sauce make tteokbokki universally appealing. You can also customize it with different ingredients, making it a versatile dish loved by people worldwide. Initially, many foreigners weren't used to the chewy rice cake texture, but thanks to the Korean Wave, more and more people are becoming fans.

Gungjung (Soy Sauce) Tteokbokki [Photo Credit] KTO, Kim Jiho

Popular Types of Tteokbokki

Tteokbokki isn’t just limited to the traditional spicy version! Here are some popular variations, each with its unique flavor:


1. Gochujang Tteokbokki:

The classic, with a sweet and spicy sauce.


2. Soy Sauce Tteokbokki:

A mild version seasoned with soy sauce, great for those who prefer a less spicy option.


3. Rose Tteokbokki:

It is creamy with a hint of spice, making it popular among newcomers.


4. Seafood Tteokbokki:

Enhanced with squid or shrimp for a rich, umami flavor.


5. Cheese Tteokbokki:

It is topped with cheese for a soft, savory twist on the spicy flavor.

Cheese Tteokbokki [Photo Credit] KTO, Alex Bundo


6. Curry Tteokbokki:

Use curry powder for an aromatic, slightly spicy flavor.


7. Jjajang Tteokbokki:

Made with black bean sauce, reminiscent of jjajangmyeon (Korean black bean noodles).

Jajang Tteokbokki [Photo Credit] KTO, Alex Bundo

Each of these variations highlights the versatility of tteokbokki, which can be customized endlessly. Of course, tteokbokki is best enjoyed with a side of tempura, sundae (Korean blood sausage), fish cake, or a ramen add-on to balance out the spice and offer a more filling meal.


Classic Tteokbokki Recipe: A Simple Guide to Making It at Home

The Tteokbokki recipe being introduced now is from Ryu Soo-young, a famous Korean actor who is well-known as a great cook.


📺 Video - Ryu Soo-young’s “평생 떡볶이” (Lifetime Tteokbokki), New Release, Pyeon Restaurant

[Source] Youtube, KBS Entertain


🔥 Ryu Soo-young’s Lifetime Tteokbokki Recipe

🛒 Main Ingredients

- 500g of wheat rice cakes (miltteok, 밀떡)

- 1–2 stalks of green onion

- 4–5 sheets of fish cake (eomuk, 어묵)

- 600ml of water

- 1 spoon of sugar

- 1/3 spoon of salt

- 1/2 spoon of minced garlic


⚖️ Seasoning

- 4 spoons of gochugaru (고춧가루, Korean red chili flakes)

- 3 spoons of sugar

- 2 spoons of soy sauce

- 2 spoons of gochujang (고추장, Korean red chili paste)

- 2 spoons of oyster sauce

- 1 spoon of cooking oil

- 20 grinds of black pepper or 1 teaspoon


📖 Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Preparing the Ingredients

① Slice the green onion into long pieces.

② Cut the fish cake into triangular shapes.


Making the Sauce

Add the following seasonings to the bowl in order.

① 4 spoons of gochugaru (Korean red chili flakes)

② 3 spoons of sugar

③ 2 spoons of soy sauce

④ 2 heaping spoons of gochujang (Korean red chili paste)

⑤ 1 spoon of cooking oil

⑥ 20 grinds of black pepper or 1 teaspoon

Mix all the ingredients in the ball evenly.


Cooking Instructions

Follow the exact order, as the cooking process is crucial.

① Prepare a pan and turn on the heat. Start with high heat.

② Spread the prepared green onions and fish cakes evenly on the bottom of the pan.

③ Pour 600ml of water into the pan.

④ Add 1 spoon of sugar and 1/3 spoon of salt separately to season the rice cakes.

⑤ Add 1/2 spoon of minced garlic and stir well.

⑥ Cover with a lid and bring it to a boil. This step helps extract flavor from the green onions and fish cakes to make the broth.

⑦ Lower the heat to medium.

⑧ Add the wheat rice cakes (miltteok, 밀떡) to the pan.

⑨ Cover the lid and let it simmer for another 1–2 minutes until the rice cakes turn white. This allows the rice cakes to absorb the broth.

⑩ When the rice cakes and fish cakes feel slightly softened, add the seasoning sauce. Do not add all the sauce at once—save 1 spoonful to adjust the seasoning later. If the flavor feels weak, add the remaining sauce; leave it as is if the taste is perfect.

⑪ Keep the lid open, reduce to low heat, and simmer for at least 4 more minutes. Continue simmering until the sauce thickens to your preferred consistency. You can simmer for up to 10 minutes if desired.

⑫ After simmering for 4 minutes, taste and adjust. If you want a stronger flavor, add more sauce or let it simmer longer to thicken further.


Enjoying the Dish

Once the sauce reaches your desired consistency, turn off the heat, transfer to a plate, and enjoy!


📌 Cooking Tips

- This recipe was developed after multiple attempts to recreate the delicious Tteokbokki sold in markets at home. By following the exact measurements and cooking steps in order, you can experience an unforgettable taste.


- Read and refer to the following post introducing Korean ingredients and seasonings.


🔖 The Ultimate Guide to Korean Seasonings and Sauces for Home Cooks

[Appendix] Translated Video Script

Since this is a reality show with many participants, translating every conversation would be overwhelming. Therefore, I have only extracted and translated Ryu Soo-young’s lines. I appreciate your understanding.



먹었던 중에 제일 맛있는 떡볶이가 거라고 자신합니다.
I’m confident this will be the best tteokbokki you’ve ever had.

기본 떡볶이, 우리가 아는 떡볶이의 느낌.
A classic tteokbokki—the one we all know.

옛날에 먹을 떡볶이 같기도 하고, 학교 (떡볶이) 같기도 하고 그런 느낌을 주는 떡볶이를 먹기가 쉽지 않은데
It's not easy to find tteokbokki that tastes like the one we used to eat back in the day, the kind you’d get in front of a school.

가정식 떡볶이라고 만드시는데 이게 파는 맛이 아니라는 거지
It’s homemade tteokbokki, meaning it doesn’t taste like store-bought.

집에서 있는 거의 (맛의) 최대치입니다.
This is pretty much the best flavor you can achieve at home.

이상은 없어요.
There’s nothing beyond this.

레시피 가지고 계시면, 평생 떡볶이는 하는 남자가 있어요.
With this recipe, you can be the guy who makes amazing tteokbokki for life.

이름하여평생 떡볶이”.
I call it ‘Lifetime Tteokbokki.’

따라하시면 돼요. 되게 간단하니까.
Just follow along—it’s really simple.

지금부터, 부담 없이, 오늘만큼은 조리법대로 그대로 따라해 주시면 돼요.
For today, just follow my recipe exactly, no pressure.

그러면 맛에 만날 있으니까 따라오세요.
That way, you’ll get to experience this taste. Follow along!

들어가는 재료는 별거 없어요.
The ingredients are pretty simple.

무조건 밀떡이죠.
Wheat rice cakes are a must.

밀떡만큼 중요한 어묵.
Just as important as the rice cakes is the fish cake.

, 일단 재료 손질이죠.
Alright, let’s prep the ingredients.

One stalk of green onion.

파는 다다익선이에요.
The more green onion, the better.

절대로 얘를 어슷썰지 않아요. 파를 길게 썰어요.
Never slice it diagonally—cut it long.

이렇게 했을 , (먹을 ) 떡볶이 옆으로 감기는 파가 되게 매력이 있거든요.
That way, when you eat it, the green onion wraps around the rice cakes nicely, which is really appealing.

보통, 기본 어묵 사면 4장에서 5장이 들어있어요.
A standard pack of fish cakes usually has four to five sheets.

좋아하면 넣으셔도 되고요.
If you like it, you can use all of them.

모양은 원하시는 대로 쓰는데 국룰은 삼각형이어야 한다는 .
You can cut them however you like, but the golden rule is that they should be triangular.

이건 됐어요.
That’s done.

거기에 양념 뭐가 들어가느냐?
Now, what seasonings go in?

10kg 넘게 썼고요.
I’ve used over 10kg of rice cakes.

📌 Meaning, I’ve experimented a lot with this recipe.

숟가락씩 덜어내면서 하고, 떡량 늘이고 줄이고, 물량 줄이고 늘이고, 안되는 이유가 조리료인가 해서 넣었다가 빼보고, 여러 가지 봤어요.
I tried adjusting everything—reducing and increasing the rice cakes, changing the water amount, testing whether seasonings were the issue—I’ve tried it all.

집에서 있는 (맛의) 거의 최대치입니다.
This is the peak flavor you can get at home.

이상은 없어요.
There’s nothing better than this.

고춧가루 들어가겠죠.
Of course, gochugaru (Korean red pepper flakes) goes in.

, 설탕이 들어가겠죠.
And sugar, obviously.

간장 들어가겠죠.
Soy sauce, too.

그리고 고추장.
And gochujang (Korean red pepper paste).

그리고 가지만 .
And just one more thing.

그냥 하려면 소스에 감칠맛이 나는 때려 넣어야 돼요.
If you just throw everything in, you must add all sorts of umami-boosting ingredients.

근데 넣지 . (미원, 다시다 같은 조미료를 넣지 말라는 뜻입니다.)
But don’t. (Don’t use MSG or artificial flavor enhancers like Dasida.)

(가루) 조미료 들어가요.
No powdered seasonings go in.

우리한테는 굴소스가 있잖아.
We have oyster sauce instead.

📌 To be fair, store-bought oyster sauce does contain seasonings.

굴을 넣고 졸이고 졸이면 감칠맛이 어마어마해지거든요.
If you simmer oysters down, the umami becomes incredible.

📌 If you make it home, you can create a natural flavor enhancer.

그게 조미료죠 , 천연조미료.
That’s basically a seasoning—just a natural one.

그래서 이걸 넣으면 감칠맛이라는 생기는 거죠.
So when you add this, you get that rich umami taste.

요게 다예요.
That’s all there is to it.

(고춧가루, 설탕), (간장, 굴소스, 고추장), 이렇게 묶으시면 기억하기 편해요.
Group these: two (gochugaru, sugar), and three (soy sauce, oyster sauce, gochujang). It’s easier to remember this way.

(고춧가루 스푼), (설탕 스푼), (간장, 굴소스, 고추장 2스푼씩).
Four (4 spoons of gochugaru), three (3 spoons of sugar), and two (2 spoons each of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and gochujang).

4, 3, 2, .
Four, three, two—that’s it.

떡볶이 500g 기준이에요.
This is based on 500g of tteokbokki rice cakes.

고춧가루 ?
How many for gochugaru?

찬원아 ?
Chan-won, how many?

그렇지 .
That’s right, four.

(설탕) ? 3.
(Sugar) How many? Three.

간장, 굴소스, 고추장, 2개씩.
Soy sauce, oyster sauce, and gochujang—two each.

(모두) 외웠겠죠?
Got it, everyone?

사진을 찍으라고.
Take a picture of this.

4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 대로 외우시면 실수가 없어요.
Four, three, two, two—memorize it exactly like this, and you won’t mess up.

(평생 양념장) 갑니다.
Here comes the 'Lifetime Sauce.'

항상 뭐부터 넣어요? 가루부터 액체, 고체, 순으로 하면 되죠.
What do we add first? Always powders, then liquids, then solids.

, , .
Two, three, four.

설탕 3, 하나, , .
Three spoons of sugar—one, two, three.

간장 2.
Now, two spoons of soy sauce.

굴소스, 고추장, , , .
Oyster sauce and gochujang—two, two, two.

고추장은 담뿍 넣으세요.
Be generous with the gochujang.

, 같죠? 하나가 남았어요.
Looks like we’re done, right? But one thing’s missing.

떡볶이를 만드시는 많은 업장에서 국물의 바디감이라는 있잖아요.
In a lot of tteokbokki restaurants, the broth has a certain richness.

유지가 들어갈 그런 생기거든요.
It needs some fat content.

맛있다 묵직하다 지방이 필요하다는 거지 국물에.
To make it tastier and richer, you need a bit of fat in the broth.

집에 있는 기름 뭐야? 식용유 넣으면 국물이 두꺼워져요.
What cooking oil do you have at home? Adding oil thickens the broth.

📌 It means the broth gains body, becoming richer—a Korean concept.

(식용유) 숫가락만.
Just one spoonful of cooking oil.

그리고 여기서 끝이 아니라.
And that’s not the end.

여기서 끝이 아닌 뭘까요?
What else do we need?

맛집 떡볶이에 생각보다 후추가 들어가요.
Good tteokbokki actually contains more black pepper than you’d expect.

고춧가루와 후추의 상생효과가 되게 좋아서 매워져, 음식 맛이 올라가요.
Gochugaru and black pepper work together, giving a strong heat that enhances the dish.

후추가 생각보다 많이 들어가요.
You need more black pepper than you’d think.

Twenty twists.

하나, , , , 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟….
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…

, 20바퀴 넣고 섞으면 돼요.
Add 20 twists, then mix.

이러면, 며느리도 가르쳐주는 떡볶이 소스가 완성됩니다.
And with this, you’ve got the secret tteokbokki sauce even in-laws wouldn’t share.

📌 Back in the day, mothers-in-law would keep their best recipes secret, even from their daughters-in-law.

Alright, it’s done.

굉장히 꾸덕하죠.
It’s really thick, right?

고춧가루 4, 설탕 3, 간장 2, 굴소스 2, 고추장 2, 식용유 1T, 후추 20바퀴, .
Four spoons of gochugaru, three of sugar, two each of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and gochujang, one tablespoon of cooking oil, and 20 twists of black pepper. Done.

조리 순서만 중요합니다. 이제부터는.
Now, the cooking order is the key from here on out.

불을 켜고 (팬에) 파를 깔았어요.
Turn on the heat and lay the green onions in the pan.

파는 이렇게 굽기만 해도 풍미가 올라가요.
Even just grilling green onions like this enhances the aroma.

그리고 어묵 깔고.
Then add the fish cakes.

물은 라면 분량, 550에서 600 고정도면 돼요.
The water should be about as much as you’d use for one pack of ramen—around 550 to 600ml.

(물을) 600ml 넣으세요.
Pour in 600ml of water.

그리고 떡을 지금은 넣었지만 떡을 넣을 거잖아요.
We haven’t added the rice cakes yet, but we will.

떡에 밑간이 되기 위해서는 설탕하고 소금을 넣는 거예요.
To season the rice cakes, we add sugar and salt.

설탕 숟가락이면 충분해요.
One spoonful of sugar is enough.

소금 3분의 1 숟가락.
A third of a spoon of salt.

가지만 , 다진 마늘.
And just one more thing—minced garlic.

많이도 넣어요. 숟가락.
Not too much—just half a spoon.

넣으면 이제 떡볶이집 () 같아져요.
Adding this makes it taste more like restaurant-style tteokbokki.

그리고 잠깐 뚜껑을 덮어요.
Now, cover it with a lid for a moment.

잔잔히 끓게 1분만 놔두자고.
Let it simmer gently for about a minute.

맹물에 삶는 이유가 있어요.
There’s a reason we’re boiling it in plain water first.

이유는 소스를 부은 다음에 끓이면 육수가 늦게 나오는 있더라고요.
If you add the sauce first, the broth takes longer to develop.

📌 Meaning if you add the sauce before boiling, the broth takes longer to form.

맹물에 삶았을 육수가 제일 나와요.
Boiling it in plain water first brings out the broth best.

그래서 이렇게 먼저 한번 끓여주세요.
So, let it boil once like this first.

이미 냄새는 되게 좋아요.
It already smells amazing.

이렇게 해서 한번 끓어오르면, 그때 무조건 중불로 낮추세요.
Once it comes to a boil, immediately lower the heat to medium.

색깔을 보세요. 떡이 지금 노리끼리 하죠.
Look at the color of the rice cakes—they’re slightly yellowish right now.

근데, 이거를 뚜껑을 닫았다가 조금만 기다리자고.
But if we cover it again and wait just a little longer…

달고 단단한 국물을 떡이 한번 먹을 있도록 일이분 정도만 기다리면 떡이 색깔이 변해요.
Let’s wait one or two minutes so the rice cakes can absorb the thick, sweet broth.

그때까지만 하면 .
That’s all it takes.

인제 떡이 분명히 노리끼리한 밀떡이었는데, 흰색으로 바뀌어요. 이렇게.
Now, see? The yellowish wheat rice cakes have turned white.

, 육수가 걸쭉해지고 이렇게 전분물도 나오고 괜찮아졌어요.
Look, the broth has thickened, and the starch has come out, making it just right.

밀떡은 금방 불어요. 커지거든 어묵처럼, 어묵도 같이 불고.
Wheat rice cakes swell up quickly, just like fish cakes.

그때 양념장을 넣으면 돼요.
That’s when you add the sauce.

그렇게 했을 맛이 좋더라고요.
Doing it this way makes it taste even better.

이제 됐어요.
Now, we’re all set.

이제 것도 없어.
There’s nothing else left to do.

It’s done.

요리도 아니에요.
This isn’t even cooking at this point.

그럼 이제 뭐야.
So, what’s next?

이거를 이거.
This… this right here.

냄새가 이미 맛있는 냄새가 나네.
It already smells amazing.

혹시 모르니까 숟가락 남겨 . 마치 보험처럼.
Just in case, save one spoonful—like an insurance policy.

숟가락 정도.
Just about one spoonful.

담으면 돌이킬 없잖아요.
Once you add it, there’s no turning back.

(나중에 짜면) 붓기 싫잖아요.
You won’t want to dilute it with water if it ends up too salty.

양념장이 있으니까.
Since we have extra sauce.

저걸로 간을 맞추시면 돼요.
Use that to adjust the seasoning if needed.

처음부터 넣지 마세요.
So don’t add all the sauce at once.

이렇게 되고.
That’s how you do it.

지금부터는 뚜껑을 닫아요.
From this point on, don’t cover the lid.

떡볶이 레시피를 만들면서 가장 생각했던 , 시장에서 파는 커다란 판에 있는 떡볶이는 집에서 하면 맛이 날까?
When developing this recipe, I kept wondering—why doesn’t homemade tteokbokki taste like the kind sold in big trays at markets?

나른한 무심한 맛이 날까?
Why doesn’t it have that effortless, subtle taste?

제가 보기엔 시간과 불이었어요.
I figured it was all about time and heat.

커다란 대판에서는 할머니들이 그냥 불이 끓는지 끓는지 떡을 추가하면서 뭉근하게 오래 끓이시더라구요.
At those big tteokbokki stalls, the grandmas keep adding rice cakes, letting it simmer gently for a long time.

그래서 저는 불을 낮추기로 했습니다.
So, I decided to lower the heat.

약불, 지금부터 약불, 이렇게 최소한 4, 4 정도 익혀주면 돼요.
Low heat—keep it low from now on and let it cook for at least four minutes.

그러면 자근자근 끓으면서, 어묵에 있는 맛이 나왔다 다시 떡볶이로 들어가고, 파에 있는 나왔다가 떡볶이로 들어가고, 떡볶이에 있는 나와서 파로 들어가고, 파에 있는 나와서 어묵으로 들어가고, 서로 어우러지는 거예요.
That way, it simmers gently, and the flavors blend—the umami from the fish cakes seeps into the tteokbokki, the green onion flavors mix in, and everything comes together.

양념 넣고 약불이에요.
Add the sauce and keep it on low heat.

오우, 색깔 장난 아니었어.
Oh wow, the color is incredible.

(색깔이) 예뻐, 예뻐, 마음에 들어.
Ah, it looks so good. I love it.

그래서, 저는 추천드리는 , 상태 드셔보시고 진한 좋으면 양념을 추가하든지 아니면 졸이세요.
So, I recommend tasting it as is, and if you want a deeper flavor, add more sauce or let it simmer down a bit longer.

그러면 맛이 가요. (맛이 달라져요)
If you overdo it, the taste changes again.

근데, 근데 이게 맛있는 같애.
But personally, I think this is perfect.

국물 정도.
This amount of broth—just right.