🎥 Introduction

What happens when the nation's top star lecturer falls in love in the fierce battlefield of South Korea’s college entrance exam competition? 일타 스캔들 (Crash Course in Romance) tells the unexpected love story between a cold, perfectionist math instructor and a warm-hearted 반찬가게 (side dish shop) owner. Amidst the ruthless world of education, a heartwarming and delightful romance unfolds.



🎥 Cast

l  Nam Haeng-seon (Jeon Do-yeon): A former national athlete turned side dish shop owner. She is bold, strong-willed, and deeply caring.

l  Choi Chi-yeol (Jung Kyung-ho): South Korea’s top math instructor. Though cold and perfectionistic, an unexpected incident entangles him with Nam Haeng-seon.

l  Ji Dong-hee (Shin Jae-ha): Choi Chi-yeol’s reliable assistant who meticulously manages his busy schedule.


🎥 Shorts Video

Who owns the motorcycle that saves Jung Kyung-ho from being late to the briefing?

[Source] YouTube, @1daydrama


🎥 Practical Conversation Breakdown

최치열: "아우, 사거리에 사고 났나 봐. 꿈쩍을 안 한다."

Choi Chi-yeol: "Ah, there must’ve been an accident at the intersection. The cars aren’t moving at all."

l   아우: An exclamation used to express frustration or surprise. Here, it conveys frustration about the traffic jam.

l   사거리: An intersection where four roads meet.

l   사고 났나 봐: A phrase used to speculate about a past event. This case suggests that a traffic accident might have occurred at the intersection. "사고" → “교통사고가

l   꿈쩍을 안 한다: Means "not budging at all." It describes a situation where something or someone isn’t moving. Here, it emphasizes that the cars are stuck in traffic jams.


최치열: "차 버리고 뛰는 게 빠르겠는데."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "It might be faster to ditch the car and run."

l   차 버리고: Means "leaving the car behind." It implies abandoning the car and going on foot.

l   뛰는 게: A colloquial form of "뛰는 것이," meaning "running." Here, it suggests that running would be faster than driving in the current situation.

l   빠르겠는데: A speculative expression meaning "it seems like it would be faster." Given the circumstances, it implies the speaker's judgment that running might be a better option.

지동희: "어쩌죠. 하필 첫 순서인데."
Ji Dong-hee:
 "What should we do? Of all times, it had to be the first slot."

l  어쩌죠: An expression used when feeling flustered or worried. Here, it conveys concern about being late due to traffic.

l  하필: A word emphasizing an unfortunate or unexpected situation. In this case, it highlights the difficulty of being scheduled as the first presenter.

l  첫 순선데” → “첫 순서인데: A colloquial contraction of "첫 순서인데." While spoken as "첫 순선데," it is written correctly as "첫 순서인데."


지동희: "순서 좀 바꾸자고 해볼까요?"
Ji Dong-hee:
 "Should we ask if we can switch the order?"

l  순서: Refers to a specific order or position. Here, it means their scheduled presentation order.

l  바꾸자고: Suggesting a change in the current order or plan.

l  해볼까요?”: A phrase used to ask someone whether they should try doing something. Here, it suggests checking if they can adjust their presentation slot.


최치열: "갑자기 그게 되겠어?"
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "Do you really think that’ll work all of a sudden?"

l  갑자기: Refers to an unexpected or sudden situation. Here, it conveys skepticism about Ji Dong-hee’s suggestion, as it seems unrealistic to implement on such short notice.

l  되겠어?”: Expresses doubt about whether something can be accomplished or not.


최치열: "내가 어떻게든 해볼게."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "I’ll find a way to make it work."

l  어떻게든: Means "one way or another" or "by any means necessary." It expresses determination to try despite the difficulty.

l  해볼게: Indicates an intention to attempt something, showing confidence and willingness to take action.

남행선: "선생님! 아니 왜 여기 있어요?"
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "Teacher! Wait, why are you here?"

l  선생님!”: A title used to address a teacher. Since Choi Chi-yeol is her nephew’s teacher, she calls him this.

l  아니: An exclamation expressing surprise or bewilderment at an unexpected situation.

l  : An interrogative word used to ask for a reason or explanation.

l  여기 있어요?”: Questions why the person is in an unexpected place. In this context, Haeng-seon is surprised to see Choi Chi-yeol here instead of preparing for his presentation.


남행선: "저 설명회 들으러 가는 길인데."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "I’m on my way to the seminar."

l  설명회: Refers to a gathering or event where information on a specific topic is explained.

l  들으러: Means "to listen to" or "to attend." Here, it implies "attending to hear the presentation." 설명회 들으러” → “상대방의 설명회 발표를 들으러

l  가는 길인데: Indicates that the speaker is currently on their way to a destination.


최치열: "나도 가는 중이거든요."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "I’m on my way too."

l  나도: A shortened form of "나도 역시" or "나도 또한," meaning "me too" or "I as well." Here, it conveys that Choi Chi-yeol is also heading to the same destination.


남행선: "어떻게 태워드려요?"
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "Want me to give you a ride?"

l  어떻게: Means "in what way" or "by what means." This sentence is used to ask how she should give him a ride, implying a polite offer.


최치열: "아니요. 됐습니다."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "No, I’m good."

l  아니요: The polite form of "아니," used to give a negative response.

l  됐습니다: Means "It’s fine" or "I don’t need it." It is often used to decline an offer or suggestion politely.


남행선: "그렇게 가면 시간 못 맞춰요."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "You won’t make it on time like that."

l  그렇게: Means "like that" or "in that way," referring to the previously mentioned action or situation.

l  시간 못 맞춰요: A phrase meaning "You won’t be able to be on time." It expresses concern that someone will fail to meet a deadline or arrive punctually.


남행선: "상황이 상황이니까 태워준다는 거예요. 나도."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "Given the situation, I’m offering you a ride. Me too."

l  "상황이 상황이니까": Means "since the situation is what it is," emphasizing that the current circumstances are unusual or exceptional, justifying a specific action.

l  "태워준다는 거예요": Means "I’m offering to give you a ride," referring to letting someone ride on a vehicle like a car, bicycle, or scooter.

l  "나도": Indicates that the speaker is in the same situation or shares the same thought as the other person. Haeng-seon is also in an exceptional situation, so she offers to give Choi Chi-yeol a ride.


남행선: "그럼 그냥 뛰시던가."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "Then just run, if you prefer."

l  "그럼": A contracted form of "그러면," used to present a condition following a prior statement.

l  "그냥 뛰시던가": 그냥 뛰시던가 is the honorific form of 그냥 뛰던가,” and 뛰던가 is the imperative form of 뛰다, which suggests running to the other person. Therefore, this sentence simultaneously suggests running while rejecting a prior proposal.


최치열: "에헤이."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "Ehh hey..."

l  "에헤이": An exclamation used when something is unsatisfactory or displeasing. It shows that Choi Chi-yeol is reluctant or not thrilled about the situation.


최치열: "워어어어."
Choi Chi-yeol:

l  "워어어어": An exclamation expressing surprise or tension. This context shows that Choi Chi-yeol is startled by the scooter's speed.


최치열: "아 너무 빠른데."
Choi Chi-yeol: "Ah, this is too fast!"


최치열: "아 그 속도 좀 줄여요. ."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "Ah, slow down a bit. Please."

l  "": A sound used to express surprise, nervousness, or urgency.

l  "": Refers to the fast speed at which Haeng-seon rides the scooter.

l  "": The first "" is a shortened form of "조금," meaning "a little."

l  "": The second "" is used to soften a request or plea, making it sound more polite. Here, it was used in an irritated manner.


남행선: "그럼 늦거든요."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "Then you'll be late."

l   "그럼 늦거든요.": 그럼 늦거든요.” → “그렇게 하면 시간에 늦을 거예요.”

It means, "If you do that, you'll be late." This emphasizes that not accepting her offer will result in being late.


남행선: "세입."
Nam Haeng-seon: "Safe!"

l  "세입": A mispronounced Konglish version of "safe in" (세이프인), originating from baseball terminology. It is used when a runner reaches a base without being out. Haeng-seon humorously declares that she has successfully bought Choi Chi-yeol some time.


남행선: "먼저 들어가세요."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "Go in first."

l  "먼저": Means 앞서 (before) or 우선 (ahead of).

l  들어가세요: You can create a polite suggestion by attaching “-세요 to the verb stem. In this case, the sentence-ending “-세요 is applied as “-세요 for 하다,” “-세요” for “가다,” and “-으세요” for “먹다,” etc. For 들어가다,” it becomes “들어가세요.”

l  들어가다”: Means안으로 들어가다(to go inside).


남행선: "어렵게 왔는데, 지각하면 억울하잖아요."
Nam Haeng-seon:
 "You came all this way. Wouldn't it be frustrating to be late?"

l  "어렵게 오다": Means "to come with difficulty" or "to go through trouble to get here."

l  "지각하다": Means "to arrive late" or "to miss a set time."

l  "억울하다": Describes feeling unfairly treated or frustrated without fault. In this context, it implies that being late after such an effort would feel unfair.


l   어렵게 왔는데, 지각하면 억울하잖아요.” → “힘들게 왔는데, 시간에 도착하지 못하면 속상하잖아요.”


최치열: "고맙습니다. 오늘."
Choi Chi-yeol:
 "Thanks. For today."

l   "고맙습니다. 오늘." → “오늘 스쿠터에 태워줘서 고맙습니다.”

l   A shortened way of saying, "Thank you for giving me a ride today."


남행선: "고마운 줄은 아네."
Nam Haeng-seon: "At least you know how to be grateful."

l  "고마운 줄 안다": Means "to recognize and appreciate kindness or generosity." Here, it playfully acknowledges that Choi Chi-yeol understands gratitude.

Crash Course in Romance (2023)

🎥 Conclusion

A unique encounter unfolds as a motorcycle speeds through the city's heart, setting off an unexpected connection and a journey of change. “Crash Course in Romance” captures the struggles of intense academic competition and personal relationships, portraying characters who grow through their experiences and resonate deeply with viewers. How will the relationship between Choi Chi-yeol and Nam Haeng-seon evolve? What message will this drama ultimately deliver? There's plenty to look forward to.