🎥 Introduction
This is a short clip from the drama “지금
거신 전화는” (When the Phone Rings) depicting a moment
when a show-window couple, who had long ceased communication, begins to connect
through a series of threats truly. Premiering at the end of 2024, this K-drama
quickly captured viewers' attention. This scene highlights the importance of
communication in human relationships through Baek Sa-eon’s conversation with
Hong Hee-joo amid threats.
🎥 Short Video
🎥 Dialogue
백사언: “살다 보니 이런 날도 있군요.”
Baek Sa-eon: "I guess life brings
days like this too."
백사언: “406 전화가 반갑게 느껴지는 날.”
Baek Sa-eon: "A day when a call
from 406 actually feels welcome."
홍희주: “왜 반가운데?”
Hong Hee-joo: "Why does it feel
백사언: “글쎄,
406 덕분에 희주를 찾을 수 있었으니까.”
Baek Sa-eon: "Well, because
thanks to 406, I was able to find you."
홍희주: “어떻게 알고 알려줬는지는 안 궁금해?”
Hong Hee-joo: "Aren’t you curious
about how they knew and told you?"
406: “사실”
406: "Actually—"
백사언: “나야 말로 사실 406에 대해서 많은 걸 알고 있습니다.”
Baek Sa-eon: "Actually, I know
quite a lot about 406 myself."
백사언: “나이는
20대 중반에서 후반, 여자.”
Baek Sa-eon: "Mid-to-late
twenties, female."
홍희주: “어떻게 알았어?”
Hong Hee-joo: "How do you
백사언: “예쁩니까?”
Baek Sa-eon: "Is she
홍희주: “협박범이 예쁜지 안 예쁜지가 왜 중요한 건데?”
Hong Hee-joo: "Why does it matter whether a blackmailer is pretty?"
백사언: “왠지 그럴 것 같아서.”
Baek Sa-eon: "I just have a
feeling she would be."
홍희주: “남자들이란.”
Hong Hee-joo: "Men."
백사언: “지금 뭐 입고 있습니까?”
Baek Sa-eon: "What are you
wearing right now?"
백사언: “눈으로 볼 수 없으니, 상상이라도 해보려구요.”
Baek Sa-eon: "Since I can’t see,
I might as well imagine."
백사언: “내가 상상하기에 406은 목소리만큼 여리여리한 체구에 성격만큼 화끈한…”
Baek Sa-eon: "In my imagination,
406 has a delicate frame that matches her voice and a fiery personality to
match her temper—"
홍희주: “화끈한 뭐.”
Hong Hee-joo: "Fiery what?"
홍희주: (속으로)
“설마 몸매?”
Hong Hee-joo (internally): "Is he
talking about her body?"
백사언: “거기까진 가지 않겠습니다.”
Baek Sa-eon: "I won’t go that
백사언: “상상만으로도 즐겁군요.”
Baek Sa-eon: "Just imagining is
enjoyable enough."
홍희주: “너 지금 뭐 하는 거야?”
Hong Hee-joo: "What the hell are
you doing right now?"
홍희주: “지금 나한테 플러팅 뭐 그런 거 하는거야?”
Hong Hee-joo: "Are you… flirting
with me right now?"
홍희주: “너는 유부남이야.”
Hong Hee-joo: "You’re a married
홍희주: (속으로)
“이 나쁜 새끼.”
Hong Hee-joo (internally): "This
🎯 Key Takeaways
1. 반갑게
느껴지다 (To Feel Welcomed, To Feel Familiar and Pleasant)
when something or someone gives a warm, welcoming, or familiar feeling.
📌 Example Usage
만났지만 여전히 반갑게 느껴졌다."
though it had been long, it still felt welcoming."
🌀 Similar Expressions
정겹게 느껴지다 (To Feel Affectionate, Warm)
📌 Example Usage
오니 정겹게 느껴진다."
back to my hometown feels warm and familiar."
2. ~
덕분에 (Thanks to ~, Because of ~ - In a Positive Way)
when expressing gratitude or attributing a good result to someone or something.
📌 Example Usage
덕분에 힘이 났어!"
to you, I gained strength!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
~ 때문에 (Because of ~, Can Be Negative or Neutral) – Unlike "덕분에," this can be
used for both good and bad situations.
📌 Example Usage
때문에 약속을 취소했어."
of the rain, I had to cancel my plans."
🐾 “ ~ 덕분에” vs “ ~ 때문에”
meaning is similar, but the nuances are different. " ~ 덕분에" is used when someone receives help or a favor,
whereas " ~ 때문에" is more commonly
used in general contexts.
3. 궁금하다 (To Be Curious, To Wonder)
when someone wants to know about something.
📌 Example Usage
이야기가 궁금해!"
curious about the next story!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
알고 싶다
(To Want to Know)
📌 Example Usage
사람의 비밀을 알고 싶어."
want to know that person’s secret."
4. 초반, 중반, 후반 (Beginning,
Middle, End / Early, Mid, Late Stage)
Used to
describe different phases of time, events, or progress.
📌 Example Usage
초반이 재미있었어."
beginning of the drama was fun."
경기가 중반을 넘어서고 있어."
game is now past the middle stage."
반전이 나왔다!"
was a twist at the end!"
🌀 Similar Expressions
처음, 중간, 끝 (First, Middle, End) – More general words for describing sequences.
📌 Example Usage
끝까지 열심히 했어."
worked hard from start to finish."
5. 협박범 (Blackmailer, Threatening Criminal)
A person
who threatens others, usually for money or power.
📌 Example Usage
돈을 요구했다."
blackmailer demanded money."
🌀 Similar Expressions
범죄자 (Criminal,
Offender) – A broader term referring to any
📌 Example Usage
위험한 범죄자다."
is a dangerous criminal."
vs “범죄자”
are various types of crimes. Theft, assault, fraud, intimidation, kidnapping,
etc., are all considered crimes. Therefore, intimidation is a type of crime. In
other words, the term criminal is used in a broader sense.
6. 상상하다 / 상상을 하다 (To Imagine, To Envision)
when thinking about possibilities or creating mental images.
📌 Example Usage
미래를 상상해 본 적 있어?"
you ever imagined a future like this?"
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Picture Something in One’s Mind)
📌 Example Usage
장면을 머릿속에 그려봤어."
pictured that scene in my head."
🐾 "상상하다"
vs "상상을
Both expressions have almost the same
meaning, but "상상을
하다" can give a slightly stronger emphasis.
Since "상상을 하다" uses the noun "상상"
(imagination), it feels more natural when referring to a specific subject of
"상상하다" is the more basic form,
while "상상을
하다" is used for added emphasis or when specifying an
object of imagination.
📝 "상상하다"
(verb): Refers to the act of picturing or creating a scene or situation in
one's mind.
📌 Example
"미래를 상상하다." → "Imagine the
"여행을 상상하다." → "Imagine
"그림을 상상하다." → "Imagine a
📝 "상상을 하다" (noun 상상 +
verb 하다): Functions the same as "상상하다",
following the typical Korean pattern of turning nouns into verbs using "하다".
📌 Example
"미래에 대한 상상을 하다." → "Have an
imagination about the future."
"여행에 대한 상상을 하다." → "Have an
imagination about traveling."
"그림에 대한 상상을 하다." → "Have an
imagination about a painting."
7. 여리여리하다 (To Be Delicate, Slender, Fragile Looking)
someone who appears physically or emotionally delicate.
📌 Example Usage
여리여리한 이미지가 있어."
has a delicate image."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(To Be Slim and Delicate)
📌 Example Usage
손목이 돋보였다."
slender wrist stood out."
8. 화끈하다 (To Be Bold, Spicy, or Hot-Tempered)
describe someone bold and daring, something physically hot, or a spicy
📌 Example Usage
성격이 화끈해!"
has a bold personality!"
요리는 정말 화끈하게 맵다!"
dish is seriously spicy!"
(To Be Direct and Straightforward)
📌 Example Usage
사람은 직설적인 스타일이야."
person has a straightforward style."
9. 플러팅 (Flirting)
borrowed word from English, used to describe playful romantic interactions.
📌 Example Usage
대놓고 플러팅을 했다."
flirted openly."
🎨 Expressions
작업 걸다
(To Hit on Someone, To Make a Move) – A more
slangy expression.
📌 Example Usage
너한테 작업 거는 거 같아."
think someone is hitting on you."
10. 유부남 (Married Man)
Used to
describe a man who is married.
📌 Example Usage
is a married man."
🌀 Similar Expressions
(Married Person - More Formal)
📌 Example Usage
기혼자이기 때문에 조심해야 해."
she is married, you should be careful."
“유부남” vs “기혼자”
means a married man, and "기혼자" means both a married man and a woman. The opposite
vocabulary of “유부남” is “유부녀”, which means a married woman.
🎥 Grammatical Analysis of the Dialogue
The following content contains a lot of grammatical explanations. If you're not an advanced Korean learner, skim through it and don’t focus too much. If you're a beginner or intermediate learner, memorizing even one more conversation from above is better.
"살다 보니 이런 날도 있군요"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "살다
보니": "살다 (to live)" + 경험적
연결어미 "-다 보니 (as I have lived,
over time)"
- "이런
날도": "이런 (this kind
of)" + "날 (day)" + 강조 "-도 (even)"
- "있군요": "있다 (to exist, to happen)"
+ 감탄형 어미 "-군요 (expressing
📌 Example Usage
보니 별일 다 있네"
long enough, you see all sorts of things"
☀️ Meaning
보니 이런 날도 겪게 되는군요"
I live, I experience days like this too"
"406 전화가 반갑게 느껴지는 날"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "406
전화가": "406 (room number or identifier)"
+ "전화 (call)" + 주격 조사
- "반갑게": "반갑다 (to be glad, to be
welcome)" + 부사형 "-게"
- "느껴지는
날": "느끼다 (to feel)" + 피동형 "-어지다 (to be felt)" + 명사형 "-는 날 (a day when ~ happens)"
"느끼다" → "느껴지다" + "-는" → "느껴지는"
📌 Example Usage
네 목소리가 반갑게 느껴지는 날이야"
is a day when your voice feels welcome"
☀️ Meaning
"오늘은 406의 전화가 반갑게 느껴지는 날이네요"
is a day when a call from 406 feels welcome"
🐾 "406" is the number Baek Sa-eon uses to refer to the
person making threatening calls to him.
"왜 반가운데?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "왜": "왜 (why, for what reason)"
- "반가운데?": "반갑다 (to be glad)" + 이유
강조 "-은데?" (soft questioning
📌 Example Usage
"오늘 네 전화가 반갑더라"
"왜 반가운데?"
"Your call felt welcome today"
"Why is that?"
☀️ Meaning
전화가 왜 반갑게 느껴졌는데?"
did a call from 406 feel welcome?"
"글쎄, 406 덕분에 희주를 찾을 수 있었으니까."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "글쎄": "글쎄 (well, let me think, unsure
but reflective)."
- "406
덕분에": "406 (identifier)" + "덕분 (thanks to, due to)" + 조사 "-에 (because of)."
- "희주를
찾을 수 있었으니까": "희주 (Hee-joo,
name)" + 목적격 조사 "-를"
+ "찾다 (to find)" + 가능형 "-을 수 있었다 (was able to find)" + 이유형 "-니까 (because)."
"있다" → "있었다" (past tense) + "-니까" →
📌 Example Usage
덕분에 길을 찾을 수 있었으니까."
thanks to you, I was able to find the way."
☀️ Meaning
thanks to 406, I was able to find Hee-joo."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
수 있었으니까" → "차즐 수 이써쓰니까"
(연음 발생)
"어떻게 알고 알려줬는지는 안 궁금해?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "어떻게": "어떻게 (how, in what way)."
- "알고": "알다 (to know)" + 연결형 "-고 (and, linking a thought)."
- "알려줬는지는": "알려주다 (to inform, to let
someone know)" + 과거형 "-었" + 명사형 "-는지 (whether, how)" + 조사 "-는."
"알리다" + "주다" (보조용언) → "알려주다" → "알려주었다" (past tense) +
"-는지" → "알려주었는지"
→ "알려줬는지" (abbreviation)
- "안
궁금해?": "궁금하다 (to be
curious)" + 의문형 "-해?"
(question) → "궁금해?" + 부정형 "-안 (not)" → "안 궁금해?"
📌 Example Usage
알았는지 안 궁금해?"
you curious how they knew?"
☀️ Meaning
어떻게 알고 알려줬는지 궁금하지 않아?"
you curious how 406 knew and told you?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
알려줬는지는" → "알고 알려줜는지는"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "사실": "사실 (truth, actually, in
📌 Example Usage
넌 정말 모르고 있었어?"
You really didn't know?"
☀️ Meaning
the truth is…"
"나야말로 사실 406에 대해서 많은 걸 알고 있습니다."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "나야말로": "나 (I, me)" + 강조 표현 "-야말로 (indeed, the one who is)"
- "사실": "사실 (truth, actually, in
- "406에
대해서": "406 (identifier)" + "에 대해서 (about, regarding)"
- "많은
걸 알고 있습니다": "많다 (to be many,
a lot)" + 명사형 "-은 것
(things, stuff)" + 목적격 조사 "-을" (spoken omission) + "알다 (to
know)" + 존댓말 "-고 있습니다
(polite continuous form)"
“많은 것을 알고 있다” → “많은 걸 알고 있습니다”
📌 Example Usage
너에 대해서 잘 알고 있어."
the one who knows a lot about you."
☀️ Meaning
I'm the one who knows more about 406."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
걸 알고 있습니다" → "마는 걸 알고 읻씀니다"
"나이는 20대 중반에서 후반, 여자."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "나이는": "나이 (age)" + topic marker
- "20대
중반에서 후반": "20대
(twenties)" + "중반 (mid)" + "-에서 (from)" + "후반 (late)"
- "여자": "여자 (woman, female)"
📌 Example Usage
용의자의 특징은?"
나이는 30대 초반에서 중반, 남자."
What's the suspect's profile?"
Early to mid-30s, male."
☀️ Meaning
"나이는 20대 중반에서 후반이고, 여성입니다."
age is mid-to-late 20s, and she's female."
"어떻게 알았어?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "어떻게": "어떻게 (how)"
- "알았어?": "알다 (to know)" + past
tense "-았어?" (casual question)
“알다” → “알았다” (past
tense) + “-어” → “알았어”
📌 Example Usage
너 이거 벌써 봤어?"
응, 어떻게 알았어?"
Have you already seen this?"
Yeah, how did you know?"
☀️ Meaning
어떻게 알고 있었어?"
did you know that?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
알았어?" → "어떠케 아라써?" (연음
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "예쁩니까?": "예쁘다 (to be pretty)" +
formal question ending "-ㅂ니까?"
📌 Example Usage
그 배우 봤어?"
Have you seen that actress?"
Is she pretty?"
☀️ Meaning
you pretty?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
"예쁩니까?" → "예쁨니까?"
"협박범이 예쁜지 안 예쁜지가 왜 중요한 건데?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "협박범이": "협박범 (blackmailer,
criminal)" + subject marker "-이."
- "예쁜지
안 예쁜지": "예쁘다 (to be
pretty)" + indirect question "-ㄴ지" + 부정형 "안 예쁘다 (not pretty)" + "-ㄴ지" + subject marker "-가" → 대조적
- "왜
중요한 건데?": "왜 (why)" +
"중요하다 (to be important)" + 명사화 "-ㄴ 건데?" (casual rhetorical
"중요하다" + 명사화 "-ㄴ 것" + 서술격 조사 "-이다" → "중요한 것이다" + "-ㄴ데" → "중요한 것인데" → "중요한 건데" (abbreviation).
"-ㄴ데": 일정한 대답을 요구하며 물어보는 뜻을
나타내는 종결 어미.
📌 Example Usage
그 사람 잘생겼대?"
잘생긴지 안 잘생긴지가 왜 중요한데?"
They say he's handsome?"
Why does it matter if he's handsome or not?"
☀️ Meaning
does it matter if the blackmailer is pretty?"
"왠지 그럴 것 같아서."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "왠지": "왠지 (somehow, for some
- "그럴
것 같아서": "그렇다 (to be like
that)" + 추측 "-ㄹ 것 같다
(seems like)" + 이유 "-아서 (because)."
"그렇다" → "그럴 것 같다" → "그럴 것 같아서"
📌 Example Usage
왜 그런 생각을 해?"
왠지 그럴 것 같아서."
Why do you think that?"
I just have a feeling."
☀️ Meaning
예쁠 것 같아서 그래."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "남자들이란": "남자들 (men, in general)" + 강조
및 비꼬는 어미 "-이란."
📌 Example Usage
예쁘면 다 용서된다고?"
So everything is forgiven if she's pretty?"
Men, seriously."
☀️ Meaning
다 똑같아."
are all the same."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
"남자들이란" → "남자드리란" (연음 발생)
"지금 뭐 입고 있습니까?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "지금": "지금 (now, at this
- "뭐": "뭐 (what)."
"무엇을" → "뭐를" (줄임말) → "뭐" (조사 생략)
- "입고
있습니까?": "입다 (to wear)"
+ 진행형 "-고 있다 (to be
wearing)" + 존댓말 "-습니까?"
(formal question).
"입다" → "입고 있다" → "입고 있습니다" → "입고
📌 Example Usage
지금 뭐 입고 있어?"
그냥 편한 옷."
What are you wearing right now?"
Just something comfortable."
☀️ Meaning
어떤 옷을 입고 있습니까?"
kind of clothes are you wearing right now?"
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
있습니까?" → "입꼬 읻씀니까?" (연음
및 된소리 발음)
"눈으로 볼 수 없으니, 상상이라도 해보려구요."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "눈으로
볼 수 없으니": "눈 (eye,
sight)" + "-으로 (by, using)" + "보다 (to see)" + 가능형 "-ㄹ 수 없다 (cannot do)" + 이유 "-니 (because, since)."
"눈으로 보다" → 가능형 "눈으로 볼 수 있다" → 부정형 "눈으로 볼 수 없다" + 이유 "-니" → "눈으로 볼 수 없으니"
- "상상이라도
해보려구요": "상상
(imagination)" + 강조 "-이라도 (at least, even if)" + "하다 (to
do)" + 시도 "-해 보다 (to
try doing)" + 의도형 "-려구요 (I intend to, I'm thinking of)."
"상상이라도 하다" → "상상이라도 해보다" → "상상이라도 해보려구요"
📌 Example Usage
볼 수 없으니 사진으로라도 보려구요."
I can't see it in person, I'll at least look at pictures."
☀️ Meaning
확인할 수 없으니, 상상이라도 해보려고 합니다."
I can't see, I'll try to imagine instead."
"내가 상상하기에 406은 목소리만큼 여리여리한 체구에 성격만큼 화끈한…"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "내가
상상하기에": "내 (I,
informal)" + 주격 조사 "-가" + "상상하다 (to imagine)" + 동작
명사형 - "-기" + 의미 한정 "-에 (in terms of, as far as… is
"내가 상상하다" → "내가 상상하기" → "내가 상상하기에"
- "406은": "406 (a nickname or code name)" + 주격 조사 "-은 (topic marker)."
- "목소리만큼": "목소리 (voice)" + 비교 "-만큼 (as much as, matching)."
- "여리여리한
체구에": "여리여리하다 (to be
delicate, slender)" + 형용사형 "-한" + "체구 (physique, frame)" + 부사격
조사 "-에 (with, in terms of)."
- "성격만큼": "성격 (personality)" + 비교 "-만큼 (matching, as much as)."
- "화끈한": "화끈하다 (to be bold, fiery,
passionate)" + 형용사형 "-한."
📌 Example Usage
사람은 성격만큼 행동도 화끈해."
person is as bold in actions as in personality."
☀️ Meaning
상상 속에서 406은 목소리처럼 여리여리한 체구에 성격처럼 화끈한 사람이지."
my imagination, 406 has a delicate figure matching her voice and a fiery nature
matching her personality."
🐾 A sentence that is left unfinished, trailing off…
"화끈한 뭐."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "화끈한": "화끈하다 (to be fiery, bold,
passionate)" + 형용사형 "-한."
- "뭐": "뭐 (what)?" → 문장을 끝맺지
않고 상대방의 말을 캐묻거나 기대하는 표현.
📌 Example Usage
그 사람 진짜 화끈해."
화끈한 뭐?"
That person is really bold."
Bold what?"
☀️ Meaning
뭘 말하려는 거야?"
(속으로) "설마 몸매?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "설마": "설마 (surely not, no way)"
→ 상대방이 불편하거나 민망한 말을 하려는 것 같을 때 의심하며 쓰는 표현.
- "몸매": "몸매 (body shape, figure)."
📌 Example Usage
저 사람이 네 얘기하던데?"
설마 나쁜 말?"
That person was talking about you."
No way, was it something bad?"
☀️ Meaning
체형을 말하는 건 아니겠지?"
he talking about her figure?"
"거기까진 가지 않겠습니다."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "거기까지": "거기 (there, that point)" +
한정 "-까지 (up to that
- "-는": 강조와 대조를 나타내는 주격 조사.
- "가지
않겠습니다": "가다 (to go)" + 부정 "-지 않다 (not do)" + 겸양 존댓말 "-겠습니다 (I shall not, I won’t)."
- "가다" → 부정 "가지 않다" → "가지 않겠다" (future tense) →
"가지 않겠습니다" (존댓말)
📌 Example Usage
주제까지 얘기하고 싶진 않아. 거기까진 가지 않겠어."
don’t want to talk about that topic. I won’t go that far."
☀️ Meaning
정도까지는 말하지 않겠습니다."
won’t go that far."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
가지 않겠습니다" → "거기까진 가지 안겓씁니다"
"상상만으로도 즐겁군요."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "상상만으로도": "상상 (imagination)" + 강조 "-만으로도 (just by itself, even with
- "즐겁군요": "즐겁다 (to be enjoyable)" + 감탄 "-군요 (expressing realization)."
📌 Example Usage
생각만으로도 기분이 좋군요."
thinking about it makes me feel good."
☀️ Meaning
것만으로도 충분히 즐겁네요."
just imagining it is enjoyable."
🗣️ Pronunciation Tips
즐겁군요" → "상상만으로도 즐겁꾼요"
"너 지금 뭐 하는 거야?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "너": "너 (you, informal)."
- "지금": "지금 (now, at this
- "뭐
하는 거야?": "뭐 (what)" +
"하다 (to do)" + 진행형
"-는 거 (the act of doing something)" + 반말
의문형 "-야?"
- "뭐": "무엇을" → "뭐를" (줄임말, 구어체) →
"뭐" (조사 생략)
- "거야": "것이야" → "거야" (줄임말, 구어체)
📌 Example Usage
지금 뭐 하는 거야? 장난해?"
are you doing right now? Are you joking?"
☀️ Meaning
지금 대체 무슨 짓을 하고 있는 거야?"
on earth are you doing right now?"
"지금 나한테 플러팅 뭐 그런 거 하는 거야?"
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "지금": "지금 (now, at this moment)"
- "나한테": "나 (I, me, informal)" +
dative marker "-한테 (to, towards)"
- "플러팅": "Flirting (loanword from English)"
- "뭐
그런 거": "뭐 (what,
something)" + "그런 거 (something like that,
that kind of thing)"
- "하는
거야?": "하다 (to do)" + 진행형 "-는 거 (the act of doing
something)" + 반말 의문형 "-야?"
"하다" → "하는 것이다" → "하는 것이야" → "하는
거야" (casual spoken form)
📌 Example Usage
지금 나한테 작업 거는 거야?"
you hitting on me right now?"
☀️ Meaning
나한테 대놓고 플러팅하는 거야?"
you openly flirting with me right now?"
"너는 유부남이야."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "너는": "너 (you, informal)" +
topic marker "-는"
- "유부남이야": "유부남 (a married man)" + 반말
형 "-이야 (is)"
📌 Example Usage
유부남인 거 잊었어?"
you forget that you're a married man?"
☀️ Meaning
이미 결혼한 사람이야."
already married."
홍희주 (속으로): "이 나쁜 새끼."
🔍 분석 (Analysis)
- "이": "이 (this)"
- "나쁜": "나쁘다 (to be bad)" + 형용사
변형 "-ㄴ (adjective form)"
- "새끼": "새끼 (bastard, jerk, often used
as an insult)"
📌 Example Usage
"(속으로) '이 재수 없는 놈.'"
'This unlucky bastard.'"
☀️ Meaning
쓰레기 같은 놈."
piece of trash."
🎥 Wrap-up
거신 전화는" (When the Phone Rings) illustrates how
a single word can alter a relationship.
In this
scene, the conversation between “백사언” (Baek
Sa-eon) and “홍희주” (Hong Hee-joo) is a moment
where tension intertwines with subtle humor and emotions. While the premise
revolves around a call with a blackmailer, the scene depicts two people navigating through a lack of communication to find each other again.
As the
previously distant and cold couple engages in playful wordplay and provocative
dialogue, an unexpected emotional shift occurs. This moment marks the beginning
of their genuine communication, allowing viewers to witness their evolving
lines like “반갑게 느껴지는 전화” ("A call that
feels welcoming."), “상상만으로도 즐겁군요” ("Just
the thought of it is amusing."), and “너 지금 플러팅하는 거야?” ("Are you flirting right now?") capture these
subtle emotional changes. These are not just simple exchanges of words but
serve as crucial tools for confirming each other's presence and exchanging
In the
end, conversation acts as a bridge that connects relationships. Sometimes, even
through a blackmailer's call, we understand one another more deeply.
this is the core message of the drama.
📞 "지금 거신 전화는 연결되었습니다." ("The
call you have dialed is now connected.")
your loved ones right away. They’ll be happy to hear from you.