Korea has four distinct seasons, each offering unique beauty and cultural significance. In this article, we will explore words related to spring, summer, fall, and winter in Korea, along with example sentences that are practical for real-life use. Dive into Korean culture by learning seasonal vocabulary and its meanings—bringing you one step closer to genuinely understanding Korea!
🦋 봄(Spring)
It is a vibrant time when all living things
awaken, and colorful flowers bloom.
l 봄비 (Spring rain)
내리니 새싹들이 더욱 싱그러워 보입니다.
With the spring
rain, the sprouts look even fresher.
l 꽃샘추위 (Flower spring cold):
Temporary cold that occurs when flowers bloom in spring.
심하니 따뜻하게 입으세요.
Dress warmly as
the cold weather is fierce.
l 새싹 (Sprout): Newly sprouted
shoots of plants in spring.
땅에서 돋아나기 시작했어요.
Sprout began to
sprout from the ground.
l 꽃봉오리 (Bud): The state just
before flower blooming.
꽃봉오리가 맺히는 걸 보니 봄이 왔나 봐요.
Spring has
arrived, and I am seeing the magnolia buds blooming.
l 진달래 (Rhododendron)
진달래가 활짝 피었어요.
Azaleas were in
full bloom in the back garden.
l 개나리 (Forsythia)
개나리가 만개했어요.
Forsythia trees
were in full bloom on the roadside.
l 벚꽃 (Cherry Blossoms)
주말에 벚꽃 축제에 갈 계획입니다.
I'm planning to
go to the cherry blossom festival this weekend.
l 아지랑이 (Haze)
길 위로
아지랑이가 피어오르고 있어요.
A haze rises
over the road.
l 나비 (Butterfly)
날아다니며 봄의 정취를 더해 주고 있어요.
Butterflies are
flying around, adding to the feeling of spring.
l 벌 (Bee)
벌들이 꽃을 찾아다닙니다.
Bees are looking for flowers.
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
l 소풍 (Picnic)
친구들과 공원으로 봄 소풍을 갔습니다.
I went on a spring picnic in the park with
my friends.
l 미세먼지 (Fine dust)
봄철에는 미세먼지가 심해서 외출할 때 반드시 마스크를 착용해야 합니다.
In spring, fine dust is so severe that you
must wear a mask when going out.
l 황사 (Yellow dust)
중국에서 불어온 황사 때문에 하늘이 뿌옇게 변했어요.
The sky turned hazy due to yellow dust
blowing in from China.
l 춘곤증 (Spring fever)
봄이 되면 춘곤증 때문에 졸음이 쏟아져요.
When spring comes, I feel drowsy due to
spring fever.
l 봄바람 (Spring breeze)
봄바람이 살랑살랑 불어와 상쾌한 기분이 들어요.
The spring breeze blows gently, making me
feel refreshed.
l 봄나물 (Spring greens)
봄에는 냉이, 달래, 쑥 같은 봄나물을 즐겨 먹어요.
We enjoy eating spring vegetables such as
shepherd's purse, wild chives, and mugwort in spring.
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
☀️ 여름(Summer)
It is a season filled with blazing sun and
refreshing water activities.
l 장마 (Rainy season): Continuous
rain during the summer.
장마철에는 항상 우산을 챙겨야 해요.
During the rainy season, you should always
carry an umbrella.
l 무더위 (Very severe heat)
무더위가 심하니 건강에 유의하세요.
It's so hot these days, so take care of your
l 열대야 (Tropical night): Hot
weather as the temperature does not drop even at night.
열대야 때문에 잠들기 힘들어요.
It's difficult to sleep on a tropical night.
l 해수욕장 (Beach): A place
where you can enjoy swimming in the sea.
가족과 함께 해수욕장에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요.
I had a great time at the beach with my
l 계곡 (Valley)
시원한 계곡에서 수박을 먹으며 더위를 식혔어요.
We cooled off from the heat by eating
watermelon in the cool valley.
l 냉면 (Naengmyeon): A food made
with noodles wrapped in cool broth.
여름에는 냉면이 최고의 별미예요.
In the summer, cold noodles are the best
l 선풍기 (Fan)
바람을 만들어내는 도구. 선풍기를
틀고 부채질을 하니 시원해요.
Turning on the fan and fanning yourself
makes you feel cool.
l 에어컨 (Air conditioner)
에어컨을 켜니 방이 시원해졌어요.
When you turn on the air conditioner, the
room becomes cooler.
l 태풍 (Typhoon)
태풍이 온다는 소식에 걱정돼요.
I'm worried about the news that a typhoon is
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
l 여름 휴양지 (Summer resort)
여름 휴양지로 떠나기로 했어요.
I decided to leave for a summer resort.
l 물놀이 (Water play)
친구들과 계곡에서 수영하며 물놀이를 했어요.
I went swimming in the valley with my
l 아이스크림 (Ice cream)
아이스크림을 먹으며 더위를 식혔어요.
I cooled off by eating ice cream.
l 팥빙수 (Red bean shaved ice): A
dessert made with red beans and various ingredients on top of ice.
팥빙수를 먹으니 더위가 가시는 것 같아요.
The heat seems to go away after eating red
bean shaved ice.
l 그늘막 (Shade tent): A tent to
avoid the sun.
그늘막 아래에서 쉬니 시원했어요.
It was cool resting under the shade.
l 방충망 (Insect screen): A net
installed on a window to prevent insects.
방충망이 설치되어 벌레가 안 들어와서 좋아요.
It's good because insect screens are
installed, so bugs don't come in.
l 여름 과일 (Summer fruits): Fruits
that are in season in summer include watermelons, melons, and peaches.
여름에는 다양한 여름 과일을 즐길 수 있어요.
In summer, you can enjoy a variety of summer
l 여름휴가 (Summer vacation)
여름휴가로 해외여행을 계획 중입니다.
I am planning to travel abroad for summer
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
🍁 가을(Autumn)
season of romance painted with autumn leaves and abundance.
l 단풍 (Autumn leaves)
단풍이 든 산은 정말 아름다워요.
The mountains with colored autumn leaves are
l 천고마비 (Heaven-high paralysis):
The season when the sky is high, and horses gain weight.
가을은 천고마비의 계절, 풍요로운
수확의 계절입니다.
Autumn is the season of high skies, fat
horses, and abundant harvest.
l 수확 (Harvest)
농부들은 수확하느라 바빠요.
Farmers are busy harvesting.
l 국화 (Chrysanthemum)
국화가 피어 가을 분위기를 더해요.
Chrysanthemums bloom, adding to the autumn
l 낙엽 (Fallen leaves)
낙엽이 바람에 날리며 가을 느낌을 줍니다.
The fallen leaves are fluttering in the
wind, giving you the feeling of fall.
l 추석 (Chuseok): In the lunar
calendar, Chuseok is celebrated on August 15th. It is a holiday to pay
ancestral rites to ancestors.
추석에는 가족들이 모여 즐거운 시간을 보냅니다.
During Chuseok, people gather with their
families and have a good time.
l 송편 (Songpyeon): Rice cake
eaten during Chuseok, made in a half-moon shape.
송편을 먹으며 추석을 즐겨 보세요.
Enjoy Chuseok by eating songpyeon.
l 전어 (Gizzard shad): This fish
is in season in the fall and is characterized by its savory taste.
가을에는 전어가 제철이라 정말 맛있어요.
In fall, gizzard shad is in season and
l 새우 (Shrimp)
가을에는 새우가 제철이라 구워 먹으면 맛있어요.
Shrimps are in season in the fall and delicious
to grill.
l 김장 (Kimjang): Making kimchi
in preparation for winter.
가을에는 겨울을 준비하기 위해 김장을 합니다.
In the fall, we make kimchi to prepare food
for the winter.
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
l 억새 (Pampas grass): Grass that shines silver in fall.
억새가 바람에 흔들리며 가을 분위기를 더해요.
The pampas grass sways in the wind, adding
to the autumn ambiance.
l 가을비 (Autumn rain)
가을비가 내린 후 기온이 떨어져 쌀쌀해졌어요.
After the fall rains, the temperature
dropped, and it became chilly.
l 가을바람 (Autumn wind)
가을바람이 불어 머리카락이 날려요.
The autumn wind blows, and my hair blows.
l 가을 하늘 (Autumn sky)
가을 하늘은 높고 파랗고 아름다워요.
The autumn sky is high, blue, and beautiful.
l 가을 등산 (Fall hiking)
가을에 산을 오르면 단풍을 감상하며 치유받을 수 있어요.
You can heal by climbing a mountain in the
fall while appreciating the autumn leaves.
가을에 등산하며 단풍을 즐기고 싶어요.
I want to go hiking in the fall and enjoy
the fall foliage.
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
❄️ 겨울(Winter)
cozy season filled with white snow and warm moments.
l 한파 (Cold wave): A phenomenon
in which temperatures become very low in winter.
한파가 닥치니 따뜻하게 입으세요.
Dress warmly as the cold wave hits.
l 눈 (Snow)
눈이 내려, 온 세상이 하얗게 변했어요.
It snowed, and the whole world turned white.
l 빙판길 (Icy road): Slippery road
due to melting snow or ice.
빙판길에서는 조심해서 걸어야 해요.
You must walk carefully on icy roads.
l 크리스마스 (Christmas)
크리스마스에 교회에서 예배 드리고 예수님 탄생을 축하해요.
On Christmas Day, we worship at church and
celebrate the birth of Jesus.
l 스키, 스노보드 (Skiing, snowboarding)
스키와 스노보드를 즐기며 겨울을 만끽하고 있어요.
I am enjoying winter by skiing and
l 눈사람 (Snowman)
눈사람을 만들며 어린 시절의 추억이 떠올랐어요.
Building a snowman brought back memories
from my childhood.
l 군고구마 (Roasted sweet potatoes)
추운 겨울에 따뜻한 군고구마가 최고예요.
Warm roasted sweet potatoes are the best in
the cold winter.
l 군밤 (Roasted chestnuts)
군밤을 먹으며 겨울의 낭만을 느껴보세요.
Feel the romance of winter while eating
roasted chestnuts.
l 핫팩 (Hot pack): A hand warmer
is a portable device that produces hot heat.
핫팩을 가지고 다니면 추위를 덜 수 있어요.
You can relieve the cold by carrying a hot
pack in your pocket.
l 목도리 (Scarf): Clothing that
warms the neck.
목도리와 장갑을 하면 추위를 막을 수 있어요.
You can protect yourself from the cold by
wearing a scarf and gloves.
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
l 롱패딩 (Long padding): A padded
jumper that reaches up to the knees is often worn in winter.
롱패딩을 입으면 추위를 막을 수 있어요.
Wearing long padding can protect you from
the cold.
l 내복 (Undergarments): Undergarments,
clothing that keeps the body warm.
내복을 입으면 체온을 유지할 수 있어요.
Wearing undergarments can help you maintain your
body temperature.
l 스케이트 (Skate)
스케이트를 타며 겨울을 즐기고 있어요.
I am enjoying winter by skating.
l 썰매 (Sled)
썰매를 타며 어린 시절의 추억이 떠올랐어요.
Sledding brought back memories of my
l 일출 (Sunrise): The sun rises
on the morning of the first day of the new year.
일출 명소를 찾아가 새해 첫 해를 보며 소원을 빌어보세요.
Why don't we find a beautiful place to watch
the sunrise on New Year's Day and make a wish?
l 송년회 (Year-end party): A
gathering at the end of the year with friends and family to end the year.
송년회로 한 해를 마무리하고 새해를 맞이해요.
We end the year and welcome a new year with
a year-end party.
l 겨울방학 (Winter break)
한국에서는 겨울방학이 여름방학보다 길어요.
In Korea, winter vacation is longer than
summer vacation.
l 겨울여행 (Winter travel)
겨울여행을 통해 새로운 경험을 하고 싶어요.
I want to gain new experiences
through winter travel.
※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
Learning Korean seasonal expressions is not just about expanding your vocabulary—it’s also an opportunity to understand Korea’s rich culture and natural beauty deeply. By using these expressions in daily conversations, you can feel more connected to the atmosphere of each season and its unique charm. Try incorporating these expressions into your life and experience Korea fresh and meaningfully!