"Aren't all numbers just numbers?"

Understanding numbers can be quite confusing when learning Korean. Unlike English, which uses a single numerical system, Korean has two distinct systems: Sino-Korean numbers and Native Korean numbers. These two systems are used in different contexts, making them a unique challenge for Korean learners. Today, let’s dive into the world of Korean numbers and explore the differences between these two systems!



Table of Contents

  1. What Are Sino-Korean Numbers?
  2. What Are Native Korean Numbers?
  3. The Differences Between Sino-Korean and Native Korean Numbers
  4. Practical Examples of Number Usage
  5. Tips for Effective Learning
  6. Conclusion


1. What Are Sino-Korean Numbers?

Sino-Korean numbers originate from Chinese and are primarily used in formal and structured contexts in Korean.


For example, Sino-Korean numbers express age, phone numbers, and dates.


Basic Numbers

l  1: , 2: , 3: , 4: , 5: , 6: , 7: , 8: , 9: , 10: ,

l  100: , 1,000: , 10,000: , 100,000: 십만, 1,000,000: 백만, 10,000,000: 천만,

l  100,000,000:

Usage Examples

l  Age: 33 years old → 삼십삼세

l  Phone number: 010-1234-5678 → 공일공-일이삼사-오육칠팔

l  Date: January 6, 2025 → 이천이십오년 일월 육일

2. What Are Native Korean Numbers?

Native Korean numbers are Korea's indigenous numerical system, commonly used in informal and everyday situations.

For instance, they are used to count age, quantities, and the number of people.


However, for numbers 100 and above, Native Korean numbers are rarely used and are typically replaced with Sino-Korean numbers.


Basic Numbers

l  1: 하나, 2: , 3: , 4: , 5: 다섯, 6: 여섯, 7: 일곱, 8: 여덟, 9: 아홉, 10:

l  20: 스물, 30: 서른, 40: 마흔, 50: , 60: 예순, 70: 일흔, 80: 여든, 90: 아흔


Usage Examples

l  Age: 5 years old → 다섯 살

l  Number of people: 30 people → 서른 명

l  Quantity: 45 apples → 마흔다섯 개

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

3. The Differences Between Sino-Korean and Native Korean Numbers


4. Practical Examples of Number Usage

4-1. Mixing Native Korean and Sino-Korean Numbers

l  Counting objects: Native Korean numbers like "하나, , " are used for counting objects, but Sino-Korean numbers are used for money, such as "천 원, 이만 원."

l  Combination with units: Native Korean numbers are usually paired with traditional units (e.g., , 마리, ), while Sino-Korean numbers are used with modern units (e.g., kg, m).


Ø  11 people → 열한 명

Ø  20 animals → 스무 마리

Ø  5 pairs → 다섯 짝
(Note: "
" is a unit for counting pairs of items, such as boxes or bundles.)

Ø  11 people can also be read as "십일 명," and 20 animals as "이십 마리."

Ø  75 kg → 칠십오 킬로그램

Ø  50 m → 오십 미터

l  Expressing age: Both systems are used interchangeably, such as "스물다섯 살" or "이십오 세."


4-2. Distinction Between Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers

l  Ordinal numbers: Indicate order and use native Korean numbers, e.g., "첫째, 둘째, 셋째."

l  Cardinal numbers: Indicate quantity and can use either native or Sino-Korean numbers, e.g., "한 명, 두 명, 세 명" or "일 명, 이 명, 삼 명."

l  Common confusion: Expressions like "십일" (11) versus "열한 번째" (11th) highlight the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers, which can confuse learners.


4-3. Exceptional Expressions

l  Combination with specific terms: Native Korean numbers are used with certain units or terms, e.g., "열두 띠" (12 zodiac signs), "열세 살" (13 years old).

l  Idiomatic expressions: Fixed numerical phrases are used, e.g., "삼삼오오" (groups of three or five), "십년감수" (ten years shaved off one's life, meaning a harrowing experience).


4-4. Examples That Confuse Foreign Learners

l  The difference between "일곱 살" (seven years old) and "일곱 번째" (seventh).

l  The pronunciation difference between "이십일" (21 in Sino-Korean) and "스물하나" (21 in Native Korean).

l  The use of numbers in "세 시" (three o'clock) versus "삼시 세끼" (three meals a day).

l  The combination of numbers and units in "만 원" (10,000 won) versus "만 명" (10,000 people).

l  The use of "열두" (twelve) in expressions like "십이지신" (12 zodiac animals).

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

5. Tips for Effective Learning

5-1. Mastering Sino-Korean Numbers

Learn the rules for reading Sino-Korean numbers from 1 to 100 and practice their usage.


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


5-2. Mastering Native Korean Numbers

Familiarize yourself with native Korean numbers from one (하나) to ninety-nine (아흔아홉), paying special attention to pronunciation.


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


5-3. Practicing Number Reading

Use your knowledge to practice reading numbers in context:

l  "I am 25 years old this year." → 저는 올해 스물다섯 살이에요.

l  "There are seven people in my family." → 우리 가족은 총 일곱 명이에요.

l  "There are ten books on the desk." → 책상 위에 책이 열 권 있어요.

l  "We played for five hours with friends." → 친구들과 함께 다섯 시간 동안 놀았어요.

l  "Today is January 6th, a Wednesday." → 오늘은 1 6일로, 수요일이에요.

l  "There are thirty students in the school." → 학교에는 총 서른 명의 학생들이 있어요.

l  "My phone number is 010-1234-5678." → 제 핸드폰 번호는 010-1234-5678이에요.

l  "We're going on a family trip this weekend. It will be a 4-night, 5-day trip." → 이번 주말에는 가족들과 함께 여행을 가기로 했어요. 4 5일 일정이에요.

l  "My favorite singer's birthday is March 14th." → 제가 좋아하는 가수의 생일은 3 14일이에요.

l  "Today is game day for my favorite baseball team. The game starts at 6:30 PM." → 오늘은 제가 좋아하는 야구팀이 경기를 하는 날이에요. 경기 시작 시간은 오후 6 30분이에요.

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


5-4. Practicing Counting

Practice counting in realistic scenarios: [Images Sorece] DALL·E


l  "Seven people are standing." → 사람 7명이 서 있습니다.


l  "The wall clock shows 10:10." → 벽걸이 시계의 시간은 10 10분입니다.


l  "Four sports cars are running on the road." → 도로 앞에 4대의 스포츠카가 달리고 있습니다.


l  "Fourteen poodles are sitting. There are five brown poodles, five white poodles, three black poodles, and one spotted poodle—fourteen in total." → 푸들 14마리가 앉아 있습니다. 갈색 푸들이 5마리, 하얀색 푸들도 5마리, 검은색 푸들은 3마리, 얼룩이 푸들 1마리, 모두 14마리입니다.


l  "Twelve donuts are on the plate." → 도넛 12개가 접시에 담겨 있습니다.


l  "There are twenty-seven books on the bookshelf: thirteen on the upper shelf and fourteen on the lower shelf." → 책꽂이에 책이 27권 꽂혀 있습니다. 위 칸에는 13권 아래 칸에 14권이 있습니다.


l  "Sixteen pencils are on the table." → 테이블 위에 16자루의 연필이 놓여 있습니다.


l  "Three apples are on the dining table." → 식탁 위에 사과 3개가 놓여 있습니다.


l  "There are thirteen fish in the fish tank." → 어항에 물고기가 13마리가 살고 있습니다.

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

5.5 Using Numbers in Daily Life

Once you’ve completed the steps above, use numbers actively daily. For example, try using numbers when shopping or ordering food.


5.6 Receiving Feedback

Finally, ask for feedback from people around you. Correct and improve if you make any mistakes or use awkward expressions.


6. Conclusion

Learning Korean numbers is not just about memorizing digits but also a key to understanding Korean culture. While it may feel challenging initially, it will become second nature with consistent practice and real-life application.