
Holidays in Korea are more than just days off—they’re a time for family, delicious food, and joyful traditions. But how do you talk about these occasions in Korean? Let’s dive into holiday-related vocabulary that will boost your Korean skills and give you deeper insight into Korean culture. By the end of this post, you’ll be ready to join the festive conversations confidently!



Table of Contents

  1. Key Korean Holidays and Essential Vocabulary
  2. Holiday Foods and Related Words
  3. Holiday Activities and Traditional Games
  4. Holiday Greetings in Korean
  5. Conclusion and Practical Tips


1. Key Korean Holidays and Essential Vocabulary

Korea has several important holidays that reflect its rich traditions and cultural heritage. Here are the most notable ones.

1.1 설날 (Seollal)

Lunar New Year, the first day of the lunar calendar

설날은 줄여서 이라고 부르기도 합니다. - "설날" (Seollal) is also commonly shortened to "" (Seol).

Q: 이번 설에 고향 내려갈거니? - Are you going back to your hometown this Seol?

A: 그래, 가족과 함께 내려갈 예정인데, 길이 막힐까봐 걱정이다. - Yes, I plan to go with my family, but I worry about traffic jams.

1.2 추석 (Chuseok)

Harvest Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month

추석은 설날 다음으로 두 번째로 큰 명절로 한가위라고도 부릅니다. - "추석" (Chuseok) is the second most significant holiday after Seollal and is also called "한가위" (Hangawi).

📌 “추석은 한자어, “한가위는 순수한 우리말입니다. - "Chuseok" is derived from Sino-Korean, while "Hangawi" is a purely native Korean term.

1.3 한식 (Hansik)

A day for tending to ancestral graves

한식동지로부터 105일 째의 날이며, 양력으로는 4월 초에 도래합니다. - "한식" (Hansik) falls on the 105th day after "동지" (Dongji) and typically occurs in early April according to the solar calendar.

📌 “동지는 밤이 가장 길고, 낮이 가장 짧은 날로 주로 팥죽을 끓여 먹습니다. - "Dongji" is the day with the longest night and shortest day of the year, during which people traditionally eat red bean porridge.

한식에 우리는 조상의 묘를 찾아가서 벌초를 하거나, 잔디를 새로 입힙니다. - On "Hansik," we visit our ancestors' graves to perform maintenance, such as trimming the grass or laying fresh sod.

1.4 단오 (Dano)

A traditional summer festival on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month

단오또는 단오절에는 그네뛰기, 씨름, 창포물에 머리 감기, 단오 부채 만들기 등 전통 놀이를 하며 보냅니다. - On "단오" (Dano) or "단오절" (Danojeol), people celebrate with traditional activities such as swinging, Korean wrestling (씨름, ssireum), washing their hair with sweet flag water, and making Dano fans.

Each holiday holds unique significance and is celebrated with distinct customs, making them great opportunities to immerse yourself in Korean culture!


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


2. Holiday Foods and Related Words

Food is an essential part of any Korean holiday. Here are some words to help you discuss the delicious dishes enjoyed during these special times:

2.1 떡국 (Tteokguk)

Rice cake soup is eaten on Seollal, symbolizing the addition of a year to your age.

떡국 [Photo Credit] KTO, Kim Jiho

설날 아침에는 온가족이 모여서 차례를 지내고, 떡국을 먹습니다. - On the morning of New Year's Day, the whole family gathers to perform ancestral rites and eat rice cake soup.

예전에는 떡국을 먹으면, 나이도 한 살 더 먹는다고 했습니다. - In the past, it was said that eating rice cake soup would make you look a year older.

2.2 송편 (Songpyeon)

Half-moon-shaped rice cakes made during Chuseok

송편 [Photo Credit] KTO, Torai Republic

송편은 우리의 전통 떡으로 추석에 빚어 먹습니다. 예로부터 예쁜 송편을 빚으면, 예쁜 딸을 낳는다고 했습니다. - “Songpyeon” is our traditional rice cake made and eaten during Chuseok. Since ancient times, it has been said that if you make pretty songpyeon, you will give birth to a pretty daughter.

2.3 전 (Jeon)

Korean-style pancakes made with various ingredients such as vegetables, seafood, or meat

육전, Pan-Fried Beef Slices in Egg Batter [Photo Credit] KTO, Alex Boondo

명절이 되면, 대부분의 가정에서 전을 부칩니다. 온 동네가 고소한 전 냄새로 가득차죠. - When it comes to holidays, most families make pancakes. The whole neighborhood is filled with the fragrant smell of pancakes.

2.4 갈비찜 (Galbijjim)

Braised short ribs, a holiday staple

갈비찜 [Photo Credit] KTO, Torai Republic

갈비찜은 소갈비나 돼지갈비를 간장소스에 야채와 함께 천천히 익히는 부드럽고 풍미 가득한 전통 요리입니다. - Galbijjim is a soft and flavorful traditional dish made by slowly cooking beef or pork ribs in soy sauce with vegetables.


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


3. Holiday Activities and Traditional Games

Korean holidays are filled with family activities and traditional games. Here’s what you need to know.

3.1 차례 (Charye)

Ancestral rites performed to honor one’s ancestors

추석 차례상, Chuseok Memorial Ritual Table [Photo Credit] Flickr, Jens-Olaf Walter

설날과 추석에는 온 가족이 모여 조상에게 차례를 지냅니다. - On Lunar New Year's Day and Chuseok, the whole family gathers to pay ancestral rites to ancestors.

차례는 제사라고도 부르며 조상에게 감사와 평안을 기원하며 예를 올리는 것입니다. - The ancestral rite is also called an ancestral rite and is a way to pay respects to ancestors with thanks and prayers for peace.

3.2 세배 (Sae-bae)

Deep bows are given to elders on Seollal to receive blessings.

세배 [Photo Credit] Wikipedia Commons, snoopdrew

에는 새해를 맞아 손아랫사람이 손윗분들에게 절을 하면서 인사를 드리고, 세배돈을 받습니다. - On Lunar New Year, lower-ranking people bow to their seniors, greet them, and receive money to welcome the new year.

3.3 윷놀이 (Yutnori)

A traditional board game played with four wooden sticks

윷놀이 [Photo Credit] Flickr, Won-Hee Lee

설날에 가족 또는 친척들이 모여 4개의 윷가락을 가지고 말을 옮기는 게임을 즐기는데, “윷놀이라고 하는 전통 놀이입니다. - On “New Year’s Day,” family or relatives gather together and enjoy a game of moving words with four yut sticks, a traditional game called “Yutnori.”

3.4 강강술래 (Ganggangsullae)

A circle dance performed during Chuseok

강강술래 [Photo Credit] Flickr, Jeon Han

추석에 보름달 아래에서 예쁘게 차려입은 부녀자들이 손에 손을 잡고 둥글게 원을 만들어 노래를 부르며 빙글빙글 뛰면서 노는 전통 놀이입니다. - It is a traditional game in which beautifully dressed women and girls hold hands, form a circle, sing a song, and jump around under the full moon during Chuseok.

Other fun activities include kite flying and spinning tops, which add a playful touch to the holiday atmosphere.


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


4. Holiday Greetings in Korean

Want to wish someone a happy holiday in Korea? Here are a few useful phrases. 

"새해 복 많이 받으세요." (Saehae bok mani badeuseyo): Wishing someone lots of blessings for the New Year (used during Seollal)

"풍성한 한가위 되세요." (Pungseonghan Hangawi doeseyo): A warm greeting for Chuseok, wishing a bountiful harvest

"가족들과 행복한 명절 보내세요." (Gajokdeulgwa haengbokhan myeongjeol bonaeseyo): A versatile greeting for any holiday, wishing happiness with family


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


Conclusion and Practical Tips

Learning holiday-related words is a great way to deepen your understanding of Korean culture and traditions. Use these words to write a holiday card, start a conversation, or even try making traditional holiday dishes yourself. Don’t forget to greet your Korean friends with a heartfelt "새해 복 많이 받으세요!" to share the festive spirit!