"Have you ever been caught off guard during a conversation with a friend because they suddenly said something you didn’t understand?"

Korean is inherently fascinating, but learning slang and colloquial expressions can add a new level of vibrancy to your interactions with friends. Today, let’s explore some of the slang and informal expressions frequently used by Koreans, diving into their meanings and fun ways to use them. However, remember that slang and informal language are not considered standard and should be used with discretion.



Table of contents

1. The Definition and Characteristics of Slang and Informal Expressions

2. Examples of Slang and Informal Expressions

3. Things to Keep in Mind When Using Slang and Informal Expressions

4. Closing Words

5. Examples of 64 Slang and Informal Expressions


1. The Definition and Characteristics of Slang and Informal Expressions

Let’s start by distinguishing between slang and informal language:

  • Slang: Non-official expressions used by specific groups, often difficult for outsiders to understand.
  • Informal Language: Widely recognized but primarily used in casual or informal settings.

Both slang and informal language evolve rapidly with time, gaining popularity, especially among younger generations. With the rise of the internet and social media, new expressions are constantly emerging.


2. Examples of Slang and Informal Expressions

2.1 Slang Born from the Internet

The internet has become a breeding ground for creative and quirky expressions, giving rise to unique slang terms. Many of these originated from online forums, social media, and gaming communities, eventually making their way into everyday conversations. These expressions often encapsulate humor or shorthand communication, making them popular among younger generations.

Examples include phrases condoning long sentences into a few syllables, abbreviations, or terms that play on puns or cultural references. These expressions reflect the fast-paced, tech-savvy lifestyle of modern Koreans.


l  오졌다: 무언가 대단하거나 놀라운 상황을 표현할 때 사용.

Wow, that’s amazing and impressive!

Example: ", 너 그 그림 진짜 오졌다!"
"Wow, that drawing of yours is truly amazing!"


l  킹받다: 화가 나거나 짜증이 날 때 쓰는 표현. ''은 강조 의미.

To feel extraordinarily annoyed or irritated.

Example: "이런 날씨에 우산 두고 나왔으니 킹받네."
"Ugh, I left my umbrella behind in this weather—so annoying!"


l  쌉가능: 어떤 일이 확실히 가능하다는 뜻. '' '아주'라는 강조 표현.

It's doable or possible.

Example: "이 일 오늘 안에 끝낼 수 있어?" "쌉가능!"
"Can you finish this task by today?" "Doable!"


2.2 Abbreviated Slang

Abbreviations are a popular type of slang in Korea, where longer phrases are shortened into compact expressions. These terms often save time in casual conversations or text messaging while adding a playful or trendy vibe. Some are straightforward contractions, while others require some cultural or contextual knowledge to understand fully.

They’ve become essential to modern Korean communication, especially among younger generations. Here are some examples:


l  갬성: '감성'의 변형으로, 감수성을 뜻함.

A playful variation of "감성 (emotions or sensitivity)" is often used to describe a mood or vibe.

Example: "이 카페 갬성 있는 조명 너무 좋다."
"The mood lighting in this café is so nice."


l  머선 129: '무슨 일이야?'를 경상도 사투리식으로 표현한 말.

A regional dialect-inspired expression of "What's going on?" is often used in a humorous context.

Example: "어제 길에서 유명 배우 봤다. 머선 129!"
"I saw a famous actor on the street yesterday. What’s going on?!"

※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

l  존맛탱 (JMT): 아주 맛있는 것을 강조하는 표현.

An abbreviation emphasizing that something is incredibly delicious.

Example: "이 떡볶이 JMT."
"This tteokbokki is insanely delicious."


2.3 Slang Useful in Specific Situations

Certain slang expressions are designed for particular scenarios, making them especially handy during casual interactions. These terms often capture a precise emotion, reaction, or situation in a concise and relatable way. Understanding and using these expressions allows you to communicate more naturally and connect better in informal settings.

Here are some examples of slang that fit specific situations perfectly:


l  빡세다: 일이 힘들거나 어려운 상황을 뜻함.

To describe a task or situation that is extremely tough or challenging.

Example: 이번 프로젝트 진짜 빡세네."
"This project is seriously tough."


l  꿀잼: 무언가가 매우 재미있다는 의미.

To say something is super fun or entertaining.

Example: "이 드라마 꿀잼 보장한다니까!"
"This drama is guaranteed to be super fun!"


l  현타: '현실 자각 타임'의 줄임말로, 환상이 깨지는 순간을 의미.

Short for 'Reality Check Time,' describing the moment fantasy or excitement fades and reality sets in.

Example: "여행 끝나고 집에 오니 현타 온다."
"Coming home after the trip gave me a serious reality check."


※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

3. Things to Keep in Mind When Using Slang and Informal Expressions

l  Use According to the Situation: Since slang and informal language are non-standard expressions, using them only in casual conversations with friends or colleagues is best.

l  Consider Generational Differences: Some expressions are specific to certain generations, so the other person may not understand them.

l  Avoid Overuse: While slang and informal language can add fun to conversations when used appropriately, excessive use can make it difficult to convey meaning clearly.


4. Closing Words

Korean slang and informal expressions are fascinating, but they also offer a deeper understanding of Korean culture. Try sprinkling some of these phrases into your conversations with friends—it can make your interactions feel much more natural and enjoyable! Give it a try!


5. Examples of 64 Slang and Informal Expressions

Here’s a collection of 64 slang and informal expressions commonly used in Korean, along with their meanings and examples. These phrases reflect various aspects of Korean culture and everyday interactions, making them fun and valuable for understanding and engaging with the language.


l  갑분눈: "갑자기 분위기 눈물", 감정적으로 눈물이 나는 상황.
“Suddenly, the mood turns tearful,” referring to an emotionally tearful moment.

Example: 그 장면에서 갑분눈 했어.

I suddenly teared up during that scene.


l  갑분싸: "갑자기 분위기 싸해짐"의 줄임말로, 어색한 상황을 나타냄.
"Suddenly, the atmosphere becomes awkward," used to describe uncomfortable situations.
내 말에 다들 갑분싸 됐어.
Everyone felt awkward because of what I said.


l  갑질: 권력을 이용해 다른 사람에게 무리한 요구를 하는 행동.
Abusing power or authority to make unreasonable demands.
요즘 갑질 문제가 심각해.
Power abuse has become a serious issue these days.


l  갑툭튀: “갑자기 툭 튀어나오다의 줄임말로, 예상치 못한 상황에서 등장함.
"Suddenly pops out," referring to an unexpected appearance.
걔가 갑툭튀해서 놀랐어.
I was surprised when they showed up out of nowhere.


l  개꿀: 매우 좋고 만족스러운 상황을 표현.
Describes something very good or satisfying (literally 'so sweet').
이번 방학 개꿀이야.
This vacation is seriously fantastic.


l  개빡치다: 몹시 화가 나는 상황.
To feel extremely angry.
그 얘기 듣고 개빡쳤어.
I got super mad after hearing that.


l  개소리: 허튼 소리, 헛소리.
Nonsense or ridiculous talk (literally 'dog talk').
그런 개소리는 하지 마.
Don’t say such nonsense.


l  개추: 강력하게 추천한다는 뜻.
Strongly recommend
이 드라마 진짜 개추야.
This drama is an absolute must-watch.


l  갓생: 완벽한 최고의 삶.
Living the best and most perfect life.
쟤는 갓생 살고 있어.
They’re living an incredibly admirable life.


※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

l  갓튜브: 신급 유튜버를 뜻함.
Refers to a YouTuber of godly or exceptional skill.
저 갓튜브 채널 꼭 봐야 해.
You have to check out that fantastic YouTube channel.


l  갬성: 감성의 변형된 표현.
A playful variation of 감성 (emotions or mood).
갬성 카페를 찾아가 봐.
Try visiting a cozy, atmospheric café.


l  고구마: 드라마에서 답답하고 답이 없는 상황.
Used in dramas to describe a frustrating or unresolved situation (literally 'sweet potato').
이 드라마 아직까지 완전 고구마야.
This drama has been totally frustrating so far.


l  고막남친: 목소리가 좋아서 마치 남자친구와 대화하는 것 같은 느낌을 주는 사람.
A person with a voice so pleasant that it feels like talking to a boyfriend.
저 가수 목소리 완전 고막남친이야.
That singer’s voice is like a boyfriend to my ears.


l  광탈: “광속 탈락의 줄임말로, 빠르게 떨어짐을 뜻함.
Short for “광속 탈락” (rapid elimination), meaning to fail quickly.
첫 라운드에서 광탈했어.
I got eliminated in the first round.


l  극혐: 매우 불쾌하거나 싫다는 의미.
Extremely unpleasant or disgusting.
이 음식은 진짜 극혐이야.
This food is absolutely disgusting.


l  급발진: 갑자기 화를 내거나 감정이 격해지는 것.
To suddenly get angry or emotionally charged.
걔가 갑자기 급발진했어.
They suddenly exploded with anger.


l  꾸안꾸: “꾸민 듯 안 꾸민 듯자연스러운 스타일을 뜻함.
Short for “꾸민 듯 안 꾸민 듯,” describing a natural yet stylish look.
꾸안꾸가 요즘 대세야.
The 'natural-but-put-together' style is trending these days.


l  꿀벌: 바쁘게 일하거나 활동하는 사람.
A person who is constantly busy, like a bee.
요즘 완전 꿀벌처럼 지내.
I’ve been as busy as a bee lately.

※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

l  꿀잼: 아주 재미있다는 뜻.
To describe something as very fun or entertaining.
이 드라마 완전 꿀잼이야!
This drama is super fun!


l  꿀팁: ''처럼 달콤하고 유용한 정보나 조언.
Sweet and helpful tips or advice, like honey.
꿀팁 하나 줄게.
Let me give you a helpful tip.


l  뇌피셜: “피셜(피셜리, 공식적으로)”의 합성어로, 개인적인 추측이나 생각을 근거 없이 확신하는 것.
A blend of “brain” and “official,” referring to baseless personal speculations or guesses.
그건 네 뇌피셜 아니야?
Isn’t that your baseless speculation?


l  노잼: 재미없다는 뜻.
To say something is boring or not fun.
오늘 수업 노잼이었어.
Today’s class was so boring.


l  데탑: “데스크톱 컴퓨터를 줄여 부르는 말.
Short for “desktop computer.”
내 데탑 업그레이드해야겠어.
I need to upgrade my desktop computer.


l  덕질: 좋아하는 대상에 대해 열정적으로 팬 활동을 하는 것.
Passionately engaging in fan activities for someone or something you like.
요즘 덕질하느라 시간이 없네.
I’m so busy fangirling (or fanboying) these days.


l  득템: 물건을 운 좋게 얻다.
Luckily, I obtained an item.
세일에서 득템했어!
I got this on sale—it was a total lucky find!


l  땡모반: 태국식 수박 주스. 은어처럼 쓰이며 익숙하지 않은 메뉴를 표현할 때 사용.
Thai-style watermelon juice is used informally to describe unfamiliar menu items.
더울 땐 땡모반이지.
Nothing beats watermelon juice on a hot day.


l  멘붕: 정신적 붕괴를 뜻하며, 당황스럽거나 충격적인 상황에서 사용.
Mental breakdown is used to describe overwhelming or shocking situations.
시험 망쳐서 완전 멘붕이야.
I totally had a mental breakdown after failing the test.

※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


l  무야호: 신나는 상황에서 쓰이는 유행어.
A popular phrase used to express excitement.
무야호~ 이게 바로 힐링이지!
Woohoo~ This is what true relaxation feels like!


l  만렙: 최고 레벨에 도달한 상태.
Reaching the maximum level, often in gaming.
이제 이 게임에서 만렙 찍었어.
I finally reached the maximum level in this game.


l  박터지다: 일이 복잡하거나 어려워서 신경이 많이 쓰이고 머리가 아플 정도로 정신없는 상황을 비유적으로 표현.
Figuratively describes a hectic or stressful situation so intense that your head might burst.
요즘 일이 너무 많아서 머리가 박터질 것 같아.
I’ve been so busy lately it feels like my head will explode.


l  복세편살: “복잡한 세상 편하게 살자의 줄임말로 복잡하고 어려운 세상 속에서 스스로를 지키며 편안하게 살고 싶다는 바람을 담은 표현.
A shorthand for “live simply in a complicated world,” expressing the desire to stay comfortable and at ease despite life’s challenges.
복세편살이 내 인생 철학이야.
Living simply in this complex world is my life philosophy.


l  볼매: 볼수록 매력 있는 사람.
Someone who becomes more attractive the more you see them.
저 배우는 진짜 볼매야.
That actor is someone who grows on you.


l  빡세다: 매우 힘들고 고된 상황.
To describe an extremely hard or exhausting situation.
오늘 일정 진짜 빡셌어.
Today’s schedule was absolutely exhausting.


l  빼박: "빼도 박도 못한다"는 뜻으로, 변명의 여지가 없을 때.
Short for “빼도 박도 못한다,” meaning there’s no room for excuses.
너 이번엔 빼박이야.
You’ve got no way out this time.


l  사이다: 속 시원한 해결책이나 반응.
Refreshing solutions or responses that provide a sense of relief.
그 장면은 완전 사이다였어!
That scene was so satisfying!


l  생존템: 생존에 필수적인 아이템.
Essential survival items.
캠핑 갈 때 생존템은 챙겨야지.
You’ve got to pack your survival essentials for camping.


※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

l  셀카: 셀프 카메라 (자기 사진을 찍는 행위).
Self-camera refers to the act of taking a selfie.
셀카 찍을 때 조명이 중요해.
Lighting is essential when taking selfies.


l  셀피: 자기 자신을 찍은 사진.
A photo of oneself, a selfie.
셀피 찍기 좋은 카메라야.
This camera is perfect for taking selfies.


l  솔플: 혼자서 무언가를 진행하는 것.
Doing something alone.
여행은 솔플로 가는 게 편해.
It’s more comfortable to travel solo.


l  심쿵: 설레거나 감동해서 심장이 뛰는 상황.
Feeling fluttered or touched causes your heart to skip a beat.
그 사람 미소에 심쿵했어.
I was completely charmed by their smile.


l  스불재: "스스로 불러온 재앙"의 줄임말로 자신의 행동 때문에 나쁜 결과를 초래했을 때 사용하는 자조적인 표현.
Short for “스스로 불러온 재앙,” used to describe bad outcomes caused by one's actions, often humorously.
숙제 안 해서 스불재야.
I didn’t do my homework, so I brought this on myself.


l  스펙: 개인의 경력이나 자격을 의미.
Refers to one’s qualifications or career specs.
요즘 스펙 쌓기 힘들어.
It’s tough to build up your qualifications these days.


l  심쿵: 설레거나 감동해서 심장이 뛰는 상황.
Feeling fluttered or touched causes your heart to skip a beat.
그 사람 미소에 심쿵했어.
I was completely charmed by their smile.


l  심쿵사: 설렘으로 인해 심장이 멈출 것 같은 느낌.
A feeling as if your heart might stop from overwhelming excitement or charm.
그 장면은 진짜 심쿵사야.
That scene was absolutely heart-stopping.


l  웃프다: 웃기면서 슬픈 상황을 표현.
Describes a situation that is both funny and sad.
내 점수 보고 웃픈 기분 들었어.
Looking at my score, I felt a mix of laughter and sadness.

※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


l  쪼렙: 초보자, 낮은 레벨의 사람.
A beginner or someone at a low level, often used in gaming.
나 아직 쪼렙이야.
I’m still a newbie.


l  존버: 어려운 상황에서도 끝까지 버티는 것.
To endure a challenging situation until the end.
시험까지 존버해야지.
I need to hold out until the exam.


l  존잼: 매우 재미있다.
Describes something as entertaining.
이 영화 존잼이야.
This movie is super entertaining.


l  찐친: 진짜 친구.
A true friend.
걔는 내 찐친이야.
They’re my real best friend.


l  찐행복: 진짜 행복한 상황.
A moment of genuine happiness.
친구들이랑 여행 와서 찐행복이야.
Traveling with friends makes me truly happy.


l  친추: 친구 추가의 줄임말로, 게임이나 SNS에서 사용.
Short for 'adding friends,' used in gaming or social media.
게임에서 친추 걸어줘.
Add me as a friend in the game.


l  케바케: "케이스 바이 케이스"의 줄임말.
Short for “case by case,” meaning it depends on the situation.
이건 케바케야.
It depends on the situation.


l  킹받다: 굉장히 화가 난다. 열받는다.
To feel extremely angry or frustrated.
걔 말 들으면 진짜 킹받아.
Listening to them ticks me off.


l  택배요정: 택배를 자주 받는 사람.
Someone who frequently receives delivery packages.
나도 이제 택배요정 된 거 같아.
I think I’ve become a delivery package fairy, too.


l  플렉스: “flex”의 한국어화된 표현으로, 자신의 부를 과시하거나 특정한 제품을 구매하여 자랑하는 행위를 의미.
The Koreanized version of “flex” means to show off wealth or brag about a purchase.
이번엔 명품백 플렉스 했어.
I flexed with a designer bag this time.

※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.


l  헬리: 헬리콥터 부모, 자녀를 지나치게 간섭하고 돌보는 부모를 지칭.
Short for helicopter parents, referring to overprotective and overly involved parents.
내 부모님은 완전 헬리야.
My parents are total helicopter parents.


l  현웃: 실제로 웃음이 터진 상황.
Literally means “laughing in reality,” describing a moment when you laugh out loud.
그 얘기 듣고 현웃 터졌어.
I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that story.


l  환승연애: 이별 후 다른 사람과 바로 연애를 시작하는 것을 뜻함.
Refers to starting a new relationship right after a breakup.
환승연애는 진짜 이해 못 하겠어.
I really can’t understand rebound relationships.


l  힙하다: 트렌디하고 세련된 스타일.
Trendy and stylish.
그 카페 진짜 힙하더라.
That café was super trendy.


l  훈남: 훈훈한 인상의 잘생긴 남자.
A handsome guy with a warm and charming vibe.
저 사람 훈남이다.
That guy is a total heartthrob.


l  훈녀: 훈훈하고 매력적인 여자.
A charming and attractive woman with a warm vibe.
그녀는 진짜 훈녀야.
She’s truly beautiful and charming.


l  힙쟁이: (세련된) 스타일을 고집하는 사람.
Someone who consistently adopts a trendy, hip style.
힙쟁이들은 이런 데만 간다더라.
They say hipsters only go to places like this.


l  JMT: "존맛탱"의 줄임말로, '존나 맛있다'의 완화된 표현.
Short for “존맛탱,” meaning something is insanely delicious.
이 떡볶이 진짜 JMT.
This tteokbokki is absolutely delicious.


l  TMI: "Too much information"의 줄임말로, 상대방이 알 필요 없는 과도한 정보를 전달할 때 사용.
Short for “Too Much Information,” used when someone shares unnecessary or excessive details.
그건 TMI, 말 안 해도 돼.

    That’s TMI; you don’t need to say it. 

※ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.