If you’re traveling or living in Korea and need to visit a bank, communicating effectively in the local language can make the experience much smoother. Today, I’ll introduce key vocabulary and basic sentences commonly used in Korean banks. This guide is designed to help foreigners handle various banking tasks efficiently.
of contents
- Basic Vocabulary Frequently Used in Banking
- Required Expressions for Each Banking
- Opening an Account
- Deposit/Withdrawal
- Currency Exchange and Remittance
- Card Issuance
- Loan
- Additional Expressions for Various
- Useful Tips and Conclusion
1. Basic Vocabulary Frequently Used in Banking
Below is
a list of essential vocabulary commonly used in Korean banks. Familiarizing
yourself with these terms will help you navigate many banking scenarios:
l 은행 (Bank)
l 계좌 (Account)
l 계좌 개설 (Account opening)
l 통장 (Bankbook)
l 비밀번호 (Password)
l 송금 (Remittance)
l 환전 (Currency exchange)
l 신분증 (ID card)
l 현금 (Cash)
l 수수료 (Fee)
l 이자율 (Interest rate)
l 대출 (Loan)
l 자동이체 (Automatic transfer)
l 인터넷 뱅킹 (Internet banking)
l 모바일 뱅킹 (Mobile banking)
l 신용카드 (Credit card)
l 체크카드 (Debit card)
l 현금자동입출금기 (ATM)
l 번호표 (Number ticket)
Waiting number ticket
l 세금 (Tax)
l 소득공제 (Income deduction)
The amount that can be deducted from income
l 예금 (Deposit)
l 적금 (Installment savings)
l 중도해지 (Premature termination)
l 만기 (Maturity)
l 보험 (Insurance)
l 연금 (Pension)
l 투자 (Investment)
l 주식 (Stock)
l 채권 (Bond)
🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
2. Required Expressions for Each Banking Service
1) Opening an Account
l "계좌를 개설하고
I want to open an account.
l "통장과 체크카드를
발급받을 수 있나요?"
Can I get a bankbook and a debit card?
l "신분증이 필요합니다."
ID is required.
l "비밀번호는 4자리로 설정하고 싶습니다."
I want to set a 4-digit password.
l "인터넷 뱅킹에
가입하고 싶습니다."
I want to sign up for internet banking.
2) Deposit/Withdrawal
l "돈을 입금하고
I'd like to make a
l "돈을 인출하고
I'd like to make a
l "이 계좌에서 5만원을 출금해주세요."
Please withdraw 50,000 won
from this account.
l "ATM을 이용하고
싶은데, 어디에 있나요?"
Where is the ATM?
3) Currency Exchange and Remittance
l "달러를 원화로
환전하고 싶습니다."
I’d like to exchange USD to KRW.
l "이 계좌로
돈을 송금하려고 합니다."
I’d like to send money to this account.
l “송금 수수료는 얼마인가요?"
How much is the transfer fee?
l "환율은 어떻게
What is the exchange rate?
4) Card Issuance
l "체크카드를
발급받고 싶습니다."
I’d like to get a debit card.
l "신용카드 신청은
어떻게 하나요?"
How can I apply for a credit card?
5) Loan
l “대출을 받고 싶은데
상담받을 수 있을까요?"
I'd like to apply for a
loan. Can I have a consultation?
l “대출 금리는 어떻게
What is the interest rate for the loan?
🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
3. Additional Expressions for Various Situations
Here are
some sentences that can come in handy during unexpected situations at the bank:
l “비밀번호를 잊어버렸습니다."
I forgot my PIN.
l "잔액을 확인하고
I’d like to check my balance.
l "이 거래가
왜 거부되었나요?"
Why was this transaction declined?
l “이 계좌의 잔고를 확인하고
I'd like to check the balance of this account.
“최근 거래 내역을 조회하고 싶습니다."
I'd like to check my
recent transactions.
“자동이체를 설정하고 싶습니다."
I'd like to set up an
automatic transfer.
“분실한 카드를 정지시키고 싶습니다."
I'd like to block my lost
“계좌에 문제가 있는 것 같습니다."
I think there's a problem
with my account.
“카드를 분실했습니다."
I've lost my card.
“인터넷 뱅킹 로그인이 안 됩니다."
I can't log in to internet
l “입금 확인서를 받을
수 있을까요?”
Can I get a deposit confirmation?
l “외국인 등록증이 없어도
계좌를 만들 수 있나요?”
Can I open an account without a foreign registration
l “ATM 기기가 작동하지
않아요. 다른 기기가 있나요?”
The ATM isn’t working. Is there another one available?
l “환전 가능한 최대 금액이
What is the maximum amount I can exchange?
🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.
4. Useful Tips and Conclusion
l Most Korean banks are open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays.
l Major banks operate English service counters for foreigners.
l Prepare the necessary documents in advance, such as your
passport, alien registration card, and proof of residence.
l Speak slowly and clearly to the bank employee.
l For unfamiliar words, use a dictionary or translation app.
l Practice beforehand to make your banking experience smoother.
I hope
these tips make your first visit to a Korean bank a little more comfortable.
Always respond with a friendly smile—the staff will be more than happy to assist
If you
need further assistance or additional examples, please let me know!