Table of Contents

1. What Are Abbreviations in Korean?

2. Why Are There So Many Abbreviations in Korean?

3. Types and Unique Features of Korean Abbreviations

4. The Evolution of Abbreviations in Modern Society: The Digital Age’s Acceleration

5. Functions and Roles of Korean Abbreviations

6. Examples of Korean Abbreviations

7. The Dual Nature of Korean Abbreviations

8. Conclusion

[Appendix] A Collection of Korean Abbreviations



1. What Are Abbreviations in Korean?

"줄임말" refers to abbreviated forms of words or sentences where certain parts are omitted or shortened to make them more concise and straightforward. In Korean, abbreviations emerged to facilitate efficient communication and are now widely used in everyday conversations, on the internet, and social media.

For example, "감사합니다" (thank you) is shortened to "감사," or the phrase "안 물어봤는데. 안 궁금하다." (I didn’t ask, and I’m not curious.) is condensed into "안물안궁." Such abbreviations are primarily characterized by their ability to simplify long and cumbersome expressions. This saves time and also contributes to a polished and approachable image.

Beyond mere linguistic shortcuts, abbreviations often reflect the culture of specific generations or groups. Among teenagers and those in their twenties, abbreviations frequently evolve into trendy slang, showcasing creative and original expressions that are constantly introduced.


2. Why Are There So Many Abbreviations in Korean?

Have you ever heard expressions like "알잘딱깔센" (알아서 잘 딱 깔끔하고 센스 있게) or "맛잘알" (맛집 잘 아는 사람)? For Korean learners, such abbreviations can be a refreshing surprise. Korean is one of the languages with the most highly developed abbreviations globally.

This trend stems from Koreans' emphasis on fast and efficient communication. The mantra "Let’s keep it short and concise while retaining meaning!" has played a key role in shaping the culture of abbreviations in Korean. This linguistic habit is deeply intertwined with the values and lifestyle of Korean people.


3. Types and Unique Features of Korean Abbreviations

Compared to other languages, Korean abbreviations are uniquely creative and stand out for their originality. They have evolved into various forms, such as initialisms, slang, neologisms, and borrowed abbreviations from foreign languages, offering a fascinating linguistic charm for Korean learners.

l  Initialisms (초성체): These are expressions where only the first consonants of words are used to convey meaning, like "ㄱㅅ" (short for "감사," meaning thank you) or "ㅇㄱㄹㅇ" (short for "이거 레알," meaning this is real). These are primarily used in online chats or social media for quick and concise communication.


l  Slang (은어): Abbreviations commonly used within specific groups, such as "혼코노" (혼자 코인 노래방, meaning going to a coin karaoke alone) from "급식체" (teen slang), or "덕질" (fan activities) from otaku culture. These expressions foster a sense of belonging within certain groups while appealing to outsiders as unique and intriguing phrases. For example, "만렙" (max level) originates from gaming slang but has expanded to mean "highest level" in daily life, while "현생" (short for 현실 세계, meaning real life) contrasts with the virtual world.


l  Neologisms (신조어): Reflecting new trends and values, neologisms like "핵인싸" (a very social person) or "갓생" (a praiseworthy, virtuous life) are prime examples. These words spread rapidly, showcasing the linguistic trends of Korea’s younger generation.


l  Foreign Language Borrowed Abbreviations: These are blends of Korean and foreign languages, such as "꿀팁" (helpful tip) or "핵인싸" (from "nuclear insider," meaning extremely popular person). They demonstrate how the Korean language evolves by integrating elements of global culture.

Korean abbreviations go beyond tools to save time. They embody Korean humor, creativity, and cultural nuances. They also serve as a bridge between generations and reflect the broader cultural landscape. The diverse usage of abbreviations offers intriguing learning opportunities for foreign Korean students, providing a glimpse into the language's adaptability and dynamism.


4. The Evolution of Abbreviations in Modern Society: The Digital Age’s Acceleration

l  The Rise of the Internet and Social Media: The emergence of the Internet and social media has increased the necessity for quick information exchanges, leading to a surge in the use of abbreviations.


l  The Spread of Smartphones: With smartphones’ small screens and the demand for rapid communication, abbreviations have become even more prevalent


l  Generational Differences: New abbreviations are rapidly popularized among younger generations, deepening the linguistic gap between them.

5. Functions and Roles of Korean Abbreviations

l  Communication Efficiency: They enable quick and simple exchanges of ideas.


l  Fostering a Sense of Belonging: Abbreviations strengthen group identity and bonds.


l  Unleashing Creativity: The process of inventing new abbreviations demonstrates linguistic creativity.


l  Reflecting Cultural Trends: Abbreviations mirror societal trends and cultural phenomena.


6. Examples of Korean Abbreviations

Initialisms (초성체)

l  ㄱㅇㅂ귀여워 (Cute)

l  ㅇㄱㄹㅇ이거레알 (This is real)

l  ㄴㅇㅂ네이버 (Naver)

l  ㅂㅂ바이바이 (Bye-bye)

l  ㅎㅇ하이 (Hi)

l  ㅇㅈ인정 (I agree)

l  ㅈㄱㄴ제곧내 (The title is the content)

l  ㄱㅊ괜춘, 괜찮아 (It’s okay)

l  ㅇㅇ (Yes)

l  ㄴㄴ아니야 (No)


🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

Neologisms (신조어)

l  먹튀: ‘먹고 튀다 (To benefit and disappear; a person who does so)

: 그는 돈을 빌리고 갚지 않고 도망친 먹튀야.

Example: He borrowed money and ran off without repaying—what a "meoktwi."

l  현피: ‘현실’ + ‘PK (Player Kill)’ (People who escalate online disputes into real-life confrontations)

: 온라인에서 싸우던 두 사람이 현피를 하러 만나기로 했다.

Example: The two people arguing online decided to meet for "hyeonpi."

l  개념녀/개념이 있는 여자/남자 (A sensible or thoughtful woman/man)

l  솔까말솔직히 까놓고 말해서 (To be honest, speaking frankly)

l  핵인싸인싸 중의 인싸 (An extreme socialite or insider)

l  금수저부유한 집안에서 태어난 사람 (Someone born into a wealthy family)

l  흙수저가난한 집안에서 태어난 사람 (Someone born into a poor family)

l  얼죽아얼어 죽어도 아이스 아메리카노 (Drinking iced Americano even in cold weather)

l  갓생신처럼 사는 삶 (Living a virtuous and exemplary life)

l  n수생: n번째 수능을 준비하는 학생 (A student retaking the CSAT multiple times)

l  스불차스무살부터 불안정한 차세대 (The unstable younger generation starting from their 20s)

l  인싸인사이더 (Mainstream, socially active)

l  아싸아웃사이더 (Non-mainstream, socially withdrawn)

l  랜선(LAN) 케이블로 연결된 (Connected via LAN cable)

l  짤방 (Short videos or photos)

l  존버존나(Slang) 버티다 (Holding on no matter what)

l  핵노잼매우 재미없는 (Extremely boring)

l  갑분싸갑자기 분위기 싸해짐 (Sudden awkward silence)

l  TMI: Too Much Information (Excessive information)

l  JMT: 존맛탱 (Really delicious)


Borrowed Foreign Words (외국어 차용)

l  LOL: Laugh Out Loud

l  OMG: Oh My God

l  DIY: Do It Yourself

l  ASMR: Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

l  OOTD: Outfit Of The Day

l  FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out

l  YOLO: You Only Live Once

l  K-POP: Korean Pop Music

l  덕후: Derived from Japanese "otaku," meaning someone enthusiastic about a specific field

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.

7. The Dual Nature of Korean Abbreviations

Positive Aspects

l  Simplified Communication: Rich meanings can be conveyed with fewer words.

l  Fun Factor: Adds creativity and playfulness to language.

l  Cultural Sharing: Unique abbreviations are shared among generations and communities.


Negative Aspects

l  Potential Misunderstandings: Meanings can vary depending on the context.

l  Linguistic Confusion: Abbreviations pose challenges for Korean learners.

l  Inappropriateness in Formal Settings: They should be avoided in official documents or professional situations.

l  Erosion of Language Integrity: Excessive use can hinder generational communication and dilute linguistic purity.


8. Conclusion

Abbreviations in Korean are more than just tools for saving time. They reflect Koreans' humor, creativity, and communication style as a powerful bridge between generations and cultures. If you're learning Korean, exploring abbreviations can help you understand the unique linguistic culture of Korea!

[Appendix] A Collection of Korean Abbreviations

A1. 초성체 (Initialisms)

l   ᄀᄉ: 감사 (Thanks)

l   ᄌᄉ: 죄송 (Sorry)

l   ᄇᄇ: 바이바이 (Bye-bye)

l   ᄒᄋ: 하이 (Hi)

l   ᄋᄌ: 인정 (I agree)

l   ᄍᄍ: 쯧쯧 (Tsk tsk)

l   ᄃᄃ: 덜덜 (Shaking or trembling intensely due to cold or fear.)

l   ᄀᄀ: 고고 (Go go, It is used to indicate starting or continuing with a certain task.)

l   ᄎᄏ: 축하 (Congrats)

l   ᄀᄃ: 기다려 (Wait)

l   ᄂᄂ: 노노 (No no)

l   ᄋᄏ: 오키 (Okay)

l   ᄆᄅ: 몰라 (I don’t know)

l   ᄇᄆ: 비밀 (Secret)

l   ᄉᄀ: 수고 (Good job/Well done)

l   ᄌᄇ: 제발 (Please)

l   ᄎᄎ: 추천 (Recommend)

l   ᄑᄑ: 펑펑 (Crying a lot, The appearance of a large amount of liquid pouring out all at once.)

l   ᄒᄀ: 후기 (Review)

l   ᄌᄀᄂ: 제곧내 (제목이 곧 내용, The title is the content)

l   ᄋᄀᄅᄋ: 이거레알 (이거 진짜임, This is real)

l   ᄇᄇᄇᄀ: 반박불가 (반박할 수 없음, Irrefutable)

l   ᄈᄈᄋ: 빠빠이 (안녕히 가세요, Goodbye)

l   ᄀᄋᄃ: 개이득 (매우 이득, Super profitable)

l   ᄊᄉᄐᄎ: 씹상타치 (매우 좋음, Absolutely awesome, Slang)

l   ᄊᄒᄐᄎ: 씹하타치 (매우 나쁨, Absolutely terrible, Slang)

l   ᄀᄊᄋᄌ: 극쌍인정 (극도로 완전하게 인정한다, Extremely agree)

l   ᄋᄀᄆᄃ: 어그로몬다 (관심을 끌려고 하는 행동, Attention-seeking behavior), "어그로" originates from "Aggro."

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above. 

A2. 신조어 (Neologisms)

l  꾸안꾸: 꾸민 듯 안 꾸민 듯 (Effortlessly stylish)

l  만반잘부: 만나서 반가워 잘 부탁해 (Nice to meet you, please take care of me)

l  삼귀자: 사귀기 전 단계 (Pre-dating stage). The term '삼귀자' creatively replaces '(4)' in '사귀자' with '(3)' to imply "not quite there yet." Since '(3)' precedes '(4),' the phrase humorously suggests being on the stage before officially dating. Thus, '삼귀자' refers to the stage of flirting, having a crush, or being in a mutual "liking" phase before becoming a couple.

l  스불재: 스스로 불러온 재앙 (Self-inflicted disaster)

l  알잘딱깔센: 알아서 잘 딱 깔끔하게 센스 있게 (Do it neatly and sensibly)

l  억까: 억지로 까다 (Unjust criticism)

l  엄근진: 엄격하고 근엄하고 진지하다 (Strict, solemn, and serious)

l  오놀아놈: 오 놀 줄 아는 놈인가 (Wow, do you know how to have fun?)

l  웃안웃: 웃긴데 안 웃겨 (Funny but not laugh-worthy)

l  응무새: ‘응 그래무새의 줄임말, 반복적으로 '', '그래'를 사용하는 사람을 비하하는 용어 (Someone who repeatedly says “yes” or “okay” like a parrot. It has a similar pronunciation to "앵무새."(parrot))

l  이뭐병: ‘이건 뭐 병신도 아니고의 줄임말 (What kind of nonsense is this?), '병신' is a derogatory term used to belittle someone who is perceived to act foolishly or inadequately. It is commonly used as an insult.

l  자만추: 자연스러운 만남 추구 (Seeking a natural meeting)

l  점메추: 점심 메뉴 추천 (Lunch menu recommendation)

l  킹받네: 매우 화가 난다는 뜻 (So frustrating/angry)

l  톤그로: 얼굴에 안 어울리는 색조 화장품을 써서 어색한 모습을 일컫는 말 (Using makeup shades that don’t suit your face), (tone) + 어그로(Aggro)

l  핑프: 핑거 프린세스(Finger Princess) 혹은 핑거 프린스(Finger Prince)의 줄임말, 직접 찾지 않고 물어보는 사람을 지칭 (Someone who doesn’t search but asks others instead)

l  흑우: 호구의 변형어로 어리석은 소비 행태를 비꼬는 말 (A variation of "pushover," mocking foolish spending habits)

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above. 

l  최애: 가장 사랑하고 좋아하는 것 또는 그런 대상 (Your ultimate favorite)

l  차애: 최애 다음으로 사랑하고 좋아하는 것 또는 그런 대상 (Your second favorite)

l  혐생: 혐오스러운 인생이라는 뜻으로, 힘든 현실을 가리키는 말 (A miserable life; referring to tough realities)

l  휘뚜루마뚜루: 이것저것 가리지 않고 닥치는 대로 마구 사용하는 것을 일컫는 말 (Versatile and used for everything)

l  꾸르잼: 꿀잼의 오타로 시작되었으나 현재는 꿀잼과 혼용되어 사용됨 (Originated as a typo for "꿀잼," meaning fun, now used interchangeably)

l  노잼: 재미가 없다는 뜻 (Not fun)

l  대유잼: 매우 재미있다는 뜻 (Super fun)

l  머선129: 무슨 일이야의 사투리 발음을 적은 것 (What’s going on?)

l  JMT: 존맛탱 (Really delicious)

l  존버: 존나 버티기의 줄임말, 힘든 상황이지만 포기하지 않고 버티는 것을 뜻함 (Enduring a tough situation without giving up)

l  좋댓구알: 좋아요, 댓글, 구독, 알림, 설정의 줄임말 (Like, comment, subscribe, and turn on notifications)

l  최최차차: 최애는 최애고 차은우는 차은우다의 줄임말 (Your favorite is your favorite, but Cha Eun-woo is Cha Eun-woo)

l  700: 귀여워의 초성 ᄀᄋᄋ를 숫자로 표현한 것 (A numeric representation of “cute” based on its Korean initials)

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above. 

l  금수저부유한 집안에서 태어난 사람 (Born with a silver spoon)

l  흙수저가난한 집안에서 태어난 사람 (Born with a dirt spoon; referring to poverty)

l  스불차스무살부터 불안정한 차세대 (The unstable generation starting from their 20s)

l  짤방 (Short video or image)


A3. 외국어와 한국어의 결합 (Fusion of Foreign and Korean)

l  랜선(LAN) 케이블을 통해 연결된 (Connected via LAN cable)

l  핵인싸인싸 중의 인싸 (The most socially active person; a fusion of Korean and English)

l  멘붕멘탈 붕괴 (Mental breakdown)

l  덕후일본어 '오타쿠'에서 유래, 특정 분야에 열광하는 사람 (Borrowed from Japanese “otaku,” meaning a person passionate about a specific field)

l  덕질덕후가 하는 활동 (Activities by an “otaku”)

l  코덕화장품 덕후 (A cosmetics enthusiast)

l  먹덕먹는 것을 좋아하는 사람 (A foodie or eating enthusiast)

l  덕계못덕후 계정 못 찾음 (Unable to find fan accounts)

🗣️ Below is the audio file of the example sentences above.